I think if we are to discuss Marilyn Manson, we should strive for objective truth. That would require removing rumours. There are tons of rumours about Laura as well, but, if anything, they are the opposite of objectivity and truth.
Rumours are often be designed to cause an emotional reaction, bypassing one's critical processes, and often designed to harm their subject.
For those who have not been able to specify why you have come to a negative conclusion about Manson but provided rumours, I suggest you try to step outside of your emotional thinking and recognize the effect that rumours had on your thoughts.
The smoke you were referring to, did you mean stage smoke or smoke from audience members? Can you still smoke at a concert in Montreal? If so, it must be the last place in Canada. We haven't been able to smoke at concerts for at least decade in Ottawa.
Regarding my take on Manson, I find his music a little too broody for my taste. A girl next to my office plays some Manson, so I've heard more recent works and still can't find much to enjoy.
However, when I have seen him in interviews, I found him to be aware of a few of the things most people (this forum notwithstanding) are oblivious to, mostly along the lines of hidden hands puppetting world affairs. He seemed quite intelligent, coherent and demonstrated a degree of something that looked like compassion. I wasn't sure as his makeup interfered with trying to read his expressions in any significant way. ;)
It is important to note that he cannot seem to be able to step out of his character. He could be so wounded that his character is the only safe way he can experience the world and cannot experience the richness of his self.
I think it is also important to note that his style is rather goth and androdenous. Not sure what to make of the gender obscuring but the goth part is rather a dark (duh, no really?) Way of expression that seems to attract dark, negative people.