Laura in the dream.

This night I had a dream with the chateau team (at the chateau).
Unfortunately I can't remember every detail.
In the dream I was at the chateau, together they showed me the whole place, what was realy nice.
At some point there was a blackboard an I suddenly felt the urge to ride down some kind of code or whatever it was.
It started with an E (but I dont know exaktly) follwod by I think nine numbers, like E594653284, this raised the attention of all of the team.
Next I had to wait in this room with the blackboard while the team was in the room next to this room, I think they consulted.
As they came back I was invitet in the team. This code had a special meaning, but I was not able to find out.
Than I woke up, it was in the middle of the night, it seamed that I had moovet a lot, much more then I usualy do.
What do you think about that?
This night I had a dream with the chateau team (at the chateau).
Unfortunately I can't remember every detail.
In the dream I was at the chateau, together they showed me the whole place, what was realy nice.
At some point there was a blackboard an I suddenly felt the urge to ride down some kind of code or whatever it was.
It started with an E (but I dont know exaktly) follwod by I think nine numbers, like E594653284, this raised the attention of all of the team.
Next I had to wait in this room with the blackboard while the team was in the room next to this room, I think they consulted.
As they came back I was invitet in the team. This code had a special meaning, but I was not able to find out.
Than I woke up, it was in the middle of the night, it seamed that I had moovet a lot, much more then I usualy do.
What do you think about that?
One possibility is that you were abducted by some "group" and you provided them with something that you had in your subconscious.

The messy bed could be a clue.

I'm telling you this because something similar happened to me some time ago and I already commented on this thread or another similar one.


It was just another dream.
The dream was this.

Yesterday afternoon I had a dream when I took a nap. It was a very deep sleep, in principle something normal since I had gotten up very early to work.

When I woke up and in the haze of awakening I remembered the dream, I realized that there was something wrong.

In the dream I was with Pierre and more people from the Cassiopaea group, and at one point in the dream I looked at the sky and I saw some lights moving. The lights stopped and drew three constellations of Cassiopeia. I told Pierre and he laughed at me, however Pierre looked at the sky and he said yes, three constellations of Cassiopeia were visible. The constellations remained throughout the dream.

Then Pierre taught me the meaning of an ancient structure, the strange thing is that someone called him on the mobile phone and he talked to someone on the phone while he continued with the explanation, but he was strangely distracted.

Then they took me to a house where the people from the group were and although I did not expect a very effusive welcome, the atmosphere was like mistrust, forced. Very third density, where any stranger must be evaluated first.

They all left and only Laura and Pierre remained.

I was very happy to be there and suddenly Laura asked me why I had taken so long to go with them.

The question seemed strange to me and I thought it was some kind of examination of Laura towards me, so I answered her somewhat nervously, why was she asking me that, if she already knew the answer.

However, I answered something about synchronism, the right moment, that if it had happened it was because that was how it should be, etc...

The strong impression I had was that they wanted to know what I knew.

Then with Laura I had a moment of great emotion, in which I started to cry and told Laura how incredibly happy I was to be there with them and she smiled at me saying "I know, I know".

Then I woke up.

The point is that although in the dream I was supposed to be talking to Pierre and Laura, it wasn't them.

When I looked at Laura, she wasn't Laura, she was a middle-aged woman with black hair.

And neither was Pierre, it was someone else, although in the dream they said it was them.

Well..., a dream and that's it. A slightly strange dream, but a dream after all.

The strange thing is that when I get out of bed, I touch my right arm above the elbow and I notice blood in the area.

I looked in the mirror and I had a small circular bleeding wound and what I thought was that it seemed that someone had connected something to my arm and that wound had remained.

At first, I thought it was a mosquito bite wound (I have several on my body), but that didn't explain it well. It was perfectly circular and the healing had barely begun.

Whatever it is, although it was supposed to be a dream with people from Cassiopaea, I know they weren't.

And if something strange really happened, the explanations for that already fall into the realm of high strangeness.
Today I had a dream with Laura. I was in a country house with my mother and perhaps my sister. Suddenly Laura came with a visit and told me that she came to do Reiki on me. I was surprised because I had no health problems and thought my mother would benefit more but Laura insisted so I lay down on the bed and she put her hands on me and did Reiki. In the meantime we talked and I think she told me that I should see a doctor because I might have serious health problems or something like this. Unfortunately, I don't remember the details of our conversation.

I think I had a little more energy when I woke up today, so thank you Laura! :-)
Juste pour vous dire que pendant toute cette semaine, souffrante :
J'étais très somnolente et pendant mes périodes de sommeil je vous voyais dans mes rêves, participer au forum sur mon ordinateur alors que je ne le pouvais pas dans le réel ma vue étant trop trouble et ne supportant plus les écrans, ni lecture, ni télé...
Mais nous étions quand même reliés... Merci d'être ma famille spirituelle...

Just to tell you that throughout this week, suffering:Actualités du jour en France was very drowsy and during my periods of sleep I saw you in my dreams, participating in the forum on my computer whereas I could not do so in reality my vision being too blurry and no longer supporting screens, neither reading nor TV...But we were still connected... Thank you for being my spiritual family...
In the last couple of months I’ve had three dreams of being with other group members. This is unusual for me. I may dream about being with other group members once or twice a year at most.

Has anyone else had an increase in dreams involving being with other group members?
In the last couple of months I’ve had three dreams of being with other group members. This is unusual for me. I may dream about being with other group members once or twice a year at most.

Has anyone else had an increase in dreams involving being with other group members?
Had this dream a few nights ago, so far... :
Sunny day at the chateaux, Laura was sitting somewhere explaining things to some, while checking a hand-made knitted sweater with big knots, pushing and pulling it and making waves with it.
just woke up and had Laura in my dream ( i think Ark was there also) , we were in France i think , in top floor of old tenement, we were listening ,reading to C's transcripts, some discussions, laughs etc . :) . also i think Laura wanted o take a nap and i was waking her up with questions (Sorry Laura)
A few nights ago, I dreamt I managed to walk on water and Laura was swimming just a few meters away from me and told me not to do it because I could be seen and I could get in trouble with the PTB, I asked why? And I woke up.
Yes, as long as we are still among third density people, I suppose it would be a violation of free will of the right not to know that they have, so doing any miraculous act will draw attention and may be punished.
It seems strange to me that I have dreamed several times about Laura and other people among them (Irjo). With Laura, she was always kind when talking, she seemed calm as a patient of listening. I don't remember what we talked about. Only on 2 occasions did I see Laura desperate, one with Nordicos. in the field and another as if he were trying to use powers.
I haven't dreamed of the castle yet.
In the last couple of months I’ve had three dreams of being with other group members. This is unusual for me. I may dream about being with other group members once or twice a year at most.

Has anyone else had an increase in dreams involving being with other group members?
Going through my dream journal I found a somewhat nonsensical dream with Laura around the same time: Instead of buying a new Christmas tree every year, we reused parts of the old one, to assemble a new tree. We then had to calculate the optimal time before it was required to buy a new one. Laura showed me how to do the math on a calculator, multiply some numbers three times, that gave you the derivate. I felt slightly embarrassed that I had forgotten how to calculate the derivative. The answer was three years. After that, the old tree had paid off. I was quite impressed.

I also just noticed an interesting detail. During the last five years 5/6 of my dreams featuring Laura have a Christmas theme or I have them in the week around Christmas, like the next one.

(20.12.23) we were at the Chateau. People sat at a large kitchen table, throwing cupcakes at each other. Like one person threw it and the other one caught it. It was some kind of ritual that would enhance our connection to each other. I took a cupcake, but was uncertain who I'd throw it to as I didn't really know any of the people well, and had doubts, like what if I miss etc. So I ended up not doing it. After that I had a discussion with Laura, but I can't remember what we were talking about.
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