Is earth axis of rotation started changing ?

noise said:
FWIW here in W. Washington we had a hot spell late may but lately things are very mild like it's still late April.
Mild? It seems chilly to me. ;) Or maybe it is just me. But what I did notice is that the trees leaved out 3 - 4 weeks later than they have been, the hummingbirds showed up 3 - 4 weeks later than they have been, flowers blooming later, fruit trees flowered later, etc.

What I have been noticing, for years now, is that the sun seems to be more of a whitish color. I seem to remember it as having a little more yellow in it 10 - 15 years ago, if not longer. Although I don't think that has anything to do with an axis rotation.

Just my 2 cents.
Chile:The earthquake changed the Earth's axis


BBC Science
The powerful 8.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked Chile could have tilted the axis of the Earth and therefore the days are shorter.
That's the conclusion Richard Gross, a researcher at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the U.S. space agency NASA.
The scientist used a complex model which won a preliminary calculation shows that the quake could have shortened 1.26 microseconds (a microsecond equals one millionth of a second) the length of each day on Earth.
What surprised most by Dr. Gross, however, is how the earthquake tilted the axis of the Earth.
According to the investigator the quake could have tilted the earth's axis at 2.7 milli-arcseconds (about 8 centimeters).
The same model estimated the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of magnitude 9.1 in 2004 could have shortened the length of the days of 6.8 microseconds and tilted Earth's axis in 2.32 milliseconds of arc (about 7 centimeters).
The scientist said that while the Chilean earthquake was smaller than the Sumatra, Chile managed to tip a little more earth's axis for two reasons.
"First, unlike the Sumatran earthquake was located near Ecuador, Chile earthquake was located in the middle latitudes of the Earth, allowing it to more effectively change the figures in the axis" says Dr. Gross .
"Secondly, he added, the fault responsible for the 2010 earthquake in Chile descends beneath the surface of the Earth at an angle slightly steeper than the fault responsible for the earthquake of 2004."
"This makes the failure of Chile is more effective to move the mass of the earth vertically and therefore more effective to change the figures of Earth's axis," he explains.
"As a dancer"
As explained to BBC Science Gangui Dr. Alexander, a researcher at the Institute of Astronomy and Space Physics at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, it is expected that a movement so strong in the earth's crust causes such as changes in the way moves the planet's mass.
"We know the Earth is not a completely rigid body but subject to many disturbances according to seasonal effects," explains the scientist.
"So a plate movement as he was at the origin of both the earthquake of 2004 as the 2010 course will change the distribution of mass in the planet."
"It's like the effect that when the dancer turns on one foot with open arms and their rotational movement is slow and when closing is faster."
Now with the Earth, says the scientist, something similar happened, since their movement became more rapid shift by the change in the distribution of matter in the equatorial zone.
As explained by Dr. Gangui, although these changes in the position of the Earth are important is unlikely to detect.
"The truth is that any of these movements of large amounts of mass of plate tectonics if they caused a small disturbance in the dynamics of the Earth as a cosmic body.
"But it is notoriously difficult and that we can detect it in our everyday life," he adds.
Megatons of TNT
For its part, the British Geological Survey, (Center British Geological Survey) (BGS) said in a recent analysis that the enormous amount of stress stored for hundreds of years in the tectonic plate boundary where the earthquake occurred, and where there had been no strong shaking from 1935 - released energy equivalent to over a thousand megatons of TNT.
And he did it in a few tens of seconds
The BGS said earthquakes as Chile, which occur under the ocean, seabed displacing raise huge amounts of water.
This causes waves, or tsunamis, which can spread from the epicenter like ripples in a pond.
But in the deep ocean tsunami travels hundreds of kilíometros per hour, nearly the speed of an airplane.
According to the BGS wave caused by the earthquake off the coast of Chile took 10 hours to cross the Pacific Ocean.
Something similar happened in 1960 with 9.5 magnitude earthquake that rocked Chile and unleashed a devastating tsunami that traveled across the Pacific, arrived in Japan some 20 hours later and killed about 200 people.

Strange lights in the sky before and during the earthquake.
Re: Chile:The earthquake changed the Earth's axis

it is interesting what a person said in one comment lead in the video:

(translated by google and me :))

[...]one more thing, I, my father, my nephew and a friend watched 5 minutes after the earthquake a black triangular aircraft, it had 3 lights one at each end but the lights were fixed and what catch my eye was that fact that black triangular plane was there 5 minutes after the earthquake?
The Earth preparing itself for "The Wave"?

When reading "The Wave" (Still not done with it) many times it says that there will be natural events that might seem devastating and harmful but all is balance and what might seem tragic might be setting "us" up for something. Below is a link to information about the recent earthquake in Chile and how it threw the earth off its axis.

"Gross also estimates that the Chile earthquake shifted Earth's figure axis by about three inches (eight centimeters)"
Re: The Earth preparing itself for "The Wave"?

Hi Menna!

There is more about the latest earth changes and this earthquake in Chile and the supposedly shifted Earth axis in the latest "Connecting the Dots" article on SOTT:
- Connecting the Dots: Cosmic Climate Change, Financial Terrorism

NASA scientists claimed the Chilean earthquake shifted the Earth's axis by "2.7 milliarcseconds (about 8 centimeters or 3 inches)" and shortened the day by "1.26 microseconds (millionths of a second)". Just one strong quake, imagine! But the claim was countered as unverifiable and ludicrous by German scientists:

Professor Rainer Kind from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam said: "It is highly doubtful that these calculations are correct. The changes to the Earth's axis caused by an earthquake would be so tiny that it isn't measurable and therefore impossible to reliably detect."

Existing calculations of the movement of the Earth's axis by past earthquakes are still being debated, the expert added.

Professor Karl-Heinz Glassmeier from the Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (German Geophysical Association) also criticised the alleged discovery: "I hit my hand on my head as I read that yesterday.

"NASA can only make the headlines with it. A figure of eight centimetres is absolutely unverifiable."

The influence of an earthquake on the Earth's tilt would in any case be extremely low, explained Dr. Mojib Latif from The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in Kiel.

He said: "The heavenly bodies around us are mainly responsible for the Earth's tilt. The gravity of the heavy and big planets in particular determines the gradient of the Earth's axis.

"That can not be changed by an earthquake, even one as powerful as that in Chile."

Professor Kind added: "It is impossible that there could ever be such a severe earthquake which would observably move the Earth's axis. That would only be possible through outside influences, for example a meteorite.

"The destruction however would be so great, that the movement of the Earth's axis would be comparatively insignificant."

So while a strong earthquake may not be sufficient to shift the planet's axis and thus alter the length of days, it's conceivable that a change in the arrangement of "the heavenly bodies" might well do so. The good professor probably didn't have this in mind when he used that term, but if we consider that comets and their debris trails are also "heavenly bodies", then we can see that earthquakes may be a symptom of an external cosmic force affecting Earth's rotation. Any slowing down of rotation, however imperceptible, would be sufficient to affect the magnetic field and produce incredible pressures within the planet that then shift tectonic plates, resulting in more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as that pressure is released.

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