Somewhere i'd heard that the root of earth languages is one and it was created by extraterrestrials. I don't know if this is true anyway pretty interesting. I'd really appreciate if you know something about this. Thanks
I understand that the root races on this planet were engineered and sometimes tweaked by 4-D entities at different points in time and seeded at different locations, which would imho not support the idea of one single root language.
Especially since the Kantekkians (Aryans) were hauled to Earth at a much later date and surely brought their language(s) with them.
Hi everyone. As I understand from reading this sub-forum, we can assume that Earth languages have at least two different roots: one coming from the Atlantean civilization on Earth (Homo Sapiens), and other from extra terrestrial origin, coming from the fifth planet, Kantek (destroyed planet).
My knowledge on this matter is not so deep,
sadly. It has been said that some Nordic type aliens —we can assume they are from the Orion Federation— currently speak a language related to Basque, and that Basque descend/derive from Atlantean. Why do some aliens speak a language related to Atlantean? A lot of assumptions, but I guess they referred to the old Atlantean language of the Homo Sapiens and not the "newer" Atlantean spoken by the extraterrestrial refugees from the fifth planet, which would be the root of the Proto-Indo-European.
A: Atlantis was merely a home base of an advanced civilisation of 3 races of humans occupying different sections of a huge Island empire, which, in itself, underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period as you would measure it.
(Altair) Which modern language is closest to Kantekkian?
A: Old Germanic.
So, maybe we have "native" Atlantean as the root for Basque and Atlantean-Kantekkian as the root for Indo-European languages. I wonder how many language families were spoken by the Atlantean civilization, perhaps each race (only 3 races?) had its own languages or dialects aside a second language as a lingua franca (or vice versa). Paranthas seem to have had their own language.
What is the origin of the Dravidian languages?
A: Paranthas.
What about the fifth planet, Kantek? Did the refugees speak all the same language that is the ancestor of Indo-European? Perhaps they had many dialects on their planet and only one survived.
I wonder how Atlanteans communicated with the aliens (I think I read that they interact with one of the alien species). They must have learnt each other's languages. OMGs, is it possible some Atlanteans survived and were taken to a planet in the Orion region? So, if these alien-Atlanteans now come to the Earth as ambassadors of both the Ancient Earth and the Orion Federation, do they still speak an ancient language "similar" to Basque?
And finally... the word "Orion", what was the language family of this word?
A: [...] The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of the "god" of Orion for parallels.
More questions than answers,
como siempre!