The Living Force
This French life
By Craig McGinty on Apr 9, 2009 in Current Affairs.
THE French upper house of parliament, the Assemblée Nationale, has rejected controversial plans that would have seen people lose internet access for illegally downloading copyrighted material.
The loi HADOPI had already progressed through the Senate and was expected to be passed by the Assemblée, but the legislation has been rejected.
People accused of illegally downloading files would have faced a graduated response, with emails and a letter sent before ISPs would be asked to cut an individual's internet connection.
Critics said it would be practically impossible to police as spoof internet connections could be created, streaming video and audio were increasingly popular and the European Parliament said recently access to the internet was a key requirement of society.
The experience of France was being watched around the world, the government of New Zealand recently backed down over similar plans and the UK's Digital Britain proposals will look at ways to 'deliver a digital copyright framework'.
Related websites:
Campaigning group La Quadrature du Net
Digital magazine Numerama
By Craig McGinty on Apr 9, 2009 in Current Affairs.
THE French upper house of parliament, the Assemblée Nationale, has rejected controversial plans that would have seen people lose internet access for illegally downloading copyrighted material.
The loi HADOPI had already progressed through the Senate and was expected to be passed by the Assemblée, but the legislation has been rejected.
People accused of illegally downloading files would have faced a graduated response, with emails and a letter sent before ISPs would be asked to cut an individual's internet connection.
Critics said it would be practically impossible to police as spoof internet connections could be created, streaming video and audio were increasingly popular and the European Parliament said recently access to the internet was a key requirement of society.
The experience of France was being watched around the world, the government of New Zealand recently backed down over similar plans and the UK's Digital Britain proposals will look at ways to 'deliver a digital copyright framework'.
Related websites:
Campaigning group La Quadrature du Net
Digital magazine Numerama