Dagobah Resident
2 Workers Have Chips Embedded Into Them
2 hours, 1 minute ago
CINCINNATI - Tiny silicon chips were embedded into two workers who volunteered to help test the tagging technology at a surveillance equipment company, an official said Monday.
The Mexico attorney general's office implanted the so-called RFIDs — for radio frequency identification chips — in some employees in 2004 to restrict access to secure areas. Implanting them in the workers at is believed to be the first use of the technology in living humans in the United States.
Sean Darks, chief executive of the company, also had one of the chips embedded.
"I have one," he said. "I'm not going to ask somebody to do something I wouldn't do myself. None of my employees are forced to get the chip to keep their job."
They work "like an access card. There's a reader outside the door; you walk up to the reader, put your arm under it, and it opens the door," Darks said.
Darks said the implants don't enable to track employees' movements.
2 Workers Have Chips Embedded Into Them
2 hours, 1 minute ago
CINCINNATI - Tiny silicon chips were embedded into two workers who volunteered to help test the tagging technology at a surveillance equipment company, an official said Monday.
The Mexico attorney general's office implanted the so-called RFIDs — for radio frequency identification chips — in some employees in 2004 to restrict access to secure areas. Implanting them in the workers at is believed to be the first use of the technology in living humans in the United States.
Sean Darks, chief executive of the company, also had one of the chips embedded.
"I have one," he said. "I'm not going to ask somebody to do something I wouldn't do myself. None of my employees are forced to get the chip to keep their job."
The chips are the size of a grain of rice and a doctor embedded them in the forearm just under the surface of the skin, Darks least not yet...
They work "like an access card. There's a reader outside the door; you walk up to the reader, put your arm under it, and it opens the door," Darks said.
Darks said the implants don't enable to track employees' movements.
"It's a passive chip. It emits no signal whatsoever," Darks said. "It's the same thing as a keycard."Um, if you can read the signal, you can track. The only reason that cannot track employees' movements is they have not installed readers everywhere. It is solely voluntary that they don't track, not a law of physics. has contracts with six cities to provide cameras and Internet monitoring of high-crime areas, Darks said. The company is experimenting with the chips to identify workers with access to vaults where data and images are kept for police departments, he said.or a mark on your forehead:
Revelation 13
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
The technology predates World War II, but has appeared in numerous modern adaptations, such as tracking pets, vehicles and commercial goods at warehouses.You know, people and places where security is Real Important, so it would be "reasonable" to enforce this. Its too bad we didn't have this prior to 9/11 so we could have been watchin' them thar terrists.
After Hurricane Katrina, as body counts mounted and missing-person reports multiplied, some morgue workers in Mississippi used the tiny computer chips to keep track of unidentified remains.So apparently the employees of the "Mexico attorney general's office" are just like pets, vehicles and commercial goods. Thats funny, I thought they were people. Go figure.
What with all of the upcoming earth changes, it would be a good idea for everyone to get one pre-installed so we can identify all of the bodies.