Israel media war leaked


Jedi Master
There is an interesting link about the Israéli media manipulation:!-Rome-s-Jewish-Chairman-inadvertently-exposes-Zionist-trick!_a27991.html

WRITTEN BY MIGUEL MARTINEZ (in the photo, Pacifici and Roman Mayor Alemanno standing before the Synogogue in one of many media events).
The Italian daily Il Manifesto, on Sunday January 4th, 2008, published a fascinating item revealing what goes on behind the Hasbara scenes.
The chairman of the Jewish Community of Rome, Riccardo Pacifici - voted in on a ticket expressly called "For Israel" - recently announced that the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) was about to donate 300,000 Euros' worth of medicine to the victims of the war in Gaza: 200,000 to "the children and people of Gaza", 100,000 to the "children and civilians" of Israel.
The Italian Foreign Minister expressed his great admiration for this generous gesture.
However, a right-wing Italian emigrant to Israel, Shimon Fargion, raised a noisy protest against this aid to Palestinians.
Riccardo Pacifici answers Fargion, apparently on a semi-public mailing list. First declaring his "total support for this war in Gaza". Faelino Luzon chimes in to explain that this "gesture of humanity" had been "decided on beforehand together with the top Israeli officials (for obvious reasons, I cannot go into greater detail)" .
Pacifici explains that the Italian Jewish community agreed with the Israeli ambassador on keeping a "low profile"at this time. "I can assure you - writes Pacifici - that the decision to send medicine to Palestinian and Israeli children was taken only for media purposes, and was only used for our struggle which will start on Monday in the media to support Israel". Pacifici announces that on January 10th there will be a "mega-event" with 1,500 personalities chosen together with the Israeli ambassador in order to "explain Israel's reasons and its right to make this war".
Pacifici explains that the Roman Jewish community did not spend "even one Euro" for the medicine, which was donated by "an international Jewish organization" and guarantees that "in any case not one piece of medicine will get to Gaza unless it has been authorized by the Government of Israel".
Then Riccardo Pacifici, chairman of the Jewish Community in Rome, writes another, more personal e-mail to Shimon Fargion:
"Dear dickhead… give me your address so I can come and kick you in the ass… here at For Israel I work fucking hard and I have a police escort… YOU PIECE OF SHIT…. I did everything together with the Israeli embassy… What the fuck do you know about what we are doing? YOU PIECE OF SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT".
Ho ho, Sankara...

I linked this to article on the SOTT main page from the palestinethinktank via thetruthseeker site. Seems it's doing the net rounds. Hooray! The phrase 'shooting one's self in the foot' springs to mind here.

Are the Israelis winning the PR 'war', do you think?
Hello Bedower,
As you said it is a "war" going on...So, as to your last question I may answer that if, at that point of the battle I was to say whether we have won or lost (I love this 'we', it is made of so many different people)I would be stupid. We need to fight with our heart, souls, the best of our intelectual ability, right now, and not demotivate. In front of us we don't have the psychopatic Tsahal but the great organs of the corporates Zionist/satanist ruled media. From where I am, all I can tell you is that many people are working days and night to write, translate informations...Many websites in my country are totally devoted, and I guess this must be going on in many other places.
So I don't know who is to win this media(truth, objectivity) war, we'r just in and with this article we have found something big, now this must be known and it is not an easy task.

Take care
You write the truth, Sankara.

I must confess, my question was rhetorical; it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Sorry for teasing you. :flowers:

You have hit the nail on the head - there are a great many people who are out there on the Net trying to bring the truth to others, including the truth about the Israeli genocide in Gaza. The massive demonstrations in many countries show that more and more people are not buying the official - i.e. Israeli - version of events. For instance, every day SOTT are putting up the latest TRUE happenings in Gaza, and I try to do my bit by posting as many relevant links as I can find.

So, to answer my own question, I do think the Israelis are losing this particular propaganda war. The fact that so many Zionist trolls have suddenly appeared on many of the main blogs kinda proves my point. If they were winning this 'war', there wouldn't be such urgency to deny, taunt, flame or generally attack the writers of these blogs or the posters who agree with them in their Comments sections.

Let's keep up the good work!
It doesn't matter, after all I am teasable...(I don't know how to use the little moons-so, smile)

As to the answer to your own question, propaganda is an important part of the global warfare, so it's normal that the 'trolls', pseudo-intellectuals, experts... come into the play. It doesn't mean they are losing. The fact is that they are trying to cover up the affair, but there is so much blood, so much ugliness that it is a f... hard task to hide it.

We are learning and transmitting informations...
So let's keep keeping on!
but there is so much blood, so much ugliness that it is a f... hard task to hide it.

This is exactly what I mean, Sankara. I don't think all the horror going on in Gaza is likely to be hidden, especially not with all the pictures of the dead and wounded that are doing the rounds.

Even our precious leaders, nearly all of whom are apologists for Israel and Zionism, must be aware of what is really going on in Gaza.

And, to use the smilies, just choose the one you want, click where in your post you want it to be, and then just click on the smiley that you have chosen... this :D

...and this :lol:

...and this... ;D

Robert Fisk of the Guardian has published a good article showing how the media blitz works. Check it out on Signs:
Regarding Middle Eastern conflicts and related, one site (in addition to SOTT) that seems to have some good information from time-to-time is _ In my opinion, sometimes it is over-biased in some individual articles but there still seems to be a lot of facts in them regarding the conflicts.

I haven't researched who is behind the site or why, so this isn't a ringing endorsement but it seems to have a lot of "meat" :)

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