Padawan Learner
Before becoming a member of this forum, I began to seriously contemplate the usefulness of continuing to train my 2 year old dog. I had noticed that on the leash, she liked to walk ahead of me and tug the leash a lot (something I'm sure is quite natural given a sentient being is attached to a rope and then allowed to walk freely outdoors). After a summer of practice, I began to walk her less and less as the cold Canadian winter set in. On a warmer day, I took her outside and was amazed at how much "progress" had been undone. I got to thinking that night, what was the reason for me wanting her to be leash trained. I have been around dogs my whole life, but never personally owned one until fate brought me and Krissey together, but I have always known that one of the hallmarks of a well trained dog is their ability to walk right next to or behind their owner. Given that, I am now wondering why that should even matter. I am also wondering why I should even bother doing things like making her sit, or lie down, or jump for a treat? She is a wonderful dog that I communicate with non-verbally all the time, so what purpose does it serve anyone to have her sit just because I or someone else says sit? If I am correct, the STS route is a means of control; controlling others for my own gain, so would the simple act of making my dog sit down just for her treat be a STS act?