Look folks, unless this is just another one of those many sites currently littering the internet (and the unwary), that once started out with high-minded intentions, but over time ended up being run by and for "quasi-trolls" (seeking Narcisstic Supply).... then frankly y'all need to run a little better ship here, and certainly one more befitting Gurdjieff's values (among which famously included deep compassion, as well as objectivity).
I've already provided quite a bit of information, both directly about the subject at hand and about me personally, and I've also backed up my claims with specific names and links. If "entitlement" and the typical trollish "I can't be bothered, look it up" and "get up to speed on the subject" is all I can expect here (and from a so-called "administrator"), then let's not waste each other's time (or insult our intelligence).
Otherwise, would be happy to discuss or answer any further questions from other folks, but as with most equitable exchanges in life, I also feel it's appropriate that the questioner usually gives some pertinent (and personal) information as well.
Been nice chattin' with 'ya, -m. ;)
I've already provided quite a bit of information, both directly about the subject at hand and about me personally, and I've also backed up my claims with specific names and links. If "entitlement" and the typical trollish "I can't be bothered, look it up" and "get up to speed on the subject" is all I can expect here (and from a so-called "administrator"), then let's not waste each other's time (or insult our intelligence).
Otherwise, would be happy to discuss or answer any further questions from other folks, but as with most equitable exchanges in life, I also feel it's appropriate that the questioner usually gives some pertinent (and personal) information as well.
Been nice chattin' with 'ya, -m. ;)