JFK movie by Oliver Stone


FOTCM Member
I just watched it for the first time and I'm amazed about the accuracy and precision of this movie.
I highly recommend it. I'm wondering how and why it was allowed to be made?

I think Oliver Stone should work on another case called 9/11 too...
Zadius Sky said:
It's a great movie, along with reading The Secret Team and JFK by L. Fletcher Prouty as well as Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable.

I would add to that reading list Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper.

Also, there is a podcast interview Laura had done with Piper some years ago, which I thought was pretty outstanding and informative.
Here is a 50 minute video of Oliver Stone talking about JFK (both the film, and the historical person) to the National Press Club in 1992, the year after the film was released.


After a 5 minute introduction, Stone begins talking at 5:20, and then answers questions at the end.

Stone talks about how poor the official account of US history in the 1960s is. He says of those critics in the media who have attacked him and his film on the grounds that is rewriting history, that they themselves have a very poor commitment to diligent historical research. He mentions some names too of media spokespeople he doesn't seem to hold in high regard (e.g. Dan Rather.)

At 29:00, Stone talks about Fletcher Prouty in response to a question about who Mr X was in the film.

Stone also mentions researcher John Newman as one of the main sources for the film. Both Prouty and Newman were present on the panel at this event, although they are not shown speaking on the Youtube video.

At 52:25 an audience question is "Did you mean to imply in JFK that the US government might be implicated in the assassinations of both Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy", to which Stone gives a one word answer, "Yes".
Yeah, I watched it in full a few years ago, and thought it was quite good. I'd seen it in parts in the past on cable in the U.S. - either I didn't catch it from the beginning or didn't have time to finish it. The best part in my opinion is the short portrayal by Donald Sutherland of "Mr. X"/ L. Fletcher Prouty.
SeekinTruth said:
The best part in my opinion is the short portrayal by Donald Sutherland of "Mr. X"/ L. Fletcher Prouty.

Oh, I agree. That whole scene was very eye-opening. But, the most emotional and the most revealing part, for me at least, is the court scene where Garrison gave his statement to the court:


Pashalis said:
I'm wondering how and why it was allowed to be made?

maybe the film was a sort of blackmail:
We can tell the people who killed Kennedy, you not want this, don't you ?

Aaron Milchan was producer behind Stone's 'JFK' movie and Israel's secret operative .
It seems to me that Israel wanted something from US
Watched this over the weekend. It was an incredibly entertaining (but long) watch that from what I understand from Evidence of Revision, gets close to the idea of the PTB co-ordinating the operation, not Oswald who was just the patsy. They don't go the whole way to point at the PTB but do get close to hinting at secret powerful groups/individuals who wanted Kennedy stopped because he leaned more towards peace, and this upset the military industrial complex.
Oh, I am glad that I saw this thread. I have never seen it out of cynicism that it would be way off the mark of what actually happened because if it was on the mark it would not be allowed to be made. However, as the C's say that it is close to the mark then I am curious to watch it now. I know what I shall be watching later now :).
I watched JFK about 20 odd years ago, and I concur with others here that it's a very well made film. Oliver Stone is a great director, and the quality of the acting is also excellent. It certainly leaves you haunted with a nagging thought about a rogue element pulling the strings behind what is ordinarily seen in our world.
I just watched it for the first time and I'm amazed about the accuracy and precision of this movie.
I highly recommend it. I'm wondering how and why it was allowed to be made?

I think Oliver Stone should work on another case called 9/11 too...
I saw him in a few interviews discussing this movie. I get the feeling that he "has been informed" that there is a limit to how far he can go. 911 and Stone ? I doubt it.

The one that flipped me on JFK was when I learned that he served (he was in the Marines) in Japan at a base that flew U-2 spy planes over USSR. That's one. Two being that he moved to USSR and returned without landing in Jail at Leavenworth. To pull something like that you have to have a very special "fairy godmother".
I generally concur; its a miracle of a movie and certainly has done more to awaken the masses than a thousand deeply researched and documented books. As Oliver Stone himself said (and don't forget he came under withering and perpetual criticism for the film both from the mainstream and from within the so called JFK research community for focusing on the Garrison case which on the surface appeared a rash mistake) - the power of motion pictures is that it deals with the emotions, the senses and by condensing and imaging can make a direct case that impacts people more powerfully than would otherwise be lost on non readers.

So all well and good...?


It makes absolutely no mention of Israel! And have you ever wondered why it was produced by Arnon Milchan and distributed by Warner Brothers...?

And have you ever noticed that its tour de force court room sequence fundamentally revolves around the Zapruder film and its absolute veracity as the single most important piece of forensic evidence in the whole case, enshrining it in contemporary memory as open and shut proof ...?

Well the devil is always in the detail as Laura would say. For the Zapruder film that we know is a CIA fake, doctored over that fateful weekend at the most advanced film lab on the planet to make it seem to present what happened when it fact it essentially disguised what happened and created a limited fall out narrative by comparison with the original (ever wondered why Zapruder was where he was, filmed the whole thing without flinching and his is the only 'full' film that wasn't confiscated and vanished but rather 'bought' by TIME LIFE i.e. the CIA and then over many years waved under the public;s nose until it had earned its spurs as untouchable sacred evidence of conspiracy?).

In a nut shell they took out the car slowing to an almost complete stop just prior to the final fateful head shots. They took out the deliberate isolation of the car by a fake miss-turn onto Elm Street that lead to police motor bicycles being left behind; they took out evidence of further shots from multiple directions; they too out the car coming to a complete or near complete stop at the moment of the final head shots; they took out the near simultaneous, multiple hits from front and back; they took out the clear evidence of Secret Service complicity (especially by the driver - a northern Irish, catholic hating protestant William Greer), , etc etc. In effect they created a masterpiece of deception, one that has only now been revealed by the brilliant and persistent forensic research of just about the only investigative process ever allowed (by mistake) on the case - Douglas P. Horne's Inside the ARRB. This single video sums it up better than any other and warrants a full watch:

By making the audience focus on the shock value that Stone's brilliant cinematography delivers they stopped the thinking process dead in its tracks... and created a limited hang out that closed the door and thus became an unwitting gate keeper.

But it did a great job.

And still no one asks about Israel!

Or rather Israel which is the US/narcocapitalistic elite's middle east bridgehead or the US which is Israel's/narcocapitalistic elites' outcrop in the west which killed both Kennedy's... and why?

For by blaming the CIA (the FBI, the mob the whoever), the film skips the truth. That the one-worlder Sauron brigade got their first major scalp in Dallas back in November '63. And everything followed on from there.

And we let them get away with it - as does this film.
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I generally concur; its a miracle of a movie and certainly has done more to awaken the masses than a thousand deeply researched and documented books. As Oliver Stone himself said (and don't forget he came under withering and perpetual criticism for the film both from the mainstream and from within the so called JFK research community for focusing on the Garrison case which on the surface appeared a rash mistake) - the power of motion pictures is that it deals with the emotions, the senses and by condensing and imaging can make a direct case that impacts people more powerfully than would otherwise be lost on non readers.

So all well and good...?


It makes absolutely no mention of Israel! And have you ever wondered why it was produced by Arnon Milchan and distributed by Warner Brothers...?

And have you ever noticed that its tour de force court room sequence fundamentally revolves around the Zapruder film and its absolute veracity as the single most important piece of forensic evidence in the whole case, enshrining it in contemporary memory as open and shut proof ...?

Well the devil is always in the detail as Laura would say. For the Zapruder film that we know is a CIA fake, doctored over that fateful weekend at the most advanced film lab on the planet to make it seem to present what happened when it fact it essentially disguised what happened and created a limited fall out narrative by comparison with the original (ever wondered why Zapruder was where he was, filmed the whole thing without flinching and his is the only 'full' film that wasn't confiscated and vanished but rather 'bought' by TIME LIFE i.e. the CIA and then over many years waved under the public;s nose until it had earned its spurs as untouchable sacred evidence of conspiracy?).

In a nut shell they took out the car slowing to an almost complete stop just prior to the final fateful head shots. They took out the deliberate isolation of the car by a fake miss-turn onto Elm Street that lead to police motor bicycles being left behind; they took out evidence of further shots from multiple directions; they too out the car coming to a complete or near complete stop at the moment of the final head shots; they took out the near simultaneous, multiple hits from front and back; they took out the clear evidence of Secret Service complicity (especially by the driver - a northern Irish, catholic hating protestant William Greer), , etc etc. In effect they created a masterpiece of deception, one that has only now been revealed by the brilliant and persistent forensic research of just about the only investigative process ever allowed (by mistake) on the case - Douglas P. Horne's Inside the ARRB. This single video sums it up better than any other and warrants a full watch:

By making the audience focus on the shock value that Stone's brilliant cinematography delivers they stopped the thinking process dead in its tracks... and created a limited hang out that closed the door and thus became an unwitting gate keeper.

But it did a great job.

And still no one asks about Israel!

Or rather Israel which is the US/narcocapitalistic elite's middle east bridgehead or the US which is Israel's/narcocapitalistic elites' outcrop in the west which killed both Kennedy's... and why?

For by blaming the CIA (the FBI, the mob the whoever), the film skips the truth. That the one-worlder Sauron brigade got their first major scalp in Dallas back in November '63. And everything followed on from there.

And we let them get away with it - as does this film.

Mike, you are making way way too much sense. I just worry that you might get stoned (as in throwing them) for doing that. You are right on target. Stone can not go there. The film media is way too potent of a weapon hence how it is used is highly "scrutinized" and controlled.

Garrison also got the message where not to tread.
Mike, you are making way way too much sense. I just worry that you might get stoned (as in throwing them) for doing that. You are right on target. Stone can not go there. The film media is way too potent of a weapon hence how it is used is highly "scrutinized" and controlled.

Garrison also got the message where not to tread.
Hi Hi_Henry

Well I don't know if I made much sense being over tired when I scrawled the above but thanks for saying I warrant a stoning! I take that as a badge of honour mate!

One final correlative to the above - the reason why they had to doctor the film the way they did was so that fitted the fake autopsy they had botched and then had to re-patch. They needed NO ONE to dig into the actual forensics of the case. Thankfully someone eventually did and boy do we find the can of worms... the autopsy evidence when unstiched is in itself overwhelming proof of massive criminal conspiracy (hence it was never examined or entered into the Warren Commission report - dig that! An official 'murder inquiry' that avoids the autopsy!) and above all it proves the fact that the top of his head was hacked off in autopsy to destroy all the real evidence and also to set up the narrative of a single shooter. Its complex (of course) and involved an obscene body swap (hence 2 casks arrived at the scene of the autopsy as documented) and how a crowd of unspeakables sat and salivated as they watched - rather like post a hunt - as his brutalized body was refashioned to fit the story that they then told the world. Its sick beyond words but its the real open and shut evidence of the case. The forensics are the evidence as they should be.

4 years later they couldn't do the same to Booby's official autopsy and that stated unequivocally that he was killed by a bullet fired from no more than 4, but more likely 2, inches away from the back of his head! That's in the autopsy.

And they still sentenced Sirhan Sirhan who was never seen being less that 6 feet in front of him!

So what chance does any truth ever have hey...?
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