Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier - parents rebuked


FOTCM Member
A long-running child custody case took a dramatic turn Tuesday, when a Massachusetts juvenile court judge awarded permanent custody of teenager Justina Pelletier to the state Department of Children and Families.

The ruling by Judge Joseph Johnston means the 15-year-old will probably stay in state custody until her 18th birthday unless her parents can prove they are fit to care for their child.

The judge’s four-page decision, which was provided to the Globe, was remarkable for its detail and forcefulness. Johnston faulted Connecticut’s child protection agency for its failure to get involved in a case involving a child from its state, and faulted Pelletier’s parents for their verbally abusive manner and haphazard decision-making that he says has sabotaged plans to move their daughter closer to home.

Judge’s ruling in Pelletier case (PDF)
12/15: Teen in custody fight
12/16: Family battles the state

Johnston wrote that the parents called Boston Children’s Hospital personnel Nazis “and claimed the hospital was punishing and killing Justina. Efforts by hospital clinicians to work with the parents were futile and never went anywhere.”

More recently, he wrote, “there has not been any progress by the parents. Rather, the parents . . . continue to engage in very concerning conduct that does not give this court any confidence they will comply with conditions of custody.” He noted that because of allegations that Justina’s father, Lou Pelletier, threatened a state social worker assigned to the case, the worker had to be reassigned.

More here:


EDIT: Titled edited by Admin. "Pelletier" was written twice.
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier’s parents rebuked

Here is the whole chronicle:

Parents lose custody of teen after seeking 2nd medical opinion; girl indefinitely detained in psych ward

It is completely horrifying.
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier’s parents rebuked

It is horrifying. I have been following this case on SOTT and apparently this is the final determination.
I think the judge and CPS are now taking revenge, possibly because the father has ignored the gag order that was imposed on the parents. They are now accused of being verbally abusive and exhibiting threatening behaviour and I wonder whether this is true. Maybe Justina's father did lose his temper, I don't know, but I do know that judges and CPS are hiding behind their cloaks of respectability and make up stuff or dramatise innocuous remarks or events. Who knows what really happened here and how serious it is?

Added: I thought this comment was interesting and to the point:

Speaking as an attorney who has read hundreds of decisions where children were removed from their parents’ custody, this one is a loser. Let's get a few things straight. There is absolutely no obligation for CT to take over this case. MA created this mess, why on earth does it become CT's obligation to clean it up? All the whining and finger pointing about CT's inaction doesn't even belong in a decision about why custody should be removed from a child's parents. Next, where are the legal findings of fact detailing the long history of "medical abuse" that led to the Judge's decision to support the removal of the child's care from her parents? The fact that the child was taken into custody due to a medical disagreement between two hospitals seems to have vanished. (And by the way, the TUFTS physicians are not in a position to barge into the case; their participation has to be invited.) Instead, we read that the Judge determined the child has Somatic Symptom Disorder. Really? He has a medical degree? So he voted to support Chidlren's - big surprise. And we read volumes about what happened AFTER Boston Children's caused the state to take Justina. The involvement of Matt Staver making demands was probably a mistake (in my experience all children in custody are released back to their parents with temporary conditions), but bottom line: this is the "same old, same old" that I've seen before: first take the kid from the parents, then build the case against them. All this opinion does is reinforce that the Hospital, DCF, and the Juvenile Court are all in bed together; that’s the real issue here. Parents who take their children to Boston Children's do so at their own risk and peril. If the hospital takes your child, that action will be rubber-stamped. Stay away from BCH. And here's my name and website so that LocalObserver and NomDeBlog don’t accuse me of hiding behind my opinions. Beth A. Maloney, Esq.
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier Pelletier’s parents rebuked

I think this is the perfect example of how mindless bureaucracy and laws can be the ultimate tool of evil in the hands of a ponerized society. From Maryanne Godboldo's case:

Mother jailed for refusing to drug daughter with a highly controversial antipsychotic - Child ends up in a mental institution

That story is completely horrifying, the only small consolation is that apparently, charges against Godboldo were dropped in court. But, the brutality and the lack of anything human in the way she was treated was completely unwarranted. I think people ought to keep these stories in mind, in their entirety, but here is the evil bureaucracy highlight:

Folmer said the problem of authorities "kidnapping" children is not an isolated one.

"For every child they put in foster care in Michigan, the state gets $1,200 for the paperwork," she said. "This has become a money making business for taking children."
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier Pelletier’s parents rebuked

Boston Psychiatric Unit's imprisonment of teenager Justina Pelletier needs State investigation into reckless endangerment of psychiatric diagnosing

A couple of quotes:

Less than 24 hours after having been admitted to Boston Children's Hospital, Justina's medical diagnosis was ignored in favor of a psychiatric one, Somatoform; that is, your physical complaints are "all in your head" and you are mentally ill. It has about as much science to support it as Dr. William Griggs' "witch" diagnosis in the late 1600s that claimed the afflictions of the girls in Salem village were caused by "an evil hand," not by natural causes. [...]

Based on what can only be described as a "cozy" relationship between the Hospital's "child protection team," its psychiatric staff and the Department of Social Services, the Hospital filed a child abuse or neglect form against Justina's parents. [...]

In fact, the February 2013 "guidelines" drafted by Boston Children's Hospital in regard to Justina's case included: "set strict limitations on medical discussions with the family and eliminate interaction with providers outside our hospital" such as Dr. Korson. Unbelievably, the family and the treating physician were to be excluded from any conversation about the health and well-being of the 15-year-old captive. [...]

Doesn't make ANY sense at all to exclude both parents and physician. The Nazis would be envious.

Both DeMaso's and the Hospital's reply is disingenuous at best. After all, it was psychiatrists at Children's who initiated legal action by bringing in social services and accusing the Pelletiers of neglect and abuse and failing to accept their opinion over the medical facts of Justina's treating physician.[...]

Additionally, under the United Nation's 2013 Report by the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Pelletiers certainly could claim Justina's human rights have been violated: "Medical care that causes severe suffering for no justifiable reason can be considered cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and if there is State involvement and specific intent, it is torture."

Surely, when a child's life is at stake, even the governing bodies overseeing those institutions that claim to represent the best interests of children, would demand proof of the medical diagnosis. Or is it possible that Massachusetts has so easily forgotten the dreadful prosecutions of Salem, born from rumor, speculation and belief?

And unfortunately, many Big Pharma/medical guidelines qualify. At least with knowledge and awareness, people can choose alternative therapies and research. But in the Pelletier's case, the State has decided for them and their child. Now Justina is in a wheel chair, not to mention the psychological torture she has endured thus far.

Worth reading it in its entirety, this could soon become pretty common if people don't do anything about it.
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier Pelletier’s parents rebuked

Really horrible (MKULTRA has always continued in the shadows?). What powerlessness and helplessness that family must feel. This seems pedophilia by other routes, that is, the torture of children. I imagine that if a major epidemic is declared, the SWAT also may arrest without a warrant any person or family who has decided not to inject mandatory vaccines. How people can defendese against this?.
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier Pelletier’s parents rebuked

And the scary thing is that it happens all over the Western world, whether you are in the US, the UK, Germany, Sweden or The Netherlands the modus operandi is exactly the same and these people all talk the same. I suspect CPS/social service workers all get the same training, training in interrogation techniques and so on.
These SWAT teams are very dangerous and will probably be used more and more. The fact that CPS also has a cosy relationship with the police should make one think. The same goes for schools.
Many parents may still think that this won't happen to them, because they are being good authoritarian followers and where there is smoke there is fire... They can't see that in many cases there is no smoke, but these people can turn one false report into a roaring fire.
I have a lot of respect for these parents that continue fighting for their children. I think Maryanne Godboldo has a strong head on her shoulders, another parent might have succumbed.
These pictures of Jusina Pelletier are heart-breaking. A fifteen year old girl that is losing her hair? :shock:
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier Pelletier’s parents rebuked

Yeah, it is the norm rather than the exception, unbeknown for most people out there. :( And the links between SWAT teams, police, judges, social services... It is fascist to the extreme.

When searching for a health care professional, people ought to keep this one for consideration and awareness:

'State-snatched' girl prompts move in Congress

A proposal in Congress that would block federal tax dollars from states with policies that "conflict with personal liberty" is one strategy in an effort to assist Massachusetts parents who lost custody of their teen daughter to the state because of a psychiatrist's disputed opinion.

Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, who is considering introducing a bill, is joining with the nonprofit legal advocacy group Liberty Council, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights and Republican state Rep. Marc Lombardo to call for the release of 15-year-old Justina Pelletier from Massachusetts state custody to the care of her parents.

They are also calling for further investigation into the influence of psychiatrists' opinions that result in state removal of children from their families.

"I find certain state policies involving individual and personal medical decisions to be disconcerting," Stockman said. "It is my firm belief that we should not provide federal dollars, through NIH grants, to states that maintain policies that conflict with personal liberty."

Stockman said Thursday that taxpayer dollars also "should not be spent on research performed upon people without their consent."

A Liberty Council investigation revealed that Boston Children's Hospital psychologist Dr. Simona Bujoreanu diagnosed Justina Pelletier with a mental illness called Somatoform Disorder after only 25 minutes with the teen, without contacting other physicians.

Bujoreanu is researching Somatoform under a grant from the federal National Institutes of Health. Any ward of the state is subject to research being performed on them without their consent, even if the research is not primarily for the ward's benefit.

This is how a "scientific" bias can destroy a family and their daughter's life. The psychiatrist can even be a relatively decent human being, but if he or she is not aware of the ponerization in their field and science, they are bound to do evil and destroy a person's life.

We all have read and discussed this extensively on the forum and sott, but for some people it is not too close to home until it is too late.

I think it is safer to keep in mind that a practitioner can be very likeable and appear very professional, but that is NO guarantee of anything.

Sometimes consulting someone who is researching a particular disease is helpful. But in that sense, you are giving your consent because you've done your homework and know that a certain expert can be really helpful, that he or she knows about your problems and have seen hundreds if not thousands of people with a certain condition and is researching and writing papers about it.

Obviously this is not Justina's case. Their consent was violated, their former physician expert in mitochondrial disease is barred from seeing Justina after Boston Hospital's psychiatric division took over in the most fascist way:


A little more than a year ago, as Liberty Counsel recounted, Justina "was essentially kidnapped by Massachusetts DCF after her parents took her to Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) to see Dr. Flores, a physician who had treated Justina before at Tufts Medical Center for gastrointestinal problems."

Even though she had been diagnosed with mitochondrial disease, which causes muscle pain and weakness, doctors at Boston Children's Hospital said she had a mental condition and removed custody from her parents.

Liberty Counsel is currently preparing an emergency appeal to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court that will be filed in the next few days.

The group also is working with Stockman's legislative staff to explore numerous other state remedies.

The strategies include medical malpractice actions and other tort claims that Liberty Counsel said "could hold those responsible for this atrocity accountable for their extreme conduct."

"Once again, the court is kicking the can down the road. This is unacceptable," said Mat Staver, chairman and founder of Liberty Counsel. "DCF has no right to hold Justina like a prisoner. We will pursue every legal means to end this tragedy."

WND reported Liberty Counsel asked for the contempt citation against the DCF.

The request was based on the fact that on March 3 Johnston approved a written agreement transferring care for the teenager to Tufts Medical Center. The parents had been taking her to the hospital for treatment before the state agency intervened.

"Despite this enforceable order, DCF still has not made appointments with Tufts," said Liberty Counsel in its explanation of the request to the court.

"The Pelletiers have spoken several times to Dr. Korson, who was treating Justina before this debacle began, and they obtained an appointment date. Dr. Korson said that he wants to see Justina and resume her treatment immediately."

According to Liberty Counsel, for 14 months DCF has refused to provide adequate medical care, refused to allow Justina access to clergy or communion and "even refused to provide any meaningful education for her."

Before she was taken by Children's, Liberty Counsel reported, Justina was involved in ice-skating competitions and was in a private school under an Individualized Education Plan for a learning disability.

"Now she is weak and in a wheelchair," the organization said. "Without any education, she has fallen at least two years behind her classmates. DCF has allowed the parents only one hour per week to visit their daughter, but always with a DCF worker or workers present. DCF has prevented the parents from taking a cell phone in to photograph their daughter. Last month, DCF even filed a motion to hold Lou Pelletier in contempt of court for speaking to the national media."

'Never seen a more barbaric overreach'

Staver said Liberty Counsel will file an appeal or a habeas corpus petition challenging the legality of the state's custody.

"In all my years in practice, I have never seen a more barbaric overreach by a state agency," he said. "The family has asked us to pursue every legal means necessary to get their daughter home."

According to WTIC-TV in Hartford, Conn., Justina's sister, Jennifer, has said Justina is in poor condition.

"Her physical appearance, just from seeing her, it's scary. Her legs are more swollen. They're cold to the touch. She has no feeling in her feet," Jennifer told WTIC.

Justina, from West Hartford, has been at Wayside Youth and Family Support Network in Framingham, Mass., recently.

The Boston Globe reports the girl has spent most of the past year "in a locked psychiatric ward" at Children's Hospital.

But we are still left with a very ponerized system and world. It doesn't help that when you consult, you are already on a vulnerable state due to some affliction and some people are willing to go through anything (consent) in order to have their problems and pain taken away. Never mind that in some cases the treatment might be more barbaric than the affliction.

It is really a very tragic situation. Navigating the mess is tricky to say the least.

Another article that helps to bring the message home:

Gardasil: Medical torture and child abuse by Big Pharma

There is something deeply wrong with a giant pharmaceutical company spending hundreds of millions of dollars to manipulate women and influence legislation in order to generate a revenue stream of billions of dollars a year for itself at the expense of a gullible public. Gardasil is possibly the most dangerous vaccine on the market, with the potential to injure, maim, or even kill the children who receive it. [...]

Most significantly, Gardasil has been associated with an unacceptable number of serious, life-altering adverse events following vaccination. According to World Health Organization data, the rate of serious adverse reactions reported to the VAERS system is 2.5 times higher than the current age-standardized death rate from cervical cancer. VAERS data show that Gardasil has been associated with 24,184 adverse effects since its debut in June 2006, including seizures, anaphylaxis, paralysis, transverse myelitis, Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (uncontrollable movement of the eyes back and forth and jerking movements of the extremities), brachial neuritis, loss of vision, postural tachycardia syndrome, facial palsy, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, chronic fatigue syndrome, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short-term memory loss, miscarriage, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disorders, Guillain-Barré syndrome, abnormal Pap smears, and even cervical cancer.26-28 Yes, you read that correctly - VAERS reports 41 cases of cervical cancer following vaccination with Gardasil. Also, while Merck has not made pregnancy a contraindication for Gardasil vaccination, recent data released by VAERS reveal that Gardasil is by far the most dangerous vaccine to receive while pregnant, having caused more than 1300 adverse reactions in its five year existence compared with the next most dangerous vaccine frequently given to pregnant women, the flu vaccine, which has caused 200 adverse events over the past 20 years. Gardasil vaccination while pregnant has also been associated both with frequent miscarriage and a high rate of birth defects.29 But most tragically, as of November 2011, 4 more deaths were added to the Gardasil toll, bringing the tally to 108 deaths due to the Gardasil vaccine. 30

It is completely mind boggling that considering this last paragraph, people are still NOT asked about their consent for this vaccine.

Merck let 60,000 Americans die from Vioxx-related heart attacks before finally pulling the drug from the market when it could no longer deny the truth, and cold-bloodedly set aside $1.6 billion with the intention of fighting every claim for damages.

The take home message of one of the mother's:

"Please do your homework. Please educate yourself about the risks of this vaccine. The risk of cervical cancer is so low and the success of regular Pap testing has been so great that there really is no need for this vaccine at all. There is no going back once your child has brain damage."

Pretty straightforward in retrospect. But the peer pressure, the propaganda, the fears... Most people don't find out until it is too late.

Very dark days indeed when...

"Medical care that causes severe suffering for no justifiable reason can be considered cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and if there is State involvement and specific intent, it is torture." [ United Nation's 2013 Report by the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment]

And then you realized that quite a few qualify.

Here are other Big Pharma's serial killers:

Beta-blockers killed 800,000 in 5 years - "good medicine" as mass murder

Merck's NuvaRing - Portrait of a killer
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier Pelletier’s parents rebuked

The insanity is TOTALLY outrageous! Makes me a combination of furious and really sad - words fail!
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier Pelletier’s parents rebuked

A couple of updates on Justina:

'Shocking note' apparently written by Justina Pelletier to her parents

The Connecticut teen who has been in state custody for more than a year after her parents were accused of medical child abuse after disputing a diagnosis has apparently penned a note, giving a look into how she says she's being treated.

"They hurt me all the time push me all the time and more," the purported note from Justina Pelletier says. It also says "[they] do not let me sleep vary [sic] much.

"Hury [sic]!"


Keith Mason, president of Personhood USA, a group helping lead the Free Justina Coalition, told TheBlaze that Justina gave the note to her parents a few weeks ago.

"There has been some hesitation to release it because of how tyrannical the DCF has been," Mason said.

Mason called the note "troubling" and said it's "part of the reason we've put a lot of urgency on this campaign." He said he thinks Justina is referring to her treatment by DCF employees and staff at Wayside Youth and Family Network, a facility in Framingham, Mass., where Justina has been living for the last few months as a ward of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families.

Lou Pelletier, Justina's father, told TheBlaze that Justina snuck her parents the note.

"She's very intelligent and figures out ways to sneak us stuff," he said. "She's been risking life and limb to get any bit of information to us."

In-person visits with Justina, which happen once a week on Fridays, are supervised by DCF staff, he said.

Pressed for more details about the note, including why some of the content was cut off at the top in the image provided, Lou Pelletier became animated, frequently citing his frustration with the case and said published news reports seem to have resulted in DCF crackdowns on allowing Justina to communicate with them.

"She's being allowed to be tortured in this country, I'll leave it at that," he said.

They are trying a new approach and hope it goes through!!:

Boston Children's Hospital accused of 'psychological experiment'

Accusing Boston Children's Hospital of running a "psychological experiment" on a captive teenager, the parents and supporters of Justina Pelletier are contesting in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court the state's seizure of her custody.

A writ of habeas corpus was filed Monday, asking that she be brought before a court to determine whether or not there are grounds for state custody.


The legal briefs argue that there is no authority for the state agency to have custody and that its actions are violating the constitutionally protected rights of parents.

For example, a required findings of fact never has been released, the brief argues. Nor has the juvenile court issued the determinations required to support state custody, the brief says.

"This case comes down to the simple fact that new doctors at Boston Children's Hospital (BCH), who had no experience with Justina, came up with a different diagnosis than her expert treating physicians at Tufts Medical Center," said Staver. "The state cannot take children from their parents when the parents make reasonable choices for their medical care. This case is outrageous.

"The psychological experiment of Boston Children's Hospital, under the sanction of DCF, has miserably failed. Justina has gone from a competitive figure skater to being confined to a wheelchair," said Staver.

Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier’s parents rebuked

A couple of new developments:

Head of Mass. Social Services agency at center of Pelletier case resigns

"Olga Roche presided over the horrific mistreatment of Justina Pelletier and the tragic deaths of children in DCF custody," the Pelletier's spokesman Rev. Patrick Mahoney said. "We hope Erin Deveney will correct the systemic injustice of the previous administration by taking immediate steps to free Justina into the loving arms of her family and accepting the reunification proposal."

So not only children were being tortured, they were also dying...

Here is a bill people could actually support!

Congressman's bill stops federal funds for medical centers targeting kids like Justina Pelletier

Congressman Stockman will introduce legislation cutting off funds to medical institutions that conduct greater than minimal risk research on wards of the state, deny First Amendment rights to parents and wards of the state, and take children away from their parents over disagreements on subjective diagnoses.

Recently, there have been several high profile cases involving the rights of parents and various state agencies. State agencies are tearing children away from parents if they seek a second medical opinion or decide against giving their child a dangerous psychotropic drug.[...]

Once a child becomes a "ward of the state," he or she becomes a second class citizen. These children do not have the protections afforded them while they were with their parents. Many hospitals and institutions around the nation currently have policies allowing them to conduct research on a ward of the state presenting greater than minimal risk with no prospect of direct benefit for the research subject. In many cases, federal funds are allocated to these hospitals and other state institutions to facilitate this 'research,' on children who are wards of the state. In short, taxpayers are funding the systematic drugging of our nation's most vulnerable children.

There is also a disturbing link between the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and drug companies. A study from Tufts University found that of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on "Mood Disorders" and "Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders" had financial ties to drug companies. The same doctors alleging medical neglect have a financial incentive to give these dangerous drugs to children, by any means necessary.

I would like to invite you to join me in sponsoring legislation that would withhold all funding from the National Institute of Health from going to institutions, agencies, or medical facilities that do not respect the rights of parents and children. Many state agencies and institutions have been incentivized to treat children who are wards of the state as second class citizens, violating their natural civil rights. In many instances, these agencies have also violated constitutional due process in taking children from their parents. This bill will remove that financial incentive.

For a review of some of the most gruesome cases (other than Justina Pelletier's!), watch:

Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier’s parents rebuked

Thank you for contributing to this thread, Gaby. :flowers:

I watched the video twice. This attorney Allison Folmer that took on Maryanne Godboldo's case struck me as a true warrior. She used the law, she was fearless, she took on the judge and the attorneys and won, because she knew exactly what she was doing.
I think that more parents and lawyers could win these cases if they knew how to be warriors. Fear has to be the first casualty and one has to be prepared to suffer. That is at least what I got out of Laura's article about warriors.
From what I have seen many if not most people remain stuck in their fear and can't seem to get rid of it or don't know how to acknowledge the fear and overcome it and then act when the time is right. Forbearance and all that. :)

The child protection industry is one big psychopathic hellhole IMO. Not only does it feed hospitals and mental institutions, it also feeds the adoption and foster parents industry and the pedophile networks/industry.
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier’s parents rebuked

Mariama said:
I watched the video twice. This attorney Allison Folmer that took on Maryanne Godboldo's case struck me as a true warrior. She used the law, she was fearless, she took on the judge and the attorneys and won, because she knew exactly what she was doing.

I watched it twice as well :) Just knowing there is someone like that fighting with the families was inspiring. Might watch it again ;)

The child protection industry is one big psychopathic hellhole IMO. Not only does it feed hospitals and mental institutions, it also feeds the adoption and foster parents industry and the pedophile networks/industry.

Yeah, perhaps they are moving quick to make damage control so more nefarious things going behind the scenes is not revealed. It is one ugly psychopathic hellhole indeed.
Re: Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier’s parents rebuked

Family members are finally speaking more freely to the press about Justina's abuse:

Justina Pelletier faces continual abuse after more than a year of being locked away by DCF

SeekinTruth said:
The insanity is TOTALLY outrageous! Makes me a combination of furious and really sad - words fail!

Yes! Evil to use children for ones own self gain. Anytime, anywhere!!!

I can not imagine how many kids in the US that are low income or have guardians who listen to whatever the doctor tells them, that are experiencing similar things. And are trapped by this ponerological system.

Thanks Gaby for bringing this out for attention.
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