Janus Cosmological Model - by Jean-Pierre Petit


The Living Force

For those of you interested in cosmology and astrophysics, please check this "outsider" theory which looks like a generalization (?) of Einstein's relativity :
The Janus cosmological model: a paradigm shift.

Its author is Dr. Jean-Pierre Petit (retired French physicist), for more details on him please look at this thread :
Jean-Pierre Petit (French physicist) - video & comic books of science (in Eng.)

At the end of the CPT symmetry page, a 5D space-time is mentioned...

J-P Petit has made a series of videos about the history of physics/cosmology, the present crisis in theoretical physics, and his Janus model. They are of poor quality, but the content is interesting, Petit is a gifted popularizer (and scientist). Most of them have English subtitles, the #24 has an English version. Here is the list of these videos :
Site Jean-Pierre Petit Nouveautes
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Jean-Pierre Petit is a french physicist, pioneer in the study of magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD), used on hypersonic russian missiles.
He continues to search in mathematic/cosmology. He built a model of the universe "Janus" which considers two types of parallel timeline. One time positive and one negative, qhich coexists. Each contains the equivalent for the mass : positive and negative.
Which led him to consider that the black holes don't exists :

He makes reference to old scientists which already worked on those subjects. He continued to work and published a model of the universe which he named "Metaphysicon" (60 first pages in english) using complex time and mass. It permits to link a metaphysical reality to our material reality. He illustrates such a geometrical theory by a monoedre, sort of moebius ruban in 3D made from a tore :

I have not mastered all the ideas presented, but it is stimulating.
Jean-Pierre Petit just published a comic book, of his JANUS Model of the universe : with a significant part of the universe made of negative mass, essentially of anti matter type, which is explaining some of the last cosmologic observations.

It is in french for now :
JANUS Model comic book

He is planning to translate it quickly in english.
Hello heaalih, I think Jean Pierre Petit is a remarkable scientist, a singular character like his theories, and very logical. A scientist sidelined by French science but recognized by others. Attached is a link to his website savoir sans frontières where you can find all his comic strips explaining science. In English. Scientific Comic Books. Free Downloads Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Bonjour heaalih,
Je trouve que Jean Pierre Petit est un scientifique remarquable, singulier personnage comme ses théories, et très logique.

Un scientifique mit de côté par la science française mais reconnu par d'autres.
Ci-joint le lien de son site savoir sans frontières où l'on retrouve toutes ses bandes dessinées explicants la science. En Anglais.
Went through the Janus Cosmological model lately and it iss indeed pretty interesting:
- Bi-metric universe (2 field equations)
- negative mass, energy and by extension 2 type of matter / antimatter

I am going through the different videos related to the model right which help with understanding couple of key concepts.
Then will go through the latest book published and available for download:

video: modele cosmologique janus playlist
livre: modele cosmologique janus - Hicham Zejli (FR)

I would recommend going through the videos and then the book, however the EN playlist is not as complete as the FR one :(
The book will require some advanced maths skills, in French would be "Mathematiques Speciales level".

It was also interesting to discover the work of Souriau and symplectig geometry. And as a funny reference, video Janus 12, around 34:50 finally cleared the representation of Kaluza Klein space (5th dimension)

Finally, you can find alot of interesting books, comics trying to vulgarize science in different languages on Site officiel de l'Association Savoir sans Frontiéegrave;res
Jean-Pierre Petit is a french physicist, (...).
He continued to work and published a model of the universe which he named "Metaphysicon" (60 first pages in english) using complex time and mass.
Well, no, his model is named the "Janus cosmological model" :

"Metaphysicon" is the name of one of his books, published first in French :

(Maybe he first had the idea to create a comic book with this name, like previous ones : Topologicon, etc.)

I created this thread in 2018 to discuss JPP's ideas, but nobody use it ! (or find it, maybe ?) :

There was also this one in 2019, in the "Questions for the Cs" section :

Note the Mods : I´d suggest to merge this thread with one or two of these ones.
Janus, the 2 faced God of beginnings and endings, time and transitions who sees yesterday and tomorrow. Quite the Interesting synchronicity.
(À part le 1er message, tous les autres étaient sur un second fil.
Les modos sont intervenus après mon message évoquant cela.)
Thanks @Bastian !

So we can continue talking about JPP's work on this thread. His approach is very interesting and answers quite a few cosmic enigmas or phenomena. His notion of bimetrics seems to me important for work towards the Unified Field (which the Cs seem to confirm in the session below). What's more, he makes everything freely available!

May 18, 2019
(Ark) So my question is: Is this paper which I have here about antigravity by Sabine Hossenfelder and another paper by our friend Jean-Pierre Petit more or less on the same subject, are these ideas more or less correct?
A: Going in the right "direction"
(L) Very funny (Ark) Okay, so I didn't get answer. And I'm supposed to be concise, so I quit. (L) Ask your next question! Break your question down into parts. (Ark) Parts. (L) Be specific. (Ark) Is the bi-metric theory of gravity correct?
Close enough but you can expand and improve it.

I'm trying to organize myself as best I can to free up time to study these works and talk about them again on this thread soon enough. I haven't yet checked to see if there's a thread on him in the forum. As far as the Cs sessions are concerned, he's only mentioned twice: the session I mentioned above and the one where Ark talks about him as a friend again :

September 24, 2001
(A) OK 1969 : I was thinking about Kaluza-Klein theories. I was playing with algebras and infinite dimensions.
A: Yes
(A) Alright I was thinking at the time about symmetry between matter and antimatter.
A: Yes
(A) And this may also take us to our french friend Jean-Pierre Petit.
A: Yes

Too bad there weren't more questions about his model or his very often avant-garde or innovative ideas.

For example, I have in mind his idea on the black hole: just because he says black holes don't exist doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist! If there's one thing I've retained from my exchanges with the Cs, it's that they take place at such a level that our 3D, binary apprehension of reality is quickly baffled. Whether it's Jean-Pierre or the Cs, the fact of saying that something doesn't exist doesn't necessarily mean categorical non-existence, but rather non-existence as we envisage it, or even as we conceive it in 3D. I haven't gone into what Jean-Pierre has to say on the subject : my sense is that the concept of the black hole is really the ultimate concept of general relativity and, in this sense, it is bound to evolve. As I've mentioned in other posts, general relativity is really a 3D limit theory : the physical curvature it refers to is purely external, its 4th dimension of space is time, antimatter doesn't appear in it naturally, it's derived from special relativity based on the Lorentz group, which is biased, and the gravitational waves deduced from it travel at the speed of light...

It's easy to see, then, that the expansion of such an approach will lead us to take another look at the concept of the black hole, making it a variable concept with physics at its heart that is certainly beyond our current understanding.
Merci @Bastian !

Donc on peut continuer sur ce fil à parler des travaux de JPP. Son approche est très intéressante et répond à pas mal d'énigmes ou de phénomènes cosmiques. Sa notion de bimétrique me paraît importante pour les travaux vers le Champ Unifié (ce que semble confirmer les Cs lors de la séance ci-dessous). En plus, il met tout en accès libre !

18 Mai 2019
(Ark) Ma question est donc la suivante : ce document que j’ai ici sur l’antigravité de Sabine Hossenfelder et cet autre document de notre ami Jean-Pierre Petit plus ou moins sur le même sujet, ces idées sont-elles plus ou moins exactes ?
R : Vont dans la bonne « direction »
Q : (L) Très drôle. (Ark) OK, donc je n’ai pas eu de réponse. Et je suis censé être concis, alors je démissionne. (L) Pose ta prochaine question ! Répartis ta question en plusieurs parties. (Ark) Pièces détachées. (L) Sois précis (Ark) La théorie bimétrique de la gravité est-elle correcte ?
R : Assez près, mais tu peux l’étendre et l’améliorer.

J'essaie de m'organiser au mieux pour dégager du temps pour étudier ces travaux et en reparler sur ce fil assez vite. Je n'ai pas encore regardé s'il y avait un fil sur lui dans le forum. En ce qui concerne les séances des Cs, il n'est évoqué que deux fois : la séance que j'ai évoquée ci-dessus et celle où Ark en parle encore en tant qu'ami :

24 Septembre 2001
Q : (A) D’accord 1969 : je réfléchissais à la théorie de Kaluza-Klein. Je jouais avec les algèbres et les dimensions infinies.
R : Oui
Q : (A) Bien, je réfléchissais à cette époque à la symétrie entre la matière et l’antimatière.
R : Oui
Q : (A) Et cela peut aussi nous mener à notre ami français Jean‑Pierre Petit.
R : Oui

Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas eu plus de questions quant à son modèle ou ses idées très souvent avant-gardistes ou novatrices.

Par exemple, j'ai en tête son idée sur le trou noir : le fait qu'il dise que les trous noirs n'existent pas ne signifie pas forcément qu'ils n'existent pas ! S'il y a bien quelque chose que j'ai retenu à travers les échanges avec les Cs, c'est qu'ils se déroulent à un niveau tel que notre appréhension 3D, binaire de la réalité est assez vite déroutée. Que ce soit Jean-Pierre ou les Cs, le fait de dire que quelque chose n'existe pas ne signifie pas forcément, une non existence catégorique mais, plutôt, une non existence telle que nous l'envisageons voire telle que nous la concevons en 3D. Je ne suis pas assez rentré dans ce que dit sur le sujet Jean-Pierre : ce que j'en sens, c'est que le concept de trou noir est vraiment le concept ultime de la relativité générale et, en ce sens, il a, forcément, vocation à évoluer. Comme je l'ai évoqué, dans d'autres messages, la relativité générale est vraiment une théorie limite 3D : la courbure physique dont elle fait état est purement externe, sa 4ème dimension de l'espace est le temps, l'antimatière n'y apparaît pas de façon naturelle, elle est issue de la relativité restreinte reposant sur le groupe de Lorentz qui est biaisé, les ondes gravitationnelles qui en sont déduites se déplacent à la vitesse de la lumière...

Ainsi, on perçoit, facilement, que l'expansion d'une telle approche va nous conduire à avoir un autre regard sur le concept de trou noir et à rendre ce concept variable avec en son sein une physique qui dépasse, certainement, notre entendement actuel.​
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