Interview with Naomi Wolf - about the martial law and coup. (04-10-2008)


The Living Force
Interview with Naomi Wolf author of "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries" given October 4, 2008 on Mind Over Matters, KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle.


I wanted to recommend this very concise and interesting interview, it gives a imho. better picture of how far into this 'mess' we really are.
Naomi Wolf really spells it out.

Its 27:52min long.
And here's the referenced martial law video:
and the trailer for End of America:
and her website is:
Thanks for all these links. The interview with Naomi is incredibly moving. She is a Cassandra for our times...on certain issues. I am concerned about her support of Obama (the lesser of two evils kind of thing?). Don't know if she is aware of psychopathy...or its influence among the Capitalists and Zionists.

Wolf is unafraid to speak her mind about what's actually occurring here in the USA while many Americans seek solace from the economic/political shocks by praying for a savior to appear, watching their sports teams, TV shows, and controlled news media that daily ramps up the fear factor. She offers written solutions to the problem (although it's probably way too late to implement...gotta get the book ASAP to see exactly what she's proposing to do) instead of empty platitudes and angry talk like, say, an Alex Jones who advocates armed rebellion, or an Amy Goodman gatekeeper type who still spouts (after all that Pelosi and her ilk have done...and not done) that the Democrat Party will implement "real change" for the future.

Interesting times, indeed.
NormaRegula said:
She offers written solutions to the problem (although it's probably way too late to implement...gotta get the book ASAP to see exactly what she's proposing to do) instead of empty platitudes and angry talk

see, I don't think the problem is so much that they are too late to implement. It's just that she calls for a level of concerted action and self-organization that is beyond the ability of the progressives at this time, IMO.

Laura said it well somewhere that STS have a distinct advantage over STO, or potential STO, when it comes to action on a societal level. They uphold their hierarchies, they follow quickly and unquestioningly, they don't give the benefit of the doubt, and they aren't above playing dirty or aiming for the jugular. Like a machine. Whereas STO, well, are handicapped by their own humanness in this regard.

And you are right, the key is that people still have plenty of illusions or personal petty concerns to hide behind. They don't "get it" sufficiently enough yet to get very, very angry -- which is what has a potential to truly move them to action. I have heard people around me saying basically that, "I have my farm plot and a quarter of the cow in a deep freezer, my family will be OK". That's the level of awareness.

scary and interesting times indeed
Hildegarda said:
see, I don't think the problem is so much that they are too late to implement. It's just that she calls for a level of concerted action and self-organization that is beyond the ability of the progressives at this time, IMO.

People really don't see what's going on. They don't want to see; they don't want to talk about it; they just want to go about their lives.

Very disturbing video. Naomi Wolf was shaking as she spoke. It must be extremely stressful for her. She's fully aware ofthe horror of the situation and and trying to rally people who will not wake up.

People prefer the self-assurance of Palin who will lead them sleepwalking to their doom then the frenzied earnestness of Wolf who is trying to rally them to save themselves.

Karl Rove issued a cryptic statement that I heard in passing. It went something like this: "If the election were to happen today, Obama would win. But a lot can change."

I wonder how much meaning can be attached to the second part, "But a lot can change?" Could that be some type of code for his followers?

Frank Rich in the October 5, 2008 New York Times suggested that Palin is making McCain look so bad that perhaps they'll flip the ticket.

And there's also this part :

Webglider said:
If the election were to happen

Does it mean that the election might not happen due the activation of martial law following a major trauma ? ("terrorist" nuke, epidemy, civil war...)
webglider said:
Naomi Wolf was shaking as she spoke. It must be extremely stressful for her. She's fully aware of the horror of the situation and and trying to rally people who will not wake up.

Yep. I've been reading Wolf for years and have never known her to be an "alarmist". When I read the following article by her on the Huffington Post website, I felt icy fear in my heart, as I've never seen her write with such raw emotion:

The Battle Plan II: Sarah "Evita" Palin, the Muse of the Coming Police State
Naomi Wolf, Huffington Post
Thu, 25 Sep 2008 15:19 EDT
Hildegarda said:
NormaRegula said:
She offers written solutions to the problem (although it's probably way too late to implement...gotta get the book ASAP to see exactly what she's proposing to do) instead of empty platitudes and angry talk

see, I don't think the problem is so much that they are too late to implement. It's just that she calls for a level of concerted action and self-organization that is beyond the ability of the progressives at this time, IMO.

I think it is too late. It's past the point of no return to get anything done. If people tried, it would not be allowed. They would not be allowed.

Hildegarda said:
Laura said it well somewhere that STS have a distinct advantage over STO, or potential STO, when it comes to action on a societal level. They uphold their hierarchies, they follow quickly and unquestioningly, they don't give the benefit of the doubt, and they aren't above playing dirty or aiming for the jugular. Like a machine. Whereas STO, well, are handicapped by their own humanness in this regard.

The advantage that STO has over STS is that they don't go about destroying the very things they seek to uphold such as all things STS (like themselves or heirachies) whilst simultaneously pretending that they are not responsible for their own doom and not 100% completely to blame for it as well. STO just refuse to take part in that. "That" being entropy.

Addit: Its kind of weird too, how Wolf said that some members of Government were threatened with the likelyhood of matial law if they didn't vote for the 'bail out' package. I would have suspected 'financial meltdown', or 'economic collapse' but 'martial law'? :shock: It's funny how the words of these people point so directly to what their future intentions are.
Quote from: Webglider
If the election were to happen

Belibaste said:
Does it mean that the election might not happen due the activation of martial law following a major trauma ? ("terrorist" nuke, epidemy, civil war...)

That sounds plausible. Last years "nuke fly-over" incident was leaked, but there's still the possibility of an alleged missing nuke from that incident put to (ahem) good use by the psychopathic PTB. Why let such an evil instrument of suffering and destruction go to waste? A nuke set off in an American city would be a powerful excuse to suspend the election and declare martial law.

Had a recent conversation with a progressive who suspects 911 was an inside job done by Bush and the Zionists. She thought for sure that the Bushies want to obliterate San Francisco cause it's such a liberal bastion...and iconic what with the Golden Gate Bridge. I was surprised she even thought of a nuclear false flag operation in CA. Such speculation is chilling because of my work in the City by the Bay!

Of course, the PTB might use all 4 of your stated traumas in rapid succession. What better way to cow the populace and have a perfect excuse to wreak havoc on the world.

According to the C's, eventually the PTB will miscalculate, (perhaps during one of their planned horrific incidents?) and reveal the man behind the curtain. Sad to realize that there might be such suffering before then...
Well it certainly seems like nothing done in the U.S. will make any positive difference. Not that I a saying people shouldn't TRY to do something positive. But remember what the C's said:

C's said:
USA heading for destruction!

Q: (L) Hello. Can we say hello first?

A: Hello

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Yeaionnia of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Do you transmit through Cassiopaea?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Why do you introduce tonight's adventures with "US is headed for destruction"?

A: Passed the point when anything could possibly be done to change the outcome.
Naomi seems to be right on the mark with her video. I tried to awaken the people I work with closely to all this and they look at me as if I'm growing a third eye. I email relatives information and get no response. It just amazes me how people are like walking zombies, perhaps everyone is in denial. I heard on the radio yesterday morning WTNI we have U.N. flags flying at military bases in the US. I have not been able to confirm this yet. Seems like things are heating up.
You can only be in denial for so long, when the reality hits them they might just be responding to one of your e-mails one day.
Hello Michael,

You must understand that calling and sending information to those who are not asking for the information is a violation of their Free Will. One can't expect those who are asleep to understand what it is you are trying to 'tell them'. I went through a period like this myself and could not understand why they refused to listen to me. I now understand why, and it goes back to Free Will and external consideration, OSIT. You can't 'Give' to someone who is not asking! It is up to each individual to ask and seek the knowledge on their own.

I can confirm how difficult it can be to grasp this process of objective thinking. It can only be accomplished if one is committed to doing the work.

Learning is fun, ;D

I saw the video of Naomi Wolf yesterday when a friend sent it to me from Sweden. I must admit, it affected me...Very Deeply. In fact I just wasn't the same the rest of the day. I felt an Extreme sense of Gravity and Weight on my Heart and Soul. Toward the end of the day I was Exhausted from all the internal processing I must have been doing.

I sent the video out to people I knew had been following the general situation of the US for some time. They also were shocked.

We often talk about things as if they are going to happen when in fact they have Already happened. The COUP already IS.

Having yet Another Wake Up Call...I get many...I again looked hard at my present situation of living and life. It's so easy to think that our way of life in America will continue just like it always has for another 30 or 40 years, when in fact it could be completely gone 3 or 4 years...or maybe even 3 or 4 months. It's a Fantasy dream bubble for most..they actually believe the bailout has saved them and its business as usual.

We need to be prepared, Mentally, Physically and Emotionally, and most important the Path of The Work, for the HUGE STORMS coming in! Those who are not prepared will probably, simply Not weather the storms. OSIT

Of course everyone has I'm sure their own unique idea of how to prepare.

For me, part of getting ready at least on the physical plane which also includes a lot of the psychological because they intertwine... is getting rid of all the material excess, plus mental and emotional garbage too (sacred cows anyone?)... except for what I actually Need for Basic, Survival Living. Of course even that has levels and layers for different people.

So I started in earnest to once again go through more boxes I have stored in my garage. I have been trying to pare down Everything in my life to bare Essentials for some time now. I inherited quite a few things from my parents, as well as my own lifetime of accumulations, and it's been hard to figure out what to do with most of it.

You could say I'm going through the PhD course in DETACHMENT. OSIT

No one seems to have money any more to buy much of anything. I have tried to sell some of the High End things on EBay and Craig's list but have made very little progress. Now I've decided to send some things back to my older brother who has always considered himself the family archival curator type. So I guess he might as well have what he doesn't already have. In his case I don't feel guilty burdening him with it because he is Not in sync at all with the reality of the situation and not really interested in the Truth. He is still an orthodox christian attending a Lutheran Church every Sunday.

A lot of other things I decided to not even bother trying to sell. I just hauled them off to Good Will. Other stuff got filed in the trash.

I'm detailing this out... because I feel strongly that we will have to leave it all behind anyway when the final Orchestrated, Complete Collapse occurs in our economy. Much like the Orchestrated Complete Collapse of the 3 towers in the 911 tragedy. All that was left was Dust. Dust in the wind.

I feel personally when everything is reduced to total chaos and Blackwater troops move in to round up the masses, all I will need will be a good down sleeping bag, Exhibition size backpack, water, food, several pairs of good hiking shoes, long bow for hunting, fishing rod, small backpack tent etc. And of course I want to get out of the cities Before that critical time. If I can help it I just don't wanna spend my last days in an extermination camp. I'll take my chances in Wilderness. I'm a natural woodsman anyway and am quite at home there.

Now of course if the Nukes hit first there may not be anywhere to go because of fallout. And I do remember the C's saying recently the U.S. would be nuked soon. Or the comets could arrive. These things I have no control over.

I'm just not the type to want to wait until a swat team suddenly bursts through my back door at Midnight to pick me up cus they have me on a "Terrorist List"....which list I probably already am on because of my long association with this site...the past 7 years; in addition to the many phone conversations I've had on my cell talking about these matters for hours with my friends and support group, and the many 100's of emails and vids I've sent like Monsanto, Conspiracy Of Silence, Zeitgeist and many others.

[Moderation : bold marks tidied]
Hello Nordic Healer, all,

I can only resonate with how you feel, as most of us here i believe.
And it is not only that the Cs told that we are now in a no-return way, reality and the signs also seem to confirm that ever more intensively by the DAY.

The vanity of material possession and the false feeling of "security due to ownership" must be thrown away. Maybe they are too "heavy" for our us to carry around these days. This deep rooted notion of "assurance of continuity" that makes the average person go to work every day to secure his pension, his "future" etc. is beginning to suffer a huge blow.

And looking at how the current global situation is set, it appears as a game that is only set to destroy mode. As i look at it, a collective choice was made by mankind and that choice was to get a refreshing and educating lesson in cosmology but in a hard and painfull way. But apart from having to witness the outcome of this collective choice unfolding, IMO we can still make choices that can have a great impact in our personal destiny, choices that might decide whether this experience we call life will be forcefully interrupted or will be continued for us to have the opportunity to grow further by our experiences. And the only thing left in my mind that can bring a potential for balance, is this hypothesized fuction of the Universe the Cs and Laura introduced to us, and came to be called the Wave.

session 941016 said:
Q: (L) Now, as I was starting to say, if, theoretically an individual was to develop in a natural way
by making all the proper choices
, and was to arrive at the point in time when the major transition
is to be made, would that individual's body pass through into that heightened dimension in a
physical state? Remember, this is just a theoretical person...
A: Of course.
Q: (L) Now suppose this theoretical person were to pass through this transition to the other side,
what state would they find their body in? Would it be exactly as it is now in terms of solidity?
What would be the experience?
A: The key concept here is variability of physicality.
Q: (L) Does this mean that everybody will be different or that an individual will have greater
control over the substance and constitution of the body?
A: Not exactly either. Your physicality will be variable according to need and circumstance.

session 941126 said:
Q: (L) You have told us through this source, that there is a cluster of comets connected in some
interactive way with our solar system, and that this cluster of comets comes into the plane of the
ecliptic every 3600 years. Is this correct?
A: Yes. But, this time it is riding realm border wave to 4th level, where all realities are different.
Q: (L) Okay, so the cluster of comets is riding the realm border wave. Does this mean that when
it comes into the solar system, that its effect on the solar system, or the planets within the solar
system, (J** or us), may or may not be mitigated by the fact of this transition? Is this a mitigating
A: Will be mitigated.

And from the above i find a clue of extreme importance in Laura's question:
"..if, theoretically an individual was to develop in a natural way by making all the proper choices...".
Among the global problems that we witness, i consider this as a very accurate personal "road map" for us in the time now and ahead!
Thank you.


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