Lyme disease - treatment and options

Hi broken.english you have a very good point. I am still slowly going through all the 35 speakers of the summit and writing notes which I will type up here as time allows. I have also just saved all the comments from the 'encore conference' this weekend. As I truly recommend that a major part of the benefit from such expert speakers comes from those with Lyme, and their comments can be more valuable in many cases, and an objective balance to the whole information gathering.
I find it very reassuring that on realizing it was Lyme I had suffered from for years, that the Lyme Summit suddenly appeared, when there was sparse information here about Lyme, once I started researching.
There is at least one more talk for me to listen to on the Rife machine modalities, and I will post any relevant findings accordingly. But also, I will post everything I am learning as this will be vital once people realize the silent epidemic that it truly is, and what a stealthy plague (mostly man-made again), that few people/loved ones, will not be affected by, in the very near future. However, I/we should consider ourselves very lucky with all the background research already achieved that will help counter these multi-pathogens. So once I have posted all the latest info I am working on, we will be in a strong position to combat this debilitating disease and help others in the process.
It is very generous of you to loan your machine, and your knowledge of the different pathogens, the machines are at least $7/8000 now.
Ironically, on Thursday I went to a book signing I happened to see in the local paper, written about two people I know here - a very experienced dowser and a lady who is also very experienced with using the pendulum.
For anyone who may be interested the book is self published by Jenny Vardy (wife of Ron Vardy - the dowser), and is called Behind the Rods - Tales of a witch and a wizard. All proceeds go to the recently discovered neolithic site in Tatlisu, which is as old as Gobekli Tepe.
The upshot was that currently the only reliable prognosis of Lyme is muscle testing - Kinesiology, it occurred to me that, as he uses rods for health matters, that the same morphic field, could also produce similar results.
So we went with two basic questions :
1) How serious is my Lyme infection (eg how invasive is it now)?
2) How long have I had it?
In the centre of the bookshop Ron put his dowsing rods to work and told me that he would ask the field from 1-10 how serious my Lyme infestation was.
By the look on his face, as the rods were turning slowly outwards from my body, I already knew what I had really known since I cottoned on to the Lyme equation. But not quite as shocking as the answer! On the scale he asked he told me it had given a 9/10 prognosis - in fact nearer 10 than 9!!! Ok, I could just about handle that but...
Then the biggest shock came. I had had Lymes for over 25 years!! That is since I was 37/38 just after my first divorce! Makes sense, my body was certainly totally compromised immune-wise. But why did it not fully manifest then? In retrospect, I noted through my research, that significant symptoms that I recall, only really started manifesting from 2003/2004. This was a very traumatic time for me with serious losses of loved ones, a second divorce, and the backlash of being a a government employee whistle-blower, and a whole gamut of genuine emotional trauma.
Then the next question is, why did it manifest into chronic stage 3, around 2016, (or stage 4 now, according to the dowser)? Well, despite my life being FULL of MEANING, STO goals, and daily gratitude, I was still undergoing conscious stress with the knowledge that my mother is not long for this world and that my children and family need me despite my future being abroad. this was very unsettling (understatement), and emotionally pulling me in two different directions, naturally, and the crux was decided for me! My body said NO!!

I am purely sharing this, to prove how detrimental it can be for our immune system to pursue altruistic goals when subconsciously you wish to be somewhere else! Despite the climate being better for my health and well-being, which it has been, subconsciously, I was away from my loved ones, and with family, I am now much needed. So life is about compromising, and inner awareness, listening to your body, even though nobody had a problem of me being out here, and encouraged me in fact. It is also about having a good support system, especially if you choose to 'go it alone'. This may sound totally superfluous, but our psychological make-up is very complex, and as we know the other bummer is 'unresolved issues'. So did I bring this on to myself? Maybe?

Although I know all my 'unresolved issues' now thankfully, and finally, after much intense study and contemplation, the pathogens got there first :-) More likely, they slowed down my cognitive processing all this time. However, I am very confident that I will find a workable protocol which hopefully will be effective for everyone (though everyone is different as we know). So I am happy to be the guinea pig, as we are not the 'disease'.
Some things I will post will replicate what we have on other threads, but I think it is important to have all 'Lyme' related info in one place, Because I found it very difficult to connect all the dots of all the different threads re health matters and made basic and detrimental mistakes, trying to incorporate everything, and missing vital issues, despite reading about them in books as well, such as eliminating toxins/drainage simultaneously when doing most of the health regimes. Despite thinking I 'understood' what I was doing. I suffered from total information overload, and there were so many extensive threads to memorize/copy/practice. So for someone with 'Lymes', they need to get right to the issue and remedies as soon as possible in one place IMHO, especially as it is the most complex of pathogens to get to grips with. The average person has been to 30 doctors and it has cost them over $100,000 if the 'experts' are correct, just searching for a cure. This is totally criminal. It ruins lives and relationships, and pathogens such as Babeiosis can actually KILL.

Despite my 9 phials of blood samples coming back mostly negative, I have had the 4 main pathogen mis-diagnosed diseases of Lyme, since 2016, of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune dieseases - continual flu/virus infections etc, and Cognitive Impairments. So despite losing total confidence in my private disease 'specialist', I quietly accepted his diagnoses of negative on Lymes but he would refer me to his colleague for Fibromyalgia where he could arrange some physiotherapy!!

I will share my blood/urine results in the next post.
I would appreciate a proper interpretation of them, if possible.
I paid over £350 for the tests, and he just said everything is negative and practically dismissed me! So although they are a benchmark for my healing journey, I really don’t understand half the initials they have tested for.
Plus any comments may help me/others to analyse their ‘Lyme’ results, and realize that you cannot go by ANY blood/urine tests until you have ‘teased’ the pathogens out from their ‘sanctuaries’ first. But there is nobody here that can do this.Also I asked for my Ferritin levels, but I cannot see them on any page.

Also, self-medicating and taking the antibiotics I had, Metronidazol 500, for my latest gum abscess, styes, did actually clear up the abscess and the continual acne/eczema/rash I had on my forehead for months.
But more importantly, it totally cleared up a 'chest infection' I had for 2 years, causing me to cough nearly the whole time! So it was not due to cigarettes. It was pathogens, So when he clinically tested me, after saying I was a smoker since 14, which he then lectured me about, he could only find TOTALLY clear lungs on the breath test!! (I had assumed it was a continual virus). So there is a brilliant anecdote for these particular antibiotics which were recommended by the forum, thus I kept some in my medicine cabinet, and didn't have to visit the dentist to extract yet another molar!
My last tests were done in 2013, I include them for a comparison, on what might have changed in the interim. They are not as extensive, but somebody may pick something up of note, as they are not something I truly understand. Nor am I competent enough to know what tell-tale signs to look for regarding pathogens.
But I obviously had 'Lyme' at the time, unknowingly, yet it was not something we would have looked for or attributed our symptoms to at the the time.
I was told, this time, that my mercury levels (though I had all my amalgams holistically extracted in 2009), and Lead levels were high, including my Protein. (Keto mentality?)
I am not happy that some results just say 'Negative' but do not give the actual readings nor the 'healthy parameters' in which to assess them. I will see if I can obtain that info in retrospect.
I know that I am posting personal information on a public forum, but to me it is more important to give information that others can benefit from.
However, I seriously recommend that anybody posting about their health, especially if they have 'Lyme' or any other serious disease, NEVER, post on any forum or social media about their 'illness' unless you use an 'alias' name. Knowing that all kinds of people check your social media profile, particularly employers when you are looking for a job, it would be STUPID to post on Lyme groups or Lyme summits, or similar, as your true identity.

I am seriously thinking of working on healing modalities, such as 'Lyme', and other energy healing methods, which I intended to do a while ago, wherever. So I am able to post, as I will remain in this sphere.:hug2::cool2:
Laboratory Tests 8.10.2013

Bun 13 mg/dl 7 – 17
Kreatinin 0.7 mg/dl 0.7 – 1.2

WBC 7.9 10 8/mm 3 4.0 / 10.0
RBC 4.71 10 6/mm 3 3.00 / 6.50
HGB 14.6 g/d1 11.5 / 17.0
HCT 42.6 % 37.0 / 54.0
MCV 91 um 3 80 / 100
MCH 30.9 pg 27.0 / 32.0
MCHC 34.1 g/d1 32.0 / 36.0
RDW 14.5 % 11.0 / 16.0
PLT 225 10 3 / mm 3 150 / 500
MPV 8.3 um 3 6.0 / 11.0
PCT 0.187 % 0.150 / 0.500
PDW 14.0 % 11.0 / 18.0

LYM% 32.0 2.58 0.0 / 99,9 1.00 / 4.00
MON% 10.7 0.84 0.0 / 99.9 0.20 / 1.00
NEU% 53.0 4.18 0.0 / 99.9 2.00 / 7.50
EDS% 2.9 0.23 0.0 / 99.9 0.00 / 0.50
BAS% 0.6 0.05 0.0 / 99.9 0.00 / 0.20

ALY% 0.7 0.06 0.0 / 2.5 0.00 / 0.25
LIC% 1.0 0.08 0.0 / 3.0 0.00 / 0.30

GLUKOZ 82 mg/dl 74 – 106

T KOLESTEROL 229 mg/dl FLAG 0 – 200
HDL 60 mg/dl 40 – 60
LDL 155 mg/dl FLAG 0 – 129
TRIGLISERIT 66 mg/dl 0 – 150
T.KOL/HDL 3.8 3.0 – 5.7

ALT 34 U/L 9 – 52
AST 29 U/L 14 – 36

FERRITIN 225 ng/mL FLAG 13 – 150

CORTISOL (7-10am) 18.95 ug/dL 6.2 – 19.4


Colour yellow yellow – open yellow
Appearance clear clear
pH 7.5 4.6 – 8.0
Density 1.015 1.000 – 1.030

Microscope: Nadir Lokosit, Nadir Epiatel, 4 -5 Eritrosit

Below are my recent extensive tests. I also did not see any results for Cortisol levels, which I also requested along with Ferritin. Maybe I just don't recognize them?
Last edited:
Just to add a little base material...

Session 23 August 2014:
(L) Moving along! Let's get another question.

(Approaching Infinity) I've got a question kind of related to that, and to what trendsetter37 was saying. In the book The Field, she talks about the kind of homeopathic experiments where they were able to record the EM signature of a certain compound and then play the recording of that signature back to water. Then the water would react as if that compound was present. So, would it be possible to use an EM signature to reverse something like a physical disease or virus like Ebola?

A: Yes. Look into Rife.

Q: (Perceval) That's the name of someone?

A: Royal Rife.

Q: (L) That's the guy who invented a machine that does exactly that. We need a Rife machine. Nicolas, build one!

(Nicolas) I’ll get right on it!

It's only from about 4.5 years ago.
Just to add a little base material...

Session 23 August 2014:

It's only from about 4.5 years ago.

Yes, goyacobol, that is indeed some encouragement but, as always, there is quite some research to do. Somewhere else the Cs said "tall order" on the subject of Rife, whatever that means.

As an example, Rife's engineer, Hoyland, reportedly changed the carrier frequency from 3.3 MHz, I believe, to an unknown value which is speculated to be 3.6 MHz. That alone makes all historic Rife frequencies questionable. You never know what carrier was used. Being 300 000 hz off the target is undesirable.

Nevertheless, I am here to learn and maybe one day I will be able to teach.
  • Neurological Lyme Disease: What You Need to Know

Neurological Lyme Disease: What You Need to Know

by Dr. Bill Rawls
Posted 4/20/18
Lyme disease can manifest in a seemingly endless number of ways. While the spectrum of symptoms is similar for most sufferers, the worst of the bunch varies from person to person. And for those who have a predominance of neurological symptoms, the disease can feel especially debilitating and difficult to overcome.
That’s in large part because neurological Lyme — also referred to as Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) — is often confused with other serious neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease, which can be scary and overwhelming. And because most doctors lack an understanding of Lyme disease in general, and especially of Lyme associated with a predominance of neurological symptoms, LNB often goes unrecognized.
So how to know if the symptoms you’re experiencing do signify LNB, and where do you go from there to find relief? Keep reading for information that could provide the turning point in your recovery.
Understanding Symptoms of Neurological Lyme

Lyme neuroborreliosis is thought to occur in about 15% of Lyme disease cases — but a definite percentage is impossible to pin down. Everyone with Lyme disease experiences some neurological symptoms, but a specific composit of symptoms that constitute neurological Lyme is not well defined. Making matters worse, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), does not recognize LNB as a separate entity, and it doesn’t acknowledge the existence of a chronic form of Lyme disease.
The most common initial symptom is neurogenic (nerve) pain that starts in the back and radiates down the legs. With that comes weakness, numbness, and tingling in the lower extremities.
Another common presenting symptom of LNB is facial nerve palsy (Bell’s palsy), which is characterized by temporary paralysis on one side of the face. Some people also experience sound sensitivity and discomfort in the ear on the paralyzed side, and if you’re unable to close that eye, dry eye can occur. Most people recover fully from Bell’s palsy, with improvement in the first few weeks and continuing for three to six months, but a minority of people have symptoms for life.
The transition from acute to chronic neurological symptoms is not well defined, and it varies widely from person to person. Many people don’t remember a tick bite and experience minimal acute symptoms. The range of symptoms includes both motor and sensory nerve deficits. On the list: headache, memory loss, brain fog, cognitive impairment, learning disability, anxiety, depression, limb pain, muscle weakness, and paresthesias (sensory loss and odd sensations on the skin).
Symptoms of LNB are thought to occur from infiltration of white blood cells — immune cells like lymphocytes and plasmocytes — into the white matter of the brain and the spinal cord, otherwise known as the central nervous system (CNS). This is associated with an increase in inflammatory immune messengers, called cytokines, in cerebrospinal fluid.
Loss of sensory and motor nerve function is thought to be related to demyelination of nerve fibers. Found in the brain and peripheral nervous system, nerve fibers are coated with a fatty substance called myelin. Myelin acts much like the plastic coating on a copper wire: it wraps around nerve fibers, thus preventing the nerve fibers from touching each other and “shorting out” when an electrical current passes through. If demyelination is severe enough, it can result in abnormal nerve conduction tests, similar to multiple sclerosis.
Treatment for neurological Lyme is highly controversial. The CDC recommends antibiotic therapy using doxycycline, cefuroxime, or amoxicillin, limited to 10-21 days for formally diagnosed Lyme disease only. Remember, they don’t define LNB as separate from Lyme disease, and so specific treatment recommendations are not provided. Notably, the CDC website also cites numerous scientific articles showing that long-term antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease is not efficacious.
Among physicians who do recognize and treat LNB, there is no absolute consensus on therapy. Some physicians recommend 1-3 months of combined intravenous antibiotic therapy, and some continue to treat patients as long as symptoms are present. Confusing matters more, some studies that suggest oral antibiotic therapy is as efficacious as intravenous antibiotics, but long term follow up for any therapy is limited.
Central to the confusion is the fact that understanding of LNB and Lyme disease in general is clouded by reductionist science — studying one variable in a vacuum, while ignoring all other potential influencing variables. The variable in this case: the microbe Borrelia burgdorferi, the primary pathogen behind Lyme.
An Alternative View of Neurological Lyme

Anyone struggling with Lyme knows that the disease isn’t caused by borrelia alone. Indeed, having coinfections with microbes other than borrelia is more common than not. The most common coinfections include mycoplasma, bartonella, chlamydia, babesia, anaplasma, ehrlichia, and rickettsia. And all of these pathogens have the potential to cause neuroinflammatory symptoms that are characteristic of LNB.
Though all of these microbes can be transmitted by ticks, they can also be transmitted by other routes. For instance, bartonella is most commonly spread by scratches and bites from dogs and cats. Babesia can be transmitted by ticks and mosquitos. And mycoplasma and chlamydia are most commonly spread by respiratory or sexual route.
Often called stealth microbes, these microbes share similar characteristics:
  • They often don’t cause significant symptoms at initial infection.
  • They infect white blood cells and quietly spread to all tissues throughout the body, including brain and nerve tissues.
  • They are able to generate inflammation to break down tissues and gain access to nutrients.
  • They are masters at manipulating the immune system.
  • They grow very slowly.
  • They occur in low concentrations in the body, allowing them to blend in with other microbes.
The stealth microbes we know about may be just scratching the surface — science uncovers new ones on a regular basis. Ticks and other biting insects can spread an enormous variety of microbes beyond the classic coinfections. Microbes can also be spread by oral routes, inhalation, intimate contact with other people, breaks in skin, and blood transfusions or contact with contaminated blood.
Some of these microbes are more concerning than others, but if your immune system functions are strong, you’ll never know they’re there. In other words, the chances that you’ve encountered and picked up a variety of stealth-type microbes at some point in your life are much higher than you might think. And you’ve likely carried them without even knowing it, because they can remain dormant in tissues for years without causing harm.
This is true even with borrelia: People suffering from chronic Lyme disease typically don’t become chronically ill immediately after a tick bite. Onset of illness can happen months or even years later — it is typically surrounded by a perfect storm of stress factors that come together to disrupt immune system functions.
I’ve often related it to a pot boiling over on the stove. If immune system functions are healthy, microbes can be present in tissues, but suppressed and not causing symptoms — the equivalent of a pot of water on the stove being kept at a low simmer. But if immune system functions become disrupted, the pot of water starts to boil.
Immune disruption is most often caused by a combination of chronic stress factors such as poor diet, exposure to toxic substances like mold toxins, and emotional or physical stress. Sometimes, the tipping point is the infection caused by microbes that are acquired from a tick bite. But most often, the microbes are already present in the host, and they only become ill when other stress factors accumulate in their lives.
No matter what the initiating cause, however, when the pot reaches a full boil, it’s no longer an infection with one microbe or even a few microbes. Instead, it’s a disruption of the entire microbiome.

Once microbes start becoming active, inflammation increases and immune functions are further compromised, establishing what I call Chronic Immune Dysfunction (CID). In its weakened state, the immune system allows reactivation of viruses such as Epstein Barr virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and other similar viruses — all of which most people harbor in their tissues. These viruses are commonly associated with neuroinflammation, and they tend to complicate the picture of LNB.
Chronic Immune Dysfunction also allows opportunistic pathogens to flourish in the gut and elsewhere in the body. The inflammation they generate compromises the gut barrier, allowing microbes along with foreign proteins from food to pass into the bloodstream. This heightens systemic inflammation and can compromise the blood brain barrier, allowing microbes to pass into the brain and nervous system.
Making Connections to Clarify Diagnosis
Chronic Lyme disease shares many symptoms with other chronic illnesses. This is especially true of Lyme neuroborreliosis and chronic neuroinflammatory illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease, and traumatic brain injury.

Not surprisingly, new sophisticated methods of microbial detection are showing potential links between these neuroinflammatory illnesses and many of the microbes associated with chronic Lyme disease.
For instance, both mycoplasma and chlamydia have been closely linked to multiple sclerosis. Mycoplasma, borrelia, and chlamydia have been associated with demyelination. Parkinson’s and ALS have been linked to borrelia and other microbes commonly associated with Lyme disease. Borrelia and other stealth pathogens have been found in the brains of patients who died of Alzheimer’s disease.
The connections go well beyond Lyme disease microbes. Two recent studies are shedding new light on how closely disruptions in the microbiome are linked to neuroinflammation. One, published in Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience, evaluated the presence of microbes in the autopsied brains of deceased Alzheimer’s patients. The other, published in Scientific Reports, evaluated the presence of microbes in the autopsied brains of people who had died of multiple sclerosis.
Both studies used a new type of microbial testing called 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing, which enabled scientists to separate human cells from microbial ones, and positively identify microbes. They found that not only were microbes present in diseased brains in both studies, but the magnitude of their presence was astounding: The entire microbiome, with a full spectrum of microbes from the gut, mouth, and skin, were represented.
Equally interesting, the control brains from people who had died of other causes also had a full spectrum of microbes present. The main difference? Diseased brains had a much higher concentration of microbes, and a greater prevalence of microbes with higher potential to cause inflammation.
I believe these studies are landmark, because they illustrate the close ties between disruption of the microbiome and chronic neuroinflammatory illnesses. Considered in this light, they also highlight the potential connection between Lyme neuroborreliosis and other neuroinflammatory diseases. This would suggest that Chronic Immune Dysfunction is central to the equation, allowing opportunistic pathogens of many varieties (not just those from ticks) to flourish, cause system inflammation, and create a vicious cycle of unending misery.
Ultimately, the type of illness a person might end up with depends on three key things: how the immune-disrupting factors come together; the types of pathogens they accumulated through life; and genetics (some people are more genetically at risk than others for these types of illnesses). Therefore, targeting individual microbes with antibiotic therapy alone is unlikely to restore normal health.
So what does restore well-being? Therapy that comprehensively addresses chronic immune dysfunction and widespread disruption of the microbiome.
How to Recover from Neurological Lyme

When you’re suffering from debilitating symptoms of neurological Lyme, it’s tempting to seek out medications that promise fast relief. Unfortunately, the place for drug therapy in chronic neuroinflammatory illnesses is limited. In fact, because neuroinflammation is so complex, targeted synthetic drug therapy often disrupts the healing process.
Many medications suppress or disrupt immune system functions and inhibit deep sleep, which is absolutely essential for recovery. Anti-inflammatory drugs, including steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents like ibuprofen and naproxen, disrupt immune functions and inhibit healing.
These drugs have also been shown to inhibit clearance of beta amyloid, a proteinaceous substance associated with neuroinflammatory disorders that is the hallmark identifying factor of Alzheimer’s disease. Though short-term use of antibiotic therapy has shown limited benefit in some cases of dementia and MS, tolerance to therapy and relapse are inevitable with long term use of synthetic antibiotics.
This makes sense when you consider that LNB and other neuroinflammatory conditions are primarily associated with disruptions in the balance of the entire microbiome and chronic immune dysfunction — as opposed to infections with specific pathogens. So while antibiotics initially suppress microbes in general, with extended use, pathogens arise in the gut and skin, gut and brain barriers are further compromised, and immune functions are further depressed, thus enhancing illness.
Instead, to overcome Lyme neuroborreliosis, you must approach it like you would another neuroinflammatory condition. The key components of recovery from any type of neuroinflammatory condition include:
  • Reducing both systemic and nervous system inflammation
  • Promoting optimal blood flow and vascular function
  • Restorating normal sleep
  • Supporting the immune system and restoring homeostasis
  • Enhancing healing and restoration of normal gut and brain barriers
  • Restoring balance to the microbiome of the gut and the entire body
That might sound like a lot, but in fact, finding lasting relief from neurological Lyme calls for a more measured, lifestyle approach — one that’s supportive of your immune system so that you’re enabling your body to fight its own battles. Here, the five steps for putting this approach into motion.
1. Nourish your body

Optimal nourishment is essential for reducing neuroinflammation. An anti-inflammatory diet is especially rich in fresh vegetables, healthful fats, and anti-inflammatory protein sources:
  • Vegetables provide essential nutrients and antioxidants for healing, and fiber for balancing the gut microbiome.
  • Healthy fats reduce brain inflammation. These include the monounsaturated fatty acids in natural sources like olive oil and avocados, and omega-3 fatty acids from fish.
  • Inflammatory foods, such as food products derived from corn and wheat, and corn-fed beef and pork, should be strictly avoided.
  • Optimal sources of protein include fish, eggs, and poultry. Eggs in particular are rich in choline and other essential brain nutrients. If you’re seeking vegan protein sources, quinoa, peas, and hemp are good alternatives.
  • Following a strict ketogenic diet has been shown to benefit recovery from neuroinflammatory conditions. That means keeping your carbohydrate intake low enough to cause brain cells and other tissues to switch from burning glucose to burning ketones. Admittedly, however, strict ketogenic diets are challenging to stick to consistently.
Beyond eating fresh fish regularly, supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids has been widely studied for reducing inflammation in both acute and chronic neuroinflammatory illness. Krill oil and fish oil are optimal sources of the DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids necessary for brain health. To determine your optimal dosing levels, consider doing periodic blood testing for omega fatty acid balance; test kits can be bought online for approximately $100.
Herbs are ideal for reducing systemic and neuroinflammation. They work by balancing your immune response instead of suppressing it, and directly inhibit tissue inflammation in the brain and nervous system. Anti-inflammatory herbs also promote optimal blood flow to the brain and tissues by enhancing vascular system function. Some of the best choices include turmeric, boswellia, resveratrol from Japanese knotweed, and French maritime pine bark.
Cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabinoid found in the hemp variety of cannabis, has shown great promise for reducing neuroinflammation and calming nerve irritability, reducing pain, enhancing mood, and promoting normal sleep. Cannabinoids also balance immune functions.
CBD from hemp is legal in all fifty states and can be shipped across state lines. It does not contain THC, the psychoactive substance in marijuana. CBD oil is the optimal form for delivery and absorption. Average dose is 10-50mg of full-spectrum CBD, one to three times a day.
Finally, essential oils are excellent for reducing brain inflammation. They contain primarily fat soluble phytochemicals of herbs — ideal for penetrating brain and nerve tissue, which is 60% fat. Good essential oil choices for neuroinflammation include rosemary, oregano, frankincense, lavender, and lemon balm — the latter three also support normal sleep. Aromatherapy (olfactory delivery) is the most direct way to administer the phytochemicals of essential oils to the brain and nervous system.
2. Purify your system of toxins

A toxic environment impedes recovery from any illness. And unfortunately, chronic systemic inflammation and neurological inflammation can compromise detoxification and waste removal processes in the brain and body even further.
Toxic substances can enter the body by three routes — oral, respiration, and skin — so step one is minimizing the inflow. To reduce oral toxins, avoid processed food products, and eat a fresh, whole food diet weighted toward vegetables (the fiber in veggies enhances detoxification). Clean water is also key, and is as simple as installing a water filter.
Regularly changing your HVAC air filters and placing free-standing HEPA filters in rooms where you spend the majority of your time can go a long way toward improving indoor air quality. Breathing fresh air in natural places as often as possible can also promote healing.
As for your skin, adopting a practice of using only natural skin care products allows you to avoid a surprising number of toxic substances commonly found in commercial skin care products. The same goes for household cleaning supplies. The Environmental Working Group is a great resource for finding toxin-free consumer products.
Supplements that support detoxification in the body include activated B vitaminsfor enhanced methylation (a metabolic process that’s vital to cellular health), and glutathione, NAC, and alpha lipoic acid to support cellular functions and detoxification. Dandelion and milk thistle protect the liver and stimulate bile flow, which is essential for removing toxic substances from the body.
Optimal levels of vitamin D are also important for recovery, as are zinc and magnesium. Magnesium is best taken as magnesium glycinate, which is calming and easy on the digestive tract.
You might also consider hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a treatment that involves breathing 100% oxygen inside a body chamber with low and controlled atmospheric pressure. This therapy was found to be valuable in the Sears-Bailes protocol for overcoming traumatic brain injury, and has also been shown to be beneficial for Lyme disease recovery.
3. Invite more calm into your life

Since stress is a powerful immune system disruptor, finding more calm is key to restoring immune health and resolving symptoms of neurological Lyme. One of the best tools to fight stress is getting optimal sleep. Without it, your immune functions are disrupted, and healing is compromised.
Sleep is especially important for recovery from neuroinflammatory illnesses. Studies have shown that even one night of compromised sleep in healthy people is associated with accumulation of beta amyloid in the brain, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.
Your goal: At least 8 hours of good sleep a night, including 4 hours of deep sleep. Practicing good sleep hygiene can help you hit the mark; that includes keeping a regular bedtime, and limiting light, computer screens, and stimulation in the evening.
What happens during the day is also key to drifting off at night. Finding additional ways to de-stress, getting regular low-intensity exercise, and practicing meditation a couple of times during the day promotes good sleep onset and better quality sleep at night.
Early on, when neuroinflammation is pronounced and the nervous system is very agitated, sleep medications may be indicated. But use them intermittently, and stick to the lowest dose possible.
If you’re still battling stress and occasional sleeplessness, herbs can help. Some with calming, neuroprotective properties include ashwagandha, bacopa, gotu kola, kudzu, and milky oat seed. Nervine herbs also promote calm during the day and help improve sleep at night; these include passionflower, motherwort, lemon balm, and chamomile.
Melatonin, an important antioxidant in the brain that initiates sleep, is reduced in neuroinflammation. Supplemental melatonin at bedtime (1-3 mg) can help rebalance disrupted sleep pathways. Tart cherry juice is an excellent natural source of melatonin, as is Chinese skullcap, an herb providing both antimicrobial properties and immune balancing properties.
Acupuncture can be beneficial for reducing pain and restoring normal energy pathways in the body. It is also helpful for restoring normal sleep.
4. Get active

Healthy blood flow is essential for recovery. Increased blood flow flushes out toxic substances that have accumulated from inflammation, and stimulates healing systems in the body.
The best way to increase blood flow is by moving your body. Increased activity is associated with increased endorphins. Best known as the “feel good” substances that improve mood and wellbeing, endorphins also stimulate natural killer cells, the most important white blood cells for taking out cells infected with microbes.
That being said, movement must be balanced so as to not generate more inflammation. For this purpose, low intensity exercise such as walking, yoga, and tai chi is the best choice. If exercise is not practical, far infrared sauna is an ideal way to increase blood flow and promote removal of toxins from the body.
5. Balance the microbiome

Restoring normal immune function and balancing the microbiome of the body is the most important part of overcoming neuroinflammatory conditions. It includes suppressing opportunistic microbes while also allowing normal flora to flourish so that immune systems can rebound.
For this purpose, herbal therapy is a natural fit. Herbs with antimicrobial properties selectively suppress opportunistic and stealth microbes without disturbing normal flora. Herbs also help boost parts of the immune system that have been suppressed by the microbes. Many of the chemical components of herbs cross the blood-brain barrier and provide neuroprotective benefits. By restoring balance in the gut microbiome and the extended microbiome of the body, the gut-blood and blood-brain barriers are allowed to heal.
There are many herbs with antimicrobial properties that can provide benefit for neuroinflammation associated with microbiome disruption. Some of the more common ones used in Lyme disease include andrographis, cat’s claw, Japanese knotweed, cryptolepis, and neem. Monolaurin is a fatty extract from coconut that provides antimicrobial properties, and because it is fat soluble, it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and penetrates into brain tissues.
Berberine and berberine-containing herbs, including coptis, goldenseal, and barberry, are ideal for balancing the gut microbiome and restoring a normal gut-blood barrier. Sarsaparilla is another antimicrobial herb that is particularly good for balancing the gut microbiome.
Herbs that boost the immune system’s ability to control stealth microbes and restore normal immune system functions, but at the same time reduce inflammation, are called immunomodulating herbs. Immunomodulating herbs that also provide neuroprotective benefits include cordyceps, reishi, rhodiola, and eleuthero. These herbs are also adaptogens, herbs that improve stamina and resistance to stress without having drug-like effects.
Because the toxicity of most commonly used herbs is so low, herbs can be taken for extended periods of time without harmful effects. In fact, that’s exactly what it takes to wear down stealth microbes and other opportunists, and allow normal flora to flourish.
The neurological system takes a long time to heal — it’s not a game that’s won in weeks or even months. Patience and persistence for the long haul is required to regain wellness. Many people have found, however, that persistence pays off: A comprehensive, natural approach to recovery is the most secure way to win.

Dr. Rawls is a physician who overcame Lyme disease through natural herbal therapy. You can learn more about Lyme disease and recovery in Dr. Rawls’ best-selling book, Unlocking Lyme.
You can also learn about Dr. Rawls’ personal journey in overcoming Lyme disease and fibromyalgia in his popular blog post, My Chronic Lyme Journey.
Learn About Dr. Rawls’ Herbal Protocols »

1. Lyme Disease | Lyme Disease | CDC
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There's a new book that is making waves in the Lyme discussions. I haven't yet read it, but it looks like an interesting read. I hope it's based on more evidence and science than the previous books/articles on the same subject (how Lyme is a man-made biological weapon).

Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons
by Kris Newby
Hardcover: Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons: Kris Newby: 9780062896278: Books
Kindle: Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons eBook: Kris Newby: Kindle Store

A riveting thriller reminiscent of The Hot Zone, this true story dives into the mystery surrounding one of the most controversial and misdiagnosed conditions of our time—Lyme disease—and of Willy Burgdorfer, the man who discovered the microbe behind it, revealing his secret role in developing bug-borne biological weapons, and raising terrifying questions about the genesis of the epidemic of tick-borne diseases affecting millions of Americans today.

While on vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, Kris Newby was bitten by an unseen tick. That one bite changed her life forever, pulling her into the abyss of a devastating illness that took ten doctors to diagnose and years to recover: Newby had become one of the 300,000 Americans who are afflicted with Lyme disease each year.

As a science writer, she was driven to understand why this disease is so misunderstood, and its patients so mistreated. This quest led her to Willy Burgdorfer, the Lyme microbe’s discoverer, who revealed that he had developed bug-borne bioweapons during the Cold War, and believed that the Lyme epidemic was started by a military experiment gone wrong.

In a superb, meticulous work of narrative journalism, Bitten takes readers on a journey to investigate these claims, from biological weapons facilities to interviews with biosecurity experts and microbiologists doing cutting-edge research, all the while uncovering darker truths about Willy. It also leads her to uncomfortable questions about why Lyme can be so difficult to both diagnose and treat, and why the government is so reluctant to classify chronic Lyme as a disease.

A gripping, infectious page-turner, Bitten will shed a terrifying new light on an epidemic that is exacting an incalculable toll on us, upending much of what we believe we know about it.
I’m halfway through reading ‘Bitten’ and it has turned out to be a pretty good book. The author has a clear talent in ‘building up’ and ‘painting’ the story - it’s like reading a good criminal novel.

In other words, every page isn’t just about facts, there’s a lot of ‘setting the scene’, but that doesn’t bother me. So far, the evidence for ‘the great coverup’ she’s presented isn’t too overwhelming, but it’s mounting the more you read. At the very least, it’s becomes obvious that something fishy was going on with all those tick experiments in the 50’s and 60’s. The author is clear headed and doesn’t fall into baseless speculation.

If you’re looking for an educating book, that is easy and entertaining to read, I would recommend this one.
Okay...I'll have to 'take back' my previous endorsement. After finishing the book I do feel disappointed – the anticipated closure, or any kind of plausible theory of the connection between the shady experiments and Lyme disease disease didn't materialize. It felt like the author had a good start, but in lack of evidence she started to go around in circles, and finally the book kind'a just...well, unanticipatedly ended.

The author is no doubt gifted and has put a lot of work into this book, but the book feels unfinished.
This is the first in a new series of Debriefs from Dr Klinghardt on Lyme and its co-infections, updated for 2021.
He explains why low dose long term anti biotic treatment does not work and only makes things extremely worse. That, like cockroaches, it is near impossible to kill the spirochetes, but using hylaulic acid? tempts them out of tissue and then kill them with anti microbial compounds.
He will share his protocol with us in further debriefs, which I can post when released.

I never fail to feel deep gratitude to Dr Klinghart and his courageous fight against the evil pharma. He is now sharing everything as Ithink he knows his days are 'numbered' sadly. He too struggles with the disease so has total empathy.

This first podcast is diamond info, especially for me now as I am at the declining stage for my memory, joints etc despite having had a bit of a reprieve for a few months. Pray there is still time to apply these podcasts and find the funds to do so :-(

Here is the second Debrief. I left our Plandemic meeting early to join live. Was rewarded by Dr Klinghardt playing his guitar as intro singing a song he wrote about the demonic health and times. It was brilliant, but I was not geared up to tape it though as only taking notes.
One major shock was that Lyme mimics EVERY disease known to man, and is not curable but is possible to moderate for some.
Well worth listening to and learning,as well as the one above.
His first attack is on the parasites luckily - using IVERMECTIN!!
This is the second Debrief in the series on Lyme and its co-infections, updated for 2021. Dr Klinghardt holds weekly Debriefs every Thursday at 8.30pm UK time, 12.30pm Pacific, 3.30pm Eastern. Sign up via the link below to join our newsletter and receive invitations to these live sessions:

Edit: Click on 'Watch on UTube' and you will get to the podcast.
Came across this blog. Never heard of leaky brain/ammonia/lyme disease connection before so I am leaving it here for the record in case somebody wanted to look at it.

Lyme-Induced Leaky Brain Syndrome

Dr. David Jernigan, Biologix Center

If you have Lyme disease, MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Autism, Alzheimer's, and other chronic conditions, you definitely have ammonia accumulating in your brain and body.

As the discoverer that Lyme spirochetes cause the accumulation of ammonia it is very validating to me that other scientists and clinicians have confirmed the finding.

Although many people have heard of Leaky Bowel Syndrome (LBS), few have heard of Leaky Brain Syndrome. I coined this term when I became aware of the damaging effects on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) from the accumulation of Lyme-induced ammonia in the brain. Ammonia in the brain is a primary cause of neurological and psychological hypersensitivity.

Ammonia in the brain alters the permeability of the BBB enabling larger molecules to cross, such as common amino-acids that normally would not be able to cross the blood-brain-barrier. When these random molecules touch the brain tissues they set up neuro-inflammation, hyper-reactivity and hypersensitivities to stimuli, such as environmental scents, chemical toxins, mycotoxins, metabolic products, emotions, and even changes in barometric pressure, moon phases, and geopathic stressors. Many people with these issues feel that they suffer from cerebral allergies, but cannot pin any one cause down.

Indeed, the presence of ammonia and the worsening of symptoms can be histamine mediated. If a person with Lyme disease (LD) is taking a medication that they are allergic to, such as an antibiotic, unfortunately the resulting worsening of symptoms is often thought of as being a Herxheimer reaction from the toxicity of the bacterial die-off substances. Unfortunately, our clinical testing reveals that the person is often suffering from a allergic reaction that is stimulating a histamine release. The histamine release exponentially increases the amount of ammonia in the tissues.

The people this histamine/ammonia complex affects the most are those with SNP mutations and those who have impaired methylation pathways. "If methylation is low and T cell production is low, then histamine levels tend to be high. Histamine is linked to inflammation, a contributing factors to leaky gut as well as allergies."

The symptoms of these cerebral allergies are unique to what part of the brain is being affected. Ammonia-induced Leaky Brain Syndrome is one of the primary causes of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Cognitive dysfunction, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, MS, ALS, and a myriad of other chronic conditions.

There are only a few ways ammonia can become a problem in the brain. Severe liver disease is a well recognized producer of global or systemic ammonia. No one knew, until I discovered quite unexpectedly, that Lyme spirochetes could cause ammonia to accumulate in localized areas of the brain.

I first became aware of brain-ammonia problems in the late 1990's while treating a gentleman from England who came to me having been diagnosed with Lyme disease (Neuroborreliosis). Quite surprisingly, my testing revealed Trypanosoma gambiense as his primary microbial challenge. T. gambiense causes African Sleeping Sickness (ASS). Only after subsequent study, in Cecil's Pathology book, did I find that the symptoms of ASS are caused by the neurotoxic effects of ammonia produced in the brain by the microbe. Interestingly, the man said that for years he had told doctors that it felt like someone was pouring ammonia over his brain!

The severe debilitation of this man is what stimulated my discovery of Lyme-induce ammonia. His symptoms reminded me of many of my patients previously diagnosed with extreme Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, MS, ALS, and Lyme patients.

I started doing clinical testing for accumulations of ammonia in people with confirmed Lyme disease, and found that all of these people had localized ammonia accumulations primarily in the brain, heart, liver, and jaws caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent in Lyme disease. This is no small finding, nor is it easy to correct, although many will tell you of this or that supplement that will rid your body of ammonia. Most of these substances, such as L-ornithine and molybdenum, and various herbs do not seem to be able to clear the ammonia from the brain, or jaws.

I am pleased to say that over the last decade my findings have now been confirmed by many other doctors and scientists. (Ammonia)

It would seem that Bb release ammonia, which is converted to glutamine, by way of the glutamine synthetase pathways, leading to localized swelling of astrocytes (brain cells). This ammonia-induced glutamine accumulation may cause dysfunction of astrocytes that leads to impairment of vascular reactivity other than through a decrease in arginine availability for NOS leading to increased production of nitric oxide (Toshiki 2000).

It has been reported that many neurological problems are caused by either congenital causes in SNP mutations, or acquired hyper-ammonemia from various infectious agents or liver disease (Albrecht 1998).

Many of my patient previously diagnosed with LD have reported that brain MRI's found MS-type plaques on their brain. These plaques are likely from the increased ammonia from the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria.

All of the ammonia-related pathological changes predispose these individuals to cerebral allergies, due to alterations in the blood brain barrier, subsequently allowing larger molecules, such as common dietary amino acids, to pass through to the brain. Neurotransmitter receptors and function is impaired and possibly the most common symptom – altered brain energy metabolism leading to cognitive brain dysfunctions, the total fatigue of the mind when forced to read, talk, or think for extended periods.

Direct Resonance Testing (DRT) was used to test for the presence of ammonia in the brain, heart, and liver of over 2000 previously diagnosed LD, MS, CFS, ALS, and other chronically ill patients; all patients were positive for ammonia over these areas.

Many other doctors have confirmed this finding using the Direct Resonance Testing. A Direct Resonance Test functions based upon the fact that every bend, rotation, or atomic bond of a given molecular structure, such as NH3, has a certain resonant frequency (Oschman 2000). When two substances similar molecular frequency come in close proximity to each other they will tend to vibrate "sympathetically" through harmonic resonance. (Allen and Cross 1963, Sauer 1995)

How to test for ammonia accumulation:

There is a Serum Ammonia and a urine ammonia test that can be performed by your doctor, however due to the fact that the Lyme-induced ammonia is not a systemic problem, but is in localized areas, the lab tests may not be as reliable to detect the presence of ammonia.
Direct Resonance Testing:

To perform a direct resonance test the doctor will need a vial of pure ammonia. A muscle strength challenge should be performed to identify a strong muscle, preferably using the deltoid muscle with the patient’s thumb pointing towards the feet. The muscle should “lock” or immediately be be strong when challenged, without being spongy. The doctor should use only the amount of force necessary to feel that the muscle being tested engages without being spongy. Once a good strong muscle has been identified, hold the vial of ammonia over various areas of the brain, testing to see if the previously strong muscle goes weak when the ammonia is held over any area. Due to the temporary neuromuscular interference caused by the harmonic resonance of ammonia in the vial with the ammonia present in the brain, the strong muscle will go weak. If the test is positive all over the body then there is more than just Lyme infection going on, since LD-induce ammonia accumulations seem to only affect the liver, heart, brain, and jaws.

I will be discussing treatment options in upcoming posts.

For solutions read this link.

And here is the info from that last link:

Eliminating Ammonia Toxicity in Lyme Disease, MS, ALS, Autism, and Parkinson's

If you have Lyme disease, MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Autism, and many other chronic have ammonia accumulating in your brain and tissues. It is imperative to the healing process that you and your doctor address the ammonia at the same time as you are addressing the cause of the ammonia...the Lyme bacteria, through the Borrelia burgdorferi production of urease enzyme!

Ammonia is very alkaline at an 11.6 pH. Many doctors have been taught that most sick people have acidic bodies. The reality is not that simple. People may be predominantly acidic, their urine and saliva may be acidic, but they are also extremely alkaline in the areas of ammonia accumulation. Lyme disease is a game changer when it comes to the acid/alkalinity of the body.

This is why many people worsen when they drink alkalinized, or are given dietary recommendations such as fresh fruits and vegetables which most often work to alkalinize the body. (No, this is not permission to go back to junk food or processed foods that are acid-promoting!) It appears that alkalinizing these people is only aggravating the already over-alkaline ammonia regions of their body, the brain, heart and liver. The ammonia conditions must be cleared before addressing the more acidic regions of their body! Click on this hyperlink to read more on ways to change your diet to help minimize the symptoms of ammonia.

We can extrapolate from the fact that Lyme bacteria seem to thrive in the highly alkaline environment created by ammonia (11.6 pH), that it is not going to work to attempt to kill the bacteria through drinking highly alkaline water, or eating alkaline-promoting diets. Once the Lyme bacteria and ammonia issues are addressed adequately then yes, an alkaline promoting diet is best.

It is almost impossible to culture Lyme bacteria in a lab setting if the growth medium in the petri dish is not just right, or if the temperature or pH is not just right. So from this we can see that Borrelia burgdorferi are not invincible monsters that absolutely cannot be beaten. The challenge then is to "sour the milk" or shift your body's internal environment to one that makes survival very difficult for the bacteria.

Not everything can be done with remedies, especially the longer you have been sick. The longer one has been sick the more skill that will be required to successfully facilitate the body's ability to completely heal.

One must use the correct tool for the job. Diet, full-spectrum infrared sauna therapy, remedies, nutrition, hands on treatments, and so much more are needed to optimize the body's ability to bring down the population of bacteria, and eliminate the ammonia.

Most people just want to take some remedies at home and feel better. I understand that, however if you don't feel better it does not mean the remedies are not working, it means there is too much else going on, (such as damaged, inflamed, and irritated tissues) for simply removing the ammonia to correct.

Remember, ammonia is a toxin. We call things toxins because they damage tissues. It is like burning your finger on the stove. You immediately jerk your hand off the flame, but the burn and pain remains. So simply eliminating the ammonia will not always instantly get rid of the symptoms.

Also, until the bacteria are brought under control, they continue to produce more ammonia, so getting rid of the ammonia will be an ongoing process until your body can successfully beat down the Lyme bacteria. To help the body eliminate the cause of the ammonia, the bacteria, I developed three different formulas, the first of which I presented compelling research for at the International Tick-Borne Diseases Conference in New York City.

Although no natural formula is cleared by the FDA to treat or cure any named illness, we can make "structure and function" claims for natural formulations. These formulas are not natural antibiotics. They work to enable the body's own defenses to kill the huge numbers if you read the research.

  1. Eliminate the source of ammonia, the bacteria
  2. Eliminate the ammonia, through ammonia-specific supplements
  3. Support the organs of elimination

Eliminating the Source of ammonia, the bacteria:

I would recommend discussing with your healthcare professional, starting with Borrelogen™ at 1 dropper 2-3 times a day for one bottle, or as they recommend. Depending upon your response you can the ask your healthcare professional about switching over to Lymogen™ if you need a change, at the same dosage or as they recommend. The successes our doctors have enjoyed at the Hansa Center for 20 years are largely around these remedies, although when you come you might not be tested as needing any of these formulas that I developed. Our testing helps us identify specifically what your unique body needs, which is why we carry over 3000 natural remedies from all the best companies to test you with in each treatment room.

No matter what way you choose to enable the killing of the Lyme bacteria, conventional antibiotics, or natural remedies, you definitely need to deal with the toxic ammonia. As I have discussed, most medicines and remedies will not cross the blood-brain-barrier (BBB).

Eliminating the Ammonia:

I have traveled to Brazil to search for botanicals from the Amazon that might effectively clear ammonia from the body. I have tested alongside medicine-men in Africa. I have been to huge plant specimen repositories, and tested large collections of medicinal substances from the world of Chinese medicine, not to mention testing everything I can get my hands on from standard botanical and homeopathic arsenals. There are only two botanicals out of everything I have tested that consistently work and have been verified either by laboratory experiments or by Functional Acuity Contrast Testing (FACT) of the toxins interference in the brain.

These two botanicals are Silphium laciniatum leaf extract, and Hibiscus sabdarifa leaf extract. I developed the Silphium into a stand alone extract called, "Siphitrin" and enhanced it's effectiveness in the NeuroAntitox Formulas. The Hibiscus sabdarifa leaf extract is available as a stand alone remedy, that can be taken at the same time as the NeuroAntitox Formula or by itself.

When your healthcare professional finds ammonia is not just in the typical Lyme presentation of the liver, heart, brain, and jaws, but is found all over the body, such as is the case with almost all MS and ALS sufferers, then I would suggest using L-Ornithine/L-Aspertate, which used to be a German prescription drug called Hepamertz, that was used for the same purpose of helping reduce the ammonia seen in severe liver diseases. It is now available as a supplement. In that L-Ornithine/L-Aspartate does not work as well as the NeuroAntitox Formula, it is recommended that they be taken together.

Our Hansa Center doctors are trained to also target and suppress the production of urease by the bacteria to help eliminate the ammonia.

Consult with your natural healthcare professional before starting any new supplement. A general recommendation for the Silphitrin, Hibiscus, or NeuroAntitox Formula is 1-3 droppers, 2-3 times a day, with or without food.

The Silphitrin and NeuroAntitox Basic Formula can be used in a soaking bath, for those whose digestive systems do not handle remedies and medicines well. The bath instructions are on the label of the bottle. Soak your body no more than 20 minutes in warm water, not hot water.

Support the Organs of Elimination:

If one studied all the various supplements that support the detoxification and elimination organs it would rapidly be clear that you could spend hundreds of dollars on many different types of products. I have found that Metacrin-DX by Apex Energetics, Inc. is a gentle yet powerful product to support phase-1 and phase 2 of the liver detoxification pathways.

Fiber is another important component of supporting proper bowel movements and the removal of toxins. Fiber acts like a sponge in the intestines, so I recommend Chewable Total Fiber by Nutriwest, Inc. It is better to have a somewhat dry sponge that can soak up poisonous cellular debris, than do drag a wet rag through the gut, like many fiber products that are mixed in water.

Of course, drink plenty of purified water everyday to help support cellular function and to support the rapid clearing of toxins. Most people are dehydrated, often even when they drink a lot of water, because they have destroyed the membranes responsible for fluid transportation, impairing the body's ability to effectively distribute water to the tissues. When the membranes are damaged, a person will often drink copious amounts of water, yet most of the water is rapidly urinated out. This leads to stagnation and dehydration in the tissues and organs, which can be addressed by using a product called Gather Vitality, by K'an Herbs, Inc.

Juicing your own green drinks or getting them from your local health food store is another vitally important step in supporting the organs of elimination. Try juicing organic cucumber, kale, rainbow chard, apple, whole lime, and parsley or cilantro. It tastes great and is a power packed, nutrient dense infusion of nutrients that support the organs and enable them to have the strength to detox more effectively. Remember, asking the body to detox is asking the body to work really hard, often when the body is already very fatigued. You cannot or should not do any detoxification without also giving the body extra support to do the work.

If your primary symptoms are not severe brain issues, such as seen in MS, Parkinson's, or ALS then you definitely want to invest in a Full-Spectrum Infrared Sauna for your personal use. Virtually no other device can "sour the milk", and shift the internal environment of your body than one of these saunas! Lyme bacteria cause the body to overcool. People with chronic LD often report that their body temperature is very low. If you are ever 96.5 or below, you are in real trouble and need to take this seriously. Every system of the body is energetically "working on fumes" and getting more toxic by the day as the body fluids, such as the lymph fluid, turn into a gel.

There is a new way to do sauna therapy that quadruples its healing effects. The Sunlighten Saunas now have the options for Acoustic Resonance Therapy, Chromotherapy, Full-spectrum Infrared waves, 6-preset wellness programs, and a proprietary cream that enhances sweating in those tough to sweat areas! These saunas are a long way from the boring saunas of old. They even offer a biofeedback option! These saunas are made for people with extreme sensitivities. The six-person Sunlighten Basswood saunas are the ones we use at the Hansa Center, and the smaller units are perfect for healing at home.
I would start on the doxy straight away and then maybe try to add metronidazole.
We report herein the case of a patient presenting with a chronic form
of Lyme disease. The statement of the chronic form of Lyme disease is
definitely corroborated by known and published biological mechanisms
and by the report of cases of successive remissions and relapses on the
introduction and cessation of antibiotics. In the present case, prolonged
clinical remission was achieved with very low doses of metronidazole
(500 mg once a week)
Patient with Chronic Lyme Disease and Recurrent Relapses, Maintained in Complete Remission by Low Doses of Metronidazole
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