I did not too much want to speak about the knot of the problem of my son, fearing that the subject diverts(goes astray).
But maybe that some get(fit) better to understand(include).
When I raised the problem on the boredom, I did not mean that my son was bored.
It ensued from intrinsic links bound(connected) to the education which meet the parents(relatives). He makes a school of "game design" range and he is one of the best of his(its) class. He is fascinated by all the things and maybe too much... Child he had a kind of jubilation to notice that the material(subject) was only vibration. I encouraged him to have the argumentativeness and to experiment things.
And if things "are not good", that it are of use to him as experience. But the experiment does not mean STO, often the opposite.
So I am annoyed(impeded) as parent(relative), so his(her,its) experiments so go far.
My son tells me :With friends, they take medicine to have fun and for the experiment.
Unfortunately I did not live with him. We speak a lot of drugs (he is 17 years old today), and I noticed that he had inquired about all the drugs, their addictions, their side effect, and the lapse of time between every grip(taking). He(it) seemed to know all the statistics, the graphics(handwritings) on the diseases and the rates of mortalities bound(connected) to illicit substances. In brief, my knowledge on Wikipedia and on web sites, was lesser than that of my son, but I could be in motto my experience(experiment).
Some of my intelligent friends are arrogant. This arrogance seems to block(surround) the learning(apprenticeship).
Some badly finished. The circle of acquaintances is also the experience(experiment). The experience(experiment) still is not to become aware of our acts, but to become aware of acts of others. The doubt is also the fruit of the experience, but the certainty also. I am often sceptical, and I think that my son is him also. He (walk) tiptoes since the childhood, but the desires, the envies for this age can blind.
This was the introduction.
I am now going to try maintenat to deepen certain questions which made me react.
When I asked to my son of the explanations on the fact that he preferred video games, then (medicine-drug), rather than sport, and that he answered to me:
All the activities are made not to be bored! Thus this answer was going to make me think.
Indépendemment because to take drugs it is not good (myself have never taken it), the subject which I wanted to put forward, it was not the fact that there is beautiful and intelligent activities for the human mind. But if there were not these noble activities (or bad), we shall be bored not?
Maybe that I express myself badly.
Could the woman or the man stay innactif without being bored? Many people and I the first one, let us like saying that we are not bored, as if we were too intelligent or if we had a divine mission! As if boredom was a defect, and as if we have to absoluement have an activity, otherwise we would return to the animal and plant state to be observed or to be worked in a mechanical way!
I conceive that the world, the space-time, and knowledge can be infinite, but having revealed you my septic character, and having no certainty of this infinity, I also allow to suppose that the world and knowledge are finished.
Can we suppose that consciousness and knowledge are the same thing?
If the consience is infinite, which is its interest in making the cycle of 7 densities? This is a closed-loop and finished!
If knowledge are infines ... it supposes that they are not finished and we do not know the end! Thus it would seem to mean that God does not know his own end, and that he is insignificant too, lost in the infinity!
In this case, it would be necessary to accept that if God is the consciousness, He have not " the infinite knowledge "!
Now in the hypothesis of a closed world, as a loop of 7 densities, knowledge seraiant limited, as would be "100" various atoms that seems to compromise the universe.
Thus if a person becomes aware of all these atoms, all its molecules, all the dimensions, all the densities, all the physical and mental movements, then if this consciousness knows any things at every moment, the world would be for him statics is finished.
If the world becomes motionless without any activity, then this person does not go t-elle not to be bored?
If God has everything, we suppose that he misses nothing.
But what would miss him, it is the lack to be in lack.
Felipe4 said:
Comparing this to God being the observer, from that perspective sounds contradictory, how can God be subjective to be bored at itself if it knows everything when knowledge is infinite?
Felipe4: thank you for your often acute reactions. However I intérroge me on this one: you seem to say that God cannot be bored, because he knows everything, in this infinite knowledge. There seems be a contradiction for me. By definition the infinity does not have of the end, and if the infinity does not have of the end, it is impossible to know everything! If God knows all the things, it supposes " the end ". So, or God knows all the things, but these things would be finished, or God would be ignorant in an infinite world. If you can find me an explanation to it I shall be delighted. But in my opinion, that is God knows all the things, and if boredom, then destroys itself. Let be a God is ignorant, and continues to discover. It is still the story of the cat that you like.
Odyssey said:
I haven't felt 'bored' since stumbling upon all the knowledge presented on this forum. When there is so much to learn how can one be bored?
Maybe it would be better to say that boredom leads to the impetus to seek more knowledge and knowledge leads to creativity and absolute knowledge leads to the creation of worlds?
I understand that you said. What I intérroge me, it is that once the worlds create, that do we make? Is not it the destruction? And why to destroy when we built everything? Why he(it) at-il a cycle of the 1st in the 7th density, or the 7th in the 1st? Why the 7th density returns to 1st, if it is not the destruction that is it?
Now why she(it) destroys itself? The boredom?!
Divide By Zero said:
I'm not sure of your argument on our level, but there was a short story that a friend recommended me to read which poses some interesting ideas about "god".
book is free here: http://www.nowscape.com/godsdebris.pdf
The idea is that god, being every probability including destruction of self, leading to us: separated consciousness.
I like how the book goes into what we learned here in psychology, that the mind is a delusion generator.
By zero: thank you very much, I can only adhere to Scott Adams's book. I hope to read it