Turn the sound down (music is annoying) and watch this girl work:
Cherie would love to do that! But I couldn't hold up!
Watch this border collie work the sheep:
Believe me, they do MOST of this naturally!
Check out this one about Shelties. I can verify every word is true!
This one is amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcHeO4rLniE The second dog can hardly wait to get started! And the performance is astounding and you can SEE that they like it. Reminds me of what our little girls do on their own!
I keep telling people that Cherie talks and here's a video of another collie that does it:
And there's nothing like Collie puppies, except maybe sheltie puppies:
This is how I am greeted whenever I come home:
Only I usually put everything down and sit with the dogs for a few minutes until they get enough lovies. And just a note, the high-pitched bark is not a bark, it is TALKING. When they bark, it sounds VERY different! Like this guy:
Okay, enough. I'll be wanting another collie.
Cherie would love to do that! But I couldn't hold up!
Watch this border collie work the sheep:
Believe me, they do MOST of this naturally!
Check out this one about Shelties. I can verify every word is true!
This one is amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcHeO4rLniE The second dog can hardly wait to get started! And the performance is astounding and you can SEE that they like it. Reminds me of what our little girls do on their own!
I keep telling people that Cherie talks and here's a video of another collie that does it:
And there's nothing like Collie puppies, except maybe sheltie puppies:
This is how I am greeted whenever I come home:
Only I usually put everything down and sit with the dogs for a few minutes until they get enough lovies. And just a note, the high-pitched bark is not a bark, it is TALKING. When they bark, it sounds VERY different! Like this guy:
Okay, enough. I'll be wanting another collie.