Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

When I listen to gifted people I can only relate it to what I already understand and have received about " the horror of our situation ", but I am always searching for further clarification. Interesting that he sees the trajectory is unavoidable wars ,which I already understand and have accepted .I believe that it is unavoidable because Amerika is now impelled by its fracture to impose on many nations " who will cook and who will eat ". It's a question of the only survival it envisions, unable to compromise in a kind of " Fourth Reich ", as the only omnipotent master. Greenland and Panama are a case in point. The shipping lanes must be "free", totally under its control , and non negotiable with an open passage to the wealth of the Northern melting ice and predation of Greenland"s treasure of rare earths. Impelled towards a total primacy , I have been advised , obeys an ancient spiritual plan drawn up by fallen angels [ High Council STS Powers and Principalities ] in their quest for conquering the human and destroying The Divine Creation. The doomsday clock I understand is at ninety seconds to midnight and terrorism is the weapon of the weak.The horror in the Middle East is a case in point .There the whirlwind is now blowing and torture sharpens its jaws. I was told that " Clean Brake " is what Netanyahoo received to be implemented , from possessed members of the Amerikan Deep State , acting as agents on behalf of higher STS powers.
Relating to the chaos in the electronic intelligence system the following quotation is interesting.:
AI utilizes a program in multitasking computer operating systems called DAEMON that runs in the background process rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user [ Wikipedia ]. So what or who is in control ? Nobody ?
As I have understood it, from that little that I searched, daemons are programmes used for Ai in Linux and Android operating systems. It essentially serves to speed up processes. Google says that those were used in industry robots even before Ai.

Vision from a photo of a black hole.

The universe is flat and long and there are many of them. A black hole is a transition from dimension to dimension but it is important that the transition from dimension to dimension for matter is impossible. A black hole will decompose matter into primary particles. Black holes are taurons. Only energy can pass through a black hole. Behind a black hole it is calm and safe. It is also like a universe. Our universe seems to be rushing and expanding and that one is solid, formed and you can feel such lightness. Black holes are capillary. A black hole collapses into a capillary and not a point.
There are a couple of interesting things Jackowski mentioned in his recent videos about Elon Musk. I'm posting them for entertainment purposes, as food for thought. The first thing is that there are "Goliaths" behind Elon; he has very limited autonomy. He is used to influencing Trump and Trump remains "safe" so long as he stays with Musk in the same camp. The US plans to escape a financial collapse by using cryptocurrencies or some form of digital money, which will be along with the falling dollar. The collapse will occur soon after there's a significant increase in oil prices. (All of or maybe some) cryptocurrencies are interconnected in a some very clever way. Also, a new form of communication will be introduced by Musk after problems with current networks, seemingly randomly but designed to happen this way. Elon is aware that aliens exist among people; their characteristic is that they can remain motionless for an extended period, which feels off to observers and that they don't like sun (KJS: Zuckerberg and his alleged 100m mansion with bunker?).
He also focused on Gates, and what stood out most was that the Earth's climate is getting colder (nothing new for us here), and there will be some natural catastrophe in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean (Spain, Morocco, etc.), involving a kind of tsunami.

The information that someone is behind Elon corroborates with the session about Elon that remote viewers from Future Forecasting Group did. Elon has insider knowledge about trends that will be imposed and plays a role in them, albeit with very limited autonomy. In another session they did about vajra lying on his bedside table, they got data indicating he’s influenced by it and that it is ancient, not a replica. So are “Goliaths” even 3D? :-)

Vision from Elon Musk's photo

He is a man of the Goliaths. The same Elon Musk lived in another incarnation in another era and returned in the same incarnation. A messenger of the Goliaths, i.e. a messenger from the greats who do not make themselves public, do not show themselves, do not expose themselves in the world. This is a man who is to watch over and slightly direct Trump in some matters. He is sent to Trump, not that he is ready to get involved in politics. He is sent so that Trump's policy is unconventional. Elon Musk is a strong soul and an old soul. We are shortly before a certain invention. This invention has already been achieved and the Americans have it in their hands. In a short period of time, a new method of communication will be announced. It will be related to space. It will be a breakthrough technology and will be in the hands of the Americans. The United States will want to win something big in the world thanks to this invention. The way in which the Internet reaches us will soon become obsolete. Only when this invention comes into effect will a decision be made to completely switch to electronic money. Cryptocurrencies will play a very important role at this point because there are influences in the world of these goliaths so that cryptocurrencies will become full-value currencies. The United States will not have several currencies. Elon Musk plays the role of a positive agent for Trump. Musk will make sure that Trump does not unleash a storm about the plague. As long as Musk is with Trump, Trump is safe. America will create its national reserve on unconventional money. America will want to create competition for BRICS in this way. Europe is to be more subordinate to America and this will happen somewhat ruthlessly. The United States is thinking about creating a huge crash and it will go very hard around the world, but immediately afterwards they will have three pillars prepared that will be a support for America and the countries that will enter it. It will take eight years and we will learn to live on a completely different standard of living. The issue of property will seem to be something exceptional, something extremely rare or privileged. The world will go in a completely different direction of prosperity. There will be general prosperity but there will be no prosperity if someone wants to have only for themselves and for their own. This is how it will be that the system will build prosperity a bit like in communism. Donald Trump has been repeatedly instructed as to what is to happen and he agreed to it. Resignations in various governments are to eliminate cautious leaders. Leaders who are more courageous and not afraid to make various extreme decisions are to be in their place. The world cannot behave like a philanthropist. The system must create such an order that there will be no philanthropy in the world. A system like you would mix pure capitalism with modern communism is to be introduced. The more disoriented the individual is, the more it can be done. There are countries in the world that do not want to do this. It was supposed to be done during the pandemic, but part of the world got upset and the plan fell through. It will be implemented in part of the world and America will start it. According to Musk, this is not a betrayal of people, but a rescue for them. He is not the author of this. He is a goliath intermediary and it is not necessarily about growth. These are not times for smart people because they have been sidelined. They are not really allowed to have a say. Otherwise, these changes cannot be made.

Vision from a photo of Trump and Musk

There will be two assassination attempts on Trump during his term. The first attempt will take place in an old building with beautiful circular staircases. And the second attempt is an explosion next to a car. If, God forbid, he falls victim to an attack, then this will be the moment when most Americans will consider Trump a hero.

Trump intends to expose the scam related to the plague at the beginning of his term. He himself knows that he has to hurry because he is in danger. Trump knows that they know that he wants to do it. For this reason, he has to do it quickly because he is in danger. Trump wants to expose a huge scam.
Trump intends to expose the scam related to the plague at the beginning of his term. He himself knows that he has to hurry because he is in danger. Trump knows that they know that he wants to do it. For this reason, he has to do it quickly because he is in danger. Trump wants to expose a huge scam.
Catherine Austin-Fitts thinks exactly the opposite. Trump's announced $500 billion "Stargate" AI program to develop new mRNA vaccines (among other things) is sort of like Warp Speed 2.0. Which means that Trump does not want to expose what was done in Warp Speed 1.0 under Fauchi and on his own watch. The only question is what RFK jr might expose if he does get the nomination.
These are not times for smart people because they have been sidelined. They are not really allowed to have a say. Otherwise, these changes cannot be made.
That is a trend long as history but today it is even worse, it is an age of degeneracy thanks to negative use of technology and social media, the more one is degenerate and stupid the more one is influential thanks to their lack of moral boundries and egocentrism for the purpose of being the role model for younger generation and destroying their moral taste buds, for the sole purpose of dumbing down aka control.
Shell I go first? "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy", as the old Klaus Schwab said. :-D
I think that is already a standard for most population on the planet when it comes to first part, and that he was more refering to the western system that looks on private property as something sacred and one important hallmark of independence and freedom that was hard fought and now it is going reverse to the modern state of feudalism again, so if there it is taken then it is huge step because for many countries west is a role model, but it is also a huge wake up call for those able to somewhat think but majority of people are already on the brink on all spheres(financially, psychologicaly and physically) and one major crises is enough to stir them in that step when they are so programed with fear in the last decades from crises to crises(they make it one step by step because even the strongest break as Cs said under torture if enough time given), all out warfare on all fronts destroying bodies and minds through posions, erosion of values and critical thinking through the media and technology to the state of apathy towards common values and fear. But as Cs said remember the history and what atrocities where commited by elite with the silence of many if we take corona time as some example for what can come on steroids. Health of the nation can be reflected through their leaders and if we take western leaders and it seems Trump being the best among them when it comes to west, society indulged deep in materialism, delusion and narcissism, now make a comparison to Putin and some historical figures, it is night and day, but it only shows you how much a person like Putin and others alike are of the common scale to succeed in such a pathocratic enviroment without having any negative traits without which you can not even come close to sniff at the doors of influence in pathocratic societies and those influenced by them.
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Vision from stones sent by one viewer from China

China and Russia are, contrary to what some people think, a strong alliance. China is making new money and this is dangerous for America. Russia will not make concessions for some soft agreement with Ukraine. There will be a war, a big world war. China will take part in this war, the USA will take part in this war. The world will not come to an agreement. America will want to do something with finances as China intends. America knows perfectly well that China intends to create a new currency and America will want to get ahead of something. The United States will create some capital that will be related to cryptocurrencies. This will be some kind of guarantor for the dollar. This capital will be large enough that the dollar will feel safe. A serious world war with the use of nuclear weapons may happen in 2026. First there will be a fight over money. First there will be a financial war that America will start. China will create its international currency. The two years between 2026 and 2028 will be tragic. China will be hit with nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons will be dropped on three regions of China. America will occupy part of Greenland. China will be attacked three times and will not respond, which seems unlikely, after all it is a military and nuclear power. This change in the USA that is happening now is readiness for a world war. It pays for China to keep quiet because they want to announce their world currency. China needs peace, so China will certainly not decide to start any war. The United States loses from all this and must therefore become the aggressor. Let's not underestimate anything Trump says because it is an announcement of aggression that the United States is preparing for in defense of its currency. China will be attacked and will not respond with nuclear weapons. It will be a crushing attack that will cause a lot of casualties. Or maybe it is not nuclear weapons but some other weapon that will cause a huge number of casualties. China's appeal could cause the annihilation of this country. Russia will retreat to the Urals. America is preparing for a world war. This attack on China could cause Russia to respond and then be attacked. This is not Trump's idea but America will provoke a war. America will attack.

Vision from stones sent by one viewer from China

China and Russia are, contrary to what some people think, a strong alliance. China is making new money and this is dangerous for America. Russia will not make concessions for some soft agreement with Ukraine. There will be a war, a big world war. China will take part in this war, the USA will take part in this war. The world will not come to an agreement. America will want to do something with finances as China intends. America knows perfectly well that China intends to create a new currency and America will want to get ahead of something. The United States will create some capital that will be related to cryptocurrencies. This will be some kind of guarantor for the dollar. This capital will be large enough that the dollar will feel safe. A serious world war with the use of nuclear weapons may happen in 2026. First there will be a fight over money. First there will be a financial war that America will start. China will create its international currency. The two years between 2026 and 2028 will be tragic. China will be hit with nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons will be dropped on three regions of China. America will occupy part of Greenland. China will be attacked three times and will not respond, which seems unlikely, after all it is a military and nuclear power. This change in the USA that is happening now is readiness for a world war. It pays for China to keep quiet because they want to announce their world currency. China needs peace, so China will certainly not decide to start any war. The United States loses from all this and must therefore become the aggressor. Let's not underestimate anything Trump says because it is an announcement of aggression that the United States is preparing for in defense of its currency. China will be attacked and will not respond with nuclear weapons. It will be a crushing attack that will cause a lot of casualties. Or maybe it is not nuclear weapons but some other weapon that will cause a huge number of casualties. China's appeal could cause the annihilation of this country. Russia will retreat to the Urals. America is preparing for a world war. This attack on China could cause Russia to respond and then be attacked. This is not Trump's idea but America will provoke a war. America will attack.
To me sounds more of a wishful thinking then a reality.
China and Russia are, contrary to what some people think, a strong alliance.
China will be attacked and will not respond with nuclear weapons. It will be a crushing attack that will cause a lot of casualties. Or maybe it is not nuclear weapons but some other weapon that will cause a huge number of casualties

Of course China will not attack with nuclear weapons, Russia took it upon itself to make nuclear weaponry obsolete. Maybe That's why the Cs said that there would be no nuclear war but that the US would be attacked with other weapons including some "natural" ones (those celestial rocks)​
(Ennio) In the session that begins with, "USA headed for destruction", you likened Germany's relationship to the rest of the world during World War II to the US's relationship to the rest of the world today, and that the US can ultimately expect to get nuked. Is that still true?

A: Possible but recall the qualifiers: there are "natural nukes".

I said recently that situations with planes will intensify. I said a few broadcasts ago that I see a plane crash in which athletes will die.

Elon Musk takes some pill Z every morning and it is very important to him. And it is called pill Z. Wealthy people have access to some medicine that, when taken regularly, organizes and controls the body on the basis of high immunity. Pill Z gives almost certainty that the person who takes it will not fall ill with various incurable diseases. Because the depopulation program is implemented, we will not be given various inventions, medicines to protect us from serious diseases because it would result in even greater overpopulation. Pill Z is some substance that is related to blood lentils. It eliminates pesticides and pesticides are supposed to destroy some organisms that are harmful. This Z pill is a guarantee and eliminates pesticides. Because people's immunity is getting weaker and weaker due to pesticides.

One day, two planes will fall down independently of each other in the world. This will be called a black day for aviation. One of these disasters may be related to the region of South America and the south of North America. People will be afraid of flying because something will happen to communication and navigation. There will be some strange disruptions.

In the United States, I associate the military and disobedience. There will be some kind of rebellion against Trump. Not a rebellion where some people will protest about something, but one where some state will disobey. The President of the United States will have some problem related to the military, but not the whole army.

A large historic bridge is collapsing.

One of the members of The Rolling Stones will die.

A new disease will appear in the world and neither science nor doctors will have an explanation for it. This disease will be related to numbness. People will be struck by numbness and will have trouble moving smoothly. Doctors will not be able to explain where this disease comes from. It is as if this disease attacked the nervous system responsible for the movement system.

In the second half of this year, there will be loud talk that something has happened to people's immunity. People will be suffering from various diseases en masse.

The American stock exchange in April may be afraid of something that comes from America. Then it may calm down because the United States will try to create a myth about American capital. This may be related to cryptocurrencies. In the short term, this will help, but in the long term it will end in a huge crash. Panic will begin to arise among the big ones who will start transferring assets to Asian countries.

The banknote with the crown will announce its new value. The pound will announce its new value. Great Britain will do something preventive before a great crisis. It will mark the value of its currency in the bullion.

People's savings will be frozen in banks. Not taken away, but frozen.

Vision from Klaus Schwab's photo

Things are turning in the wrong direction for him. The process of destruction has begun for what was supposed to be born internationally. Many leaders no longer have the motivation to continue it. The Lodge is withdrawing from the basic projection. Plan B will now be implemented. The war will spread to various places. The new world order was to be introduced in a social but not conflictual way. Russia and China did not agree to what part of the world agreed to. The new world order is delayed but it must happen at least through wars. Klaus Schwab is certain that there will be a war this year. The basic fights are to take place in part of Europe. And Russia is to be provoked to this by various events that Russia may attack some European countries. The year 2025 will be remembered as the first year of global military conflict.

There will be an underwater nuclear explosion in the middle of the ocean. No one will want to admit it and it will be loudly said that nuclear weapons have fallen into private hands. Some mines will appear on shipping routes and this will be a sign that this war is already underway. It will not be known who is planting it. Clearly one of the sides will want provocations.

There will be an underwater nuclear explosion in the middle of the ocean. No one will want to admit it and it will be loudly said that nuclear weapons have fallen into private hands. Some mines will appear on shipping routes and this will be a sign that this war is already underway. It will not be known who is planting it. Clearly one of the sides will want provocations.
Too bad he is not specifying which ocean. And will it really be a nuclear explosion? Could it be a volatile bolide that is interpreted as a nuclear explosion???? Wait and see, again. Gosh, those guys are keeping us in suspense :huh: Thrilling?? Indeed!:cry:

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