Mass Deaths and Strandings

Is this the beginning of the Gulf oil spill now reaching UK/Europe? The C's had stated that it would be "bottom dwellers" that are affected initially when the oil gets carried by the North Atlantic conveyor system. So far, no mention of oil but...

sorry about that, but that is weird...the article a friend sent me was indeed Jan 5 2011. Okay, thousands of crabs had a premonition...LOL!
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The rate of cetacean strandings on the Irish coast remains unusually high, according to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG).

The group's Cetacean Stranding Scheme recorded 162 strandings in 2011 which, while numbers do vary from year to year, was 25-30 more than anticipated.

And already this year the numbers are up on last year's 'inexplicable' records for the first quarter.

Some 21 strandings were reported to the IWDG in January alone - the highest ever number recorded for that month, well above the average of 13.

February's figures are even more worrying, with 30 strandings reported this year compared to a five-year average of 11.4.

"As we are now well into 2012, it is clear that the numbers have not returned to what we could have considered to be more normal levels," said the group in a statement.

There is as yet no explanation, whether a single cause or a number of factors, for what might be causing this significant rise in strandings of both live and dead animals, although one curious clue is "the number of carcasses which had washed ashore with tail fluke/fins apparently cut away".

In other IWDG news, the group recently announced the receipt of £2,000 (€2,400) core funding support from Scottish-based veterinary X-ray firm BCF Technology Ltd, which funds a number of charities through its BCF Foundation.
It was already posted on SOTT.

While I was reading it I kept thinking of what Laura has said, that maybe the "opening up" is releasing more methane and other gases in the ocean that is causing all of these things that are going on with dead sea creatures and strandings.
Thailand: ‘Hundreds and Possibly Thousands’ of Mysterious Open-Billed Stork Deaths Spark Bird Flu Fears In Ang Thong

Bangkok Post – “Hundreds and possibly thousands of open-billed storks have died mysteriously in Ang Thong, triggering fear of a new outbreak of bird flu.

The birds were found dead in open ground behind a deserted factory by the side of the Chamlong-Nong Jik road in tambon Chamlong in Sawangha district after residents noticed that the animals looked drowsy and lay around on the ground, causing a bad stench in the air, the kamnan of Chamlong, Suebsak Waewkaew, said.

Residents alerted authorities who inspect the site twice and then went away, Mr Suebsak said.

He demanded the authorities collect samples of the birds’ remains and move quickly to identify the cause of the mass deaths as residents living nearby were worried that bird flu might be involved.

Suthee Srisuwan, head of the provincial natural resources and environment office, said he had instructed experts to launch an investigation into the incident. An initial inspection had found huge numbers of dead birds in two locations. He would not elaborate further other than to say an investigation is underway.”
Are they coming with another epidemic that will kill millions if not billions of humans? I remember two years ago their lies and their manipulation, their programs (like National Geographic) that were made to produce fear. Hopefully I was informed but I know people who were really, really scared about the bird flu! And because they believe the WHO that lie, lie, and lie.

I feel really sorry for these birds. And then they start to say that again about mad cows.... So they really think we don't remember their games.
CBS DC - September 3, 2013 9:09 AM
Navy: Hundreds Of Dolphins, Whales Will Die During Bomb Testing

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) - The U.S. Navy acknowledged Friday that hundreds of marine mammals will die during bomb testing and heavy sonar use.

The Navy determined that over 340 dolphins and whales will die between 2014 to 2019 as a result of these training procedures.

The bombs that the Navy will be detonating off of the East and West Coasts and the Gulf of Mexico will cause most of the dolphin and whale deaths. The Navy added that “behavioral changes” could also occur from active sonar use.

Sonar use is theorized to affect mammals because they use echolocation to find food and navigation. In a number of cases it’s been fatal for these animals such as dolphins.

The Navy insists that this training is essential to national security and it can’t be simulated through a computer.

Look like they try to hide the real cause (which is certainly related to earth changes). What do you think about it?
Ellipse said:
Look like they try to hide the real cause (which is certainly related to earth changes). What do you think about it?

Quite possible, especially when they specifically mention that "“behavioral changes” could also occur". But it's not something new, actually, and in the past Navy was even sued (and probably not only once) for using harmful sonar. Maybe that's why after getting their permit renewed for another 5 years they decided to make a disclaimer, which can also work in case of any earth changes and weird marine mammal behavior.
Keit said:
Ellipse said:
Look like they try to hide the real cause (which is certainly related to earth changes). What do you think about it?

Quite possible, especially when they specifically mention that "“behavioral changes” could also occur". But it's not something new, actually, and in the past Navy was even sued (and probably not only once) for using harmful sonar. Maybe that's why after getting their permit renewed for another 5 years they decided to make a disclaimer, which can also work in case of any earth changes and weird marine mammal behavior.

Yeah, good highlight I missed. Thanks Keit.
Note: I moved this topic to the Environmental Issues board.

ellipse said:
Look like they try to hide the real cause (which is certainly related to earth changes). What do you think about it?

Yes, it could be that, but I think it's unconscious on the part of the Navy. They just don't care about blowing up animals because it's not in their nature to care.
Kniall said:
Yes, it could be that, but I think it's unconscious on the part of the Navy. They just don't care about blowing up animals because it's not in their nature to care.

Yeah but especially communicating about this, is suspicious.
Source: Mass seabird deaths baffle researchers, thousands wash up on Dutch beaches -

Mass seabird deaths baffle researchers, thousands wash up on Dutch beaches

February 5, 2019



As many as 20,000 guillemots have died in Dutch waters in the past few weeks, baffling researchers, broadcaster NOS said [Dutch only] on Tuesday.

The sea birds, which breed on cliffs and live on fish and crustaceans, are being washed up dead on Dutch shores from the Wadden Islands to Zeeland. In addition, hundreds of weakened birds have been taken to animal shelters for treatment.

‘The death total is very high. We have not seen such mass deaths since the 1980s and 1990s,’ marine biologist Mardik Leopold from Wageningen University told NOS.

No-one yet knows the cause of the deaths. Some have speculated that plastic from the hundreds of containers which fell from a cargo ship last month could be responsible. Others have suggested paraffin washed up on the beaches could be to blame.

Er worden momenteel heel erg veel dode zeekoeten gevonden op #Terschelling en #Ameland. Zojuist vernomen dat er een zak vol dode dieren vandaag van #Terschelling naar het @NIOZnieuws gaat voor onderzoek over de oorzaak van deze massale sterfte.

— Albert Wester (@Albert_Wester) January 27, 2019

Translation (DeepL Translator):
There are currently many dead guillemots found on #Terschelling and #Ameland. We have just heard that a bag full of dead animals is going from #Terschelling to the @NIOZ news today to investigate the cause of this mass mortality.

- Albert Wester (@Albert_Wester) January 27, 2019

The sick animals have blood in their droppings and this could be caused by mass starvation, Leopold said. ‘When they are starving, the birds’ organs are consumed by their bodies,’ the researcher told NOS.

However, he said, the North Sea close to the Dutch coast is currently rich in sprat and young herring, making food shortages unlikely.

Next week Leopold will begin examining the bodies of around 100 dead birds which he has collected over the past few days in an effort to determine the cause of death.

In the meantime, the guillemot population in the North Sea numbers around two million, he said.
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