Kids can win Ipod in "vaccination contest"

Since the Research Triangle in NC is quickly becoming 'Vaccine Central' with 4 out of the 5 biggest vaccine manufacturers operating there, I'm not that suprised this kind of misguided event was initiated. Novartis just opened a plant in Holly Springs, NC last fall in time to produce 50 million doses of seasonal trivalent flu vaccines. :(

RedFox said:
Why didn't they sue the vaccine companies instead. No they go out and promote it incompetence and it bad science.

Good question. I bet since they cannot be held liable for vaccine induced damage then they're also off the hook for failure to protect from disease. :rolleyes: I certainly feel horrible for the parents of this child but they are misguided, perhaps by their grief. This contest is going to promote the HPV vaccine that has killed 89 girls so far. Oh how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
An i-Pod?

So, the prize for medicinally impairing yourself is an electronic device which carries the same basic design function?

In a not-so-very-far-away alternate reality, the prize for choosing to carry around an electronic device designed to ward off those pesky and dangerous "thought viruses" is a free course of entertaining chemo-injections which are all the rage with the kids.
Guardian, you're an inspiration! Those are my 2 favorite techniques for helping people in daily life.

Finding the blind spots in their risk assessments:

Guardian said:
...they never considered that they could be held liable for promoting the vaccines.

And dropping out the false context and rationalizations and just making the juxtapositions that show the lunacy:

Guardian said:
Contest: _
"This contest is made possible by a donation from Cora and Paul Harrison in memory and honor of their daughter, Julia, who died of meningococcal disease. The family has chosen to honor Julia's memory by promoting adolescent vaccinations in the hope that no other family will lose a child to a vaccine-preventable disease. Please help honor Julia by making sure your child is fully vaccinated!"

"Cora and her husband, Paul, were shocked to hear that Julia died as a result of meningococcal disease, since Julia had been vaccinated against the disease a few years earlier. The Harrison's didn't realize that it was important to be aware of the symptoms of meningococcal disease, because even with vaccination some people may contract the disease."

But I hadn't thought of looking around my area for opportunities like this, thus, the inspiration.. Thanks for posting this!

Side note: atiil...good choice of siggy, I think. :)
Had an email from Alan Phillips and it now appears that the Health Department was behind the whole thing. Not surprised. :rolleyes:

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