The first time I read an article on Kevin Annett, my first impression was that he was a con-artist and complete wack-job. In the article, he was trying to form Canada into a new republic called Republic of Kanata. Even in Political discussions in the North American Treaty between Canada, U.S. and Mexico, and it's proposed merging of economic and trade agreements, say nothing about Canada be renamed Republic of Kanada?
6th article down on Kevin Annett's website:
A Special Communique and Call to Action from the Republic of Kanata
Posted on December 6, 2014
Issued to all volunteers and organizers in Kanata’s Six Districts
by Kevin Annett
Special Adviser to the Republic’s Provisional Council in Winnipeg
You, the nearly one thousand members of the Republic, are the seed from which this new nation will emerge. Each of you must recruit, educate and mobilize other men and women over the next few months as part of this campaign and Proclamation of Liberty.
As part of this notification, you have received the names and contact information of the other Republic volunteers in your community. You are to gather together immediately and do the following:
1.Establish a local branch of our Republic and elect three officers: A Branch Convener, an Education and Membership Coordinator, and a Direct Action Coordinator. Hold one public action and one branch meeting every week.
2.Distribute our Proclamation and literature to the public and involve them in our direct actions, including the establishment of local Republican Common Law Courts.
3.Take the Pledge of Allegiance to the Republic, sign up others to do the same, and pay dues to the local branch of no less than five percent of your monthly income. (All of your funds will remain in your local branch to supply your actions).
More advice and resources will be provided to you through our official publications and website (XXX) . The head Convener for your District will be in touch with all of you directly.
If you are reading this, you are the Republic. From you and you alone will issue the future: a reclaimed land, wiped clean of the corruption and crimes of the present, and governed by the Natural Law of equality, peace and liberty. From you alone will come the ideas and actions that will ensure that our children are raised as healthy and free people, as true sovereigns in their own land of Kanata: a federation of free and equal nations.
“Though we may fail today, our principles will triumph tomorrow, taking seed and arising anew in the lives of new generations of free people … I have hope in our future.”
May these words of Canada’s first Republican leader, William Lyon McKenzie, come true and guide us in the days ahead, and give us the courage to triumph through the grace of God.
In the service of the Republic and the People,
Kevin Annett
In the article below, Kevin Annett is described as a fabricator and possible Poli-Sci-Op Globalist Operative. Further described as, "a screen writer and we are characters in his fictional court, trials and verdicts.”
ITCCS Juror: No 2012 trial held of UK Queen & Pope Ratzinger. “Trial” was a Kevin Annett fabrication
Monday Dec. 22, 2014 - ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter – There was no 2012 ITCCS/ICLCJ trial held of UK Queen and Pope Ratzinger s reported by Kevin Annett. The reported “Trial” was a Kevin Annett fabrication.
During their nearly 2 hour interview with, ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter, an activist in his own right, and Wa7tsek detailed multiple instances of Kevin Annett’s breach of trust and fraud in behaviour toward the First Nations community through the ITCCS.
•Provocateur – Kevin Annett in many instances acted as a provocateur when meeting with Indigenous or other recruits to ITCCS, urging them to do illegal activities and yet hiding or failing to show up himself when the time arrived for those activities to take place. ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter notes that Annett once urged Alex Hunter and his children to paint ball a church that displayed a big photograph of the Pope, an action that would have landed Hunter in jail, with the possible loss of custody of his children.
•Non-Existent Elders & Tribunal Personnel– ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter, who defended Annett publicly for some time until Annett lost his trust, states that Annett manipulated the public, the First Nations communities, and the Jurors with a fictitious court that he created and embellished in the fashion of a screenwriter, even creating fictitious First Nations Elders and Court Personnel who supported and serviced the ITCCS/ICLCJ.
Financial fraud and breach of trust – ITCCS/ICLCJ Juror Alex Hunter discusses some known cases of a number of women whom Kevin Annett was simultaneously romancing on the Internet, some with the intent to manipulate, exploit, abuse and defraud them of their inheritance or life savings in order to support his jet-setting life-style while carrying out the extended fraud or confidence game of the ITCCS/ICLCJ. has received preliminary evidence regarding one such woman who was manipulated out of $150,000 by Kevin Annett over the course of several years to finance his lifestyle behind the cover of ITCCS/ICLCJ.
Kevin Annett as a possible Poli-Sci-Op Globalist Operative – Former ITCCS Juror Alex Hunter and Wa7tsek discuss various patterns and evidence that suggest that Kevin Annett is a possible Poli-Sci-Op Globalist Operative and his fabrications such as ITCCS and ICLCJ may be tools of the Globalists in their plans to form a one world religion/roll-out a genocidal and dictatorial One World Order.
How Can First Nations communities recover from the 20-year fraud committed by Kevin Annett and his fabricated ITCCS? How can child trafficking, pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks in the Churches, Governments and Monarchies be prosecuted now that the ITCCS/Kevin Annett fraud has been publicly & widely uncovered?
The final portion of Alex Hunter and Wa7tsek’s interview deals with the complex issues of:
How can First Nations communities recover from the 20-year fraud committed by Kevin Annett and his fabricated ITCCS?
•How can child trafficking, pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks in the Churches, Governments and Monarchies be prosecuted now that the ITCCS/Kevin Annett fraud has been publicly & widely uncovered?
Note: My concern with Kevin Annett's activities, over his 20 year span of fabricated involvement with child trafficking and pedophile networks, is that he may have done some real serious damage to "real investigations?"