Junior Web Developer looking for a job


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Hello fellows,

I recently decided to switch gears, and took a Web Development Course at Le Wagon : Web Development course | Le Wagon
As a teenager, that would have been my go-to direction, so it feels like going back to the source, this time.
I say this time, because I can say I changed gears many times so far.

It is a 9-week full-time intensive coding Bootcamp, leading to a level 6 French RNCP certification, which I passed with success! This would correspond to a license degree in the US.
Learned HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES6, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails. Or only scratched the surface, but eager to learn more :D

Now that the bootcamp is over, I need to earn money and keep on practicing!

I was wondering if some of you might have:
  • Leads or contacts for work opportunities.
  • Ideas of projects that would be helpful to the Forum and at the same time be of value in a portfolio.
I'm not yet able to say which specialization I would pick. I can say I really enjoyed discovering the RoR framework and philosophy too, even though that's not what's most wanted on the market, the community remains well alive and the idea of compressing complexity is appealing to me. Rails 8 beta got out yesterday and DHH opening keynote confirms that. There are many well-known companies using it.

We took a quick look at Vue during the bootcamp, but we mainly used Hotwire stimulus and turbo to replace AJAX for our projects. I am aware that I need to gain experience and be project oriented. I'm mostly looking for a first professional experience, and the market is contracting, especially for juniors like me, as there are many and companies are mainly searching for mid-level to senior profiles.

For now, I'm still wondering what's the best approach, but I need to keep on coding. The plan for now is to start asking around if local businesses need a website and build a portfolio from there, while looking at job opportunities too.
Just learning Javascript, HTML and CSS is not enough. You would like to pick up Angular/Vue and .NET as well.

And Ruby? I thought it went extinct years ago...:lol:

I'm mostly looking for a first professional experience, and the market is contracting, especially for juniors like me, as there are many and companies are mainly searching for mid-level to senior profiles.
Look for some sort of apprenticeship in some company. Several months of apprenticeship allow a company to get to know you better, you gain lots of experience with real projects and afterwards they can decide to hire you on a permanent basis. That's how it works at least in Germany.
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