On _http://english.cntv.cn/20111202/116302.shtml they wrote:
The light in the picture looks like that from fireball, don't you think?
Unidentified fireball crosses sky over Beijing
12-02-2011 14:26 BJT
On the evening of Nov. 30, a golden unidentified flying object appeared and moved fast across the sky, which has been sighted by many people in Tianjin, Beijing, Hebei and other cities.
The fireball may finally fell in Beijing
According to the astronomy expert, the object may be a fireball meteor.
One amateur astronomer who witnessed the fireball in Tianjin said that the huge flying object appeared at about a quarter past 5 pm. in the northeastern region. And then it moved westward with shining color, which was brighter than the moon. And the fireball disappeared in two seconds.
According to the astronaut, a fireball is a brighter-than-usual meteor of which the brightness is more than magnitude -4. It is about the same magnitude of the planet Venus in the morning.
The light in the picture looks like that from fireball, don't you think?