You should just asked away and express your opinion maybe the discussion will flow better. After all we are work in progress. Let's have a brief overview on the subject. During the fall your spirit split due to vices and distorted ideas as you are further away from the light. The physical world manifest as a result of collision between void and light. Spirit with similar vibration form a sphere to learn lesson together such as our planet earth. The physical world is more intense so it speed up your learning process (you can review everything in 5d when you died, kinda watch replay of you playing sport, while on 3d you practice on field with other players). 3d is a place where you make the decision to join light or darkness as you progress your understanding of karma (cause and effect) would render time unnecessary (time is like a slow motion button you can trace your action in slow motion sequences, more advance spirit usually know instantly their flaw the moment it occur and attempt to fix it). You travel only to different spheres to fix your flaws. Programming/image is just a distorted ideas that block your connection to heaven thus your higher self is immune to distortion you only need to work on your lower self so you become whole again. Grace is the freedom to return to heaven willingly so you work on vices at self pace until pure enough to enter heaven.
I will give an example of aggression through multiple stages of development. As I explained numerous time evil is just a defensive mechanism against pain so you numb your self. The problem accumulate to the point where you feel so numb that you enjoy harming other. Your need to always get what you want, when you want it the way you want it always trump over harming others (Fear and Pride). Let's just say Don Corleon is born in a mafia family, everything involves around violence, even when you instinctively know killing is wrong (1 phase). Killing and revenge is just family business. In his 2nd phase reincarnation he became aware that killing is just wrong as it harms all side. You can't do harm without backlash so he restrain the violence act (just daydream shooting his opponents with machine gun without actually acting it out like in movies). After numerous incarnation he gain understanding the source of his anger management issue why when he isn't in control he become angry. Kinda like psychoanalysis, how do you feel about it. Negative events have less impact on soul substance imprint as you progress toward light. At this stage he isn't initiating aggression but being attacked all the time. The purpose is to learn see they attack me first so I need to kill them before I get kill (desire to be cruel). At Knowledge phase he gain mastery of the matter so he can resolve problems with understanding and cooperation. First stage to unconditional love is empathy, sure you may not agree with the other side flaw but at least you understand their view/programming because you already worked it out. You achieve balance by doing the right measure with a devotion to truth and love even during trying time.