Letters from "One of Them"

A person who is probably one of the people in power on this planet writes letters to a certain YouTuber from time to time. The YouTuber called him "one of them." Even though he doesn't reveal much, you can feel that he has a lot of knowledge. Below is a link to the last video with links to twenty-four other videos. Unfortunately, only for viewers who know Polish. I don't know why I can't turn on English subtitles.

I've seen this sort of thing on many sites. Anonymous people larping as "elite" or part of the illuminati or whatever who seem to know a lot of things but usually it's information from fringe literature that can be found by anyone with an internet connection mixed with imaginative storytelling. I'm not claiming that is what is occurring here, but probably a good idea to be vigilant.
By me it doesn't work. It does not allow me to accept it in Polish but circles back again and again to subtitles "Off" with no option for other languages.
Weird !

Do you see that for the youtube video and if so, did you do step 1 in first after that step 2 to choose your language?


  • Capture d’écran 2024-07-08 144556.jpg
    Capture d’écran 2024-07-08 144556.jpg
    22.4 KB · Views: 25
Weird !

Do you see that for the youtube video and if so, did you do step 1 in first after that step 2 to choose your language?
Yes, I did. On my screen where the first arrow is, it says that subtitles are not available for this video. Might have to try in a different browser, though normally I don't have a problem getting subtitles on Youtube using this browser which is Yandex.
I've been following one of them on this youtuber's channel for a long time now, after his statements I get the impression that if he is who he claims to be then he is probably at a middle level of command and is implementing his own plan on how to thwart the plans of others of his ilk using Poland's backyard. Generally his statements are accurate, although most of the information is about what can happen in Poland and how Poles can respond to it. In the last video, in addition to such helpful local news, he mysteriously added that cosmic matters may interrupt these earthly problems of ours, but we'll wait and see :-) Even if it is one of them, the information from him is useless to this group, unless he says something more in the latest videos. I will try to translate the latest video that comes out :-)
I will translate a fragment of a letter from "One of them" that was written about three years ago.

Hello Krzysztof. And what I wrote earlier worked. I hope you are ready for what I am going to write to you now. Since we are already after the increase in the number of cases and the divisions are deeper than before, while people should unite against the government, I guess you no longer have any doubts that I told you the truth that this is a permanent division. Now it's time to find out why we need this permanent division. We need division to induce passivity. You are to be passive as we carry out the next stage. You will even rejoice and cheer when this step is performed. It is already being carried out, but you don't see it yet. You'll realize it when it's too late, but not everyone will. In this movement we will destroy free business. In fact, we have already destroyed it, you just don't know it yet. And what surprised you that it's all about this? Or maybe you thought that we were going to eliminate money and take away people's wealth. After all, money is one of our control systems. What drives you to serve us is money. Specifically, it's the greed that this money causes. When greed awakens in you, you are able to do anything thanks to this we control you. this is why you do what we tell you because you are greedy. the only thing we will do is replace the money with one that is easier to control because we don't want you to do anything without our knowledge. And we certainly don't want you to accumulate too much money without our control. This money will be cheaper for us and will allow us to reward those who obey. You believed that we would take away your property, after all, things are what make you greedy. Having things makes you feel better than others. No one will take away your expensive clothes, cars, or computer games. Everything that fuels your vanity. Perhaps we will limit your ownership of things that unnecessarily enhance your freedom. Real estate, houses, apartments, land, it's better if you don't have them. but for now it's enough for us to live in fear of losing it. This will make you unfree enough.
Since we are already after the increase in the number of cases and the divisions are deeper than before, while people should unite against the government,
Once again, you anonymous citizen who reads this, you are to blame for global warming, for not recycling garbage, for people going hungry and it seems that also for the fact that those who have held power for thousands of years do what they do. .

It's your fault for not joining with someone against the government, so go up to a box in your neighborhood and start preaching so that someone can join against the government.

Regrettable, although it seems to be true that the threads are moving, as was seen very well in the false pandemic.
There was a new letter from one of them, however, I did not translate because it can be presented in one sentence "Those who pull the strings want Poles to be poor and serve".
A person who is probably one of the people in power on this planet writes letters to a certain YouTuber from time to time. The YouTuber called him "one of them." Even though he doesn't reveal much, you can feel that he has a lot of knowledge. Below is a link to the last video with links to twenty-four other videos. Unfortunately, only for viewers who know Polish. I don't know why I can't turn on English subtitles.

Karol, i think you are one of the last Poles who take ator seriously
Karol, i think you are one of the last Poles who take ator seriously
I thought about what you wrote about Ator for a few days and came to the conclusion that you were right. In the meantime, I watched several dozen videos with Ator, mainly in the field of conspiracy theories, and I came to the conclusion that this man cannot be taken seriously. His lack of seriousness in the topic of, for example, UFOs is unacceptable, as he demonstrated in his last video by completely ignoring this phenomenon and stating that UFOs do not exist. From now on, I stop watching him because, as you said, this man is not serious, i.e. he is an idiot. Idiocy is precisely the lack of seriousness. I will also add that Ator recently mentioned that he has been interested in conspiracy theories for over a dozen years and is still a disbeliever in this matter. I will only watch the series of the so-called "one of them", but I will not listen to Ator's analysis of what "one of them" writes.
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