Mass Shootings

News agencies are now reporting that 'the lone shooter' converted to Islam a few months ago. An ISIS statement was issued claiming Stephen Paddock was doing it for them. How convenient.

Paddock's brother claims he was just a guy with no political or religious affiliation that he was aware of. Warning: Linked article below has disturbing photos of the event.

Hillary and some leftists use the tragedy to take on the NRA and promote gun control. As if outlawing guns would stop persons, be they a nutcase, Deep State stooge or criminal, from carrying out these evil acts. A black market and the Deep State minions will supply the weaponry.

The whole situation is horrific. The truth will be swallowed up and regurgitated to suit the PTB narrative.
Also some interesting details from Twitter:


If that's the case then why two suites, one of them lux, for one elderly man? Two broken windows in two separate suites? Not to mention all other evident inconsistencies.
Siberia said:
Also some interesting details from Twitter:


If that's the case then why two suites, one of them lux, for one elderly man? Two broken windows in two separate suites? Not to mention all other evident inconsistencies.

How likely is it that a "lone" shooter would breakout 2 different window areas running from one to the other to kill 58 and injure over 500.

I think one main goal is this from the MSNBC site:

Hillary Clinton also expressed her grief in a tweet: "The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get."

She added: "Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again."

Odd how there is almost always only one shooter in the end and he usually kills himself or the police do. Dead men tell no tales. And 10 rifles easily taken into the hotel by one man without any detection is something that could use explaining by the hotel I think (not that I think it was one man by himself).
Here's similar sounds of rifle fire fight in combat.

Sfgate called the prep a sniper. It all stinks.

Sniper in high-rise hotel kills at least 58, 515 injured
10:20 AM

This is what would be termed as a sniper.

Interesting that NATO landed in Texas (awhile back), for relief help. Just saying. :whistle:
Siberia said:
According to some sources, a woman warned the audience of the coming tragedy 45 minutes before the attack: _

"THEY're all around" she said.


Another perspective:

Corinne Lomas: "It was definitely someone on the ground; the way they herded the crowd. They even came into the staff parking lot and shot people there too... There's no way it was humanly possible that that guy was the only shooter."

From her description, she also suggests that people stayed huddled low to the ground because they were more likely to be hit if they stood up, which again contradicts the claim that all firing came from above.

She's alone though - so far - in claiming shooters on the ground.
NormaRegula said:
Hillary and some leftists use the tragedy to take on the NRA and promote gun control. As if outlawing guns would stop persons, be they a nutcase, Deep State stooge or criminal, from carrying out these evil acts. A black market and the Deep State minions will supply the weaponry.

The whole situation is horrific. The truth will be swallowed up and regurgitated to suit the PTB narrative.

About gun control, found the last paragraph of this article interesting?

Vegas shooter concealed 10 rifles in hotel room

The suspect in the massacre in Las Vegas committed suicide before the arrival of the police. This was reported by Sheriff John Lombardo. According to the latest information, 10 rifles were also found in his room.

According to preliminary data, the killer is a 64-year-old resident of Nevada, Stephen Paddock. As it was established, the culprit had no previous record known to the police. Suspicions of his companion's participation have been removed.

As a reminder, shooting at a concert near a casino in Las Vegas occurred on the night of October 2. The fire was opened from the 32nd floor of a hotel. As a result of the incident, at least 50 people were killed, about 400 injured.

The killer has been described as a lone-gunman by major TV stations such as CNN, reporting on the incident. There has not been talk of terrorism or a religious and culturally- driven motive.

It is noteworthy that the country of Serbia has the second highest gun ownership rate after the United States, and does not experience incidents of public shootings. Similarly, in Switzerland, where citizens can acquire guns legally, the problem does not generally exist. What accounts for this cultural phenomenon?
I don't want to speak for Joe but here are some of his thoughts:

Vegas shooting. Shooter firing automatic weapon, multiple 5-10 second bursts from 32 floor of hotel located 400 meters away into dense crowd. 50+ dead. 200+ injured
Immediate reports on social media of multiple shooters, first police report claims only one shooter.
Anyone with gun experience, is this a likely result considering distance? I would have thought that 'spraying' of bullets from such a distance would have lead to mostly injuries. 50 dead sounds more like highly accurate sniper fire.

Interesting coincidence how some of the mass shooting events happen immediately after other big stories that are then pushed off the front pages.
Who Was Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock And What Was His Motive
by Tyler Durden Oct 2, 2017 9:06 AM
While there are still relatively few details about the man responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in US history, or his motive to kill at least 50 people and injure over 400 people, here is what we know so far, courtesy of the Telegraph and other public data sources.

The gunman behind this morning's Las Vegas shooting, is believed to be a grandfather who lived in a remote desert home in Mestique, Nevada, reports Telegraph's Leon Watson. Stephen Paddock, 64, was named by police as the perpetrator who left more than 50 dead. He was killed when officers blasted their way into his hotel room. Las Vegas police said they had located "numerous firearms within the room that he occupied." Las Vegas Sheriff Lombardo said officers had confronted Paddock on the 32nd floor across the street from the concert. "There were at least 8 guns and a number of long rifles in the alleged shooter’s room", per Las Vegas Police Undersheriff Kevin McMahill.

Police believe Paddock, a local resident, was a "lone wolf" attacker. Lombardo did not give further details, however, on Paddock's background or possible motivation. "We have no idea what his belief system was," Lombardo said. "Right now, we believe he was the sole aggressor."

Recordings of the attack suggested that Paddock used an automatic weapon. Paddock, who arrived at the hotel on Thursday, was found with more than 10 rifles, Lombardo said. Relatives said they knew Paddock owned guns, but believed they were legal.

* * *

Before he opened fire late Sunday, gunman Stephen Paddock lived a quiet life for years in a small town outside Las Vegas, the WaPo writes.

A retired man, Paddock often visited Las Vegas to gamble and take in concerts, his relatives said. Public records show he was a licensed pilot, who owned two planes. And he had a hunting license from Alaska. For several years, he appeared to live in Mesquite, Tex. But property records show he chose to move to another town named Mesquite in Nevada, where he bought a home in 2013 and has been living there ever since.

Paddock's family said there was nothing in his past that would suggest violence. "We are in complete shock bewilderment and horror. We have absolutely no idea how in the world Steve did this. Absolutely no concept," said one relative, who spoke anonymously to avoid hurting other relatives. "There was nothing secret or strange about him."

Family members said that Paddock spent much of his retirement in recent years staying in hotels in Las Vegas and gambling. They said he listened to country music and went to concerts at Vegas hotels.

Las Vegas police said authorities were in the process of searching Paddock's home in Mesquite, Nev., on Monday morning. Quinn Averett, a spokesman for Mesquite Police in Nevada said Paddock was unknown to local authorities in the city where he owns a home 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. Mesquite police have no recorded interactions with Paddock. Las Vegas police said this about Lombardo.

"We have no investigative information or background associated with this individual that is derogatory," Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said. "The only thing we can tell is he received a citation several years ago, that citation was handled as a matter of normal practice in the court system."

* * *

Speaking to the Daily Mail, the brother of the Las Vegas shooter said that he was a normal guy who must have "snapped." Eric Paddock said that 'something happened' to make his brother Stephen kill at least 50 people and injure 200. Eric said that there was 'absolutely no indication he could do something like this' and said that Stephen had no political or religious affiliation.

He said: 'He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something'. Speaking from his home in Orlando, Florida, Eric said: 'We know absolutely nothing, this is just, we are dumbfounded. We have absolutely no idea. Our condolences go to the victims and all their families'.

Eric said that he and Stephen, 64, lived on different coasts - Stephen's last address was in Mesquite, Nevada - and that they did not speak that often. He said that his mother was 'in shock' and struggling to cope with the news.

He said: "Our family is OK, we're sitting in here in our house hoping that everyone doesn't attack us."

'He's my brother, we don't have a very close relationship but we talk occasionally. There's no rhyme or reason here, it makes no sense'. He said: 'She has nothing to do with this, at least from my perspective. 'He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something, he was just a guy.

'He has no political affiliation, no religious affiliation, as far as we know. This wasn't a terror attack'.

Separately, Eric Paddock told CBS News his brother was "not an avid gun guy at all". He added: "The fact that he had those kinds of weapons is just... where the hell did he get automatic weapons? He has no military background or anything like that.

"He's a guy who lived in a house in Mesquite and drove down and gambled in Las Vegas."

Las Vegas Shooter's Brother Eric Paddock Expresses Shock: He Was Just A Guy (Full Interview) | MSNBC
This one looks like typical false flag operation. I was checking the news in the moring while going to office, contradictions are very obvious.
- With in hours, police is saying Lone gun man.
- The supposed killer is a man of 64 year old. Killed 50+ , injured 400+ in a span of 7 to 10 minutes. Some says lot might of died in stampede. First they said, he was killed by police and later they said he killed him self. Having 10 guns is the only proof here but not a big gun guy.
- First they said alleged shooters room mate ( woman) is suspect, immediately they said she is cleared.- So fast?

Who was Stephen Paddock? Las Vegas shooter 'not an avid gun guy'

The man who killed 58 people and injured more than 500 others at a Las Vegas music festival did not have a criminal record, according to local authorities. He was “not an avid gun guy,” his brother said, despite being found with at least 10 firearms.
Mandalay Bay Shooting
At first glance, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock seemed ordinary – a retiree who enjoyed visiting Las Vegas to gamble and attend concerts. According to public records cited by The Washington Post, he also enjoyed hunting and was a licensed pilot who owned two planes.
Since 2013, he had lived a quiet life in the small town of Mesquite, Nevada. He bought a three-bedroom home in a desert retirement community on the outskirts of town for $370,000 in 2015, according to public records.

“It’s a nice, clean home and nothing out of the ordinary,” Mesquite police department spokesman Quinn Averett told reporters, as quoted by Reuters. Some guns and ammunition were found inside – not necessarily a remarkable finding, in an area where gun ownership is high.
He had no criminal background, with Las Vegas Police confirming that he had no more than a routine traffic violation on his file.

His own family has expressed “horror” at what Paddock was capable of, killing 58 people and injuring at least 515 others as they listened to country music singer Jason Aldean at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on Sunday night.

We are in complete shock, bewilderment, and horror. We have absolutely no idea how in the world Steve did this. Absolutely no concept,” an unnamed relative told the Post. “There was nothing secret or strange about him.”

The shooter’s brother, Eric Paddock, expressed the same level of shock, telling CBS News that the gunman was “not an avid gun guy at all.”

“The fact that he had those kinds of weapons is just – where the hell did he get automatic weapons?” he said.

He told CNN he was aware his brother had “a couple of handguns” which he kept in a safe, and “maybe one long rifle,” but no machine guns or automatic weapons that he knew of.
Authorities believe Paddock acted as a “lone wolf,” and have failed to come up with a motive.

“We have no idea what his belief system was,” Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said.

However, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack, alleging that Paddock had converted to Islam several months previously. No evidence was offered to substantiate the claim, and the FBI has since said there was no international terrorist connection, according to AP.

Paddock lived with a woman by the name of Marilou Danley, 62, who was initially sought by police for questioning. However, authorities have since said they do not believe she had any connection to the attack, CNN reported, noting that she was out of the country at the time of the incident.
Reporter here, from about 2:30 to 3:00, describes multiple false shooting calls made prior to the main event, suggesting an attempt to lure and distract police away from the venue:
Las Vegas shooter’s father was a bank robber and on the FBI’s Most Wanted list


Benjamin Hoskins Paddock, a convicted bank robber and con man described in a wanted poster as “psychopathic’’ with suicidal tendencies, had escaped from prison in 1969, earning him a spot on the FBI’s list of most-sought-after and dangerous criminals. According to news accounts, he was not captured until 1978, when he was nabbed while running a bingo parlor in Oregon. [...]

His father had been convicted of bank robbery, auto theft and a confidence scam when he escaped from prison Feb. 3, 1969, in El Paso. At the time, his son Stephen would have been 15 years old.

At 6-foot-4 and 245 pounds, Benjamin Paddock used a host of aliases, and was also known as “Chromedome” and “Old Baldy,” according to his “Wanted” poster.

He remained on the FBI’s Most Wanted list until 1977, when he was removed for reasons that aren’t clear.

Washington Post blip:

Before he opened fire late Sunday, killing at least 58 people at a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip, gunman Stephen Paddock was living out his retirement as a high-stakes gambler in a quiet town outside Las Vegas.

Paddock, 64, would disappear for days at a time, frequenting casinos with his longtime girlfriend, neighbors said. Relatives also said Paddock had frequently visited Las Vegas to gamble and take in concerts.

Eric Paddock said his brother often gambled in tens of thousands of dollars. “My brother is not like you and me. He plays high-stakes video poker,” he said. “He sends me a text that says he won $250,000 at the casino.

Skipping down:

For several years, the gunman lived with his girlfriend, Marilou Danley, in a retirement community in Reno, Nev., neighbors said. They said they interacted with Danley but not with Paddock, whom they described as extremely standoffish. Danley told residents there that Paddock was a professional gambler, explaining their long absences from the neighborhood.

Called Del Webb
, the neighborhood is a relatively new active-adult community of single-family homes with desert views and a clubhouse with a gym and pool.

Harold Allred
, who lives up the street from the couple, said his wife often ran into Danley in exercise classes or social gatherings. Allred said he and his wife found Danley unremarkable, though perhaps a little odd, and didn’t know Paddock.
“He was reclusive,” said Allred, 66. “We never met him.”
Paddock lived in a number of retirement communities. In addition to the Reno home, Paddock and Danley had another home in Mesquite, Nev., said neighbors. In recent years, he had moved to Nevada from Melbourne, Fla. And he had previously lived in Texas and California, where he had married once and later divorced.

In Reno
, Diane McKay lived next door to Paddock and Danley until July, when McKay moved to a different community, but she said she only ran into Danley occasionally when both women happened to be pulling weeds from their front yards. Danley wasn’t forthcoming about her life, and Paddock was aggressively unfriendly, McKay recalled. She only saw him in the mornings, when he went to the clubhouse to work out. Occasionally, he would open the garage door, revealing a large safe the size of a refrigerator. Other than that, the couple kept their blinds closed.

“He was weird. Kept to himself,” said McKay, 79, who described Paddock as small but in pretty good shape. “It was like living next to nothing. . . . You can at least be grumpy, something. He was just nothing, quiet. He never went out in the back and enjoyed the back yard, nature. They had a little back yard, 17 feet to the fence and hill. But the blinds were always closed.”

McKay said the couple was gone for six months last year, which she thought was for a gambling trip.

At a 55-and-over community in Florida, where Paddock had lived for many years, neighbors recalled strange details about his lifestyle.

Don Judy, his next-door neighbor until two years ago, recalled that shortly after Paddock turned 60, Judy saw the inside of his home and was shocked by its appearance. He said it “looked like a college freshman lived there.”

There was no art on the walls, not even a car in the driveway, Judy said, just a dining chair, a bed and two recliners. “It looked like he’d be ready to move at a moment’s notice,” Judy said.

Paddock, however, always seemed on the move, carrying a suitcase and driving a rental car on monthly trips from Vegas to the community near Cocoa Beach.
“One of the first times we met him, he told me he lived there, in Vegas,”
said Judy.
“He explained that he was a gambler, and a prospector. He said he was buying this house to check it out for his mother . . . and that if she liked it, he planned to buy another next door with a floor plan like ours.”

Paddock’s brother, mother and other family members lived about an hour away in Orlando and would frequently visit, Judy said.

During the two years that Judy lived next door, Paddock never seemed to want for money. A new ShopVac, tools and a never-used ladder appeared in the garage. Paddock and Danley would wave as they left for dinner along the beach.

A little while after living there, Paddock left Judy a key and asked him to keep an eye on the rarely used house — and to borrow any tools he might want. “I thought, wow, this guy’s a good neighbor,” Judy said, who noted no drugs or parties, nothing unusual except for Paddock’s gambling.
“They did seem to always stay up till midnight and sleep in till noon. They always seemed to stay on Vegas time.”

Computers also began appearing on the breakfast bar, and Paddock once boasted to Don and his wife that he’d won $20,000 playing card games over the Internet.

Then, as quickly as he had appeared, Paddock put up a for-sale sign
, Judy said.
“He never said much about it, just said they were moving back to Vegas,” Judy said.

The demographics of the Harvest country music festival where these people were attacked stands in stark contrast to the Orlando nightclub shooting. The people attending the country music festival being from Las Vegas and greater Nevada, largely white and probably conservative in bent. The Orlando victims were largely minorities, mostly homosexual and probably of a liberal bent. Two of the most violent mass-shootings in US history struck against two completely different cultural and social milieus; its as though the Deep State chose these gatherings (assuming it was the DS) precisely to send to a message to each different strata to cover all their targets for instilling maximum shock and horror to these particular segments of the US population. Not that each of these sections of citizens wouldn't be horrified to see another, different one, massacred in this way as well - but identification with people, in these cases victims 'of your own kind', probably strikes home in a more personal way.
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