Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

Was Monroe a conscious disinfo agent? Maybe not but in my view he may have been a useful idiot of 'Cosmic Cointelpro' (4D STS influence) to further the agenda of the New Age movement and start a movement that goes contrary to common sense.

Fair enough, that is certainly possible. At the same time, out-of-body-experiences do give some valuable data (eg. what the "afterlife" is like) that is consistent across the many people who have done it.

Besides that, the only potentially positive aspect of out-of-body experiences seems to be the direct experience that one is not just the body and that death is not the end. It is quite a paradox that most people are not paying much attention to their bodies, but at the same time are fully identified in the idea of being "just the body".

I don't know if OOBE's are life threatening. There are many people who have been doing those regularly for years and even decades, yet I am not aware of any instances of people who practice OOBE's dying from it.
What is this…”no nuclear bombs allowed” about. It seems, that ship has already left the harbor.

It had been contained after some initial deployments and tests. An atomic explosion most probably traverses densities therefore "fucking up the neighborhood". There are "a lot" interview with ex-military people out there stating that nuclear war heads had been disabled by "UFO's" on a very large scale and stating that ET's told them that a nuclear war would not be allowed.

Still, an immense total number of tests:

The C's say they are at 6D level and their communications seem to bear this out, as well as their elevated intentions and advice. There is no mention of disagreements among themselves, nor would I think there would be if they are at the level of practically all seeing/all knowing.

If staying within the C statemens: They are one soul groups of many. They might not have "disagreements among themselves" (proof? Maybe they dont tell you) but they could have disagreements with our soul groups.

All pure speculation.....
If staying within the C statemens: They are one soul groups of many. They might not have "disagreements among themselves" (proof? Maybe they dontT tell you) but they could have disagreements with our soul groups.

All pure speculation.....
Tycho I would tend to lean towards the fact that what may appear as a 'disagreement' with us in the future, or our soul groups per se, could be misconstrued as a disagreement from our inferior knowledge p.o.v. Perhaps they are purely pointing out things from a higher perspective to help increase our learning/frequency level?

To reach 6th density level I would assume they would all be reading from the same page in everything they do and think? From an STO grounding. Just my thoughts :-)
According to Yazhi Swaru's information, the ark of the alliance is a technological device that keeps the DNA of all the species of the Earth in case of a cataclysm, there are three arks, one in the position of Russia, another one held by the aliens of Taygeta and the other one is destroyed and has nothing, it is held by the Americans.
Is there any way to ask the Cassiopeians if the taygetean material is reliable or not ?
Is there any way to ask the Cassiopeians if the taygetean material is reliable or not ?
I watched first 5 minutes of the video and my impression it is waste of time. In fact, when she started talking about the 'Raiders of the Last Ark' movie, I started laughing loud. Looked to me like a kid's story. I don't mean to offend you or any body.

How do we know who is saying right?. Well, having been reading and watching new age scene and comparing the channeled materials for 2 decades, my simple guideline is comparing based on the topics without prejudice and keep challenging your impressions.

As Laura wrote many times, there is a jungle out there and any body can receive any sort of information and claim what ever they to be and say what ever they want and receiver wants to listen. Whether it is technological means to beam into people's minds/brains from satellite or some body channeling from underground, or dead dudes ( Dead Presbyterian is a dead Presbyterian ) or 5D or subconscious making things up or 4D STS and STO in their million combinations is immaterial.

In this case of Ark of covenant, it is covered many times in the forum and you may want to search on the forum. C's already said Ark of Covenant is a Technological device that is made in Planet Kantek( asteroid belt) , has the ability to create many things, if the person is of pure STO orientation. It is also called Merkaba or mother stone that can create many things. It is collected and hidden in the some frequency fence( occlution) by 4D STO, only the person of pure STO can see it and 4D STS and their 3D STS actively looking for it.

4D STS who created humans in their orion labs and installed us here on the planet for the last 309,000 years has no point in storing the DNA in the ark of covenant (as a DNA backup copy) as this channel claims. I can go on, but I will end it here.
Well we all make mistakes you know "jesinavarah" and stuff, I am willing to see other perspectives and be neutral plus the Cs said what no information can be harmful or disinformation to one who seeks to know and learn , know just don't be afraid in absorbing knowledge.
Well we all make mistakes you know "jesinavarah" and stuff, I am willing to see other perspectives and be neutral plus the Cs said what no information can be harmful or disinformation to one who seeks to know and learn , know just don't be afraid in absorbing knowledge.
Very well said, so long as one remains open to the truth of any subject, one can come in contact with false information and eventually see the falsehood and be able to continue to research about it.

The trouble is when one becomes emotionally entangled with certain information, one can then run the risk of missing the falsehood because one wants to believe something to be true. So at that point is when some of the work on the self and becoming aware of one's own tendencies is truly useful.
Thank you both for the return and interventions grateful to read them. I think the Cs said that the ark of the covenant is a dangerous artifact that could only transport Semitic people with the right genetic profile and that it is not possible to reveal the location of the ark since it would put at risk those who know where it is in this case Laura and her team.
Well friends I had a dream with the ark of the covenant three or four years ago what I remember was that I found myself in a place with women and children of a tribe I think it was in Peru I am not sure and I was greeted by a woman guardian or leader of the tribe she said we are waiting for you there is the ark you can go see it and I told the woman no because I am interested in them the tribe and then I saw that under the Earth there was a kind of golden threads like that from under the Earth there was a great energy like the Sun.
Water can read Google algorithm and if water is the wisest being in the universe besides pasting links in the water jug we will drink we can say "beautiful water the most knew the Queen of all my love water could you teach me how to learn about the ark of the covenant I love you water you are the best number one thank you" and be sincere and honest with intention and maybe then we will know well what is the ark of the covenant.
I think the Cs said that the ark of the covenant is a dangerous artifact that could only transport Semitic people with the right genetic profile and that it is not possible to reveal the location of the ark since it would put at risk those who know where it is in this case Laura and her team.

Hello Terri,
Here is the some of information about “ Ark of the Covenant” .
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