Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

5G covers mostly big cities, so I guess it would be safer in rural areas in general.
I was thinking about that a little bit, and it might be even the opposite. In the city, there could be a lot of obstacles and signal reflections from the metal parts of the buildings that could mess with position estimation (but not with establishing an optimal beam route). So it could be not so simple to direct a high power beam to one individual without affecting others FWIW.
(...) These countries have the ability to conduct electroterror. Electroterror. When they turn on the machines, the victims will hear a hissing sound. I know it's abstract what I'm saying, but I'm really focusing honestly. These will be such impulses. It won't be this electro thing all the time, it won't be on and on all the time. There will be such hisses, such impulses, given from time to time.
When this electroterror begins, being isolated on Earth will be the only solution. (...) So, understanding him, when it starts and there are victims, it won't... You will have to dig a hole in the Earth to hide.
(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, electronics, electricity, this is what we will be afraid of. Perhaps there will be something else, but electronics and electricity, we will be afraid of this when we hear and see the victims. Electroterrorism. A very dangerous invention.

Remember this?
(Joe) Are the videos of magnets sticking to vaccinated people's arms real?

A: Some. Some places and selected batches of vaccine.

Q: (Joe) So what are these magnets being attracted to?

A: Will be used at later time.

Q: (L) Creepy! Used for what?? [laughter]

A: Directed beam applications.

Q: (L) Well that's creepy, too. Do any of those directed beam applications involve the zombie apocalypse?

A: Close
This is what it will be used for - electroterrorism.

I only wonder if these people will become the targets, or will they become like living antennas used to target someone else.
This is what it will be used for - electroterrorism.

I only wonder if these people will become the targets, or will they become like living antennas used to target someone else.
Maybe some people will be 'activated' at a later time (Oct. 4 being the 'asymptomatic' phase), effectively provoking a 'zombie' pandemic as they travel overseas to cause havoc. Any 'emergency' situation could then be turned into mass lockdowns, and we know very well where that leads to.

Covid-23: Zombie Edition?
So the Future Forecasting Group uploaded a short video about those sessions that went completely off-target. I opened a free trial account (and even put there Jackowski's transcription) to listen to that particular video, but I fell asleep, so I'll try to do that later today. I've heard another interview with Clif, and he seems to be very excited. What he tracks, as I understand it, is "building tension" and "releasing tension" in the language of the large corpora that he obtains via web scraping. He assumes that all the people have psychic abilities, so this way he would spot "leaks" via an anomaly in the language. He went on to say that almost always the delta between "building" and "releasing" "tension" in the language is within some given bounds. Even after 9/11, the delta suggested that the event would be within the range of society's tolerance. This new one that is manifesting has a delta 13 times larger than the upper bound. So if Clif is really "onto something", this looks really interesting.

What I didn't like was how he tried to frame it. The scenario he proposes is, as I understood, some kind of EMP weapon usage by the bad guys (Khazarian mafia) that will reveal Deep State for the "normies". What I felt when hearing FFG's remote viewers present notes was the natural catastrophe (notice the object falling into the water on the video below), with humanity in standby status. Maybe that's why Jackowski saw civilians having assignment cards?

As for dreams, the one that I had some time ago in the theme that you guys were describing was a little bit different. I was standing on the balcony of my parents house at night, looking at the residential estate nearby (they live in a suburb). I was seeing red auroras in the sky and felt that the end of the reality that I knew was near. That didn't spark any fear in me; I was in a state of full acceptance of that state of things.

Some follow-ups on this by FFG members. What's interesting, I told my wife today about remote viewing, etc. She knows almost nothing about C's and heard about Jackowski from the mainstream media. I told her how remote viewing could work, and what is the methodology, leading to this "catastrophic event". I was expecting that she would make fun of it, but she told me: "I know that. I can feel that something is about to happen and I'm not afraid of that, I think that this will be good in the long term". Felt weird...
(discussed here: a REMOTE View from Edward Riordan - about MONDAY -MAY 1st)
Thank you KS! What an interesting session!

I remember a Stephen King novel that I read some years ago, CELL, where people start to act violently and crazy after answering from their cells. The beginning of the novel is super good, where little by little people are acting weird, till chaos is taking everything and everyone and everywhere. You can like or not like Stephen King, but some of his novels are, under my humble point of vue, futuristic. We will see what will happen after the 4 of October.
Thank you for sharing.

I have some thoughts on people being triggered and a zombie type scenario.

This brings to mind the 2014 film ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ which features a radical climate change scientist as the villain attempting to commit depopulation by sending out a phone signal that causes humans to become hyper aggressive and attack each other.

Interestingly there are a couple of scenes showing various elites and heads of government including the US president as being complicit in the scheme.

I also keep an eye on the ‘Masters Voice Prophecy’ channel by Celestial who has recorded some visions relating to a zombie scenario.

As a source she interprets her prophecies as being from God and is certain they will come to pass in a rather literal manner. Though a number of the futures she sees seem logically incompatible with each other. She seems to be resistant to criticism/discussion. This particular vision seems rather fear focused. So keep that in mind when considering this source.

She describes seeing a large outbreak of violence in some sports stadium in Africa Botswana. A large number of people started getting very angry or triggered by each other and quickly breaking out into violence. The affected people are able to be contained but then proceed to start killing one another.

She briefly mentions a separate vision in America in which she describes a scene like that of a zombie film where people suddenly start attacking one another in a feral manner.

She described the trigger as a sound frequency she identifies as similar to the tone from the tripods in War of the Worlds. She perceived the triggering tone as a sound from the sky rather than obviously emanating from technological devices. (Might such a scenario be more related to 4D STS activity? Possession also comes to mind.)

In both cases she associates the cause of this change as being due to the vaccine or a pill version of it.

Video talking about the vision in Africa and briefly mentioning the American one. Relevant parts of the video are from 16-32 minutes. Its from Rumble so I can only post a link.

The full text of the vision in America.

“They Will Tear You To Pieces” – August 25, 2021 - The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog
Thanks @KS for your updates.

The latest one, enjoy (or rather not)!


He has such a negative attitude towards people, but not in a bad sense, he just holds a grudge that most people are hopelessly stupid. I'm not saying that, but I'm saying what he feels. This doesn't have to be true.

(...) Effectively removed from power. (...) So the case is presented in the United States in such a way that he also knows that he is effectively removed from power. Will not come back. It won't go back to what it was.

(...) The world is facing a blow. The world is facing a huge biological blow. Not the whole world. Several countries. This is the kind of graph I get. They seem to be connected to each other by lines, but there are several of them. The world is not cooperating on this issue. The whole world. Many leaders from many countries, if they secretly know about it, are afraid of it. But he is also afraid of opposition.

(...) These countries have the ability to conduct electroterror. Electroterror. When they turn on the machines, the victims will hear a hissing sound. I know it's abstract what I'm saying, but I'm really focusing honestly. These will be such impulses. It won't be this electro thing all the time, it won't be on and on all the time. There will be such hisses, such impulses, given from time to time.
When this electroterror begins, being isolated on Earth will be the only solution. (...) So, understanding him, when it starts and there are victims, it won't... You will have to dig a hole in the Earth to hide.
(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, electronics, electricity, this is what we will be afraid of. Perhaps there will be something else, but electronics and electricity, we will be afraid of this when we hear and see the victims. Electroterrorism. A very dangerous invention.

(...) This is some kind of abstraction, but when it happens, because it will be impulses, they will be there from time to time... You can't have anything metal with you. Avoid contact with metal. (...) This hiss, these pulses will cause the protein to suddenly curdle, but it was supposed to work somehow, because it won't work en masse, it will work selectively. That's why it's called electroterrorism.

Donald Trump. People moved away from him. He had some evidence of it. There was a moment when he was supported by a group of people around him, but it was so broken that even those people around him moved away.

You see that this is supposed to be selective. Maybe it has to do with some kind of electrical impulse or something similar to electricity, which let's say... (...) Lem, if he were alive, would tap his forehead if he heard my words, but I feel strange about this man [Trump].

(...) It will not have its power if there is someone in the ground, not buried in the ground, just in the ground, in some hole, in the ground dug up. I don't want to believe that something like this could ever happen, but that's what I felt from this man.


(...) When I focus on Netanyahu, it is a part of Europe that has been carved out. Countries such as Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, perhaps Lithuania, are separated from the rest of Europe by their borders. But this is a withdrawn Europe, the Western one and active for Netanyahu, i.e. the countries I mentioned, including Poland, are active for Netanyahu.
The rest is withdrawn, i.e. inactive, i.e. Europe, which is separating itself from what is coming.


(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, this is about securing the borders for what is about to happen. Not for what's going on. (...) The actions of Germany, and perhaps later not only of Germany, are perhaps, under some pretext, protecting the borders between Europe, which has separated itself from certain events that will take place in the near future, and the countries that are in Europe , and which are active according to Netanyahu. I have the feeling that these are the first steps towards such a wise separation.

Food gathering. I have the impression that he is focusing on stockpiling food. Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like something is about to happen. Now.


(...) I don't have the feeling that Putin is focused only on what is happening in Ukraine. There is a much bigger issue here, a bigger thing in the world. And this thing will happen. And I'll tell you one thing. He is afraid of it, he is afraid. Not only him. If he is afraid of it, he will not be the perpetrator.


I do not know why. Maybe I'm being suggestive, but... Just this year. This grayness is not good. Unless I'm giving in to some suggestion, but it's still this year.


I don't understand this. This is what it would look like if everything went according to plan. And I thought, like him, what does he think about the possibility of control, at least control at the Poland-Germany borders? A sense of satisfaction and everything is going according to plan.

(...) Everything goes according to plan. And Rzeszów is prepared. And after the elections, the government will be surprised. The government will have to play a surprise scene. I'm not saying immediately after the elections, but shortly after the elections.

Ladies and Gentlemen, something is happening. Something big is hanging in the air.


(...) He is sure of the dark times. I'm afraid that sometimes I might be discouraged by the suggestions about this dark time... (...) He is sure of the dark time, because for some reason it has to happen already.
It is this understanding, I have had this understanding several times in my feelings that certain things have to happen. That there is no turning back from these things. And it's not about the common sense in the world. Certain things must happen now, because the threshold has been crossed and there is no going back.

About "terrorism", just noting with interest that the C's also used that word choice in the latest session: Session 23 September 2023

(Joe) Before we move on, the Maui answer was a bit short. Was the main reason for setting fire to Maui, or that part of Maui, to further the global warming?

A: Only part. Expect more "terrorization".

Q: (L) It's like they're doing everything they can think of here and there. I mean it is to distract, distract, distract...

(Joe) Jerk people's chain.

I watched the videos linked in @Seato post:
Thank you for sharing.

I have some thoughts on people being triggered and a zombie type scenario.

This brings to mind the 2014 film ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ which features a radical climate change scientist as the villain attempting to commit depopulation by sending out a phone signal that causes humans to become hyper aggressive and attack each other.

Interestingly there are a couple of scenes showing various elites and heads of government including the US president as being complicit in the scheme.

I also keep an eye on the ‘Masters Voice Prophecy’ channel by Celestial who has recorded some visions relating to a zombie scenario.

As a source she interprets her prophecies as being from God and is certain they will come to pass in a rather literal manner. Though a number of the futures she sees seem logically incompatible with each other. She seems to be resistant to criticism/discussion. This particular vision seems rather fear focused. So keep that in mind when considering this source.

She describes seeing a large outbreak of violence in some sports stadium in Africa Botswana. A large number of people started getting very angry or triggered by each other and quickly breaking out into violence. The affected people are able to be contained but then proceed to start killing one another.

She briefly mentions a separate vision in America in which she describes a scene like that of a zombie film where people suddenly start attacking one another in a feral manner.

She described the trigger as a sound frequency she identifies as similar to the tone from the tripods in War of the Worlds. She perceived the triggering tone as a sound from the sky rather than obviously emanating from technological devices. (Might such a scenario be more related to 4D STS activity? Possession also comes to mind.)

In both cases she associates the cause of this change as being due to the vaccine or a pill version of it.

Video talking about the vision in Africa and briefly mentioning the American one. Relevant parts of the video are from 16-32 minutes. Its from Rumble so I can only post a link.

The full text of the vision in America.

“They Will Tear You To Pieces” – August 25, 2021 - The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog
...and if anything even comes close to what that lady describes, Lord have Mercy...!

This is what it will be used for - electroterrorism.

I only wonder if these people will become the targets, or will they become like living antennas used to target someone else.
Some follow-ups on this by FFG members.
KS, I found your wife's perspective really interesting and positive! ☺️

The other night I had a dream and wondered if it was connected to me seeing this thread / recent posts.

In my dream, I saw streams of objects that looked like meteors falling from the sky that were a red/orange colour. I could see trails behind them that were red orange. They were raining down over a large area of land. It was like fire coming from the sky. I could not feel how many people were in the area or clearly identify where it was located, but it felt to me to be connected to Europe. Could not point to a place on a map if I tried.

I did not live in this place, I know I had been 'transported' there somehow. (I wondered if it was a parallel reality.) After seeing the meteorites in the distance, I saw a large church not far from me that was made of stone. It was very very old, not ornate, but it looked very stable and solid - like it could stand there forever, nothing would destroy it. All I could see was the shape of the building and the massive stones it was built from, that were varying shades of dark grey. People were terrified and screaming, running toward the church for shelter. They were very desperate. I felt a lot of very dark, negative energy coming from that building - it was like it had a very dark aura. Despite the 'appearance' of safety and strength, the place felt to me to be a lure... total illusion regarding safety.

I felt pulled to my right and saw a small house that was made of wood, very humble and simple - I knew it was my home. I kept hearing the word 'HUMBLE' in a powerful voice several times when I looked at my house, it felt like a male voice, it was communicating with me from my right. I felt this home was the right place for me, it did not matter if it appeared 'fragile' in comparison to the church, or what other people thought and I knew I needed to trust this - absolutely. (I feel the little 'house' perhaps represented my own internal 'spiritual house' energetically.)

As these meteorites continued to fall, I moved toward my home - I offered others shelter there - but people were saying I was crazy, that I would not survive there. They tried very hard to persuade me to go with them to the church, however, my home felt like the right choice for me. I felt the people who went to the church would not survive and although I felt for them, I respected that it was their free will... there was nothing I could do.

Initially, upon seeing the meteorites (if that's actually what they were) I was quite freaked out (even though I felt I had been prepared in may ways) and felt some fear, but I genuinely felt more distressed for others all around me. As I moved toward my home and went inside, I looked at these fiery objects falling in the distance, I looked at the people, observed the choices they were making, then calmed and centred myself. As I continued to observe them, I found myself becoming gradually more detached - which I have not always found so easy to do!

It appeared to me that on some level reality was shifting; I found myself watching everything as if I was just an 'observer'. I felt like I was still in my physical body but at the same time it didn't feel quite right. I kept reminding myself that it did not matter what the 'outcome' was for me, as long as I trusted my guidance / followed my instincts I would be ok. It did not matter if I 'survived' physically - but at the same time I was not quite sure if I was actually still in the same reality / density. I felt I needed to just trust my guidance and pay attention.

I woke up at this point, quite shocked given what I had seen and experienced. I felt strongly that the people who chose to seek refuge in the church would not survive. Their responses were completely fear based, they had no real knowledge and they were seeking something outside themselves for protection. They were honestly running around like maniacs. I felt that in the dream, my own awareness, stability, deeper guidance and protection came from my inner reality and most importantly, KNOWLEDGE.

I guess at the heart of the dream is the message: pay attention, listen to and trust your instincts /guidance, observe with as much neutrality as possible, have Faith. The humble part also made me think of the quote "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth". With humility and Faith, how our 'spiritual house' appears to others is of little consequence. As the C's have said, 'it is not where you are - but who you are - and what you see.'

Like many here, I have been thinking a lot about the point we have been building up to as a collective, and like the good soul in the video KS posted (Seiker Podcast), I feel very much the same way in terms of what he says at the end of his post: that we can choose to give our best to others, focus on a positive mindset, respond with love, kindness, compassion, empathy, we can choose to amplify that. Not to be in a state of denial - to acknowledge what IS - but also embody and become a part of the greater positive potential that continues to expand, no matter what STS inflicts upon those in this realm. On a daily basis, we can turn our attention to positive actions / choices that also bring us joy personally, to live as consciously and creatively as possible in the present moment, connecting with others in a high vibrational way (or at least neutral, rather than negative), making the best of each and every opportunity / moment. Embodying the reality we consciously choose to contribute to / become a part of - whether or not we are in physical form.

The C's have said 'the future is OPEN". (Thank GOODNESS!) I look at the collective groups that are 'picking up' on these 'future events' and consider how this information is emanating out into our culture vibrationally (and heavily into alternative media). I am also mindful that this is a potential 'future' that may possibly have been transmitted by the delightful 'overlords of entropy' to generate fresh waves of fear / anxiety. More "terrorisation" perhaps, as indicated by the C's. Just because they all picked up on the same thing and missed their target, does not mean what they were picking up on was absolute definitive future reality. I know they make this clear, but still, I think people hear what they saw and go into 'meltdown' - playing right into the hands of STS ( if this 'prediction' was a construct of STS intention.)

What is being 'seen' by these people may or may not be part of our 'future' reality, just as my own dream may a splice from infinite possible realities happening in a parallel universe. OR perhaps my dream is a part of my consciousness which is simply interfacing with 'data' other people have shared in this density at this time that is just 'floating around' - whether here on the forum or just 'out there' in general.

Just some thoughts. :flowers:
Thank you Forest_light for sharing your dream,
I support your thinking:
The C's have said 'the future is OPEN". (Thank GOODNESS!) I look at the collective groups that are 'picking up' on these 'future events' and consider how this information is emanating out into our culture vibrationally (and heavily into alternative media). I am also mindful that this is a potential 'future' that may possibly have been transmitted by the delightful 'overlords of entropy' to generate fresh waves of fear / anxiety. More "terrorisation" perhaps, as indicated by the C's. Just because they all picked up on the same thing and missed their target, does not mean what they were picking up on was absolute definitive future reality. I know they make this clear, but still, I think people hear what they saw and go into 'meltdown' - playing right into the hands of STS ( if this 'prediction' was a construct of STS intention.)
Because reading this part alone, I got a similar idea.
Remote viewing has been used throughout time to speculate about future events, many of which did come true. The technique has been used to populate predictive linguistics programs that look for repeated words and phrases in all languages to create a macroscopic view of what is on people's minds and in their consciousness.

Call it a psychic ability, a premonition, or prophetic awareness, but the fact remains that some people can sense the occurrence of major events before they take place. And some are even able to determine what these major events will look like before they even occur.

"The bigger the trauma, the more people would be emoting their anxiety online," Reese explains. "And keywords can be found."

This tension language, as he calls it, is what constitutes the psychic awareness of an event occurring before it actually occurs. And remote viewers everywhere are seeing a major calamitous change occurring before the end of the year – what do you think it will be?
Namely, when I read the quoted part, I thought: "Jesus, this is like the story about the Indian witch doctor/shaman."
The story goes something like this:
One sunny autumn day, a witch doctor/shaman sat in front of his wigwam and observed what was happening in the settlement. He noticed that a lot of Indians were bringing firewood, and commented: "This is going to be a cold winter."
Some Indians heard this and hastened to collect more wood, and on the way to inform the others what the witch doctor had said.
Now the medicine man saw how the Indians were bringing in even more wood, so he stated: "This is going to be a very, very cold winter" .......

Like many here, I have been thinking a lot about the point we have been building up to as a collective, and like the good soul in the video KS posted (Seiker Podcast), I feel very much the same way in terms of what he says at the end of his post: that we can choose to give our best to others, focus on a positive mindset, respond with love, kindness, compassion, empathy, we can choose to amplify that. Not to be in a state of denial - to acknowledge what IS - but also embody and become a part of the greater positive potential that continues to expand, no matter what STS inflicts upon those in this realm. On a daily basis, we can turn our attention to positive actions / choices that also bring us joy personally, to live as consciously and creatively as possible in the present moment, connecting with others in a high vibrational way (or at least neutral, rather than negative), making the best of each and every opportunity / moment. Embodying the reality we consciously choose to contribute to / become a part of - whether or not we are in physical form.
I agree and support this part as well.
With one small note; didn't we get the same message with the crystals? ;-)
Merci Forest pour tes paroles emplient de sagesse comme toujours, je partage en tous points tes écrits et te suis reconnaissante de partagée ta Lumière avec nous... Je t'aime...

Thank you Forest for your words full of wisdom as always, I share your writings in every way and am grateful to you for sharing your Light with us... I love you...
Jackowski had a beautiful session yesterday about Andrzej Lepper, a politician who hanged himself a decade ago. Most of the public opinion has doubts about the official narration. By no means he was a saint, but Lepper used Jackowski’s services. He asked him for example, who would be the next president: Kaczyński or Tusk. Jackowski said that Tusk would not be run for office, but Kaczyński "sleeps". He "sleeps in the parliament". Soon, the Smoleńsk tragedy happened, where President Kaczyński died.

I will repeat it, because as soon as I took the photo, it was a "vicious circle". That all this is a "vicious circle", but I don't know what. What happened? How did your physical death occur?

He waited. He was waiting for a woman and a man to visit. He waited. He shows me the keys to a small safe. And it's not even a safe. This is a metal box. And shows me the keys. And that he has documents put there. And these documents are a list. These are such frames. These are lists of some sums of money. These are lists of departmental benefits for certain people. There are a lot of names on this list.
“I've been sold”. That's what he says. He acts like he doesn't even want to talk about what happened here. He tells me he has a tree. The tree has its place. A tree growing.

The cable man came out. Tall. Dressed when going to do some work. It had something to do with the cable. He entered through the door and left through the window. Lepper let him in obviously. (...) it was about some cables. Check any cables or repair the cable.
It was a tall man. And he did something for a while. Something was going on, as if he was fumbling. Crouching. And at one point he got up and sprayed something on his face. And he immediately collapsed, Lepper. He slumped. He seemed to lose consciousness. But he had something sprayed on his face.

And he was hanging in a semi-hanging position. The legs touched the ground. The legs were forward. (...) He was dragged with a rope. Tightened.

“Then you hear everything behind the echo”. That's what he tells me. “The worst pain is separation from loved ones. You're thinking all the time. You are". It's like he's telling me about his death. What he felt. He was not conscious or choking. He was thinking about something completely different.

“I was soon where my family was”. As if he wasn't already there. “You are where you want to be. But you feel that someone is close to you. Someone is sort of guiding you”. So it's like it's already there, on the other side. “But he doesn't force himself on you. And he doesn't even show himself. But you feel he is there”.

He says that here and there it all has a different meaning. That he don't even want to be angry here. For someone or something. You don't want to experience it again here. You live in a copy of your world. In such a duplicate. Only here it's peaceful.

You can keep your personality as long as you want. But you don't need it. You can move away from this personality whenever you want. There is nothing imposed. Feeling all this, I have the impression that he doesn't want this personality anymore. That Lepper who was "here".

Sounds will begin to reach you as you shed your personality. Then you hear the music. Sounds. The sooner you shed the personality you have just left, the sooner you will come back to yourself there. The real you. Much more worth it. Much more sensible. Big one.

“Don't get used to your personality. It's just a creation, a role". Where it is, you don't have to have a house. Home is the view. Countless vistas for you to live and dwell in. To be. Views.

So you are in a space with views. You can choose these views. When creating a creation "here", there is not just one person emerging from this main personality. There may be several of them. One personality there can have several personalities here. Maybe these are people close to each other.

We come back here because we are addicted to emotions, to feeling. Creating yourself. It's such a struggle. It's as if that personality depends on what we experience here. That's why we come back.

“And then you have to dress in blood and come back here.” The dilemma. We escape from peace to fight here, to create creation here. This is a mantra repeated all the time.

"Vicious circle". Past life has the value of experiences, not goals. And this is not even assessed. It is lived. Where we live, it is called "the world of hypocrisy". But despite the fact that they say so, they return to this "world of hypocrisy" to experience.

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So you are in a space with views. You can choose these views. When creating a creation "here", there is not just one person emerging from this main personality. There may be several of them. One personality there can have several personalities here. Maybe these are people close to each other.
That fits what was said in the recent session with C's:
Q: (Ryan) How many couples on the planet currently fit the objective criteria for polar opposites or soulmates?

A: Different concepts. Many soulmates, few polar opposites who also are generally the same soul.

Q: (L) So, polar opposites are like one soul in two bodies?

A: Yes.
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