latest crop circle

Hmm, I am in doubt as well. Straight lines and single point perspective are much easier to make than complex curves.

Because my own 'blink' impression was the symmetry of it, viewed from above.

On second viewing, just following the lines and triangles, it looks like a view of the Great Pyramid of Giza, viewed from above.

Sorry about the incorrect link
Yes, I had a sort of "flash" thought that it looked "ugly" for some reason. Normally I find crop circles quite beautiful and amazing.
At first glance I noticed the tracks, clearly visible in the outer areas of the circle, which suggest to me more a sequential processing/machination than a simultaneous "imprint" of the whole pattern...
these are amazing! considering the objective power that symbols can carry, i wonder what effects looking at crop circles have on us? even if we don't consciously understand all of the meanings behind the images, they could well be programming us at a sub-conscious level. which begs the question, are the crop circles there as a warning/guide or as a threat/distraction? are they from friend or foe? this doorway one is very interesting, it also looks a lot like artistic representations of shamanic voyages (can't find any decent pics online, though they are some good ones from ancient tribal cultures in "the way of the shaman") .. could it be a steering towards collective expansion of consciousness?

the doorways to the sides look like they're the distractions in life; human curiosity could lead one to wander in through one of those, forgetting that we're meant to be heading towards the light! or, is it our purpose to explore what is behind every door along the way? the diagonal lines streaking across the whole image are interesting too, makes it look like a representation of a pane of glass; a reflection of our psyche?
Woa.. this is so boring and repetitive, why do these crop kiddies still do this lame stuff after all these years. Dont they ever get tired ?
Nothing else to do in their spare-time ? No playstation at home ?

But OK we were young once too.
lightworker said:
Woa.. this is so boring and repetitive, why do these crop kiddies still do this lame stuff after all these years. Dont they ever get tired ?
Nothing else to do in their spare-time ? No playstation at home ?

But OK we were young once too.
What "kiddies" are you talking about?
Can you provide some link, and do you mean you once created fake crop circles?

I am not much in the know about crop circles, but I am sure Laura have written about it.
lightworker said:
Woa.. this is so boring and repetitive
Indeed, I can't tell you how many times somebody shows up on this forum and starts making ignorant and lofty declarations to get a reaction. They ignore all the data that has accumulated over the years that makes those declarations laughable, and act like they can create reality by declaring it into existence.

lightworker said:
why do these crop kiddies still do this lame stuff after all these years. Dont they ever get tired ? Nothing else to do in their spare-time ? No playstation at home ?
Apparently not!

Of course if you were interested in the truth you would've already spent at least 3 seconds using google before being a troll, so this is most likely a waste of time, but here's a page on crop circles anyway that is a good starting point for the basics:
I think it somehow looks a bit, in style, like this one;

Its not fee flowing enough, and the tiles feel wrong somehow, but its just a feeling.

edit: a reconstruction of it. _
i mean its exactly the same whats going on in the cities in the urban scene : GRAFFITI art on an other level (on the countryside)

Gangs of skilled kiddies with some laptops and tech gear (for marking, tagging and measuring... they get it mostly from internet shops or universities) get organized and rival / mark their territories with their crop circle art like the sprayers do the same in their town.

Thats all, there is nothing more to it.
Just art on greater scale, or "higher level" than spaying but the goals are the same. Have fun.
either it has meaning or it doesn't - either it was human made or it wasn't - but the fact that no one has ever been caught in the act of making these works of art speaks volumes in and of itself
lightworker said:
Gangs of skilled kiddies with some laptops and tech gear (for marking, tagging and measuring... they get it mostly from internet shops or universities) get organized and rival / mark their territories with their crop circle art like the sprayers do the same in their town. Thats all, there is nothing more to it.
Before making such sweeping blanket statements, I would encourage you to do some research on the subject and/or present some kind of data to support your point of view. This is a forum dedicated to objective verifiable truth, not just personal beliefs.

Crop-circle researchers/experts are easily able to distinguish between those that are man-made and those which exhibit properties that are not readily explainable. There is much verifiable data available attesting to the fact that the majority of crop circles feature physical/chemical changes to soil and plant material that cannot be explained by "skilled kiddies" or any known human technology.

You might want to start by reading Laura's article titled The Chilbolton Crop Circle and The Cassiopaeans on Crop Circles
lightworker said:
i mean its exactly the same whats going on in the cities in the urban scene : GRAFFITI art on an other level (on the countryside)

Gangs of skilled kiddies with some laptops and tech gear (for marking, tagging and measuring... they get it mostly from internet shops or universities) get organized and rival / mark their territories with their crop circle art like the sprayers do the same in their town.

Thats all, there is nothing more to it.
Just art on greater scale, or "higher level" than spaying but the goals are the same. Have fun.
Could you please provide data to back up these statements? From your statements thus far on this forum, there is a high probability that you are engaging in 'trollish behavior' - making baseless statements purely to get an emotional response from other readers.

Such behavior is prohibited on this forum, so please either provide data to back up the statements you have made or move along to a forum that allows 'trolling for fun'.

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