Jumping out of my old comfort zone and into the New SotT

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Questions I have

Hello again I’m back. I thank you all for welcoming me into the forum back in August of 2010. It was a Sunday.
I have some questions about the Wave as I understood it and would like to be corrected if my concept of the Wave is inaccurate.
All waves must be generated by some event at least to my understanding of the dynamic of a wave. Is this wave caused by the collapsing time lines as the “personas” of myself and all others who are not just organic portholes begin to integrate as the multi-verse begins to collapse around itself?
This collapse that is generating the wave as I understand the material I have read is restructuring the universe where it passes and in another sense is redefining the tree of life as defined in some versions of sacred geometry? It, in a sense, is harvesting beings with a spark and repositioning them somewhere in the University of the Multi-Universe? Simultaneously the wave is closing organic portholes that link the multi-verse in positions of linear time that can and are sometimes exploited by sparked beings no longer existing in linear time prior to the passing of the wave?
Along with these metaphysical changes occurring in the species human, there are physical horrors that must be endured as this wave passes through our “personas” integrating area of the multi-verse on its way to redefining all that exists before its break? If this is true, can it be that after the wave breaks over our density with all the metaphysical and physical changes that proceeds and follows its breaking; and that once it flows far enough beyond us to affect our perception of reality, no one will have a conscious memory of its coming except those who volunteer for missionary work?
Is the wave bringing the cosmic war home? And, will this war reduce our numbers by integrating our common “personas” throughout the multi-verse? And what was once trillions of beings with spark in some area of the multi-verse the wave passes through, now become billions of integrated being evolving until the next passing of the wave? Does this mean the cosmic war goes on until the sixth density and beyond? After the final passing of the wave throughout the multi-verse where it becomes a placid lake in the seventh density is there only a creator, its first, second, third and fourth creation running the same test again? Is this why 5 is a special number?
Just a few questions that came to mind out of nowhere tonight. I would appreciate comments by email as I don’t post or logon often. Thank you for your time.
JLKGreystone – A common laborer

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