Lockt das Stadion-Licht Ufos? „Rote Wolke“ stammt offenbar von Coface Arena


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
In Germany, all new football stadiums have been created. They all look like UFO `s My nephew lives in Mainz. He worked during the semester break in the football stadium. He saw the red light and said, 'That was never a reflection of the football stadium.

I have a gas station near by wich turns on blue lights in the night and you can see the blue color from far away in the clouds above the sation at night. If you wouldn't know that there is a source on the ground (gas station) that emites this blue light you could think that the clouds up there shine blue all by themselfs.

I don't think it is unlikely that this is the case here also .
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