"Parents can't see their children, and he brings 50 reporters": Macedonians furious as Vučić endangers fire victims for self-promotion
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić yesterday, accompanied by numerous journalists and a dozen television cameras, visited those injured in a fire in the Macedonian town of Kočani, who were transferred to Serbia for treatment.
As a reminder, a horrific fire that broke out in a nightclub in Kočani on Saturday killed 59 people and injured 155. More than 40 patients are in critical condition.
Camera flashes and Aleksandar Vučić's face were the first things the injured from the fire in Macedonia, who were transported to Serbia for treatment, could see when they opened their eyes.
The President of Serbia visited them while they were lying in intensive care rooms, with an entire entourage of photojournalists and cameramen, before their loved ones had the opportunity to visit them.
During his tour of the hospital, Vučić said:
"For us, the tragedy in Kočani is the same as if it had happened anywhere in Serbia. I believe that we will be able to help these people who suffered terrible injuries. Serbia is always available to our Macedonian brothers and friends, and we are ready to receive more patients because we have top-notch hospitals."
He posted photos from the tour on his Instagram profile, but they caused heated reactions on social media, both in Serbia and North Macedonia.
"This is morbid, for them this is a mortal danger"
Many users of the X social network criticized the way Vučić organized his visit, primarily due to the presence of a large number of people in the hospital rooms where patients with severe burns are located, who are most likely suffering from severe pain.
"All patients with severe burns are extremely immunocompromised. Letting so many people around them is a crime! Do Macedonians know where they sent their citizens?" wrote one user.
"This is morbid. For them this is a mortal danger, and
for him an opportunity to take pictures and show how good and humane he is," wrote another.
Macedonians outraged: "The parents can't see the children, and he brings 50 reporters"
Citizens of North Macedonia have also expressed dissatisfaction, pointing out that such scenes are unimaginable in other countries.
"In all the countries where our children were taken for treatment, only doctors make statements about their condition - either over the phone or in front of the hospital.
Only Vučić enters the intensive care unit directly with a bunch of cameras," wrote one user.
"This Vučić is a mentally ill person, ready for hospitalization in prison and tied up with 3-4 straitjackets. The picture is from his photoshoot with fire victims today. I will hide the face of the man who certainly did not give permission to be photographed after intubation," another comment reads.
We send children abroad for treatment because we don't have a Burn Center and the STERILE conditions that are required for burns of this magnitude, and an idiot enters the children's room with the entire support staff and takes pictures. I'm sick," read another in a series of comments.
"Patients' lives are being risked for Vučić's PR," writes one netizen.
One of the comments read:
"Thank you, of course, for being among the first to take over the patients and provide assistance, but this is beneath all dignity.
Parents are not allowed to see their children, and he comes with 50 journalists and creates a spectacle... Shame."
"Vučić completely crossed the line. He took photos with the injured from Kočani who are in severe pain, people who need peace and strict sanitary conditions. Instead, they entered the room with a bunch of cameras and media pomp," they wrote.
Macedonian doctor: "Thank you very much for your help, but you must not do this"
Macedonian media also commented on this move by the Serbian president, and the Skopje1 portal published an article that reads:
"With more than 10 cameras and the same number of media crews, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić visited the hospital where the injured from the fire in Kočani are being treated yesterday. His visit provoked strong reactions in the Macedonian and Serbian public, and photographs showing seriously injured patients lying helplessly in hospital beds were particularly criticized."
Macedonian doctor Nenad Lazarov warned that such scenes are not only unethical, but also potentially dangerous for patients:
"Don't hold press conferences next to patients, it's not right, especially not with those with severe burns. No politics in my comment - burns are treated like open wounds, and such a crowd is not allowed. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help, most sincerely, but you must not do this."
All patients in Serbia are in danger
"All patients have serious, life-threatening injuries. Out of eight patients, three are on a respirator, meaning they need mechanical ventilation. The body surface area affected by burns is up to 25%. I emphasize that all of them have symptoms of poisoning and burns of the respiratory tract, which is why they are in danger of death," said Prof. Dr. Milan Stojičić, Director of the Clinic for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Clinical Center of Serbia, for RTS.
Consultations with neurosurgeons, ENT specialists, pulmonologists, as well as radiological examinations are underway.
"All patients are taken care of, are stable and have stable vital parameters. As for the patients operated on the previous day, their treatment is continuing and will certainly last a long time," the doctor pointed out.
"The general condition of the eighth patient, who was admitted to a respirator, remains serious," emphasized the director of the Clinic for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Clinical Center of Serbia.
In Serbia, 29 seriously injured patients have been treated, who are located in four healthcare institutions - the Military Hospital and Clinical Center in Niš, the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade, and the Emergency Center of the Clinical Center of Serbia.
Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić juče je, u pratnji brojnih novinara i sa desetak televizijskih kamera, posetio povređene u požaru.