Let me tell you the story about love. Cause my Grandfather has passed

Dear Maya, thank you for sharing your story. :hug2:
I‘m glad you got to reunite with your grandparents and that is what is important. You showed them love and care and you were there for them in anyway you could.
I’m very sorry for your grandfather passing; may he rest in peace and have a smooth transition.
You are in my thoughts… :hug:
That was a beautiful, touching story of love enduring through the years. Thank you for sharing and I too, am so sorry for the loss of your grandfather. May his transition be smooth and peaceful and your grandmother come to know of your forgiveness in time. Take care...
I haven't seen him for 20 years and my doughter - never.
Even my gradparents pretended like he doesn't exist last 6 years and never even mentioned him.
This story is too sad and my heart is so heavy right now.
I don't know how I will survive facing him, but in respect and for the love of my grandparents and uncle -
I will be there.
I can do it.
You have the knowledge, so...

If you are able to not anticipate, everything will flow and you will know what to do.

Remember Paul and love.
My condolences for your loss of your loving grandfather who appears to have been a strong role model of goodness and stability in a turbulent childhood environment. As Nienna said, then you honored him beautifully with your post. May he have a smooth transition. I wish you strength in the coming days and hope you and your daughter get to see your grandmother before she passes.
Condolences on your grandfather's passing, Maya.. Thanks for sharing your story.. That's so beautiful how you reconnected with your grandparents. My grandparents were similar, together since they were teenagers, never a day apart, and grandpa had alzheimer's towards the end of his life... Dementia brings such bittersweetness, the true stuff of life I guess... it sounds like you're living your life really true and good. I hope you get to see your grandmother again. And then, may they be reunited! ❤️
Thank you everyone here ( and @Laura ) once more for all the love and support and prayers for my loving grandfather.
Today we had lovely ceremony for him although it was very hard for me to be there due to very bad
realations betwen all of us.

First my aunt (she is a snake ) 'accidentaly' put on grandfathers obituary that I don't have a husband,
while other grandchildren were writen with spouses. Her son and doughter to be more precisely.

But it was ok by me. Was not surprised at all, I used to all of her ploting, gossiping around and trying
to put her kids first like everything is some sick contest .
And after not seeing some relatives for more than 20 years I put 2+2 to realise she gave her heart and soul to
klevetajte me u svakoj prilici jer su ljudi bili čudni gledajući me poput 'Zašto je ona uopće ovdje..?'

Most of people was so nice and heartwarming to see. My heart is full.
Lots of huging and kissing, nice words.
From people that were my extended family also until i was kicked out by my closer one.
It's shame that most of ordinary people get that only in occasions like this.

And regarding my father who was actaually my biggest concern - well, he ignored me and my doughter
First he stared at the floor like she is not in front of him. Ignor 100%
Didn't want to shake my hand or even look at me either when I tryed to give my condolence.
So you know what I did ? I hugged him !
I don't know how the hell that happened but I was like octopus holding him tight for some
10 seconds until he start crying.
My mind was going wild at the moment like WTH am I doing ???
But my heart was so, so.... I don't even know how to call that kind of love I was experiancing at the moment ?
All pervasive love ?
Like 'Ok, you're scumbag, you used and hurt so much people, you do not deserve to breath, but it's ok and I love you ?!'
But it's probably only me cause after he ignored us further.

My aunt was runing the show, uncle tried to be invisible.
My nonexisting husband (for them ) blend in perfectly in every moment and I'm so gratefull for his
support. He is not 'approved' cause he is 20 older that me. Well, what can you do...

My doughter said ' well, at least now I know what he looks like' for my dad.
And that love, respect and understanding are stronger than blood.
So it's better to choose soulmates to become our family and this by blood given family
should be taken only as lessons if there isn't nothing more possible.
You can not force anything, only make an offer.
The ones who should stick around will accept and make something of it.

Sounds good to me.

I couldn't visit and see my grandmother in nursing home because of the f*****g flu season
and they do not let anyone in. Not by any reason.

I feel so helpless but that's just the way it is at the moment.
My heart is with all of you that go through something similar, this world is crazy.
Take care guys and give love, we got this :hug2:

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