Is boredom the engine of all things?

Kisito said:
God is Absolute knowledge, immutable.
Bored he invented the fragmentation of knowledge.

I'm not sure what you mean about the Absolute being "bored." Being bored may simply be a state where one has a momentary lack of interest in 'A' influences. But this could simply be a precursor (if one is patient and waits it out) to experiencing/receiving deeper truths/insights from the reception of information regarding the deeper realities of 'B' and 'C' influences. It begins as a momentary lack of interest in the superficial realities pending the receiving of information from the deeper more essential realities via pondering, study, solving problems, questioning, revelation etc. But if we identify with this lack of interest with the superficial realities then we can also lose interest in everything else including the deeper realities. Everything gets tossed! And then we call this lack of interest in everything "boredom." So I think boredom is an identification we have with something in ourselves and doesn't have anything to do with GOD, Absolute knowledge, fragmentation of knowledge, etc.

In fact "boredom" might be an identification with the body, maybe even with time itself (which doesn't even exist!) and deeper knowledge goes beyond time, possibly extending into the deeper realities of eternity (eternal truths).
Kisito said:
That is to say, I have trouble conceiving that everything can be conscious at the same time. The cat can not be dead and alive. One or the other.

For my part, boredom would be the end of a degree of consciousness.
I have asked myself this same question, If I was to guess, the cat is the result of a higher thought form , and the consciousness of a cat the result of a fragmented reflection of God, there are levels of awareness, and while the body of the cat is dead , not everything would be dead.

I think it is more like the body allows for the unification of awareness into this density, the body/mind complex, but without the body the complex is not bound to the brain circuits, but not free from the learning curve as physical beings.

I think it is more like , if a being grows in awareness it is more like a superposition into God, or experiencing a closer frequency, but more related to your question, I think it is more like even the cat has multiple levels of consciousness, some accessible and some not accessible. When it dies , it untangles the unified awareness set by the configuration of the physical body but looses the ability to retain unity at the spiritual level thus balancing its experience in the soul pool, the soul pool being accessible awareness to a 2D being. That's my speculation. We are part of God but we do not vibrate in the same frequency,.

If the C's say that we contain within ourselves all there is, I think it is a matter of how to access it, that is the key difference, and so long as we are limiting the flow of probabilities we are shielding ourselves from the pressure of God, in a sense.

I just don't know about boredom being the motivating factor, asking this is asking what trigger the big bang.
In my experience boredom often has a lot to do with blockage, where you're not quite satisfied with a situation on the one hand but you are unable or unwilling to make a change. I remember me being bored a lot at the age of 14 or something like that, and it also was strongly connected to indifference. I could imagine that depression isn't that far away either, especially if one likes/enjoys that state of 'suspension' to some degree.

The wikipedia page about 'Boredom' has some interesting paintings:

This one by Gaston La Touche looks a lot like indifference/blockage/depression to me:

whereas this one by Elena Samokysh-Sudkovskaya looks more like a meditative state of immersion:

I guess there are many different states like boredom. Like if you're waiting for something, i.e. at the doctor's and you can't make use of your energy (Smartphones jump in here massively today), vs a situation where you have free time and all open possibilities but a lack of motivation or inspiration.
kenlee said:
Being bored may simply be a state where one has a momentary lack of interest in 'A' influences. But this could simply be a precursor (if one is patient and waits it out) to experiencing/receiving deeper truths/insights from the reception of information regarding the deeper realities of 'B' and 'C' influences. It begins as a momentary lack of interest in the superficial realities pending the receiving of information from the deeper more essential realities via pondering, study, solving problems, questioning, revelation etc.

Well said kenlee.

And as a wise man once said '..the rewards of patience .... is patience' :rolleyes:

BHelmet said:
A confluence of freedom and boredom? As we become free from our addictions and! All the fussing and struggle and angst... to stay "entertained?" Particularly if we end up back where we started from...

BB King put the feeling very poignantly in "The Thrill is Gone".

Although that be said, I must say I strongly resonate with BHelmets sentiment also... :zzz:

Felipe4 said:
I think that describing all creation the result of boredom may be a bit far a statement, I think it is safer to assume the Universe was the result of the Universe's will, keeping present that the concept of Will of the Absolute is unimaginable to us, we can only relate this spiritual concept by using our human concepts.

Though in sympathy with Felipe4's comment above - Don Juan's elucidation regarding a man of knowledge recognising that 'he waits - for his will' always struck me as profound?

Though I sometimes think it would be nice if she hurried it along a bit ;)

Divide By Zero said:
I'm not sure of your argument on our level, but there was a short story that a friend recommended me to read which poses some interesting ideas about "god".
book is free here:

The idea is that god, being every probability including destruction of self, leading to us: separated consciousness.

I like how the book goes into what we learned here in psychology, that the mind is a delusion generator.

And thanks for posting the link above Divide By Zero, for some reason it struck me as something Richard Bach may have written?


I think we may be looking at the word bored and pontificating about the word however it was said by a 15 year old boy and it would be great if we could have the boy elaborate on what he means. In what situations would he apply being bored to.

Would the 15 year old boy apply being bored to a baseball game where he is standing in the outfield and there are no balls hit to him no "action" or would he describe being bored as playing a video game that he has already completed and there is no more thrill or interesting action he can predict what is happening. Or would he apply being bored to sitting through the same class or professors lecture three times in arrow as this would no longer stimulate his intellect.

I think this may be a good teaching moment for your son as being bored is viewing what can the situation do for me how can this impact me not how can I create or how can I make the situation less boring or find another way to relate to the situation. Its more of a take than give dynamic.

It has been said many times on the forum that some read books two time over after some time has passed and receive new impressions or they go through the same experience but after a few years and learn something new. It is best IMO once faced with something one has done before not to label how you feel as bored but look to learn or give.
That is an interesting answer Menna, if we are bored at something because we depend on the thrill of it, we don't know much, if we understand that in that example thrill is only a subjective perspective , we know that the opinion is a limitation of the possibilities.

For example. would it not be interesting for a 15 year old boy, to know how a baseball is manufactured beginning to end? or all the steps humanity took to get to the point in time where a baseball game makes sense in the way it does to us today (a la Collingwood)? How a videogame is programed or the hardware and circuits that make the game possible?
In its own field each of those aspects of a videogame can be very interesting. It depends on the observer.

I think that we are bored many times because we are only looking at the surface of things, in a videogame you don''t see ALL the process behind it being possible, we only look at the surface , and we get bored at the result ignoring completely how it even exists
So boredom is a mental state that I think happens when we reach the limit of our curiosity.
Mental limitations , habits, thinking errors, the personality etc etc etc, determine that we like one thing and then not like the same thing and that the neighbor perceives something althogether different about the same thing.

Comparing this to God being the observer, from that perspective sounds contradictory, how can God be subjective to be bored at itself if it knows everything when knowledge is infinite?
, how can God be fully conscious and still perceive itself in a superficial way so as to get bored of itself? I think we as agents of God are that borderline awareness in 3D, God is looking at itself through us , fragmented reflections of it, so long as God is fragmented the possibility of boredom will manifest in some level.

I see it like if every being from every density forms a circle, and everyone is looking at everyone, 6D looking at 3D, 3D looking at 2D or 4D etc and the limit of how big the cicle is depends on us, we form the symbolic circumference ,if we choose to limit the possibilities the circle remains still, but if we remove the limitations within us , the circle expands. We as agents of God are observers being observed , therefore God's boredom depend on the limitations of its agents, and how many beings in the universe? way to many to determine where the infinite ends. Just some thoughts.
I did not too much want to speak about the knot of the problem of my son, fearing that the subject diverts(goes astray).
But maybe that some get(fit) better to understand(include).
When I raised the problem on the boredom, I did not mean that my son was bored.
It ensued from intrinsic links bound(connected) to the education which meet the parents(relatives). He makes a school of "game design" range and he is one of the best of his(its) class. He is fascinated by all the things and maybe too much... Child he had a kind of jubilation to notice that the material(subject) was only vibration. I encouraged him to have the argumentativeness and to experiment things.
And if things "are not good", that it are of use to him as experience. But the experiment does not mean STO, often the opposite.
So I am annoyed(impeded) as parent(relative), so his(her,its) experiments so go far.
My son tells me :With friends, they take medicine to have fun and for the experiment.
Unfortunately I did not live with him. We speak a lot of drugs (he is 17 years old today), and I noticed that he had inquired about all the drugs, their addictions, their side effect, and the lapse of time between every grip(taking). He(it) seemed to know all the statistics, the graphics(handwritings) on the diseases and the rates of mortalities bound(connected) to illicit substances. In brief, my knowledge on Wikipedia and on web sites, was lesser than that of my son, but I could be in motto my experience(experiment).
Some of my intelligent friends are arrogant. This arrogance seems to block(surround) the learning(apprenticeship).
Some badly finished. The circle of acquaintances is also the experience(experiment). The experience(experiment) still is not to become aware of our acts, but to become aware of acts of others. The doubt is also the fruit of the experience, but the certainty also. I am often sceptical, and I think that my son is him also. He (walk) tiptoes since the childhood, but the desires, the envies for this age can blind.

This was the introduction.
I am now going to try maintenat to deepen certain questions which made me react.
When I asked to my son of the explanations on the fact that he preferred video games, then (medicine-drug), rather than sport, and that he answered to me: All the activities are made not to be bored! Thus this answer was going to make me think.
Indépendemment because to take drugs it is not good (myself have never taken it), the subject which I wanted to put forward, it was not the fact that there is beautiful and intelligent activities for the human mind. But if there were not these noble activities (or bad), we shall be bored not?
Maybe that I express myself badly.
Could the woman or the man stay innactif without being bored? Many people and I the first one, let us like saying that we are not bored, as if we were too intelligent or if we had a divine mission! As if boredom was a defect, and as if we have to absoluement have an activity, otherwise we would return to the animal and plant state to be observed or to be worked in a mechanical way!
I conceive that the world, the space-time, and knowledge can be infinite, but having revealed you my septic character, and having no certainty of this infinity, I also allow to suppose that the world and knowledge are finished.
Can we suppose that consciousness and knowledge are the same thing?
If the consience is infinite, which is its interest in making the cycle of 7 densities? This is a closed-loop and finished!
If knowledge are infines ... it supposes that they are not finished and we do not know the end! Thus it would seem to mean that God does not know his own end, and that he is insignificant too, lost in the infinity!
In this case, it would be necessary to accept that if God is the consciousness, He have not " the infinite knowledge "!
Now in the hypothesis of a closed world, as a loop of 7 densities, knowledge seraiant limited, as would be "100" various atoms that seems to compromise the universe.
Thus if a person becomes aware of all these atoms, all its molecules, all the dimensions, all the densities, all the physical and mental movements, then if this consciousness knows any things at every moment, the world would be for him statics is finished.
If the world becomes motionless without any activity, then this person does not go t-elle not to be bored?
If God has everything, we suppose that he misses nothing.
But what would miss him, it is the lack to be in lack.
Felipe4 said:
Comparing this to God being the observer, from that perspective sounds contradictory, how can God be subjective to be bored at itself if it knows everything when knowledge is infinite?
Felipe4: thank you for your often acute reactions. However I intérroge me on this one: you seem to say that God cannot be bored, because he knows everything, in this infinite knowledge. There seems be a contradiction for me. By definition the infinity does not have of the end, and if the infinity does not have of the end, it is impossible to know everything! If God knows all the things, it supposes " the end ". So, or God knows all the things, but these things would be finished, or God would be ignorant in an infinite world. If you can find me an explanation to it I shall be delighted. But in my opinion, that is God knows all the things, and if boredom, then destroys itself. Let be a God is ignorant, and continues to discover. It is still the story of the cat that you like.
Odyssey said:
I haven't felt 'bored' since stumbling upon all the knowledge presented on this forum. When there is so much to learn how can one be bored?

Maybe it would be better to say that boredom leads to the impetus to seek more knowledge and knowledge leads to creativity and absolute knowledge leads to the creation of worlds?
I understand that you said. What I intérroge me, it is that once the worlds create, that do we make? Is not it the destruction? And why to destroy when we built everything? Why he(it) at-il a cycle of the 1st in the 7th density, or the 7th in the 1st? Why the 7th density returns to 1st, if it is not the destruction that is it?
Now why she(it) destroys itself? The boredom?!
Divide By Zero said:
I'm not sure of your argument on our level, but there was a short story that a friend recommended me to read which poses some interesting ideas about "god".
book is free here:

The idea is that god, being every probability including destruction of self, leading to us: separated consciousness.

I like how the book goes into what we learned here in psychology, that the mind is a delusion generator.
By zero: thank you very much, I can only adhere to Scott Adams's book. I hope to read it
For example. would it not be interesting for a 15 year old boy, to know how a baseball is manufactured beginning to end? or all the steps humanity took to get to the point in time where a baseball game makes sense in the way it does to us today (a la Collingwood)? How a videogame is programed or the hardware and circuits that make the game possible?
In its own field each of those aspects of a videogame can be very interesting. It depends on the observer.

I think that we are bored many times because we are only looking at the surface of things,

I was watching this video a few years ago and it was about an Indian doctor who worked in the palliative care unit and his perspective on life. He was giving a talk about a flower along the stream in spring time and asked a women how does the flower look to you? She said its ok a normal flower. He said now keep in mind it is still growing and it will reach its peak in a few weeks/months then it will slowly die. It will be covered by leaves, then snow and ice. Then around 10 months from now it starts to grow from the snow and the ice into the flower you see now.

After you have heard what I have said what do you see... Her response was I now see a "beautiful resilient flower".

The following is an example of how the right appreciation through knowledge and perspective can give birth to different emotions other than boredom or complacency. Maybe now the women will research the life cycle of a flower and learn something.
Menna said:
For example. would it not be interesting for a 15 year old boy, to know how a baseball is manufactured beginning to end? or all the steps humanity took to get to the point in time where a baseball game makes sense in the way it does to us today (a la Collingwood)? How a videogame is programed or the hardware and circuits that make the game possible?
In its own field each of those aspects of a videogame can be very interesting. It depends on the observer.

I think that we are bored many times because we are only looking at the surface of things,

I was watching this video a few years ago and it was about an Indian doctor who worked in the palliative care unit and his perspective on life. He was giving a talk about a flower along the stream in spring time and asked a women how does the flower look to you? She said its ok a normal flower. He said now keep in mind it is still growing and it will reach its peak in a few weeks/months then it will slowly die. It will be covered by leaves, then snow and ice. Then around 10 months from now it starts to grow from the snow and the ice into the flower you see now.

After you have heard what I have said what do you see... Her response was I now see a "beautiful resilient flower".

The following is an example of how the right appreciation through knowledge and perspective can give birth to different emotions other than boredom or complacency. Maybe now the women will research the life cycle of a flower and learn something.
Yes, it seems knowledge is the central factor between limitation, and our mind has to be prepared for that knowledge in the first place. If the woman is looking at the plant and she is asked an opinion, this opinion is guided in function of her personality, saying it is normal is because she was looking for something abnormal in her contemplation, it had the right density and dimensions she is accustomed to, that was probably IMO her thinking process.

Flowers are supposed to look beautiful in her mind, but beauty is subjective, seeing the beauty in the looks was the first thought in her head, seeing the beauty on the curiosity of the existence and growth of it like a botanist would is another form of contemplation. two different aspects to wage the worth the flower represents for every observer.

Another thing is that the flower evolved to pick attention for evolutionary reasons. Etc etc etc.

The boredom, beauty etc , are relative to the observer's consciousness, what Kristo brings up is a bit complex for us in 3D to determine by any means, with those examples I still think boredom would not be the driving force for the Universe to conduct its existence, I feel that the best way to re-state it is that God had the free-will to choose to split apart for a reason that is balanced, all considerations taken God cannot weight the value of the entire universe on a subjective opinion, otherwise it would be an universal imbalance.
Like (how i see it) the action must be equal to the reaction, if it is unequal, if God was to choose all the experiences and journeys and live forms light and darkness and everything that's part of him etc exist , just out of boredom then there needs to exist an additional balancing aspect that explains the boredom or that explains the subjectivity, perhaps it is a matter of balance..
For example we making a decision based on boredom , that carry consequences we did not account for, and meanwhile we were expecting a different result , it can be said it was a be a decision that was based in an imbalance at some level, and we experience the consequences in order to one way or another regain balance through learning. Not sure I explained that one good enough or if it makes sense, I could be wrong, the Universe is just too big and complex.
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