Living without the appendix


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I have a few question about the appendix, since I'm living without it. I had it removed at 16, it was perforated, seemingly gone, or so they told me. The scar they made for the surgery is pretty long. I remember my mother saying that the surgeons cannot find it at first, as it was displaced upwards. Not to mention that I had a long list of food related illnesses, starting from a very young age.

Of course I'm rather Ok by now, thanks to the dietary experiments done here on Cass forums ;)
One thing that never left me is a bit of bloating though.. so you'll never know...

Since a few articles about the appendix came out to my attention via SOTT, I'm wondering which kind of bacteria they found in there, and if it's possible to reintegrate them, if necessary at all, to improve things&guts.

Is it all about swallowing more pro-biotics for any no-appendix folk, or are there any other substances or appendix-byproducts that maybe needs to be re-integrated? In a few words: Could living without the appendix be an unseen problem for your metabolism? :ninja:

The articles:

Researchers Say the Appendix May Be a Place Where Good Bacteria Can Live Safely
The lowly appendix may have a purpose after all.
New research suggests that the seemingly useless organ provides a safe haven for good bacteria to hang out in the gut.

Researchers deduce that the appendix is designed to protect good bacteria in the gut.

That way, when the gut is affected by a bout of diarrhea or other illness that cleans out the intestines, the good bacteria in the appendix can repopulate the digestive system and keep you healthy.

Once the bowel contents have left the body, the good bacteria hidden away in the appendix can emerge and repopulate the lining of the intestine before more harmful bacteria can take up residence

So Dr. Livingston poured over decades of hospital records, worked with an SMU economist on complex statistical methods and reached two conclusions: an inflamed appendix does not inevitably lead to a ruptured one, and a virus could be to blame for it all, setting up the possibility that antibiotics, not surgery is the best course. "We are proposing there are certain types of patients who don't need surgery, and we are about to embark on a clinical trial here to take patients who would otherwise get surgery and treat them with antibiotics alone and see how they do," he explained.

Some scientists think they have figured out the real job of the troublesome and seemingly useless appendix: It produces and protects good germs for your gut. That's the theory from surgeons and immunologists at Duke University Medical School, published online in a scientific journal this week.

The appendix "acts as a good safe house for bacteria," said Duke surgery professor Bill Parker, a study co-author. Its location - just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs in the large intestine in a sort of gut cul-de-sac - helps support the theory, he said.

The theory led Gary Huffnagle, a University of Michigan internal medicine and microbiology professor, to wonder about the value of another body part that is often yanked: "I'll bet eventually we'll find the same sort of thing with the tonsils."

There's also a list of papers. Did a search using google scholar:


Thought it would be of help for future diagnoses and dietary adjustments :cool2:
I wish i would have thought a little harder on the subject when i had mine recently removed. Kinda makes sense that probiotics would be the only recourse left, though?
davey72 said:
I wish i would have thought a little harder on the subject when i had mine recently removed. Kinda makes sense that probiotics would be the only recourse left, though?

I was shocked a couple years ago when a friend of mine reported that his doctor prescribed a few pills for him - probably antibiotics - instead of send him to surgery. His appendix was indeed tested as inflamed, but after a week the inflammation was gone and his appendix back to work.

Rant: I'm 40 now, guess hospitals are more busy installing pacemakers, vagus nerve stimulators and removing thyroid glands at the moment, and so someone decided that appendicitis was no more urgent business :curse:
I am a little embarrassed to admit that i kinda thought about it at the time, and trusted in the notion, that if i survived the coming wave, that perhaps my body would regenerate as well. I think that in order to survive the wave, though, one has to be vigilant in the present.
davey72 said:
I am a little embarrassed to admit that i kinda thought about it at the time, and trusted in the notion, that if i survived the coming wave, that perhaps my body would regenerate as well. I think that in order to survive the wave, though, one has to be vigilant in the present.

And research suggests that we have to regenerate a whole lot in order to survive the wave, physically, emotionally and mentally.
dantem said:
I have a few question about the appendix, since I'm living without it. I had it removed at 16, it was perforated, seemingly gone, or so they told me. The scar they made for the surgery is pretty long. I remember my mother saying that the surgeons cannot find it at first, as it was displaced upwards. Not to mention that I had a long list of food related illnesses, starting from a very young age.

Of course I'm rather Ok by now, thanks to the dietary experiments done here on Cass forums ;)
One thing that never left me is a bit of bloating though.. so you'll never know...

Since a few articles about the appendix came out to my attention via SOTT, I'm wondering which kind of bacteria they found in there, and if it's possible to reintegrate them, if necessary at all, to improve things&guts.

Is it all about swallowing more pro-biotics for any no-appendix folk, or are there any other substances or appendix-byproducts that maybe needs to be re-integrated? In a few words: Could living without the appendix be an unseen problem for your metabolism? :ninja:

The articles:

Researchers Say the Appendix May Be a Place Where Good Bacteria Can Live Safely
The lowly appendix may have a purpose after all.
New research suggests that the seemingly useless organ provides a safe haven for good bacteria to hang out in the gut.

Researchers deduce that the appendix is designed to protect good bacteria in the gut.

That way, when the gut is affected by a bout of diarrhea or other illness that cleans out the intestines, the good bacteria in the appendix can repopulate the digestive system and keep you healthy.

Once the bowel contents have left the body, the good bacteria hidden away in the appendix can emerge and repopulate the lining of the intestine before more harmful bacteria can take up residence

So Dr. Livingston poured over decades of hospital records, worked with an SMU economist on complex statistical methods and reached two conclusions: an inflamed appendix does not inevitably lead to a ruptured one, and a virus could be to blame for it all, setting up the possibility that antibiotics, not surgery is the best course. "We are proposing there are certain types of patients who don't need surgery, and we are about to embark on a clinical trial here to take patients who would otherwise get surgery and treat them with antibiotics alone and see how they do," he explained.

Some scientists think they have figured out the real job of the troublesome and seemingly useless appendix: It produces and protects good germs for your gut. That's the theory from surgeons and immunologists at Duke University Medical School, published online in a scientific journal this week.

The appendix "acts as a good safe house for bacteria," said Duke surgery professor Bill Parker, a study co-author. Its location - just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs in the large intestine in a sort of gut cul-de-sac - helps support the theory, he said.

The theory led Gary Huffnagle, a University of Michigan internal medicine and microbiology professor, to wonder about the value of another body part that is often yanked: "I'll bet eventually we'll find the same sort of thing with the tonsils."

There's also a list of papers. Did a search using google scholar:


Thought it would be of help for future diagnoses and dietary adjustments :cool2:

FWIW, as I understand it, if the low-carb diet delivers what it promises, it shouldn't be as much of a problem since probiotics are not needed, in part due to the elimination of grains and lectins. Furthermore, the low-carb diet should lead to a healing of the gut, reducing or eliminating unwanted gut permeability.
I'm having what I believe to be appendix pains. It is near my right pelvic bone, a little below it. Every so often it feels like I get stabbed. Pain is bearable but annoying.

I've had abdominal pain before where I was hunched over, maybe 8 years ago. I didn't know about appendicitis then. And about two years ago I had what I think a bad appendicitis flare up. I was on my bed suffering pretty bad. I hope this isn't a repeat.

I'm drinking some water with ground garlic, ginger, and turmeric. Also ate a heaping tablespoon of coconut oil. I'm thinking all the anti-inflammatories would help.

I really don't want to have to get surgery, and I'm stubborn. So it would have to be really bad to actually go, but that increases the danger. The thing is, this seems to be not just a one time thing, as my experience tells me. Any advice on remedies? And with the paleo diet do we really need the appendix? I actually feel better now having drank this cocktail. I hope I get some good sleep tonight.
3D Student said:
I'm having what I believe to be appendix pains. It is near my right pelvic bone, a little below it. Every so often it feels like I get stabbed. Pain is bearable but annoying.

I've had abdominal pain before where I was hunched over, maybe 8 years ago. I didn't know about appendicitis then. And about two years ago I had what I think a bad appendicitis flare up. I was on my bed suffering pretty bad. I hope this isn't a repeat.

I'm drinking some water with ground garlic, ginger, and turmeric. Also ate a heaping tablespoon of coconut oil. I'm thinking all the anti-inflammatories would help.

I really don't want to have to get surgery, and I'm stubborn. So it would have to be really bad to actually go, but that increases the danger. The thing is, this seems to be not just a one time thing, as my experience tells me. Any advice on remedies? And with the paleo diet do we really need the appendix? I actually feel better now having drank this cocktail. I hope I get some good sleep tonight.

That doesn't sound good. I think you should see a doctor - an inflamed appendix situation can turn pretty serious pretty fast from what I understand (I'm no expert). You say the pain isn't that bad - if it stays stable, maybe Psyche can chime in in the morning, but if it gets worse at all, I really urge you to get to an urgent care center just to be safe.
Yes, definitely go see a doctor. I had my appendix removed when I was 18. I was mis-diagnosed with the flu by one hospital the night before going to the doctor, who probably saved me a burst appendix. The beginning stages of it were basically feeling like I had the flu. A few hours later I was unable to hold down anything, not even water, and I had very strong pain sensations, about a 9 on the pain scale. That lasted all night, after the hospital sent me home with the flu. I went to the doctor the next morning who saw my white blood cell count was through the roof and I was in surgery a few hours later (I was begging for morphine by then!). My suggestion is to monitor the pain levels in your abdomen and your ability to hold down solids/water. If the pain increases tonight to where you can't stand it, definitely go get checked out and definitely don't wait, a burst appendix is nothing to be trifled with.
Another question - When's the last time you had a physical? Since you mention previous pain there, it's possible it could be related to either a hernia or maybe an ulcer. Hernias can be discovered when you get a physical. Did you feel any flu-like symptoms like a strong fever, headache, or upset stomach along with the abdominal pain?
Thanks for the suggestions. Heimdallr, the last I had a physical was probably two years ago, I can't even remember really. I don't have a fever, headache or upset stomach. I was able to down the cocktail and the coconut oil. I'll just be vigilant for the tonight.
While travelling by train from Athens,Greece, back to Germany my appendix
burst about one Hour before arriving at Munich, Germany.
It was removed and my guts where cleaned and I haven't had any
problems since. This happened in my early twenties. I am now 71!
The scar is a good indicator of weather changes.
Avoid seeds and nuts if you're having them. I was reading in the Fiber Menace how often the source of obstruction and infection were undigested seeds, husks, nuts, grains, and fiber of course. Have no more than 15 grams of soluble fiber per day and avoid constipation or any necessity to strain by increasing your fat intake, magnesium, vit C. If you tolerate coconut oil, that is fine then. Do go to the doctor if it doesn't improve.
3D Student said:
Thanks for the suggestions. Heimdallr, the last I had a physical was probably two years ago, I can't even remember really. I don't have a fever, headache or upset stomach. I was able to down the cocktail and the coconut oil. I'll just be vigilant for the tonight.

Take care, 3D Student!

I don't know the details of your situation here, but just consider that a shot of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor isn't the end of the world! After one or two week you can still follow a detox to get rid of those chemicals.

Keep us updated.
3D Student said:
I'm having what I believe to be appendix pains. It is near my right pelvic bone, a little below it. Every so often it feels like I get stabbed. Pain is bearable but annoying.

I've had abdominal pain before where I was hunched over, maybe 8 years ago. I didn't know about appendicitis then. And about two years ago I had what I think a bad appendicitis flare up. I was on my bed suffering pretty bad. I hope this isn't a repeat.

I'm drinking some water with ground garlic, ginger, and turmeric. Also ate a heaping tablespoon of coconut oil. I'm thinking all the anti-inflammatories would help.

I really don't want to have to get surgery, and I'm stubborn. So it would have to be really bad to actually go, but that increases the danger. The thing is, this seems to be not just a one time thing, as my experience tells me. Any advice on remedies? And with the paleo diet do we really need the appendix? I actually feel better now having drank this cocktail. I hope I get some good sleep tonight.
When i went in, they told me they could give me antibiotics, and wait to see if it gets better, or just take it out. My laymans advice would be to try the antibiotics first. That is if that is even the problem. You won't know for sure unless you see a Doctor.
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