Here is the translation of the French Wikipédia article regarding what is theogamy:
So it seems that 4D STS were behind pharaohs, would be interesting to know to which extend.
In Egyptian mythology, theogamy is the principle which allows the god to take the physical place of the pharaoh in order to be able to unite with the queen and thus conceive the future heir of the throne. This meeting between the world of the gods and that of men expresses the double nature of Pharaoh: god living on earth. This principle was originally used to justify or legitimize an accession to the throne (see Westcar Papyrus).
Theogamy then became a religio-political formula that some rulers of the eighteenth and nineteenth dynasties adopted for their own legitimacy, through the intermediary of divine filiation, to consolidate their power.
The divine birth of the future queen Hatshepsut (Dynasty 18), depicted on high reliefs in the temple at Dayr al-Bahari, corresponds to a very important theology of kingship that was later found in Amenhotep III (Dynasty 18) and Rameses II (Dynasty 19). When Amun wishes to sire his future earthly heir, he addresses himself to Thoth, the god of knowledge, and makes him his scout to ensure that queen Ahmosis, wife of Thutmes I, is worthy of carrying the future pharaoh in her womb. Then Amun takes the features of the present king:
"Then Amun, this magnificent god, master of the thrones of the Double Country, transformed himself and took the appearance of His Majesty, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Âakhéperkarê (Thoutmôsis I), husband of the queen. He found her as she slept in the beauty of her palace."
The divine coupling intervenes then:
"After he had approached her closely and she was ecstatic to contemplate his divine splendor, behold the love of Amun penetrated her body. The palace was flooded with the perfume of the god whose all scents were those of Punt. (...) Words said by Amun, master of the thrones of the Double Land : (...) Certainly, Khene-met-imen-Hatchepsut (Reject of Amun, First of the Noble Ladies) will be the name of this girl whom I have placed in your body. She will exercise this beneficent kingship in this whole country.
Then Amun gives Khnum, the divine potter, the order to shape the child and its ka. When the royal wife gives birth to the future queen, she is surrounded by an ennead of deities, arranged in three rows of three. The child is presented to Amun who promises her earthly royalty; he entrusts the nursing of the child to Hathor, the divine nurse.
So it seems that 4D STS were behind pharaohs, would be interesting to know to which extend.