Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

It is like the Gulf oil leaking from British Petroleum, where –apparently- nobody can't touch them, not even the governments where they extract the resources. They have this kind of spell or agreement …it is OUTRAGEOUS!!! Sovereignty should not be the matter.

I have this crazy idea that, if they want it to stop it, they (electric company, government, interests behind the curtain, etc.) should had been done it by now.

Control, comes to my mind also.
Ellipse/mabar I totally agree. It started with the Japanease priminister in his first news cast stating almost immediately that all the nuclear plants where OK!
Then when the trouble started I heard that 'the Americans where rushing cooling equipment to the plant'.
Then....nothing...followed by explosions.

The more things I see (wether its the slaughter in Libya and the 'talk about imposing a no fly zone' while they all get killed or this or any other disaster) the more I realise the media says one thing and those in charge do the opposite. So next time you hear, the reactors are fine...followed by....a <country> is sending emergency equipment to help repair it....run for the hills.

They really could fix it....but instead they 'tell us' they will and let it go to hell....I wonder how many more deaths it will take for people to realise the media and their 'government' lie to them constantly.
... yep, it seems like this aspect is way underreported by the media.

The problem is that the spent fuel rods still need to be cooled in water pools for years or they can melt and explode just like the reactor fuel rods that were still in use.

Now, a genius design feature of the buildings is that the pools with the still dangerous spent fuel rods sit on top of the reactors and outside of the protective reactor building.


Plus, these are the same buildings that exploded:


Bloomberg kind of picked up on this:


Pools Storing Spent Fuel May Present Biggest Risk at Fukushima

By Kari Lundgren and Mehul Srivastava - Mar 16, 2011 12:08 PM MT

The greatest danger at the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant may come from the pools of water holding spent fuel that sit on of top the plant’s six reactors.

Water pools used to keep spent rods have been heating up at three of the plant’s six reactors, officials said. Left unchecked, that risks fire and possibly a nuclear reaction that spews radiation into the atmosphere, said Robert Kelley, an engineer in Vienna who used to lead the Nuclear Emergency Response at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

As water evaporates and exposes the fuel, the uranium in the rods can burn through a protective sheath emitting heat and radioactive Cesium. After that, the uranium could mix with any remaining water to start an uncontrolled nuclear reaction that sends radiation into the atmosphere, scientists said. Unlike the plant’s reactors, the pools aren’t encased in steel and concrete.

“Dissolving uranium in water is the way to make a certain kind of nuclear reactor,” Kelley said in an e-mailed response to questions. “In this uncontrolled situation, the ‘reactor’ will have no human control and begin fissioning.”

Water in the spent fuel pool at the No. 4 reactor may be boiling, Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said on March 15. Temperatures in the rod cooling pools of the shuttered No. 5 and No. 6 reactors rose to as high as 63 degrees Celsius (145 degrees Fahrenheit) at 2 p.m. yesterday from 60 degrees Celsius at 7 a.m., a Tokyo electric official said.

Japanese authorities are concerned about the condition of the pools of units 3 and 4, the International Atomic Energy Agency said yesterday. Military helicopters may be used to drop water on reactor No. 3 and workers are planning to spray water into unit 4, according to the IAEA.

And also, quite hidden at the end of an article at the Washington Post:


Although Tokyo Electric said it also continued to deal with cooling system failures and high pressures at half a dozen of its 10 reactors in the two Fukushima complexes, fears mounted about the threat posed by the pools of water where years of spent fuel rods are stored.

At the 40-year-old Fukushima Daiichi unit 1, where an explosion Saturday destroyed a building housing the reactor, the spent fuel pool, in accordance with General Electric’s design, is placed above the reactor. Tokyo Electric said it was trying to figure out how to maintain water levels in the pools, indicating that the normal safety systems there had failed, too. Failure to keep adequate water levels in a pool would lead to a catastrophic fire, said nuclear experts, some of whom think that unit 1’s pool may now be outside.

“That would be like Chernobyl on steroids,” said Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer at Fairewinds Associates and a member of the public oversight panel for the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, which is identical to the Fukushima Daiichi unit 1.

People familiar with the plant said there are seven spent fuel pools at Fukushima Daiichi, many of them densely packed.

Gundersen said the unit 1 pool could have as much as 20 years of spent fuel rods, which are still radioactive.
At the 40-year-old Fukushima Daiichi unit 1, where an explosion Saturday destroyed a building housing the reactor, the spent fuel pool, in accordance with General Electric’s design, is placed above the reactor.

I am supposing this also goes for the 23 nuclear rectors of GE design in the US? Little freaked here- I am staying with my parents who live in the next town over from the oldest one of these in the US :scared:
Luckily seismic activity is limited here but it is only a few minutes from the ocean. Who knows about the rest of them.

See a list here: _http://taxdollars.ocregister.com/2011/03/14/23-u-s-nuclear-reactors-share-flawed-design-with-japan/77797/
If the data is accurate .... then it is seriously scary :scared:


I also found this a while ago
Nienna Eluch said:
Pashalis said:
Srastral said:
I meant is there new disasters before we leave the Earth.Our Home is somewhere else.Those thousands didn't die,they went to the God because they wanted so and God wanted so.
:O :O :O :O

what is god for you ?
what do you mean with "before we leave the earth "(4 density ?) ?

Srastral said:
I'd like to here what Leo guys have to say,that's why this forum is here,don't let us feel let down.

how often do you want to post this invitation to call the C's anymore ?

I quote this for you again :

Pashalis said:
It's sounds to me that you confide the cassiopaean stuff to much.

as Laura said here :

Laura said:
Again and again we remind you all: the Cs are just inspiration for us to get out there and do our homework - research!!!

the C's are just inspiration. you have to think critical about what they are saying and don't just believe them.
in the end nobody knows who they really are or what the purpose behind what they are telling us is !

the C's are there to help us to work for ourselfs, so that we don't have to always ask them for advice.

From what I have seen of Srastral's posts, s/he is not interested in research, nor learning. S/he is very happy dreaming s/he is awake.

There is no such a question "what is God for me",God is the same for you,he,she or me;God and His energy is all there is,it's day,sun,pencil,grass,bad,good,lie,word,Cass/Leo guys,forum...

It's not invitation,I said I'd LIKE to hear their advices.

If they are just an inspiration,they shoudn't exist.

Pashalis,Nienna,I don't really know why are you using phrases like "they are inspiration","interested in research","have to learn","dreaming awake","ego slavery" and similar,but everybody has it's opinion and posture.

:O :O :O :O :O

Brief overview of how the pathocracy deals with their nuclear toys in Japan.
Srastral said:
There is no such a question "what is God for me",God is the same for you,he,she or me;God and His energy is all there is,it's day,sun,pencil,grass,bad,good,lie,word,Cass/Leo guys,forum...

It's not invitation,I said I'd LIKE to hear their advices.

If they are just an inspiration,they shoudn't exist.

Pashalis,Nienna,I don't really know why are you using phrases like "they are inspiration","interested in research","have to learn","dreaming awake","ego slavery" and similar,but everybody has it's opinion and posture.

:O :O :O :O :O

Srastral, have you read the Wave Series in its entirety yet? I think it would be a good idea because you seem to have some erroneous ideas across the board. If you are sincere about participating here, it would be appreciated if you would read the basic material so you can join in on the discussion on the 'same page' as it were.

We know that the greys are picking up the bodies from Disasters. Using them as container.
We have now over 4000 victims but still thousands are missing.
So I saw this and, hmmm. 9/11 All victims disappeared to. And I remember that Cc mentioned
this in some Session.

Moderator: Link disabled.
Srastral said:
There is no such a question "what is God for me",God is the same for you,he,she or me;God and His energy is all there is,it's day,sun,pencil,grass,bad,good,lie,word,Cass/Leo guys,forum...

It's not invitation,I said I'd LIKE to hear their advices.

If they are just an inspiration,they shoudn't exist.

Pashalis,Nienna,I don't really know why are you using phrases like "they are inspiration","interested in research","have to learn","dreaming awake","ego slavery" and similar,but everybody has it's opinion and posture.

:O :O :O :O :O

We don't really care that much about opinions here. We are a research forum and practice concepts from the 4th Way and Sufism, among others. Until you read the recommended material, which is talked about in the forum guidelines, which you were supposed to read, you will not understand much of the concepts behind what others are talking about here.

We are not about opinions, posturing and subjective ideas. We are looking for objective truth, cleaning our machines and getting rid of our programs.
I agree with Redfox/Ellipse/Mabar, that it is amazing that more is not done internationally to stop this. Just as we saw with the BP oil spill, little coordinated global effort is done to stop it.
Mostly those with the means and know how are only looking at how they can profit from the distraction that this catastrophy has offered, by supporting the repression of the people in the ME and secure their resources.

Just saw that Russia has offered to help put out the nuclear plant fires: http://en.rian.ru/world/20110317/163060350.html

RedFox said:
Ellipse/mabar I totally agree. It started with the Japanease priminister in his first news cast stating almost immediately that all the nuclear plants where OK!
Then when the trouble started I heard that 'the Americans where rushing cooling equipment to the plant'.
Then....nothing...followed by explosions.

The more things I see (wether its the slaughter in Libya and the 'talk about imposing a no fly zone' while they all get killed or this or any other disaster) the more I realise the media says one thing and those in charge do the opposite. So next time you hear, the reactors are fine...followed by....a <country> is sending emergency equipment to help repair it....run for the hills.

They really could fix it....but instead they 'tell us' they will and let it go to hell....I wonder how many more deaths it will take for people to realise the media and their 'government' lie to them constantly.
This is just terrible news for the people in Japan... It seems that coorporate greed will not stop on it's own until it has consumed all.... :(

I came up with a short film from Akira Kurosawa's Dreams. I really hope that this dream won't be prophetic by becoming the outcome of the current situation in Japan, but it depicts in a tragic way how stupid and ignorrant mankind has been in so may respects...


Our minds and prayers here are with the suffering people of Japan. I wish good strength to everyone there. Hand on and take care. :flowers:
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