Mass. granted permanent custody of Justina Pelletier - parents rebuked

Very good point regarding the psychiatry mess. Although it was stressed out on previous articles, it definitely deserves more attention:

Social services and psychiatry: The case of Justina Pelletier

[...]The central issue in Justina's case was, and is, the "diagnosis" of somatic symptom disorder and the allegation of medical child abuse. And there's a danger of losing sight of that when a departmental commissioner gets tossed to the wolves and the state governor says

"DCF has one of the toughest assignments imaginable. Every single day they're called upon to intervene and make difficult decisions...And most of the time, DCF gets it right." (Quoted from a Metro article by Morgan Rousseau).

Most of the time, DCF does get it right. Most of the time they're dealing with allegations of blatant abuse and neglect; children being raised in unsanitary and unsafe conditions; children being sexually abused and even prostituted; etc... Social services case workers investigate these complaints on behalf of society. They are bound by strict procedures, and when they go to court they are subject to cross-examination, and their findings are subject to official and legal scrutiny.

The issues are never simple, but the critical questions are usually clear and understandable. If a child has a broken bone, X-ray reports are introduced into evidence, and the radiologist is subject to cross-examination. If there are allegations of an unsafe home environment, photographs are produced. If there are live electric wires protruding from wall sockets, everybody in the courtroom can see the pictures, and everybody knows the potential danger if there are toddlers in the home. And so on.

But all of this changes in a case of "somatic symptom disorder" and alleged medical child abuse. In these cases the issues, the "realities," consist entirely of psychiatric opinion. When a psychiatrist states on the witness stand that the child "has somatic symptom disorder," the impression is conveyed that this is a real illness with the same kind of verifiable reality as asthma or diabetes or kidney failure. So there's a very strong tendency for the lawyers, and even the judge, to afford the same kind of respect to a psychiatrist's statement as they would to a report from a radiologist or other genuine medical specialist.

What's not routinely recognized is that the psychiatric "diagnosis" is nothing more than the psychiatrist's opinion. In the case of Justina, the "diagnosis" was somatic symptom disorder, which simply means that Justina in the opinion of a psychiatrist, was inordinately preoccupied with her medical condition.

I have worked with a great many sick people over the years, and have struggled with chronic medical problems myself, and frankly, I can't even imagine how one could assess whether a person's concerns in these areas were excessive or inordinate. And this is especially the case in that, since DMS-5, the "diagnosis" of somatic symptom disorder can be assigned even in cases where the person actually has a real illness!

And the allegation of medical child abuse simply means that, again in the opinion of a psychiatrist, Justina's parents had been foisting on her the notion that she was sick, and had pressured various surgeons and other specialists to subject their child to extreme and invasive medical procedures.

Here we have no photographs of exposed electric wires; no reports of young children being left home alone; no evidence of malnutrition or emaciation; no medical evidence of young children having been sexually abused; no X-ray reports of broken bones; etc... Only the opinions and the invented "diagnoses" of psychiatrists!

When Governor Patrick stated that DCF usually get things right, he made no distinction between the kinds of abuse/neglect that social services departments traditionally investigate and the inherently vague psychiatric "abuse" of which Justina's parents stand accused.

It was perhaps inevitable that media coverage of Justina's case would expand into a general criticism of DCF and the commissioner. Criticism of that sort is healthy, and is one of the cornerstones of democracy. But what's noteworthy at present is that we're seeing very little coverage of psychiatry or of the role that the psychiatric "diagnosis" played in this matter. This is critical, because without the "diagnosis" of somatic symptom disorder and the subsequent allegation of medical child abuse, none of what's happened to Justina and her parents could even have gotten off the ground.

Psychiatry captured Justina with one of their spurious labels, confident, presumably, that the parents would cave and play along. But the parents rebelled, and the psychiatric sham was exposed for what it is. Psychiatry, as usual, had no rational defense, so instead they side-stepped the issues, and the spotlight has moved elsewhere.

And let's not forget that psychiatry's leaders are being schooled by Porter Novelli, a major PR firm, in how to interact with the media.
It seems that until "the indestructible" Chuck Norris is scared of these moves of TPTB:

"On Valentine's Day 2013, the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families took into emergency custody then-14-year-old Justina Pelletier because the doctors at Tufts Medical Center and doctors at Boston Children's Hospital collided over the diagnosis of her rare medical condition. But when medical egos and battles lead to a child's being torn from her parents by judges ruling on dubious grounds, isn't it time to confess that something is seriously askew in society and even under the stethoscope?..."
_http:/ /

Justina's family posted a video of her pleas to return to Connecticut. "All I want is to be with my family and my friends back home right now. ... I need to be home with my family. Please let me go home right now," the 16-year-old said from a wheelchair.

"Through the entire 16 months of this tragedy, the one person we've not heard from publicly is Justina herself. Now we can see her in her own words asking Judge [Johnston] and Governor Patrick for her release," Rev. Patrick Mahoney, a spokesman for the Pelletier family, said in a statement.

I don't know how Justina's voice sounded before this tragedy, but it sounds cracked or broken in some way. Her whole body and demeanour looks broken. :( Still, she has some strength in her, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to do this video, OSIT.
I hope her family will get her some decent help and help for themselves, because they have been through a lot.

"We are confident that we have found the right pathway for Justina to return home as soon as possible so she can continue her strong recovery in Connecticut," Massachusetts HHS Secretary John Polanowic wrote in a letter to the Massachusetts House of Representatives Minority Leader Brad Jones."This is an important step forward in an extremely complex situation. We all want Justina to return home soon, and this plan provides a roadmap to make that happen."

It wasn't "extremely complex", until the state started meddling and throwing its weight about. Justina is now a shadow of herself due to these power hungry, pathological people that had no business interfering whatsoever. These are crimes against humanity.
Mariama said:
It wasn't "extremely complex", until the state started meddling and throwing its weight about. Justina is now a shadow of herself due to these power hungry, pathological people that had no business interfering whatsoever. These are crimes against humanity.
Yes, crimes against humanity and against life. This type of depredations probably will trigger a terrible answer by Nature.
She can go back home, now that they "finished her off". It is absurd how "medical child abuse" is in question or mentioned casually. This was medical child abuse, period. Actually, it was a clear example of torture for everyone to see in conventional medicine:

Medical care that causes severe suffering for no justifiable reason can be considered cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and if there is State involvement and specific intent, it is torture.

-United Nation's 2013 Report by the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Justice for Justina: Judge orders girl to be returned to family after more than a year in a psychiatric ward

The U.S. has clearly entered an even darker period in its "caring" system:

A new era of medical blackmail

We wish that the Justina Pelletier case were an isolated incident. It is not - there are other, less well known cases where the facts are harder to discern. These cases have alarming implications for parents - particularly those in the natural health community. It's easy to see how accusations of medical abuse could be a way of blackmailing parents who are wary of conventional medicine into accepting inpatient care, risky treatments, and even vaccinations. There are many parents who may wish to seek a second opinion before exposing their child to pharmaceuticals and dangerous hospital environments. Furthermore, as these cases become increasingly publicized, parents may become reluctant to bring their children to hospitals for care.

We'll be sure to monitor and report back on this trend as it develops. In the meantime, you may want to brush up on your rights as a patient and as the parent of a patient. Don't be surprised if you have a lot fewer rights than you thought.

Justina's case is not an isolated one, there are enough examples published on

I wish her the best and hope she receives much needed healing now that she will return back to her family and friends.
This is great news! What happened to Justina and her family is a hideous crime. I hope she is able to heal from this trauma.
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I am very pleased that she is allowed to go home. OTOH these inhuman people did finish her off, as Gaby said. Is that what they want? They take talented or good-looking kids away from their parents for whatever reason and when parents fight them they will eventually give in, but not before they have destroyed the child and her or his family.
It's like a sadistic game to them and it's a perfect way of showing dissident parents who is boss. :evil:
It seems as though they could no longer ignore the fact that she has a legitimate medical condition rather than a psychological problem. Rather than have her die in their care, they will send her home to die and then say "see? They really were unfit parents."
So glad to hear that there is a judge out there that saw through all the BS. I think that the healing can begin now unless it has become irreversible. And I trust that the parents and the courts go after the people who caused such a trauma. Some kind of precedence has to be made.
Now that she is home, it is time for action:

Justina Pelletier's family promises to sue Massachusetts for abducting their daughter

The family of Justina Pelletier, the teenage girl at the center of a national parental rights dispute, vows to pursue legal action against the state of Massachusetts for what they say was essentially an abduction of their daughter.

Earlier this week, Massachusetts Juvenile Court Judge Joseph Johnston signed the order for Justina to go home following a 16-month dispute between her family and state officials. Lou Pelletier said in a text message, "This battle has been finally won. The WAR will not be won until we stop this from happening to ALL CHILDREN!!"

Pelletier, said, "It's an unbelievably emotional day... I'm still shellshocked. It has been 16 months of torture, but finally justice is being done."

The first order of business for the family is to get Justina well and evaluate her after her treatment, or lack therof, by state officials. In her sixteen months under the "care" of the state, Justina Pelletier's health deteriorated from being a vibrant figure skater to being confined to a wheelchair, unable to walk on her own. Pelletier says his daughter has "no feeling at all below her hips" and is now confined to a wheelchair.

In a picture, right, her father is shown having to carry her into their home.

Next, they are considering legal action. The Pelletiers are pursuing legal action against the Massachusetts officials who took custody of Justina.

"There's going to be a Justina law," because hospitals are "taking kids, using DCF to be their little wing man," Pelletier said. "I'm going to be the guy that's going to change that."

Asked whether officials from the Connecticut Department of Children and Families had contacted him, Pelletier said the agency is "not in the picture, never wanted to be in the picture, will never be in the picture ... no more government agencies."

"They're all gone, the case is shut down, the case is closed," Liberty Counsel attorney Staver said.

Although the recent focus has been on getting Justina home, Staver said Liberty Counsel would continue to work with the family and weigh possible legal action against Massachusetts medical and state officials.

Lou Pelletier told MailOnline that he will not mince words now that he is no longer gagged and Justina is home.

"I am still very angry at the psychiatrists, Boston Children's Hospital, and the Department of Families and Children for putting Justina through this. My daughter was used as a lab rat, a cruel experiment.

They tried to gag me, to prevent me from telling what was going on. Can you imagine what would have happened to Justina if I hadn't gone public?

Her condition has deteriorated terribly since she was taken from us. She's no longer doing jumping jacks and ice skating, she is paralyzed."

Staver, in an email to LifeNews, said "the joy of Justina's homecoming is dampened by a harsh reality. This young women has endured a torturous ordeal forced upon her by a powerful state agency which has left her physically and emotionally handicapped."

"If you were in the Pelletier's shoes, you would doubtless wage an aggressive legal fight to obtain justice. That's exactly what we did, and we are continuing to do, on the Pelletier family's behalf," he added. "This case has opened our eyes to a much larger problem of government agencies overreaching across the nation. Parental rights are being violated!"
The doctor involved in the stealing of Justina should lose her license and go to prison, IMO.
I was victimized twice by children youth services of PA. First as a child of an extremely abusive father. Betsy Schwartz came to my house every other weekend to talk separately to my brother, sister and myself to confirm our stories of how we got our bruises, take pictures of our wounds and documented how much weight we lost when we returned from his and my stepmother's "care." They both beat us, humiliated and tortured us. My brother had epilepsy and when my dad would hit him in the head he would have a seizure. When my brother would lose his bladder and bowels, my dad did the same thing to my brother that he did to the dogs, grabbed him by his hair and rubbed his face in it. One time they put a leash and collar on him, striped him down and put a diaper on him and then walked him up and down our block. They starved us, and we were already very small for our age and anemic. The police in our town told us NEVER to call them because they wouldn't come, because THEY were afraid of him! We were then given the "most child-friendly judge in all of York county, who when presented with the evidence gave my father liberal visitation.

Then in 1998 when my ex-husband decided he would not help me with the kids when I became deathly ill, they came and took my children because I was sick. Even though I had an active protection from abuse order against him, he was granted custody for a year, until I had completed parenting classes to CYS's satisfaction. IMHO, those organizations do not exist to protect children. They exist to create misery for 4D STS to suck up by separating good families and forcing torturous conditions on children in abusive ones!
Wendathon-Wemdu said:
I was victimized twice by children youth services of PA. First as a child of an extremely abusive father. Betsy Schwartz came to my house every other weekend to talk separately to my brother, sister and myself to confirm our stories of how we got our bruises, take pictures of our wounds and documented how much weight we lost when we returned from his and my stepmother's "care." They both beat us, humiliated and tortured us. My brother had epilepsy and when my dad would hit him in the head he would have a seizure. When my brother would lose his bladder and bowels, my dad did the same thing to my brother that he did to the dogs, grabbed him by his hair and rubbed his face in it. One time they put a leash and collar on him, striped him down and put a diaper on him and then walked him up and down our block. They starved us, and we were already very small for our age and anemic. The police in our town told us NEVER to call them because they wouldn't come, because THEY were afraid of him! We were then given the "most child-friendly judge in all of York county, who when presented with the evidence gave my father liberal visitation.

Then in 1998 when my ex-husband decided he would not help me with the kids when I became deathly ill, they came and took my children because I was sick. Even though I had an active protection from abuse order against him, he was granted custody for a year, until I had completed parenting classes to CYS's satisfaction. IMHO, those organizations do not exist to protect children. They exist to create misery for 4D STS to suck up by separating good families and forcing torturous conditions on children in abusive ones!

So sorry you had to go through these traumatic events.
This is terrible, horrible!
Hope you are healing now.

You're right these organizations do nothing for children.
And the police to not to rescue children from a monster is so ridiculous, they're the ones with weapons, isn't it?
But breaking into innocent people's houses and shooting children, that's "fine"!?!
No use for cops.

Mod's note: The Sott link has been activated since it is one of the best websites. ;)
So yeah, our suspicions were correct. All reports from lately are not even the tip of the iceberg. In reading some of the cases reported, I'm left completely floored as to how fascist the system has become. Things like seeking a second medical opinion which is considered normal or even encouraged has become a very good reason to take a child away...

U.S. legal child kidnapping at least in the thousands - Child Protection Services criminality uncovered

I highly encourage to watch ALL the videos on the article. Knowledge protects!!
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