Male Reaching For Female

By choosing your career you're making a choice. But you're also saying that career is more important to you than advancing.

At this point in time I believe it is. I have advanced through lessons I have experienced that my goal in career and advancement there i have not experienced in the way I want. So its not that its more important in a black and white sense however it is more important for me right now.

Do you need to throw away your career to be able to advance? Don't know, this is only something only you can tell.

I don't have to throw away anything but if you think in percentages it can be 80% this 20% this or focus more on one thing than the other.

But then, if you say that the advanced lessons could potentially jeopardize your career, doesn't that mean it's making you avoid all feelings and emotions that are too draining energetically, and take too much to deal with?

its not that it could jeopardize it its that the two together puts stress on my organism that I choose not to deal with or if I have a choice not to deal with right now at this point in time. This is based on past experience and how organism reacts. Im not actively avoiding any feelings because i do not believe I am in an advanced lessons. Thats just the thing if I go through a lessons that I believe to be of importance I can't buffer and avoid the emotions I have to find out why and in doing this it takes energy and this takes away from other things its more out of respect for advancement and the lesson that I say hold of now at this point in time.

Like I wrote, maybe the point of advanced lessons is going through them when you're not able to, and having to deal with all the emotions and feelings they cause.
Or maybe emotions are feelings are actually the advanced lessons?

Could be. The emotions and feelings are part of any lesson. I choose not to find out now I don't care right now

You're saying that you don't want to deal with advanced lessons, because they will require energy that you rather put into your career. Mental energy. Emotional energy.
Having to deal with emotions is a lesson too.
So by saying you don't want certain lessons, you're blocking the emotions associated with them. You're blocking emotions.

And then you're getting dreams where you're either drifting away from your feeling side or trying to reach it, but can't.

Ahh yes. Thank you for this but in having the dream and knowing it and networking can you then connect your female side without going through the energy draining emotions?

I'm pretty sure most people have to deal with the stuff you mentioned here, and need time to recover when they are hit emotionally. Some of them might be even more sensitive to this than others are, but there's nothing that can be done about it rather than learning how to deal with it.

Correct but after experiencing this cant one set up a life or gain knowledge where the time to recover is less or one learns lessons without the negative impact to the body? I would hate to believe there is nothing that can be done

Of course many people try to avoid dealing with it. They try to make things predictable, keep the pains away, for the time they have the time, energy, and emotional stability to deal with hard stuff.
And then it hits them hard, when they least expect it.

Thats the thing I am not keeping anything away compared to the pains I had realized and dealt with and advanced past I do not have any pains as serious as those past pains and out of respect for lessons and the emotions I choose to walk down a different path at this point in time in order to experience more of a society success rather than an esoteric success as I am not balanced in the two I believe based on expeirence and observation that I am more advanced from an esoteric stand point then from a society career stand point and im sure once i reach my goal i will develop a new perspective/learn a new lesson and this is what I want. I want the eveness of advancement in both 3D career society and worldly esoteric lessons and see where my viewpoint is from there after all I chose to be in this society

But maybe the impact would have been lesser if instead of shielding from those "advanced lessons", they allowed them to come on their own, by themselves, as they happen. And deal with them without too much of a delay. Not rushing things, and not blocking them. Maybe then, they wouldn't suffer an emotional turmoil in the end.

Alot of maybes here and I don't know. You use the word shielding and i dont know if this is what I am doing. I have free will and i would like to exercise it at this point in time its more me seeing something and choosing not to get involved based on getting involved in the past and a new want in life. If I put off or hold off on a lesson if I can do this and I achieve society success and then lessons and I come together and I have these pains ok however I reached my goal of society success instead of just pains, energy drain and mental lows without goal achievement. I rather have goal achievement and pains, emotions feelings than no goal achievement pains, emotions, feelings this is what I believe now and I wont know unless I experience this situations. I had goal of finding out more about life and its laws and lessons I have achieved that goal to the level that I want at this point in time I have not had achievement in the 3D society at this point. 3 years from now I could be talking differently or we could all not be here.

So, in the end, maybe you don't have to throw your career away. Maybe you can find a balance between the male and the female. Just remember this: everything has its price, and making any choice has its consequences. Don't tell to yourself that you can make a choice now and change it later when you feel more secure. Many have failed by doing that (and any more will).

Thank you for networking with me and I think I can break this down using a few words. I am not talking about black and white or throwing way this or accepting all of this. If I can i choose not to have advanced lessons in my life right now out of respect for the lessons emotions and my body and my goals what I want to achieve and experience. I don't want to change anything or feel more secure about anything its more of a perspective or experience that I want. For example I am still on the forum reading and learning reading books about the topics here however more of my time is spent in society and reaching society goal. I am here in 3D to only integrate outsdie and inside? Or can I experience just this reality without mix of advanced outside lesson? If I can choose I choose this right now. I don't want to be at mercy of what happens to me I want to set a goal and do what I have to do to achieve it without jepordising my health or organism and If i can learn through reading/networking I rather do that right now then learn through an advanced lesson because of how it effects my health and responsibilities
Menna said:
What to make of this? I believe I may be neglecting my feminine side however I am not sure how to remedy this what should I do to join my female side with my body so that my male and female side can work harmoniously together.

(Maybe my synopses of my dream is wrong I am open to all interpretations and suggestions)
Thanks in advance.

I have also had reiki performed a few times and the practitioner said that my right side robs energy from my left side. Interesting how the male was on my right shoulder and my right side was dominant during reiki

I think you are probably right in your interpretation of what the dream may mean.

The right side of the body traditionally relates to the 'masculine' side, males, and also to the outer world, or work life. The fact that in your dream the boy was on your right shoulder may indicate that you feel you are 'shouldering a burden' relating to your work and/or your masculine side at work?

The left side of the body relates to feminine side, females and home life. It could mean that your life is not as balanced between the masculine and feminine sides as it could be. Also the masculine and feminine balance in relationships, home, as well as professional live.

Maybe doing something that enhances your right brain hemisphere function might be the go. Art, creativity, language, intuition, music, singing etc.

When it comes to which side of the body the brain 'rules', it actually crosses over round about tip of nose level. As far as being thrown against the wall or across the room, well sometimes dreams like to grab out attention especially when we may be ignoring something or maybe not even aware of it.
The idea of balancing boths aspects sounds to me like what the dream is trying to convey.
The dream is of the dreamer, so it is your mind sending a. Message.

With the information provided i bieve you have part of the answer, the excersises, would reffer to how you consolidate both 80/20 percentage.

The way i see it, is that we are Not to pick and choose what we learn and how, or what we learn through lessons,
And i don't think is good to place advanced lessons as something that is fully within our hands, as taratai said, sometimes things happen.

I feel as though advance lessons, are for those who are ready and see the possibility ahead and as mena mentioned his own life indicate maybe not an advance lesson in 3D terms but maybe a lessons that goes with his current situation, school, carrer etc, all that happens in life is inclusive.

But seeing life as this is lessons and this is not i feel as is not the best way to look at life, we just live our lives and we are presented with choices and situations at certain junctions, no one is born with a manual to say, lesson one is this and then break, life is inclusive and lives flow organically,

As far as the dream and the information regarding the advanced lesson exchange, it seems, the word is blanace and harmony, and somehow a hint that your goals and yourself need to "dance in harmony" since separating male and female (which are equally important) can affect one or the other.
Again, not necesarily an advanced lesson in 3D terms, also not necesarily as a separate thing, just a normal lesson, normal experience of spliting time and energy in what you are and what you want. Which is very common with everyone, maybe not necessarily school, maybe a child, a job, a partner, a situation ect.
You don't seem to have any problems ! You're living your 3D life as it appears to be good for you.

So don't make this "dream unbalanced sides" a problem too ! :)

Ruth has a good point in advising artistic and creative work, like singing. It involves a lot of tiny muscles, as you appear to have lot of the big ones if your avatar pictures you :P.

My intuition is that advanced lessons may don't relate AT ALL with 3D, but allow it nonetheless. Well we all agree with it here, I think. Just be peace, and SILENT, maybe the answer will reveal by itself.
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