Italy's "Kristallnacht", 2008

Yep, its like a sick time-loop or tiresome re-run, ain't it?

In today's Italy: Fascists in power nationally and locally, murdering skinheads gone wild, vigilantes torching of Roma gypsy camps (and barring at borders), trashing of immigrants' shops, thousands in Rome chanting "Il Duce!", Mussolini's granddaughter in parliament, etc etc.....

Rome Diary: Italy's Leap Into The Dark
By Gaither Stewart

Fascism: The Night Of Broken Glass In Rome-Part II
By Gaither Stewart

The idea that "all men are created equal" and we are all fundamentally good is drummed into us from the time we are born. We are taught that God made us in his image, and that we all have the divine spark within us.
But science is showing us that this religious fairy tale is not true. Mankind has a natural predator, the psychopath, and this predator is invisible because there are no easily discernible markings that set him apart. - Henry See
Ahem, Akopirnas, what's up with the German language link? Care to translate/summarize, clue us into the point?
Re: Italy's \

Bholanath said:
Ahem, Akopirnas, what's up with the German language link? Care to translate/summarize, clue us into the point?

Yes, sorry, that was specific reaction of modern Thule member in German about:
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