Is it me or are things heating up?

Ellipse said:
US: Reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) Reached a Record Level in 2008 :

Isn't it amazing just how many articles there are on SotT within the last few months showing how UFO sightings are up? And, what is with all the UFOs in people's faces all of a sudden?

If you read some of these reports, you have UFOs doing acrobatic maneuvers in the air as if trying their best to get people's attention. Not to mention those that are seen hovering only a few feet above the ground.

It would seem that something is sure up, or so it seems to me.
Nienna Eluch said:
Isn't it amazing just how many articles there are on SotT within the last few months showing how UFO sightings are up? And, what is with all the UFOs in people's faces all of a sudden?

If you read some of these reports, you have UFOs doing acrobatic maneuvers in the air as if trying their best to get people's attention. Not to mention those that are seen hovering only a few feet above the ground.

It would seem that something is sure up, or so it seems to me.

One can wonder about the cause(s) of this dramatic increase in UFO reports. 5000 reports in 2008 means something like 15 UFO observation reports a day. That's quite a lot for a phenomenon that according to most official claims doesn't exist.

From the top of my head, causes could be :
* PTB wanting to accustom people to the UFO thing ?
* development of observation tools (phone including cams, security cams) ?
* growing public awareness about the topic making people less reluctant to testify ?
* increase in UFO numbers and/or activity ?
* a possible side effect of the Wave ?
* decrease in hypnotic techniques efficiency allowing to hide the ships ?
Belibaste said:
One can wonder about the cause(s) of this dramatic increase in UFO reports. 5000 reports in 2008 means something like 15 UFO observation reports a day. That's quite a lot for a phenomenon that according to most official claims doesn't exist.

From the top of my head, causes could be :
* PTB wanting to accustom people to the UFO thing ?
* development of observation tools (phone including cams, security cams) ?
* growing public awareness about the topic making people less reluctant to testify ?
* increase in UFO numbers and/or activity ?
* a possible side effect of the Wave ?
* decrease in hypnotic techniques efficiency allowing to hide the ships ?

This is a good list of possibilities for the increases this year, but I find it hard to comprehend a 50% increase. Yes, some of the suggested causes would lead to more reports, such as the growing awareness, better tools ; cell phones with cams, etc., but the increase is so large, I think that something is most definitely happening on this planet.

It would seem that those riding in with the coming Wave are starting to arrive and in greater numbers than ever before.
Hi everyone,

I don't think it would be off topic to bring up the movie experience I had yesterday. My wife and I went to see Knowing, the new Nicholas Cage film. Throughout the entire film, I kept wondering what it is that has changed recently for a movie like this to be allowed out. Although I was seeing the movie as a clever mixture of truth and lies, I was also looking at a large budget, Hollywood blockbuster that was clearly sending a particular message that has so far been avoided in any mainstream media. Maybe I've missed something, but what I was watching felt like a major step in the conditioning of the general public, and therefore might be indicative of the same type of changes the events you have been discussing, here, are suggesting. It seemed quite new, anyway.

I came to SOTT as soon as I could, to see what people had to say about the movie, but found this thread, instead. What struck me was the similarity between this discussion and what I was feeling all the way through the film. Something has definitely changed recently.

I won't say anything about the movie, for fear of ruining it for anyone, but I do think it is a must see, for all the relevant reasons.
mocachapeau said:
I won't say anything about the movie, for fear of ruining it for anyone, but I do think it is a must see, for all the relevant reasons.

Hmmm, is there anything you can add about the "conditioning of the general public" angle without giving away spoilers?
Pinkerton said:
Hmmm, is there anything you can add about the "conditioning of the general public" angle without giving away spoilers?

The movie trailer gives you a good idea:

Here's a SYNOPSIS of the film that I found on the internet:

In 1959, Lucinda Embry (Lara Robinson) is a student at a newly opened elementary school. Lucinda's suggestion of inserting a time capsule into the ground at the school's dedication ceremony to be opened in 50 years was the winning suggestion. All the children in Lucinda's class drew pictures of what they believed would occur in the future except for Lucinda, who wrote rows of random numbers on the entire page. In 2009, the time capsule is opened and the new generation of students is given the envelopes with the pictures inside. Lucinda's envelope ends up in the hands of Caleb Koestler (Chandler Canterbury). Caleb's father, MIT Professor Astrophysicist John Koestler (Nicolas Cage), looks at the numbers and doesn't think anything about it. Then he accidentally stumbles on what the numbers mean. The encoded message predicts with exact accuracy the dates, death tolls, and locations of every major disaster during the last 50 years, and three events that have not yet occurred, with the last one being destruction on a global scale. John Koestler believes that his family somehow plays a role in these events, because his wife died in one of those events, and his son was chosen to get Lucinda's prophecies so he could learn the truth. John believes that by knowing the future, that he can intervene and prevent more destruction from happening, and therefore, change the disastrous results.
Pinkerton said:
Hmmm, is there anything you can add about the "conditioning of the general public" angle without giving away spoilers?

Again, trying not to spoil anything, I will say this:

Unless I've forgotten about some big budget film, this one is the first to present a version, or interpretation, of a "possibility" or two of which people who have been paying attention are already aware. It felt like someone had decided to take the public message a few steps farther, but in a rather warped kind of way.

In my opinion, and I am just learning these things, the interpretation shows definite signs of STS influence in the message. The synopsis that Pepperfritz included mentioned the list of numbers and what it represents - precise predictions of certain events - and the whole story revolves around it. That was the first of many alarm bells for me.

Also quite significant were a couple of lines spoken that sounded like paraphrasing of certain sentences, or concepts one might read on this forum, or in the C's transcripts, or in The Ra Material. But the context in which they were presented, and the meanings they were given, were WAY least for my understanding of things.

I wish I could say more, but I should quit while I'm ahead. I must say though, I am really looking forward to hearing peoples' opinions when enough of us have seen the movie.
I just saw the movie and I did not feel good about it. The word "propaganda" screamed in my mind at the ending. I'm ready to discuss it when others are ready.
05 Apr 2009

US: UFO activity heats up in southern California :
Years ago I (and many others) began expecting some form of economic collapse amidst all the other downward trends (health, capacity to think, UFOs, chemtrails, mass shootings, etc) reflecting accelerated control agendas. I concluded that as this collapse deepens and the slope gets steeper, that the PTB would generate a new "terror" attack designed to divert attention and forward the control plan. I still think something like this is due. The PTB "tool box" is a big one, and there are probably numerous possible choices.
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