Is WW3 inevitable?

luke wilson

The Living Force
Today, I have seen a web of informaton that points to the above scenario being a foregone conclusion. Am I being taken in by disinfo?

The case:

We know the situation in Syria has gone up a notch over the last week or so. US Warships are on the move. We also know Russia moved some into the region a couple of months ago.

From SOTT pointing at possible military intervention.



America invaded Iraq, Libya and now has its eyes on Syria. What do all this have in common?

In the year 2000, iraq stopped selling oil in dollar and switched to Euros.

Libya was in the process of moving away from trading oil in dollars and working on the african gold dinar.

Syria which is not a major oil player, on the other hand is linked with Iran which is. Iran has the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world and controls the strait of hormuz which is a very strategic place. They can't get to Iran by the WMD route, so they will use the Syria route.

The question now is, is Iran making moves to switch from trading oil in dollars? Well we know they are now accepting gold. On top of this, we know they have pretty much declared all out war against the dollar.



_ (Written in 2004) (The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target: The Emerging Euro-denominated International Oil Marker)

From the above, we can see why Iran has been incurring the wrath of america.

From the Telegraph article

The dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme is nothing more than a convenient excuse for the US to use threats to protect the 'reserve currency’ status of the dollar

Now, why is oil so important?

Apparently, oil is what backs the dollar. Oil and the US military that is. All the countries that produce oil need to be doing business in dollars. This ensures the survival of the dollar and the supremacy of the US. Remember with quantitative easing when every economist was expecting hyper inflation? Why did this not happen?

Watch the below:

Essentially, the answer is because of the global position of the dollar. This can also explain why standard economic indicators fall flat on there face such as the Hindenberg omen.

What is at stake? Why WW3?

The control of the future world. The current PTB want all the leverage they can get. If they let the economy just go down, then they won't have any say in how the future is molded. What is at stake is power and these people will do anything to keep it. Make no mistake about it, the current economy pinned by the dollar is going down, no recovery will be had, what will be had is a new way of doing business. So apparently the solution is to start a war and get every person clamoring for it to stop, then when it does, they step in with their solution.

In the above scenario, WW3 is a foregone conclusion and what we are seeing now is just the run up to it which appears to be escalating and it appears Syria might be the tipping point where the dominoes fall and we have all out war (i.e. every able bodied man to report for duty type scenario). Why? Because Iran will step in, possibly Russia and maybe china on one hand and on the other side, we will have the US and NATO i.e. all of western Europe. The situation could escalate and the end result is a global currency with a global government ruled by none other than the current PTB, i.e. the people behind the leaders.

Web of info pointing to this from the below source:

_ (Sept 2011)


_ (leading directly to the now-chemical-attacks)

I ask, have I been taken in by disinfo?
All of that is true, but I doubt there is any intention on starting WW3. I think all of this is just maneuvering by different interests in the 'world government' to secure positions of strength (as they see it) to deal with the expected major social issues that are likely to result from 'climate change' and the increasing risk of from space rocks.
I honestly don't know, but it's possible. It seems they are testing how people
react to the alledged accusations, if they get enough people to believe their lies then I'm
sure they'll proceed with whatever their twisted minds have come up with so far.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. PTB see only what they want to see, and believe they
have unlimited power and control, in the end they'll probably speed up the cosmic threat we are facing
and therefore bring about their own ruin.
Perceval said:
All of that is true, but I doubt there is any intention on starting WW3. I think all of this is just maneuvering by different interests in the 'world government' to secure positions of strength (as they see it) to deal with the expected major social issues that are likely to result from 'climate change' and the increasing risk of from space rocks.

I wonder if they know how much of a game changer the cosmic threat is or are their eyes firmly rooted on terrestrial affairs.

Why would they make all the moves they have against countries attacking the dollar? In the grand scheme of things, when it starts raining rocks, nobody will care about the dollar. People will be doing business with whatever they can do business with.

Is there a section of the PTB that is so severely short sighted that it is operating solely based on the assumption that what is at stake, is the control of the global financial system?

They are operating like what matters is wealth and power all of which is linked to the non-disruption of (un)foreseen invaders (comets mainly). If they really knew comets are inbound and will overturn everything, then they will do things differently because what they are doing now, won't matter after-the-fact. So to me, it indicates that some of them who wield enormous power are acting like the comets won't do anything.

I think it is safe to say, that with high probability Syria will be attacked and Iran will also be attacked shortly afterwards (who knows if this will mean Russia and china will step in). The only thing stopping the above is if it starts to rain rocks or a global pandemic hits to make political issues mute.
Also look at the things happening right now, we don't have to wait for a world war.
We are truly stuck in the "desert of the real", where concepts such as human rights, law,
government etc. exist only in people's imagination. They can literally kill whomever
they want and not be held responsible.
luke wilson said:
I wonder if they know how much of a game changer the cosmic threat is or are their eyes firmly rooted on terrestrial affairs.

Why would they make all the moves they have against countries attacking the dollar? In the grand scheme of things, when it starts raining rocks, nobody will care about the dollar. People will be doing business with whatever they can do business with.

Is there a section of the PTB that is so severely short sighted that it is operating solely based on the assumption that what is at stake, is the control of the global financial system?

They're doing that to make sure they don't lose their positions prior to the proverbial hitting the fan. Have you read the Pentagon report to Bush in 2004? And that's just what they're saying publicly.

luke wilson said:
They are operating like what matters is wealth and power all of which is linked to the non-disruption of (un)foreseen invaders (comets mainly). If they really knew comets are inbound and will overturn everything, then they will do things differently because what they are doing now, won't matter after-the-fact. So to me, it indicates that some of them who wield enormous power are acting like the comets won't do anything.

They are immensely greedy for sure, but you might want to think about it in terms of levels and agendas. There is the level of corporate bigwigs and their friends in government who are allowed to exercise their greed and blood lust by pursuing 'wars' like Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya, but there is another level where those same 'wars' serve the agenda of distracting, frightening and thereby controlling the population in general.

luke wilson said:
I think it is safe to say, that with high probability Syria will be attacked and Iran will also be attacked shortly afterwards (who knows if this will mean Russia and china will step in). The only thing stopping the above is if it starts to rain rocks or a global pandemic hits to make political issues mute.

Maybe, but I doubt it. I won't rule out a NATO "no fly zone" ala Libya, but I wouldn't advise holding your breath for a "WW3" where Russia and China square up against the West. There is no real division at the top levels. Notice how, despite the decades of sabre rattling and scaremongering during the "cold war", no nuclear conflagration ensued. Luck? Or by design? Some public officials truly are nutjobs who would and would have pushed the button, but those guys don't get to make those kind of decisions. The people who do, while evil, are probably very smart and not likely to do anything that would threaten their positions or the position of the elite in general vis a via the mass of humanity, a position that has endured for, oh...a couple of millennia at least.

Thanks for the link to the article.

It makes no sense that they do what they do, when they know what they know but if I think about it in terms of levels and agendas, then the 2 behaviors can merge to work in tandem.


Perceval said:
Maybe, but I doubt it. I won't rule out a NATO "no fly zone" ala Libya, but I wouldn't advise holding your breath for a "WW3" where Russia and China square up against the West. There is no real division at the top levels. Notice how, despite the decades of sabre rattling and scaremongering during the "cold war", no nuclear conflagration ensued. Luck? Or by design? Some public officials truly are nutjobs who would and would have pushed the button, but those guys don't get to make those kind of decisions. The people who do, while evil, are probably very smart and not likely to do anything that would threaten their positions or the position of the elite in general vis a via the mass of humanity, a position that has endured for, oh...a couple of millennia at least.

Whilst I agree that WW3 is highly unlikely, just for the sheer absurdity of the whole thing I still think what these people are capable of shouldn't be underestimated. WW1 and WW2 happened regardless of the same top level government still being in place. It happened and the world moved forward without these guys being dislodged from position. Ultimately, what matters is the agenda and how the war serves it. The cold war didn't result in a nuclear war maybe because that wasn't its purpose. If in there minds they see that a global war will serve there purpose, then as they have before, they will surely make the necessary moves to get it going. But, it is still highly unlikely with regard to this WW3 thing. I agree with that.

What caught me with what I looked at today, is how things are moving in tandem. The next tandem is syria and IF they attack syria, then they attack Iran. Syria is just a route to Iran. So I don't think Libya and Syria are similar in that regard.
luke wilson said:
Whilst I agree that WW3 is highly unlikely, just for the sheer absurdity of the whole thing I still think what these people are capable of shouldn't be underestimated. WW1 and WW2 happened regardless of the same top level government still being in place. It happened and the world moved forward without these guys being dislodged from position. Ultimately, what matters is the agenda and how the war serves it. The cold war didn't result in a nuclear war maybe because that wasn't its purpose. If in there minds they see that a global war will serve there purpose, then as they have before, they will surely make the necessary moves to get it going. But, it is still highly unlikely with regard to this WW3 thing. I agree with that.

What caught me with what I looked at today, is how things are moving in tandem. The next tandem is syria and IF they attack syria, then they attack Iran. Syria is just a route to Iran. So I don't think Libya and Syria are similar in that regard.

Yeah, but it's step by step, with a few years in between as we have seen. They may not have a few more years. As for "WW3", things have moved on dramatically from a technological point of view since the first WW's. A third war in the style of the first two is no longer possible. That's why there was no nuclear 'armageddon' over the last 70 years.
I am sure they will invade Syria. Today I felt something much more aggressive in their presentation about the facts in the radio, something more sharp, more near the folly. I am sure they are very happy if they put fire and blood in that region, they just wait for this. They accuse Assad without evidence. They make us listen Hollander, who wants an invasion, the British who wanted invasion... They insist: 1400 people were gassed by an assassin, a monster, a genocide, a criminal.

Folly, folly. It is not for nothing that you did a program about heroes, people who had brains and who were good and beautiful. It is not for nothing, there is a sense to take good vibes from them, they are not here anymore but their spirit are here.
WW3 will be a world war among ordinary people for food, water and shelter. Well over 100 million individuals were actively involved in WW2. WW3 has the potential to involve a majority of the 8 billion people currently on the planet.
Regarding what has been happening for many years, and the actual war on Syria, I tend to think that it is already WW3, only different from what we would expect from this term. It is just one layer of the multiform global war on humans.
I thought it was also about the gas pipeline and who would ultimately get the resource. Does Russia get it or Israel/US. Does it go via Turkey, to Europe, or elsewhere. Maybe oil too. So with Russia having the port in Syria I thought is was a power struggle, started by Israel all the way to Iran. Where Lebanon is also 'needed' for the pipeline and to be Israeli controlled to help prevent sabotage of the pipeline. Even with a possible attack on Palestine at the same time.

Incidently Israel has also just signed a defence / collaboration type agreement with South Cyprus and Greece - again about protecting the drilling for oil in the Med near South Cyprus (pos against Turkish war ships which have been active in the area). Despite being bailed out I read South Cyprus had purchased to very expensive war ships from Israel to protect the drilling sites too.

So seems the US, Russia, France and UK and maybe more, as well as the above are all packed into the Mediterranean, fully armed and loaded to the East and South of Cyprus. Cyprus i about 100 kms from Egypt and 40 kms from Turkey so must be getting quite crammed, so potential for 'accidents' in that alone.
Let us not forget Russia recently carried out its biggest military exercise in July since soviet days. I know the article is on SOTT but can't track it down.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has inspected the country's biggest military drills since Soviet times, involving around 160,000 troops.
WW3 will be a world war among ordinary people for food, water and shelter. Well over 100 million individuals were actively involved in WW2. WW3 has the potential to involve a majority of the 8 billion people currently on the planet.

World War Z?

They are operating like what matters is wealth and power all of which is linked to the non-disruption of (un)foreseen invaders (comets mainly). If they really knew comets are inbound and will overturn everything, then they will do things differently because what they are doing now, won't matter after-the-fact. So to me, it indicates that some of them who wield enormous power are acting like the comets won't do anything.

Like it was said I think they are only reactionary psychopathic lower elite level that is only concentrated on now, that is how to increase their power now, useful puppets to be used by higher echelon, not really being possible to fully grasp what future brings, but that is their essence - quest for power and when it is your essence you won t just stop because something is going to happen in near future because you are working all the time to increase your control because there is nothing else you know. As for WWIII I think Prouty mentioned they had a meeting after WWII where they discussed not to use nuclear weapons in Cold war, it was all about distraction, control through fear and a tool with which to subvert unpopular regimes and whistle blowers abroad and at home. What is the point of nuclear war if there is nobody to do fighting and working anymore except few survivor mutants who are in dire health condition?

I agree with Perceval that there is higher level force that has prime goal of controlling humanity, because if it were to psychopaths there would be no one left anymore, probably negative oriented souls that have ability to use their analytical minds to see probable future and consequences of some actions unlike psychopaths. Either way, it is time to start canning.
Corvinus said:
World War Z?

Indeed. 'Zombie nation'!

Corvinus said:
I agree with Perceval that there is higher level force that has prime goal of controlling humanity, because if it were to psychopaths there would be no one left anymore, probably negative oriented souls that have ability to use their analytical minds to see probable future and consequences of some actions unlike psychopaths. Either way, it is time to start canning.

Reminds me of what the Cs said about the shooting down of the Columbia shuttle on on February 1, 2003, that it was warning to the Bush govt. who the real masters were and to stick to the plan.
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