Martial Law by Executive Order

My older brother had a dream back in the day about 911 before it actually happened. He said that the dream was so clear to him that he knew it was a sign (or premonition) and he turned out to be right. Not too long ago we were discussing how he has had another similar dream in which he sees himself working in another country (he believes to be Turkey) by himself. For a while there we couldn't understand why he would leave the country without his family or any of his belongings but this certainly poses a reasonable explanation. He may not have a choice. :/ This means to me that things are not just gonna hit close to home this year but possibly right in it.
Yeah, things really are heating up in every way. Besides the financial collapse, and major earth changes / natural disasters, there may be all sorts of things that the elite are worried about that all connect together in relation to losing their control and positions of privilege (and access / control of any and all resources). The problem is whether the masses of people in the U.S. and globally will be able to have a bloodless revolution by increased awareness and reconnection to each other and refusing to do the bidding of the PTB.

If people get violent, it's just going to be more of the same bloodbaths, horrors, and suffering on a larger scale. People now can't expect to fight against the weapons controlled by the PTB. Unless most of the armed forces and police forces, etc. turn against the government and refuse to kill the people. Any way you look at it, the potential for escalating chaos is huge.

As I wrote earlier, it's been evident for a long time that this day would come. As shocking as this and everything else that's going on globally is, I feel like Pob when he wrote:

Pob said:
These days, I find I'm only shocked when there is good news :(
When I read Laura's Astromatrix, especially the parts that I bolded:

As soon as that influence begins to be felt, Venus and Uranus in the 8th negatively aspected by the Moon in the 4th will just give it more energy– a blow to the head, to women, to the home in a land ruled by the Ram. Expect it to start in mid-May and pick up major steam by the end of June when there may be major floods to add to the misery. Poverty and sorrow everywhere which, it appears, will make a lot of people uncomfortable enough to be aroused to action.

This last event will be very bad for the public face of the Elite rulers of the earth. The feminine energy will turn even more strongly against them as mothers everywhere wake up to the fact that their children, small and large, are at risk in ways they had not previously anticipated. It will start slowly and swell over the summer until, by the time school is to start again, mysterious events may change the playing field, bring things to a head, and do expect violence.

Something is definitely going to change in a big way through September and October. Extraordinary events…

Interestingly, all of this will have something of a positive effect on global economies though it is difficult to understand how from where we are now. Perhaps it is just simply because people will be turning away from the big banks, starting to trade and barter and ignoring the Elite control system en masse, or what. But by November, women will be having a lot more to say about where and how money is spent.

I wondered if women will suddenly have more to say about where the money is spent because men will be drafted somewhere away from home... :/
Some how i feel that these two condition's are representative too the panic of many banking CEO's that have recently left very lucrative jobs, and are moving there financial houses into what they think are safe havens to the possbile condition's to the coming of Martial Law. Due to the possible collapse of the leveraging of the 600 trillion dollar by the derivatives market on wall street. Spend it before it's worthless.

Derivatives ( ) are what brought down the house of AIG financial, and the world to economic instability, and almost into defult. Congress was supposed to regulate this activity in 2008, (but they are all in bed with banksters) but that never happened, and were are at that same juncture of impending financial doom, and closer then ever to Martial Law.

The Numbers Game

Top Derivatives Regulator: 'We Haven't Filled the Gaps'

Derivatives and Greed: a Dangerous Combination: By Jon H. Hamm from the The Economic Contratian
MARCH 15, 2012

Derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode

As of March first, 100 world bank Ceo's have left very high paying job's, and cashed out running for the hills with there loot, like a rat leaving a sinking ship.
'Like a rat deserting a sinking ship'
The earliest versions of this proverb go back at leasts as far as Pliny (1st century AD) and have to do with mice leaving a house because they can detect, before humans can, the very first creaking noises that indicate its imminent collapse. Thus the proverb inically was no more than a sensible injunction to be observant and look to the future. Shakespeare appears to have been the first to supply the modern twist:' a rotten carcass of a boat...the rats instinctively have quit it'(The Tempest, I,2 lines 146-8). The expression continued in use with its previous meaning but it is Shakespeare's more vivid image that prevailed. The rats that leaving a sinking ship are the disreputable people who desert, as soon as it runs into trouble, a cause they have previously gone along, with and been sustained by.

Activist Post-(use this link to review the complete list.)
Derivatives and Greed: a Dangerous Combination MARCH 15, 2012

On March 6, 2012, I wrote an article entitled “Mass Banking Resignations Signal A Purging Has Begun?” where I included a list of banking directors, CEOs, and board members of both national and international financial institutions standing who have resigned from their post since September 2011. The data was collected and compiled by independent blog American Kabuki and posted online complete with a description of the individual, location, and link to the resignation announcement where it was covered in the mainstream media.

At the time my article was posted, the list had already topped 122. This prompted many, including myself, to question whether or not 122 was actually such a large number, given that there are many national and international institutions across the globe, as well as the fact that these resignations took place within a span of a period of about five months.

Certainly, the number seemed enormous.

Apparently American Kabuki had the same questions. Only a few weeks after the initial posting, the blogger posted a chart that included the number of resignations filed with the SEC, as required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, going back to 2008 and in to the fourth quarter of 2011. Tracing the resignations back to 2008 would, obviously, provide something close to a representative sample of the normal rate of resignation over a period of three years.

What these statistics revealed was a staggering increase in the number of resignations announced around the second and third quarters of 2011.


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SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, things really are heating up in every way. Besides the financial collapse, and major earth changes / natural disasters, there may be all sorts of things that the elite are worried about that all connect together in relation to losing their control and positions of privilege (and access / control of any and all resources). The problem is whether the masses of people in the U.S. and globally will be able to have a bloodless revolution by increased awareness and reconnection to each other and refusing to do the bidding of the PTB.

If people get violent, it's just going to be more of the same bloodbaths, horrors, and suffering on a larger scale. People now can't expect to fight against the weapons controlled by the PTB. Unless most of the armed forces and police forces, etc. turn against the government and refuse to kill the people. Any way you look at it, the potential for escalating chaos is huge.

As I wrote earlier, it's been evident for a long time that this day would come. As shocking as this and everything else that's going on globally is, I feel like Pob when he wrote:

Pob said:
These days, I find I'm only shocked when there is good news :(

Yeah, so true.

All I can say is this: violent revolutions are never a good idea. What would be a good idea would be for all normal people to simply peacefully refuse to continue to give any support whatsoever to psychopaths. Turn off their TVs, stop going to movies, stop buying evil foods, stop taking evil drugs, stop working for psychopaths everywhere, stop sending their children to government controlled schools.

Start interacting with their neighbors, helping each other, creating their own entertainments of a wholesome and edifying quality; start growing their own food or only buying from farmers they know and trust; go only to doctors who have proven themselves to be knowledgeable in nutrition and other "stay healthy" modalities; walk away from their jobs if they are companies run by psychopaths and turn to each other for mutual support to survive; form their own schools and pool resources to support good teachers.

But, of course, in order for this to happen, everyone would have to be on the same page and understand psychopathy in power viscerally.

I don't see that happening. People are too driven by their programming, their infantile egos, their self-indulged wants, etc. But of course, all of that will just lead them into situations where their egos are crushed and everything they value is taken away. As it says in the Bible, he who would preserve his life must lose it first...

And so, it will likely come to bloody revolution which is an evil thing because when people with programs, infantile egos, self-indulged wants, go mad with resentment and revenge, they make no distinctions of who is or is not, actually, the enemy. The French Revolution is a good example. Tragically, many very good and intelligent people lost their lives and their potential contributions to society were thereby lost. The result was the French secular state based on Decartes' error: the separation of mind and body.

As long as it is legal, we will continue to speak the truth on SOTT and here in the forum, but the instant it is no longer legal, we will stand down and hope that people will remember. I will not encourage revolution, inevitable though it may seem, but I will refuse to give my energy to psychopaths.
I hear you, Laura. Those are pretty much my thoughts and feelings, as well. And I've done all the things you said is a good idea for people to do to varying degrees over the years already (except a couple like forming our own schools and pooling resources to support good teachers).

I also agree with you about what the most likely and least likely outcomes will be. But we could never know for certain what non-linear dynamics in complex systems will turn out. It could even be that most or all of those things people SHOULD do, will in a way be forced on large numbers of people by circumstances and suddenly it will not only be a good idea, but the only option for many. Who knows....

And, yeah, the French Revolution is a glaring example among many. Hopefully history will NOT repeat itself this time around and the "quickening of the cosmos" will have some positive surprises in store for us, as well, to balance out all these negatives we've experienced already and are likely to get worse. Like you said, we should do all we can with spreading knowledge and healthy alternatives to a way of living through the internet while we can, for as long as we can, and then we'll all have to make a drastic change of strategy for whatever comes after that. And I too refuse (like many others here it seems) to give my energy to psychopaths.
I was watching a documentary by the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth recently, and what struck me about the whole 9/11 issue is that, even from what I understand to be the level of awareness and illusions of the average person, it is still inconceivable that people in the US are not up in arms (literally or figuratively) over 9/11. The evidence is overwhelming that the WTC towers did not simply collapse from damage from the airplane and fire. All you have to do is look at the collapse, and see the billowing debris to realise that what is happening is a massive pulverisation of the buildings. And that's without even mentioning Building 7 and all of the other obvious problems with the official story.

I can't imagine any other country being able to continue to function in the way the US has under such massive controversy. I think the reason that the US has been able to do so however is to do with the illusions and myths that were spread about the USA since its foundation. The US was founded on the idea that the early pioneers were 'fleeing' the tyranny and injustice of a corrupt ruling elite in Europe who exploited the people and, once in the USA, these pioneers established a true and fair Democracy, of for and by the people. Since then, each generation of Americans has been indoctrinated with the same myth, and repeatedly, fingers were pointed at dictatorships and corrupt governments around the world as 'evidence' of how good the Americans had it. How lucky they were.

Basically, what was happening was that Americans were being set up to disbelieve in the truth of 9/11, the biggest and most blatant government crime every perpetrated.

In that sense then, from the perspective of political maturity, the average citizen in the USA is waaaay behind the average citizen in many other countries. American citizens are only now getting to the point that Europeans, for example, got to several centuries ago - to the realisation that 'leaders' are more often than not, a bunch of corrupt and selfish gangsters and not to be trusted.

Basically, what I am saying is that governments in most other countries could not have gotten away with a crime on the scale and transparency of 9/11. The extent of the control of the media in the USA obviously has a lot to do with this, but the extent of the control of the media is just another result of American political naivety.
Laura said:
Yeah, so true.

All I can say is this: violent revolutions are never a good idea. What would be a good idea would be for all normal people to simply peacefully refuse to continue to give any support whatsoever to psychopaths. Turn off their TVs, stop going to movies, stop buying evil foods, stop taking evil drugs, stop working for psychopaths everywhere, stop sending their children to government controlled schools.

Start interacting with their neighbors, helping each other, creating their own entertainments of a wholesome and edifying quality; start growing their own food or only buying from farmers they know and trust; go only to doctors who have proven themselves to be knowledgeable in nutrition and other "stay healthy" modalities; walk away from their jobs if they are companies run by psychopaths and turn to each other for mutual support to survive; form their own schools and pool resources to support good teachers.

But, of course, in order for this to happen, everyone would have to be on the same page and understand psychopathy in power viscerally.

I don't see that happening. People are too driven by their programming, their infantile egos, their self-indulged wants, etc. But of course, all of that will just lead them into situations where their egos are crushed and everything they value is taken away. As it says in the Bible, he who would preserve his life must lose it first...

And so, it will likely come to bloody revolution which is an evil thing because when people with programs, infantile egos, self-indulged wants, go mad with resentment and revenge, they make no distinctions of who is or is not, actually, the enemy. The French Revolution is a good example. Tragically, many very good and intelligent people lost their lives and their potential contributions to society were thereby lost. The result was the French secular state based on Decartes' error: the separation of mind and body.

As long as it is legal, we will continue to speak the truth on SOTT and here in the forum, but the instant it is no longer legal, we will stand down and hope that people will remember. I will not encourage revolution, inevitable though it may seem, but I will refuse to give my energy to psychopaths.

I can not imagine my world without this forum, and SOTT. But eventually we have to live by ourselves. I never understood why I came to live in a village of 20 inhabitants, but maybe there is a reason for that. Here, au moins, I feel secure and I know that we can help each other at any time. People here are very gentle, good people, and ready to help in any situation. But I remember that in one session of the C's, they tell that the PTB will reach everyone, even if you live in a cave, or very far from metropolis... So maybe it is an illusion that living in a village can be a solution. I really don't know.

I agree entirely that revolutions are not the solution, they are in fact a game for the psychopaths.
Laura is so right: REFUSAL is more powerful than revolution. That os why they are so afraid of alternate information sites like SOTT. Real refusal - by purchasing power- the ability to say NO to their mainstream system is less manipulatable by the PTB than revolutions which are always manageable. They are experts at force.
This may be just my personal opinion but I look forward to the day when WOMEN say NO to the Game. I believe that men are too immersed in POWER. You can't fool mothers forever......well, not for very long..... before instinct - protection of their children - kicks in.
Session 4 March 2012:
Q: (L) Probably chicken pox. (Ark) It takes awhile. (L) Alright, I think we're about done, aren't we? (Belibaste) You want to ask about 2012? (L) They kinda covered that. (Belibaste) I mean, not what people say about 2012, but what would a sentence or keyword about 2012 is...

A: Revolution!

the question is what this Revolution will look like if it happens.
the word Revolution does not necessarily have to be what we think it is OSIT.
I can think of a lot of meanings of this word.
and if there are Revolutions of masses of people against another group I think it is likely that those revolutions are again pointed against the wrong things as we have noticed in history over and over again.

as long as there is not a peacefull Revolution against the Psychopathic Power System nothing will really change and it might even get worst,
and as Laura said I also think it is not likely that a lot of people will wake up to the real problem we are facing (Psychopathy).
it is more likely that a lot of people will do a revolutions that is pointed into the wrong direction thanks to the PTB, the Matrix and the programs that are running in people.
Perceval said:
Basically, what I am saying is that governments in most other countries could not have gotten away with a crime on the scale and transparency of 9/11. The extent of the control of the media in the USA obviously has a lot to do with this, but the extent of the control of the media is just another result of American political naivety.
Yep. From what I remember, shortly after 9/11, there were a few people in the media who were starting to ask the question "why". It was basically along the lines of maybe our chickens have come home to roost. That was squashed real fast and I believe at least a couple of tv programs were cancelled over it in an attempt at damage control. While they didn't have the whole banana, it was still a little too close for comfort for the ptb.

My personal thought is along the lines of the myth you mentioned that focused on fleeing tyranny in that it supports the idea of America's current worldview as the quintessential martyr and good guy. We are always doing "good" deeds in other nations etc. This illusion sets us up perfectly to be not just unable to view our government as an enemy, but also effectively prevents us from viewing ourselves (as individuals) in the same way. I "think" to consider the former would lead to the latter. If such a consideration was made, it would not only mean questioning 9/11, but the rest of our history as well in terms of how we (and those in the past) were duped time and time again. That may be too tall an order for some.
Yeah, the national myth in the U.S. is a biggie (as some others are like Israel). It is a totally bogus one that has almost no basis in reality and never had at any time. Just a manipulation that worked really well over and over again. Without these national myths used by all Pathocracies, it would be much harder to get away with what they do.
c.a. said:
Here is a breakdown from another opinion on this subject, and gets pass the fuzzy white house description, and breaks it down to the possible nitty gritty.

The lady doing the interpataion with the narrator, countiues to express being flabbergasted as to what it really represents. And whom would not be.

Alert! Obama Declares/Updates MARTIAL LAW Implementation - Executive Order Explained- Mar 18, 2012
Note: We are NOT calling for any sort of violent revolution. Violence is what the New World Order wants and will enable them to immediately crush any opposition. We need to be 100% non violent in everything we do. Congress is already moving forward with impeachment proceedings. Any sort of violence now would be harmful for freedom and liberty and should be avoided.

Also, yes there are parts within this executive order that have been in other orders but that does NOT change the fact that there are different parts in this particular executive order that have never been put on paper as well as the fact that this is an UPDATE to a full scale takeover.

The Intel Hub - Daily News and Opinion

In a nutshell, it's the blueprint for Peacetime Martial Law and it gives the president the power to take just about anything deemed necessary for "National Defense", whatever they decide that is.

Read the Executive Order

Odd, is recently there has been a number of different sighting's in the states of locomotive's pulling large shipments of tanks, ( painted camouflage green ) in California. Recently in NV. i saw six Abrams being pulled inland going east ward, with those covered car carriers right behind with other assorted cars tailing behind, blow through town, sort of low key.

i don't think it something to get all weird about, but does catch ones eyes given current economic, and political instability.

General Dynamics Land Systems

Hmmmmmmmmm. Shock,and ah

We saw tanks on a train in Denver around November '11. Same scene at Mineral and Santa Fe Dr. as your Santa Cruz shot.
[quote author=Laura]
As long as it is legal, we will continue to speak the truth on SOTT and here in the forum, but the instant it is no longer legal, we will stand down and hope that people will remember. I will not encourage revolution, inevitable though it may seem, but I will refuse to give my energy to psychopaths.

Been thinking about this, there is it seems a day fast approaching where it may well be illegal and we will be on our own to interact within our local communities where we need to remember and share, help build on the lessons. In every sense we may well be unplugged from broad networking and faced with what you quoted "he who would preserve his life must lose it first...". If remembered, this also meshes with the shaman, being brought low and reviving, so to speak. Being unplugged the PTB will want us to plug into their receptacle's only and completely and we either will or we will say no and big shifts will need to be faced. Things from above and within this planet may well dictate these things - the PTB after all are on the same sphere, but the may well see themselves above the level of suffering along with the rest as they build their insulating programs for just that.

If these things manifest, we will not know what is going on in the world, with each other, as the messages will be censored to MSN programs and our objective world might contract to local conditions only and what we remember and do will be our true test.
SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, the national myth in the U.S. is a biggie (as some others are like Israel). It is a totally bogus one that has almost no basis in reality and never had at any time. Just a manipulation that worked really well over and over again. Without these national myths used by all Pathocracies, it would be much harder to get away with what they do.
Yep SeekinTruth,

What strikes me so deeply, is that the oft quoted "as above, so below" or "as within so without," is literally true, the national myths of various kinds, are the speshul programs, the media fuels self importance and wishful thinking, etc.

We all know the consequences in our own lives of acting from programmed traits, the big difference with nations, is scale. History has shown the consequences of rule by machine, and it is destruction, but somehow it's going to be different this time around, don't ask me how.

"I" am just going to keep paying attention to objective reality right and left, responding to the moment in the way that respects freewill, practicing non-anticipation, and observe & participate in this grand epic which we are a part of, whatever is a comin' all i can do is prepare myself the best i can.

voyageur said:
If these things manifest, we will not know what is going on in the world, with each other, as the messages will be censored to MSN programs and our objective world might contract to local conditions only and what we remember and do will be our true test.
Couldn't have said it any better. Seems like we are about to be tested, to see whether we have become true warriors, and have learned the art of the warrior, which is "to balance the terror of being a man, with the wonder of being a man."

It is no curse to live in interesting times, but a great gift, that is a challenge. What remains to be seen is what we will do with the challenge, will we use it for our upliftment, or let others use it to further enslave & destroy us. What will it be? The choice as always, is up to us.
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