Jesus Saves A Bundle In China

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"Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It's easy to see without looking too far
That not much is really sacred."
- Bob Dylan (It's Alright, Ma - I'm Only Bleeding)

They are the lackeys of the grocer's machine
They built the dark satanic mills
That manufacture hell on earth
They bought the front row seats on Calvary
They are irrelevant to me

And I grieve for my sister
People of China...- Roger Waters (Watching T.V)

I don't know if someone had already submitted a post concerning this topic, but it appears that Jesus SAVES by contracting work in Chinese sweat shops. Seems as though nothing much has changed since Dylan and Waters penned the words above. Even the "Church" is in on saving a few bucks by breaking the backs of innocents. Given the “Church's” history and its present pedophilia exposed, I shouldn't be surprised.

The interview transcript and 8:30 video are here:

A few excerpts from the interview:

"With the holidays just a month away, a new report by the National Labor Committee accuses U.S.-based Christian retailers and churches of selling crucifixes made under sweatshop conditions in China. The labor-rights watchdog announced Tuesday the crucifixes were made by young women working 14-25 hour shifts for less than half of China's legal minimum wage(.09). It implicates the New York city based St. Patrick's cathedral as well as Trinity Church, and at the national level, the $4.63 billion association for Christian retail."

"They're bringing in bible bags that cost $1.40 to make in China and they’re selling them for $17.99. That’s a 1,185% markup. So, I would say now that most of the religious items, crucifixes and others items, they have gone to China 100% completely. What is sad about it, of course, is that the workers in China have no freedom of religion, no human rights, no worker rights, no freedom of association."

"This is how pathetic it is. The company that actually purchased – that made this sort of – this is the Singer Company. It went through a company called Full Start, which is a big company in China that has an office in Rhode Island. And so the Singer Company said to them, “when you make our crucifixes, will you use sweatshop labor?” And the Chinese company said, “no, we will not”. So it’s like asking Jack the Ripper if he respects young women. That’s the amount of their concern over human rights. It’s actually laughable. I would say if this Christian Retail Association has one iota of integrity, they should immediately release the names and addresses of every factory they use in China to make their religious items. Which they wont do, because they know there’s one horror show after another."

"No, they’re made in China. And they have to be labeled – they’re just not. So the U.S. Customs department has to have a discussion with the Singer company and with the Christian Retail Association. Because they obviously left China off of the box and left it off of their crucifix for a reason. This is the very crucifix. You can see the serial number – the exact same serial numbers on the production order."

***Also, a bit later on the show there is an interview with the director of the new movie, “What Would Jesus Buy?”

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