Man Decapitated And Several Hurt In Suspected Islamist Attack On French Factory

That didn't take long.

Israeli minister calls for French Jews to emigrate immediately after Islamist beheading


The Israeli minister who oversees the immigration of Jews from around the world to Israel has called on French Jews to "make Aliyah", or emigrate to Israel, immediately following today's Islamist beheading attack in southeastern France.

In a statement released to Newsweek, Zeev Elkin, the Israeli Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption minister, addressed France's Jewish community, telling them to move to the country in order to seek protection from anti-Semitism and the terror of "Isis activists".

"I call to the Jews of France to come home, the anti-Semitism is rising, the terror is rising, by reports, [Isis] activists are killing in broad daylight," he said. "We are ready to welcome with open arms the Jews of France and by all predictions we are expecting massive Aliyah waves."
Also it should be noted that all these events occur a few days later of the last Bilderberg meeting. :huh:
RedFox said:
Any other strange things going on today?
The event takes place in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Quote from the article.
Unidentified young man, for whom it was later found to be a psihičkome patient, on Friday from machine guns shot at the center of Mostar, which caused panic, but thanks to the quick reaction police disarmed and arrested.

Around noon Street Leopold Mandic young man fired several shots from a machine gun and then began to panic in that part of town. People began to flee, and fear of bloodshed parents came to pick up children at a nearby kindergarten.

No one was injured nor was which caused damage as the man fired some 20 bullets into the air and the ground.

Palinurus said:
Chu, I have to inform you that this 'news' is already very old stuff. The article you quoted has
Peter DeJong, The Associated Press
Published Friday, March 27, 2015 11:47AM EDT
in its header.

So no major power outage today in Amsterdam or the Netherlands.

Fwiw, there actually was a power outage today:

Large power outage hits 12 thousand homes around Zeist and the Hague:
Perhaps it's more Machiavellian:
1/ This attack is just coming at the right moment to justify the new French law on intelligence power validated two days ago (_

2/ Act as a cover up for future "natural" explosions that will be explained as terrorist attacks. :halo:
Meanwhile in America, according to RT the only story making the news is this one

With which they seem to be running the divide and conquer program.
More divisions for more distraction and later violence.
While listening to the radio my general impression was that they want us to associate any ordinary muslim with a terrorist.

Espacially because the guy is presented like an ordinary muslim, father of three children, etc.

Reminds me of the comment by the C's : "Expulsion, camps, similar to the treatment of the Semitic Jews by the Nazis, supported or ignored by the rest of the world."

And now we have Marine Le Pen talking about expelling any suspects.

"Big declarations must now stop. The marches, slogans and emotional speech must now give way to action. Nothing has been done to stop Islamic fundamentalism for years," Le Pen said in a statement.

"Our borders must be restored. All foreigners suspected of Islamic fundamentalism should be as soon expelled from the country"

And here is again the "normal muslim" theme (the wife of the suspect, in french) : _

edit : link added
RedFox said:
Meanwhile in America, according to RT the only story making the news is this one

I'm getting an error on that link. What was the story about Redfox?
Windmill knight said:
RedFox said:
Meanwhile in America, according to RT the only story making the news is this one

I'm getting an error on that link. What was the story about Redfox?

The link is to this story - :)
Italy on alert, the US attacks as "heinous"
Not only has the narrative in Tunis been changed from 2 attackers to 1 (even though one was allegedly arrested and the other killed), now the 2 attackers in France have been turned into an anti-semitic 'lone wolf.'


An ISIS-inspired “lone wolf” extremist decapitated his boss and then propped his severed head on a fence in a gruesome terror attack on an American-owned factory in France Friday, counterterrorism officials said.

The Guardian is also changing their story.



There is now uncertainty about whether one of the attackers was killed in the incident.

Our earlier report that one of the suspects was killed was based on a press conference given by France’s interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

According to a translation from BBC News Cazeneuve said: “The alleged author of this crime had been killed after he had committed his crime. He had been killed by one person from security who had the courage and cold blood to confront this individual. This firefighter I would like to express to him my thanks for the speed of their intervention.”

We now think this may have been a mistranslation. AFP said Cazeneuve was referring to a firefighter who overpowered and “neutralised” Salhi, the arrested suspect.

“I would like to offer my deepest thanks to the firefighter and his colleagues who came to the scene for their promptness and effectiveness,” AFP quoted him saying.

There is also uncertainty about the man who was decapitated, as Reuters points out.

It was not known whether the victim, so far the only known fatality in the incident that also injured two people, was decapitated before or after the car smashed into the building, or whether the victim had been on site at the time of the attack, or killed elsewhere.

While it was initially reported that two attackers drove into the factory and started throwing gas canisters after which one of them leaped out of the car and beheaded a person, now it is claimed that the boss of the man that was arrested was in the car from the start.

French media reported that the victim, an unidentified 54-year-old businessman, was Salhi’s boss, according to AFP. He was riding in the same vehicle as Salhi when the attack unfolded, officials said.

After both men arrived at the factory to make a delivery, Salhi used a knife to decapitate his boss inside of the van. He placed the severed head on a nearby fence before getting back in the van and ramming into the gas canisters.


Salhi apparently had been in trouble before because of his philosemitism. Though it’s possible that this is another Muslim of the same name.

In July, two men of North African descent exchanged blows with a Jewish teenager aboard a train from Toulouse to Lyon. The teenager said one of the men, Yassine Salhi, had made anti-Semitic remarks. French prosecutors are investigating.

The story is still developing, but so far a second suspect has been arrested along with Salhi’s wife.

In my opinion so far, this looks like a Mossad operation.
jsf said:
And here is again the "normal muslim" theme (the wife of the suspect, in french) : _

Heartbreaking, as usual in these cases. I found a bits of the transcript in English:

"My heart is about to stop," she said. "I don't know what happened. He (Yassin) went to work this morning at 7 in the morning. He is a delivery man. Yesterday he came from work. He was normal. This morning he went to work," she said.

"It's not possible. He's my husband I know him. He's normal. You can come see our home. We have a normal house," she said.

She then breaks down and asks who she can contact for more information. She keeps repeating "what's going on?"

The journalist asks her if her husband is "religious". She says they are normal Muslims, they follow the Ramadan, that's it. Normal. What's going on? And so on.

At one point she asks the journalist: "Why he would do something like that? He had no reason to. What business would he have with a chemical plant?" The journalist doesn't reply.

That is pretty sad Chu. I feel for his wife and it raises a lot of questions.
It seems that the attack was planned in London, but was prevented.

Quote from the article:
"London Police today confirmed that they managed to prevent a terrorist plan in which the goal was to detonate the homemade bomb during a military march. This is a large gathering on the occasion of the armed forces and the police claimed to have received a dossier which is in the details described ISIS's current plan of killing and maiming of innocent people. "

Terrorists self-proclaimed Islamic state (IS) the day after the horrific attacks in Tunisia, France and Kuwait, claimed responsibility for the deaths of dozens of people. The attacks took place after the terrorist organization called on all Muslims to work during Ramadan but promised them a reward in heaven for those who attack the infidels during the Muslim holy month.

On Twitter there was frequent Islamist threats and terrorist attacks since the beginning of the intensive use of social networks as a way of communicating with each other, so, David Thomson, in March passed from the pages of jihadist threat and this photo of Islamists say that will come in Tunisia this summer.

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