Letters to Putin

This thread was inspired by @thorbiorn’s post referring to the letters that Putin receives give him hope.

I wrote a letter and deliberated with myself whether I should share it here, and came to the conclusion that sharing my attempt to uplift and support Putin’s efforts would in turn uplift and inspire like-minded forum members.

@Bojan71 you have your wish 😄🙌🏻 I would also like to see the kinds of things that other forumites have sent to Putin!
That was beautiful Rhys. I was very moved by M.Putin speech at the integration of the 4 new regions in the Russian Federation this week. Finally someone who say it like it is. I will think of a letter to write him. Thank you for bringing it up.
I have also been thinking of writing a letter to the Russian President. His birthday is on Friday, the seventh of October, another good reason to congratulate him.

I agree with the others, @Rhys, that was a beautiful letter. As Putin said the other day: he feels the support of many Europeans and Americans, and you have certainly added to that!
Thanks again everyone. I didn’t expect this kind of feedback and I’m glad it delivers the message it intends to. It came from the heart.

Let’s all hope that each message of hope and support will “add” in some non-linear way to give Putin and others the strength and courage to bring about this open, creative future, instead of the entropic dead-end world we could find ourselves in very shortly!

The same goes for FOTCM! Thank you everyone!! Even the lurkers that are reading and developing in the background.
This is the text I sent:

Dear Mr. President, when I heard your speech from September 30 I got tears in my eyes.
You say the truth, something we are not aloud to hear here in the Western Europe! And it is so important for us to hear someone speaking the truth!
From the bottom of my heart I really wish you all the best, may God bless you and give you all the power that is necessary!
Thank you again so much!! Many people think of you and wish you good! You are so very important for us "lost" Western people!
Once again thank you!
Effectivement l'anniversaire de Vladimir Poutine est le 7 octobre, je lui souhaite chaque année...
Je vais réfléchir à une lettre à lui envoyer...
Bravo pour vos lettres si touchantes...

Indeed Vladimir Putin's birthday is October 7, I wish him every year...
I'm going to think about a letter to send him...
Congratulations for your touching letters...
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This is my letter to President Putin dated 25.03.2022

The Honorable Mr. Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation.

Dear Mr. President.

As a Pole and a citizen of Poland, I would like to congratulate you on your political sense and ability to assess the situation not only in Ukraine, but also in the so-called Western world, which is controlled by psychopaths sensu stricto destroyers of our Earth and its inhabitants. Although I am 50 years old I have been following your actions in the international arena for many years and I see in you a great concern for your own citizens, determination to fight for the fate of ordinary people also in other countries of Western Europe and around the world. Unfortunately, the forces of evil on our planet have completely deluded millions, hundreds of millions of people on Earth with lies, who believe the media and who consider these lies to be their own conscience and thoughts and expressions of their will. The struggle between the forces of good and evil is slowly coming to an end, because our planet Earth is in a special period of its periodic volatility just as it found itself, for example, 2000 years ago, when the Roman Empire collapsed. The war with Ukraine is a vivid example of this, and the psychopathic behavior of Zelensky - drugged with drugs, the Azov Battalion, P4, etc. Kolomoisky, who hates probably all people, Soros, Schwab, Biden, Hilary Clinton, Gates, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and many, many other psychopaths are contributors to your warfare. I believe that you have very smart people on your staff of advisors, such as Sergei Glazyev, Sergei Lavrov, Maria Zakharova, Dmitry Peskov and a host of very smart people who can call the truth the truth and a lie the lie.

The so-called Polish government represents neither Poland nor Poles, and has never represented since 1989, but only pretended to have Polish roots and origins, but has served for decades the Zionist, psychopathic individuals located in the US, Israel, Western governments that we can listen to every day. Kaczynski, Morawiecki, Tusk actually hate Poles, and other Slavs, and would only want to drag Poland and Poles into a war between Poland and Russia even without the support of NATO and the US, and they are basically doing it. The disinformation in the Polish media since Russia began military action in Ukraine is unprecedented in recent world history, and supporting the Bandera regime is their internal tribal order. Surely you can see as Russians that disinformation has just reached its peak in Poland, and Poles are supposed to know nothing, and are supposed to be cannon fodder just like Ukrainians. Cynicism, contempt and disregard for other people is the domain of psychopaths like Biden, whose son Hunter is a heroinist, a whore and a tool of his , "sick father" to extract money from other nations, who has drawn and is drawing millions of dollars from Ukraine employed by Ukrainian and American psychopaths. Public opinion in Poland is flooded by Western Public Relation agencies, which are rabidly lying and owned by Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other Bezos, Musks, who are like a virus: they don't know that by attacking the host and killing it they themselves will die, because they are simply parasites. I live not far from the Ukrainian border in Poland about 80 km and I watch these shortcomings of the Battalion ,,Azov", ,,C14" ,,Pravy Sektor" and other Bandera and I ask you personally to kill these Bandera scum, because they are moving to the Polish side, NATO side and will do a bloodbath to us in Poland in a short time, and the Zionist and Jewish governments in Poland never cared about the welfare of Poland and Poles. Since I know Russian quite well from elementary and high school and understand about 80 percent of it without translation I understand your statements and statements and those of other members of the Russian Government including P. Zakharova, Mr. Lavrov, D. Peskov and many others. Just as you take pity on ordinary Ukrainian civilians throughout the vast Ukraine, I ask you to take pity on other Slavic civilians - Poles, who have been stupefied with lies for at least a century and have not been able to acquire wisdom or political sense for 5 generations. If you think that ordinary people in Western Europe, the USA will suddenly see through and understand that their elites are leading them to certain death, starvation, shortage of raw materials, chaos then I guess you are an optimist, although I do not rule out that at some point, just before the collapse they will understand their actual position, and the collapse of the so-called Western world is near. Your alliance with China, India, Iran and some Latin American countries is literally breaking the unipolar world into tiny pieces, and the intimidation of other nations by the US through unilateral demands, bombing in case of disobedience and fulfilling their whims is about to end. So-called sanctions by the US and other EU governments are nothing more or less than suicidal sabotage by the elites against their citizens, whom they want to starve, freeze(gas, coal) and don't realize it in their pursuit of control power and contempt for their free will as their own constituents.

I extend my sympathies and Slavic solidarity

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Nicely written, @4d candidate. My partner’s parents live relatively close to the Ukrainian border and they have been slowly stocking up on food and basic supplies ☹️ they are getting old and I worry about how they would cope if and when this war expands. Maybe we could take them in if that is even possible at that point? But what about the millions of others?
Thank you for sharing your recent letters to Putin. By that I felt inspired to write him again (I did so at first in 2015). Here's the English version of the letter (I added a German one too since he knows German from his time in Dresden):

Dear President Putin,

I want to thank you for your really bombastic speech during the festive integration ceremony in the Kremlin on September 30th. By your comments you have quite hit a nerve within the Western community and especially here in Germany - our politicians and media are either very shocked or are bursting with outrage.

But your words speak to my heart and that of many others among the general population as we can see and feel since a long time what you are adressing. Even if many would not admit it openly, out of fear to then be defamed as radical "Russia Understanders" or even nazis - by godless authorities who themselves are avid and active supporters of the nazi putschist regime in Ukraine.

I am of the inner conviction that you, your government and Russia are led by God. By the way of your being and acting you are providing also me as a non-Russian and many of my fellow human beings here in Germany and elsewhere hope and inspiration. You, your Cabinet and Russia are in my thoughts and prayers - do not give up. Many people are with and for you.

Yours sincerely, in deep gratitude and from heart,

Btw., I had experienced no problem with sending the letter when putting my name into the form.
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