Jeb Bush, the next president


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I'm a little reluctant to suggest that we start talking about this, lest it gather energy, but I've already heard democratic strategist James Carville talking about it on TV. He says, correctly, I think, that the Republicans are not currently satisfied with their field of candidates, and will "draft" Jeb. I just don't see how Jeb and his obvious association with the abject failure of the corrupt and negligent regime of his brother could be overlooked by the public. Not that any of it matters in the one-party system of the USA, of course, but if Jeb actually rose as a candidate, I think it would really say something about a the level of mind control rising with him.

I love the quote I pulled from the first article here. (Pass the sick bag, please!)

Jeb Bush, Next President, Says Republicans Must Stand for “Absolute Truth�

Things are starting to fall into place to give Jeb Bush the momentum he needs to win the White House

Bush Backs Brother Jeb for President
AdPop, I agree with you. (about not bringing this up)
Personally, I am an AM radio addict.
I like to listen to just 'see' what people are talking about.
I think I kinda take the 'pulse' of how far the social engineering has progressed.
I gotta be straight though, I have heard good ole boy Jeb's name, more than a few times on the air waves.
Seemed to me his name is being used often just to get people used to thinking about him.
Desensitization of the populace perhaps?
I thought I was thinking too outlandishly.
But after your post, I just do not know...
Often I have stated: try to view all possiblilities, watch world events, and see what happens.
I hope I don't have to say (again): 'Geez, that figures'.
This is just too sick! If Jeb makes president, there will be no doubt that there is no use to vote for president in the U.S. It's all done for us without our consent. I can't believe that anybody would vote for another Bush. Oh, wait, that's right, the neo-cons and Zionists run the show. Well, there you go! As I said, this is just too sick!
If someone comes out strong from the Republican party he may be a vice president candidate just to get his name on a ticket and some popularity. It is hard to believe that we will see a Republican president after the next election (not saying it cannot happen). This will set him up to run in four more years when he is 58 so he will not be too old to run and the Bush legacy can live on and on and on and on... Clearly just speculation.
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