Love Police : 1 - Zionist Tory Party : 0


The Living Force
Charlie Veitch from the Love Police ruins the press conference of the Tory party after Cameron's election:
:thup: :headbanger:
Lúthien said:
Charlie Veitch from the Love Police ruins the press conference of the Tory party after Cameron's election:
:thup: :headbanger:

I can understand why Danny parted ways with him. Everything he says is true, but his methods are getting a bit extreme.
Charlie Veitch of the (former) Love Police

If it pleases the forum, I'd like some opinions from the members of SOTT on the current state of Charlie's mentality.

Disinfo Agent?
Off the deep end?
Scared and frustrated?

What do you guys think? I really like his past work but some of his recent postings confuse me.

I personally think he's shakin up after being arrested twice in Canada and than once in his home town within a month.

But is it me, or is he sounding more like an Alex Jones?
There's certainly the possibility Charlie's getting carried away by his growing underground celebrity. Or that he's just gone off the deep end ... 'Message to the Resistance' contains an outright call for armed uprising. Very dangerous thing to call for, that.

Yes but at the same time ... indeed, the time for typing back and forth is coming to an end. I feel that too. I feel it in my bones. Violence is clearly counterproductive in this struggle, however. Does Charlie still believe that? One wonders, after his 'Message'.

But someone does have to speak the truth in public. It takes cojones to do that, in this society, where we're all supposed to imagine that free speech means the freedom to choose which propaganda outlet to watch and never actually speak our minds, especially if our minds should happen to disagree with the Consensus.

There is no doubt G20 shook him up. It shook me up, too: I was there, and saw Torontanamo up close. No one walked away from that who wasn't seeing the world with new eyes.

Shortly after G20, Charlie posted a note on Facebook in which he elucidated something very similar to the 'Organic Portals' hypothesis (without actually using that phrasing, of course):

Until they are awake they are a threat to you.
How can the Social Services in Great Britain so readily separate loving and caring parents from their children? How can family men Police officers fire 50,000 volts into grannies? How can a group of youths stab a father to death for a supposed insult? The answer in all examples is the same. Lack of spirit. These people are drones (droids) and are a massive threat to your life. You must consider them the platoons of the psychopath banksters. They are your enemy.
The greatest tragedy of the last 40,000 years of human life must certainly be the indifference felt to suffering. The lack of empathy felt by millions towards their starving million fellow sentients on the surface of this blue globe. This is the true story; not that psychopathic and malevolently minded people search for glory and outside happiness by killing, raping, pillaging and conquering. These violent tendencies are easily understood, we feel, for deep down in our darkest corners we can understand rage, misdirected passion, mistakes, and the folly of hate.
What we, as a resistance movement, have a real problem with is the unsympathetic way that our fellow people can disregard a problem, walk past someone struggling in the street; continue to pay taxes to a puppet-murderous government, continue in their finance jobs, and generally be totally indifferent to the suffering of others on a massive scale. We all know them. We have all shared time with those who astonish us with their lack of care. We feel almost as if we are in the company of droids. Of robots.
Alas, this is a spectacularly huge problem. Fear not your enemy, for he is as committed to the polar opposite of your goal as you are to yours. You co-exist in a stunning cosmic battle, learning from the other. This is something we can rationalise. But we struggle with the multitude who do not take sides, and if they do, they side with the state, the bully, the greater physical strength. They accept murder and brutality without flinching. They view things as “ok” whilst another 30,000 children die of starvation. STARVATION! We can be so desensitized to the facts; oh people starve: we sometimes forget the true visceral and vicious REALITY of
This resistance movement is difficult because we despair at the increasingly obvious elephant staring us in the face, smokescreened behind our greater hopes and sentiments of optimism, but we cannot escape the terrible truth that most people do not have the spiritual energy in them necessary to be a true human. They have had the organ of true-human ironed out of them by an unjust and violent society interested in standardization and producing drones.
Yes, Drones. My affectionate term for those incapable of seeing the horror of their reality; living in denial and hoping that “all this must be real”. You see them on the subway, you see them in your office; those boring ambitious types who seem to be forged from the same corpo-droid mould at obedient-man factory.
It’s not the psychopathic international banksters who pose a threat to us. In essence, they have no power. They are fat, gout-riddled, unfit and spiritually empty vessels pressing forward the agenda of some anti-human but albeit very testing alien code. We can handle them. We know where we stand. The battle-lines are drawn. Our most pressing enemy is not them. Our most pressing enemy is the hordes of droids who obey blindly. Until they are woken up, they are the foundations of the pyramid of control. They hold it together. They are much more of a threat to you because they are not fully human. I will say it again. They ARE NOT fully human. They lack a certain cog in the fabric of their consciousness. They lack wisdom. And for this they will side with the power-structure against you.
In essence, we are in a psychological cage of the people around us. Not our close friends and family, but the wider community who are ready at a moment’s notice to bow down to the state and shop you in if you display any form of revolutionary/resistance fervour.
For this reason, do not plan things on the phone. Do not plan things on facebook. I do not speak of the normal protests and debates; I speak of the time in the near future when we will need secrecy in terms of resisting the machine at a more tangible and physical level. There will always be an obedient slave-drone reading and listening in, fellating the power structure, the snivelling swine who has foregone humanity for obedience to the system. My blood boils when I think of them. Alas, many have the excuse of a troubled upbringing. But millions of people have troubled upbringings without turning into malicious and callous operators of the matrix. These people have something wrong with them at the soul-level. They are your biggest threat.

Beware the Drone. Accept that their spiritual awakening may, or may not happen. Until it does, they are your enemy.
Now, I know that on a meta-level we have no enemies; we are all one in the great cosmic dance, the beautiful holographic projection of our minds into the ether. But I am going to play this game with honour, with devotion to what is right, as a light-warrior in a world of darkness, repression, and ignorance. I will fight for what is right, I will fight the good fight.
Let us not forget that we are all here as the result of the winning tribe. We have a direct line of ancestry to the very creation of life from complicated molecules in the water one billion years ago.
You are here for a reason. Do not cower, do not hide. Fight for what is right.
Stand firm. Victory is assured.
Hmm, just watched the 'pope' bit and ... Veitch is getting reckless. If he keeps talking like this he will get arrested for inciting violence.

Maybe that's what he wants?

At any rate, will be interesting to see where he goes from here.
I have no problem with the thread merger, but I don't think it should be left in the tickle me category. I find nothing funny about this.

I agree with you psyche, who else has a different perspective?

"High performing organizations seek knowledge by constantly scanning the environment, checking the pulse of their customers, tracking their competition, surveying the marketplace, and following global events. They collect data continuously and use it to make corrections and develop new approaches. High performing organizations also seek knowledge about internal performance. They treat mistakes and failures as important data, recognizing that the can often lead to breakthroughs. This is why Hewlett-Packard's "H-P Way" includes the statement "We reserve the right to make mistakes." -Ken Blanchard, Leading at a Higher Level

I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for.

What changed in Charlie that moved him from encouraging love to encouraging violence?
Was inciting violence always on the table for Charlie?
If something has changed, do we need to protect others from this change?
Or has he gone through something that the rest of us need to experience to better understand our own situation?

Your thoughts and perspectives would be greatly appreciated.
Ali Xander said:
What changed in Charlie that moved him from encouraging love to encouraging violence?
Was inciting violence always on the table for Charlie?
If something has changed, do we need to protect others from this change?
Or has he gone through something that the rest of us need to experience to better understand our own situation?

Your thoughts and perspectives would be greatly appreciated.
I suppose it's a bit difficult to tell at the moment. Best to keep watch and see what unfolds. One book that I think may help you greatly is Political Ponerology. It helps to explain how corporations and movements are infiltrated by those in power. More specifically psychopaths.

In terms of Charlie, not sure. It could be that he's really fed up with the way things are and has decided to up the ante. My take is that he may not fully understand that the tactic of provoking or getting belligerent doesn't work - at least for those who aren't in power. That's precisely where those in power want people because it then gives them license to do what they want with the excuse that someone got "violent".
truth seeker said:
My take is that he may not fully understand that the tactic of provoking or getting belligerent doesn't work - at least for those who aren't in power. That's precisely where those in power want people because it then gives them license to do what they want with the excuse that someone got "violent".

I think you misspoke. Provoking does work.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions?

A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner.

Q: (L) So the more positive things we do, and the more creative we become, the more it drives them to try to suppress and repress things in indirect ways to try to suppress and repress us without suppressing and repressing us directly - because that would be too obvious - and by so doing, they show their hand so to speak?

Belligerence on the other hand...You're probably right, I should be patient - I'll just have to keep watch and see what happens.

I'm still interested in more perspectives...if someone's willing.
Provoking people to think is a delicate matter. What kind of thoughts is Charlie going to provoke in people by using phrases like "fellating satan"?
I suppose it's a bit difficult to tell at the moment. Best to keep watch and see what unfolds. One book that I think may help you greatly is Political Ponerology. It helps to explain how corporations and movements are infiltrated by those in power. More specifically psychopaths.

In terms of Charlie, not sure. It could be that he's really fed up with the way things are and has decided to up the ante. My take is that he may not fully understand that the tactic of provoking or getting belligerent doesn't work - at least for those who aren't in power. That's precisely where those in power want people because it then gives them license to do what they want with the excuse that someone got "violent".

I think that he has made himself look crazy on both videos, and this is good example how your emotions can lead you when you should use your brain. Many people probably thought there that he is crazy and that's not good because of labeling that all "conspiracy theorist" are crazy. I think he had it enough but this is also good example how knowledge protects. And this what he does when doing street ambushing isn't working and he sees that but also it's in the violation of free will, don't give if they don't ask. He doesn't have deep perspective on things and that i can tell from experience helps much. And using language like that he won't get big support, I think that by doing that he will become that against he fought against. Let we assume that there was revolution and it succeeded, he would soon see that nothing has changed, there are so many examples from history, many revolutionaries that were taken down after revolution, or got disgusted with new regime. when you spill someone's blood you aren't the same person anymore, it's doesn't matter if that person is a psycho or Op, that's the main thing that makes STO people different from STS. But Danny responded to that in a very STO way, and you can see big difference between their videos and how far Cveith has gone from the road.
Hi Ali Xander,

As I watch the guy, I keep thinking, thank god for the sott network. The power of the network keeps everyone on track. He looks overwhelmed to me.

Secondly, I don't feel we are in a struggle for our bodies. I feel we are in a struggle for a way of being if that makes sense. I don't feel violence is the way. Resistance yes, violence no. My two cents.
aaron r said:
Hi Ali Xander,

As I watch the guy, I keep thinking, thank god for the sott network. The power of the network keeps everyone on track. He looks overwhelmed to me.

Secondly, I don't feel we are in a struggle for our bodies. I feel we are in a struggle for a way of being if that makes sense. I don't feel violence is the way. Resistance yes, violence no. My two cents.

To quote from the movie 'V for Vendetta'

"What usually happens when people without guns stand up to people with guns?"
Anart - I quoted the Cassiopaean's because I thought induce and provoke were basically the same thing.

in·duce   /ɪnˈdus, -ˈdyus/ [in-doos, -dyoos]
–verb (used with object), -duced, -duc·ing.
1. to lead or move by persuasion or influence, as to some action or state of mind: to induce a person to buy a raffle ticket.
2. to bring about, produce, or cause: That medicine will induce sleep.
3. Physics . to produce (an electric current) by induction.
4. Logic . to assert or establish (a proposition about a class of phenomena) on the basis of observations on a number of particular facts.
5. Genetics . to increase expression of (a gene) by inactivating a negative control system or activating a positive control system; derepress.
6. Biochemistry . to stimulate the synthesis of (a protein, esp. an enzyme) by increasing gene transcription.

pro·voke   /prəˈvoʊk/ [pruh-vohk]
–verb (used with object), -voked, -vok·ing.
1. to anger, enrage, exasperate, or vex.
2. to stir up, arouse, or call forth (feelings, desires, or activity): The mishap provoked a hearty laugh.
3. to incite or stimulate (a person, animal, etc.) to action.
4. to give rise to, induce, or bring about: What could have provoked such an incident?
5. Obsolete . to summon.

Excuse my public education. (The word induce is in #4 though) :-[
But say that by moving from the G20 established protests zones into the streets - thus provoking the G20 leaders into cracking down on the protesters.
Couldn't we say that this provocation, if used to our advantage - could be used to influence the minds of those of us that are still asleep?
Or does the end not justify the means?
Sorry if that didn't come out right, I'm not trying to add to the noise.
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