Man in black


Jedi Master
I didn't find topic about MIBs here so I made it myself to post the video I found :)

Men In Black on Security Camera Footage - After UFO Sighting
Hi Serendipity, try searching using the keyword: "men in black", (in quotes), and select 'entire forum', you will find much info. The search function at SOTT does not behave like Google's.

As far as the vid... I don't know, could be "real" Men in Black, (or not), the Youtube poster - smokingman47 posts mostly ET/paranormal vids.

What is your interest in MIB's?

So much info on this forum, I think it may be best to read, read, read, read, then read some more before starting any posts, otherwise one's posts could potentially be seen only as 'wiseacre-ings', but that is just from my experience, yours may be different.

Have you read the "Wave Series" yet?

[edit: spelling, punctuation]
Hi Mark, thx for your post and concern.
But this was only my mistake due to language barrier.I was searching for man in black, while the correct spelling is 'men in black' .
I read almost complete wave series, except last 2 parts.
The reason why I shared this video is cause the way men in black are described in the video is remarkably similar to how the cassiopaeans described them.
They said the MIBs are lizzie projections if I'm not mistaken.
It wasn't my intention to present myself as wiseacre I simply wanted to share the video.
Serendipity said:
Hi Mark, thx for your post and concern.
But this was only my mistake due to language barrier.I was searching for man in black, while the correct spelling is 'men in black' .
I read almost complete wave series, except last 2 parts.
The reason why I shared this video is cause the way men in black are described in the video is remarkably similar to how the cassiopaeans described them.
They said the MIBs are lizzie projections if I'm not mistaken.
It wasn't my intention to present myself as wiseacre I simply wanted to share the video.

Yes, the description of the men in black in the Youtube video was indeed similar to how they are described by the C's and in Laura's writings. Good to hear that you are reading The Wave, that series made a huge impression on me. I understand the MIBs have difficulty maintaining in 3rd density and seem to almost "fall apart" if they are here too long.

You are doing well with your English!
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