Lee Harris - Channeling The Z's


Ive searched the forums to see if there is any info on this guy and did not find any.

He channels beings known as Zees (Z's) but through hours of searching I cant get an answer who these zees are, where they are from or what their purpose is.

Thought the Z might mean Zeta Ret....but never found anything and basically stopped.

Ive watched several of his "channels" and it really sounds like word salad to me...my brain hurts trying to comprehend what hes saying.

Heres an example....

He starts channeling a little over an hour into the interview.

Does anyone know who these Zees are?
I got his book in a PDF long time ago, “Conversation with the Zs part 1” and haven’t read it yet, but it caught my attention that I haven’t find anything related of the meaning of the “Z” or what they are, so I guess I’ll take a look to his book and see what is it about. He is becoming popular that’s for sure, so I’m not sure if that’s a good sign to begin with.
I got his book in a PDF long time ago, “Conversation with the Zs part 1” and haven’t read it yet, but it caught my attention that I haven’t find anything related of the meaning of the “Z” or what they are, so I guess I’ll take a look to his book and see what is it about. He is becoming popular that’s for sure, so I’m not sure if that’s a good sign to begin with.
Thanks for the quick reply! I am cautiously skeptical of this guy... for all the videos I've watched, the amount of learning has been miniscule....lots of words....not much information.
Ive searched the forums to see if there is any info on this guy and did not find any.

He channels beings known as Zees (Z's) but through hours of searching I cant get an answer who these zees are, where they are from or what their purpose is.

Thought the Z might mean Zeta Ret....but never found anything and basically stopped.

Ive watched several of his "channels" and it really sounds like word salad to me...my brain hurts trying to comprehend what hes saying.

Heres an example....

He starts channeling a little over an hour into the interview.

Does anyone know who these Zees are?
I listened to the channeling part, and it reminds me of, and seems similar to the message that is being put out by the Allies of Humanity, channeled by Marshall Vian Summers. The C's have said that those are from 4D STO. There is nothing really negative, or obvious red flags that I can see, but that channeling is a bit more vague, compared to the C's who are 6th density.

Granted, I only listened to this one video, but that was the impression that I got from it. FWIW.
I listened to the channeling part, and it reminds me of, and seems similar to the message that is being put out by the Allies of Humanity, channeled by Marshall Vian Summers.
Had never heard of him before. Did listen to the session and he sounded - the deliver of and words, like Bracha Goldsmith in this thread.

At one point, through him, they said (paraphrasing) that unlike other channels of the more love/light orientation, there is also a need for you to hear of the control systems set up on your planet that you all have lived with for a long long time. AI is brought up - the good the bad, and how inevitably it will also expose the control system.

Here is another "famous" channeler.... I am confused by the differing definitions....especially density vs dimension that seems odd to me...they are not the same.

The Pleiadeans I think were said to be 5th dimensional, vs density, while ous Cs are 6th density,...I am still new and wanting to learn as much as possible....can anyone make sense of this?

I kindly ask you to watch the channel part and especially the ending...found it difficult to swallow....anyway, as always I am thankful for any and all replies.
I gave it a brief listen,

And the first thing that popped up for me was her focus on "manifesting" and to focus on the self, and your frequency.

A lot of words that, from what I have come to learn, mean to center yourself on yourself and how you want to feel by ignoring the darkness of the outside world, and that somehow makes your life better.

I am reminded of that one quote "Some people think that the world is there for them to overcome or ignore or shut out" That's kind of the sense I am getting from her... ignore the world, focus on what you think high vibration means and it'll all work out.

But I did not listen to the whole thing. So, those are my two humble cents.
A lot of words that, from what I have come to learn, mean to center yourself on yourself and how you want to feel by ignoring the darkness of the outside world, and that somehow makes your life better.
What they do is not only ignore the "darkness" of the outside world but what is light, good and beautiful too. The outside world is by no means only dark. It's a choice to see or not see the beauty that surrounds us. Imagine if instead of trying to "imagine & manifest" something from nothing they focused on the real deal beauty that surrounds them, aligned with that beauty and in this way shift their reality.

The truth of reality is the Yin & Yang. Some people focus too much on the dark to the point that they think everything is dark, others refuse to see the dark and by doing so get eaten by the dark anyways. Then there are others who see both the light and the dark and they navigate a clear path accordingly.
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