Greeting Sisters, Brothers and Other-Siblings Forumites, Cherished Friends All,
How badly these eyes missed partaking of your words, so stimulating to the mind, turning it ever toward the Search for Knowledge. How good it is they see well enough again to feast from this Forum's banquet once more. Merci beaucoup, mes amis et amies.
What follows was posted first, two days ago, in response to some of Anart's keen observations on the increasingly baffling cluelessness of the average, white U.S. American. It simply refused to "lie quietly" for me. The more Forum reading I caught up with in these past few days, (after having had my vision impaired by an eye infection for almost 2 weeks) the more and more, in thread after thread, this same topic, this same question kept appearing. There are, in part, possibly, some answers in this post and food for thought if naught else. Having spent much time in research and contemplation of the information and concepts offered for consideration here, I've found them to have a great deal of merit. While one would wish for serious, strenuous and widespread clinical testing to be done, of the readily perceptible cognitive deficits in most white, U.S. Americans, the closest we may be able to arrive at that is through our own observations of others around us in this Pathocratic nation and world. For it does concern the entirety of we Human Beings. That which has already befallen average, white U.S. Americans is not intended to happen only there and only to them.
'Twould be folly for those so fortunate as to not yet be trapped within a blighted land under full and iron-fisted Pathocratic Rule, not to be geniuses enough to look and learn from what has already transpired to make such Rule the bane of life in the U.S.A. Perhaps the more of us who can observe and assess, with our eyes and minds more informed and wider opened, the more chance we may have of finding a way to flow like a strong and fluid current around the blockage made in and by white, mainstream-oriented U.S. Americans, rather than continuing to attempt removing it from them, still thinking it can somehow be penetrated, shattered or battered down. For, IMHO, the only direction in which any chance of real progress lies is around them, neither through nor with them.
There must be a dozen different posts, at least, in as many different threads, all within the past few days, asking that question: Why do average, white, mainstream U.S. Americans still not "get it?" So, begging your tolerance, I now post this topic separately from the thread "Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax" where it originally was entered, and it has been expanded somewhat. For those who do not wish to read the rest of it, the "bottom line" for the answer to why most white Americans do not "get it" is in the title. The majority of mainstream, white U.S. Americans CANNOT "get it," and therefore they will not. That may be the critical reality we needs must accept and deal with in these far too interesting times.
There are two very specific causes I now consider to be at the roots of their gross incomprehension. They are given here in order of the severity of the incapacity for "getting it" that is inflicted by each causative factor:
1) A deliberately induced and significantly impairing degree of most literal, (actual and ascertainable by clinical testing) crippling brain damage afflicts the vast majority of average, white Americans. It has been achieved for the most part within and by the public educational system, with a heaping of programming help from all TV, commercial and public television alike, and all radio, all broadcast media, period, including the subliminals hidden within the muzak coming from the ubiquitous speakers in stores, elevators, malls, and the canned "medi-mercials" on the screen now mandatorily blasting the patients waiting to see the doctor in clinics and ERs. In the Forum there is a report about public school reading primers that instill inhibitions against reading with depressing stories promoting a pathologically peer-dependent emotional and mental orientation. There is an account of essay tests in a high school English class requiring the students to write about factual subjects, drawn from current events or history, but no stipulation is made that they must in any way relay those facts correctly within their essays. Outright fabrications and contradictions of the facts are quite all right just so long as the grammar and syntax are correct. And more, far too many more such tales can be read herein. Each illuminates the reality of a public educational system that actively works to defeat real education.
2) A societally endemic emotional and psychological conditioning to racism has been completely, deeply ingrained in all of Anglo-American-European, caucasian, western societies, not least among them the U.S.. Even the author of "Morality Is in the Eye of the Oppressor" makes a glaring omission in his proposed remedies for the lethal effects of caucasian racism. He neglects to mention making any resitution of lands, or other payments of just and fair compensation, to the Native Americans of both continents and to those African Americans who are the descendants of slaves. The Reality is, even though he has elevated his consciousness of caucasian racism's horrible, utterly ingrained, malevolent presence in the entire fabric of all the post colonial western, globally-dominating, caucasian societies, Jason Miller may have barely scratched the surface of his own, internal programming. The caucasian racist conditioning runs so deep, far and wide within the mainstream, white Anglo-American-European mind set and personality structure that those infected by it, all those who grew up as fully integrated members of that white mainstream culture, cannot entirely See its full extent, nor free themselves from its residual control of their reactions and their world views. The best they can achieve, and the best among them do so, diligently, as is surely true of Mr. Miller, is to Know that they ARE thus infected, for life, and never cease to keep fighting against it.
(Those who doubt this fact about themselves and their own highly probable racist conditioning might benefit from taking the tests at Harvard's Project Implicit. They are available at http://www.implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/research/index Just keep doing yet another test, and the one that reveals subconscious racial biases, for or against any race, in any direction, will come up in due time, usually fairly soon. Meanwhile you'll be assisting some scholars with a worthwhile study. I took the test myself, and my own racial bias was indeed detected, although I'll not specify which is its direction. I even tried to "fool" the test in several subsequent runs and could not do so, a serious indication that it is a valid test indeed, since I've had the benefit of education in how such tests work and are designed.)
Please, I now beg patience from all of you, my precious Reader Friends and Sister, Brother, Other-Sibling Forumites. Although this post is lengthy, please know that I have spent hours on whittling it down to the "bones." Let us make an exploration this time of why most white, mainstream-oriented Americans CAN'T "get it" rather than our continuing to fruitlessly wonder what it will take before they do. Only some 30% of them are likely to still have sufficient wholeness of mind, to be intact enough in their capacity to Reason and literate enough to Seek for facts and comprehend them, to even be able to "get it." Among those 30% are the ones we observe who are Awake and doing all they can. Unfortunately, they may well be far too few to tip the balance. Now, to the older portion of this post.
Anart wrote: "|...| it is as if they feel that it is so far beyond anyone's reach to change things that the idea that they could 'do' something to change things doesn't even cross their minds. I can't help but think that this is a combined result of the ponerological process and mind befuddling via artificial means - these people are literally hypnotized and show no signs of awakening anytime in the near future.|...|"
Indeed the ponerological process is at the heart of the problem, and both the "befuddling" and the hypnosis have been carefully created by decades of deliberate assault and grievous, resultant injuries inflicted upon the populace by the Pathocracy. It is not just where you are, Anart. Where I am it is exactly the same, and all of the Awake and Thinking people with whom I correspond regulary, from all regions of the country, are expressing the same troubled puzzlement and Seeing the same "bizarre" and incoherent, perpetually foggy lack of awareness as we do. The glaring dysfunctions of reason and deficits of comprehension that you have Seen in most average, white U.S. Americans are certainly verified by my own observations and studies, and by those of a good dozen others who are just as keen-minded and concerned as we are. There is now good reason to assert that the key elements causing it are in fact "mind beffudling via artificial means" and some very deep psycho-emotional conditioning that is endemically instilled in white, mainstream-identified Americans.
In that "mind beffudling" category is the FACT that the vast majority of them, across the board, are no longer functionally literate, and could not have been so for quite a few years already.
The U.S. Department of Education's latest nationwide testing of adult literacy levels among U.S. college graduates and post graduates was conducted in 2003. The results were not released until late December of 2005. They appear to have been published only once, on Christmas Day, 2005, in the Washington Post, in the actual printed newspaper only, on page A-24, not online, and were not mentioned in the MSM at all. The tests revealed a full 10% drop in U.S. adult literacy levels, across the board, in the past 10 years alone. Fully 69% of all college graduates and 59% of all post graduates tested were NOT functionally literate. The numbers were stated in the opposite terms in the report. "31% of college graduates and 41% of post graduates successfully completed all of the tests." The obvious lesser impact of stating it thusly was another means of sneaking it under the psychological "radar" of those few Americans who do still have sufficient literacy to grasp what they read in a newspaper.
The top of America's educational crop failed, in an all volunteer test group of more than 19,000 participants ranging from 16 years on up to old age, to be able to pass four basic tests of functional, adult literacy: 1) to accurately read and follow the directions on a prescription bottle's label; 2) to understand and accurately answer the questions on a job application or medical history form; 3) to be able to read a set of instructions and then use them to perform a multi-stepped task correctly; 4) to understand what was being asked in a mathematical word problem, just basic math, no algebra or geometry required, well enough to then solve the problem.
If 69% of college graduates and 59% of post graduates, including doctoral graduates, are not fully, functionally literate, just what can be the probable literacy, and thus reasoning and general thinking abilities, of the majority of the American people? For in depth info on this and some very pertinent, closely related topics, I recommend the article "Word Control, Thought Control, World Control, Part 2," by Mathew Kristin Kiel, from the 6th March, 2006 SotT Editorials. It is a somewhat long read, but, if you skip everything after the info on the definitions of "cult" on down to the end of the definiton comparisons, you can shorten it a goodly bit. But the Reality emerges starkly and chillingly. It suddenly makes much, much more sense of precisely why most Americans are not "getting it."
Much of these last three paragraphs have been paraphrased from the contents of "Word Control, Part 2," and it contains a good bit more detail on this terrible reality than given here, including how it was done. One Forum poster, among the many expressing their profound concerns on this very issue, commented yesterday that the U.S. educational system has been "dumbing down Americans for the last hundred years." While it has not been going on for quite that long, the poster was entirely correct in the overall assessment. It has been going on for a good 50 to 60 years. In regard to the adult literacy tests above, it seems that their basic format hasn't changed in the past hundred years, only the results. As Mr. Kiel said, and as was more true than this reader wanted to admit to himself previously, despite all of the progressively, drastically worsening adult literacy test results coming from the Department of Education for each of the past 4 decades, the tests "are not rocket science."
Another Forum poster in the past few days shared some statistics about the overall adult literacy levels for Americans in the early 19th century, with well over 90% of them being literate at what are levels far beyond the average modern American. The best selling novel in the U.S., then, which he mentioned, was James Fennimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans" and, as he pointed out, the writing is far and away more difficult than anyone would encounter in any of the current fiction best sellers. Yet average Americans, then, ate it up. They could and did "get it." Let us hope that this insightful poster will share some more of his knowledge on this topic with us.
Most average, white, U.S. Americans CANNOT get it any more, and they are very likely unable to learn to do so, not now, not ever. Their minds have been too much damaged, and deliberately so. The "dumbing down" has succeeded. Their cognitive destruction has been achieved, exactly as George Orwell foretold. To quote Mr. Kiel one last time, regarding the Dumbing of America, "In the U.S., it is a done deal." I wept for the inescapable Knowing of what was written therein, and I still do. I most truly did not want to have to acknowledge that it IS just that bad. Day after day, once my eyes were opened to the dire possibility, I looked carefully and indeed I've Seen the proofs of these assertions all about me, in the people around me at every level, from every walk of life. To deny the fact of this would now require embracing a delusional amount of denial, and I can't swim. It was plain to See once pointed out, at least to my own observations. Let us hope that many more of the excellent minds posting herein will begin to look about themselves and See what is revealed by their astute observations.
Most Forum Surfers will realize that this lack of full, functional literacy, in those American adults who have received formal education enough to have putatively acquired such and who were not victims of any childhood learning disability, inherently signifies the presence of major deficiencies in their abilities to reason, in all regards. They have lost their capacities for basic logic and rational information processing. The real nature of those standardized adult literacy tests, in all four areas, is to determine if the reader can make a rational extrapolation of the information in the written materials so as to derive and correctly perform the appropriate, practical application it requires. The vast majority of the most educated Americans CANNOT THINK. What, oh just what does that tell us about the less educated?
No matter how well they might have recognized, pronounced and even defined the words they'd read, they could not understand what those words meant collectively. That is also known as input aphasia, when the words coming in, written or spoken, can't be made sense of by the reader or listener. It is usually accompanied by output aphasia, in which the outgoing words are "word salad," if the lesion or other injury is in one part of the brain, and pure gibberish if in another location. To all practical intents and purposes, a good 70% of the American public has been rendered mildly to moderately aphasic.
Most who travel in the realms of this Forum will know of Piaget's works on the stages of cognitive development and of their foundational role in the development of the integrally related stages of moral reasoning. That the extent to which we can grow and mature is tied directly to our levels of verbal accumen and our intellectual abilities is well and long established. Dr. Lobaczewski strongly emphasizes the importance of good general intellect and logical reasoning abilities for the individual to recognize and internally combat ponerogenic influences. He also shows us how the repeated and prolonged exposure of children to ponerogenic influences, to psychologically and emotionally traumatic environments, to characteropathic adults, or to a combination of such factors will cause permanent and specific damages to various poritions of their brains, so as to cause lifelong deficits in reasoning and moral development.
In the U.S., public school students have been being deliberately exposed to an ever increasing variety and totality of both traumatizing and ponerogenic "educational" influences for many years. Not the least among the most ponerogenic of all influences upon public school students is the stifling of their minds, imaginations, inquisitveness, self confidence and self expression that are inherent in the deliberate "dumbing down" process that so many posters here have written about. In the facts disclosed by those 2003 U.S. Department of Education adult literacy test scores, we find that it is not merely "as bad as we thought" but much, much worse.
Recent events here in my vernally bountiful Swamps of Eugnosia have given me the opportunity to attempt to "shake and awake", and thus to also observe closely, a group of Section 8, Title IX, HUD housing residents. They will all be thrown onto the streets as of 29 April, 2007, at the latest, possibly as early as 31 October, 2006. Their building's manager issued a notice to them saying precisely that, as of 9 March, 2006. The 2007 budget that Bush signed into law and is now enforcing, in another blatantly criminal, unconstitutional act, was NOT passed by both houses of the Congress and is thus not legally valid at all. It was illegal for the Senators who placed it upon his desk for a signature to have done so, since it had not passed in the House, and for good reason. No funds were provided in it for the HUD rural housing assistance programs specifically set aside for the elderly and disabled poor in small farm towns and villages across the country, nor for a good many other subsistence programs of the direst necessity for the poorest of the poor, some 107 in all.
All of the people I contacted in the HUD building here are either disabled or above 65 years of age, and most of them are both. Two of them are in their mid 80s, one in her early 90s. But only 2 residents in a building of 24 one bedroom apartment units, only 2 of the 26 tenants therein, came to a meeting designed to help them understand and discuss their dire circumstances and to examine their possible options. Having realized that many of them might be afraid of reprisals if they came to a public meeting, I had also provided them with calling cards slipped under their doors so they might contact me privately, and with a brief note encouraging them to call. None of the rest have called, as yet, now more than 3 weeks later.
These folks are among the poorest of all the poor people in the U.S. They have neither family nor friends who are able or willing to lend them assistance with such necessities as a room or an apartment to live in, or else they would not be in HUD housing at all. They had to prove that they have no source of support other than themselves in order to qualify to receive this type of HUD susidized housing. Without their HUD apartments, the streets, or for a very few the worst of the severely overcrowded and under funded Medicaid nursing homes, will be their only options, either of which will sentence them to a very short life of severe want and pain followed by a greatly hastened and brutal death.
When I checked back with them individually, "robotic" is a very fitting word, as is another that has been used by Anart to describe the average, white American's responses to having critical issues brought to their attention, "bizarre." Their mumbled and distracted replies plainly showed that they had not understood and simply could not grasp what I was saying. They made nonsensical, irrational excuses, those few who even bothered attempting to do so at all, for not attending the meeting or calling. None accepted offers of future contact. The only people to show up for the face-to-face were myself, my erstwhile assistant and the only two non-caucasian tenants, one an African American and the other a half-breed Blackfoot Indian from Montana.
The prevailing concensus among the white tenants, against all and abundant evidence to the contrary, is that it's all some kind of a mistake and they are in no real danger of losing their housing, not ever. They have a notice from the management stating emphatically that "Congress failed to appropriate any funds" for their housing in the 2007 budget, and that "the property owner's contracts with HUD will be terminated as of April 29, 2007." But they are all quite sure it just does not and cannot, will not apply to themselves, not to their apartments, not to their charmed, inviolably safe white lives, not at all. So, in addition to their aphasic incomprehension, we must add the second part of why the average, white American just does not, and cannot "get it." White, mainstream Americans' racist conditioning is literally going to kill them.
Observing the millions of pro Human Rights marchers who've recently taken to the streets of U.S. cities and towns, in brown, red, yellow and black multitudes, one cannot escape the idea that the Mind Control System does not seem to have worked or to now be working quite so effectively against other races as it does against the white "majority." (I place the word in quotations because the Reality, globally, is that whites are a distinct minority of the total Human population.) Finding out what specific differences may exist between the brain structures of most "minority" race members and most whites would be a very valuable study, IMHO, but racism itself makes even the suggestion of it a "dangerous" idea. However, the evidence of something being decidedly different, in regard to the overall effects of the Mind Control System upon non-whites, has really been strongly supported by recent events, or so it appears to these eyes of mine. We might well learn something of value to us all to do as much as we can to find out why there is such a huge difference.
Perhaps there is hope to be found in this phenomenon indicating that a vast majority of those who are half, or more, of non-caucasian genetic stock, in the Americas at least, (and also apparently in France) really do "get it" and are taking actions. The sad Reality, however, is that racism is very deeply entrenched and dominant, at the reactive levels if not always consciously, in most white, mainstream-identified, U.S. Americans. They will never, unless another Ghandi or Martin Luther King, Jr. magically appears to literally enchant them into joining the struggle, believe that the struggles of poor non-white folks are also the necessary struggles and the essential opposition and "direction" for themselves as well.
Whites have been culturally, societally and religiously brainwashed, for many generations, especially all of those white Anglo-Europeans who've been transplanted to the American continents, to believe that their ways, their rights, their needs and their very survival are always best achieved by pursuing goals or utilizing methods that are separate from and often diametrically opposite to those of the other races. The conditioned racism and its xenophobic emotional and psychological reflexes are profoundly ingrained in most white Americans, from the very bottom of the socio-economic scale on up. In fact it is almost certainly impossible that they will now, at least not any of the present generations of them, be able overcome it sufficiently to act in concert with other races well enough and for long enough to save their very own lives. They simply do not have enough thinking ability left to figure out that they need to do so.
The question is, at least in part, now answered. They cannot awaken to the Objective Reality of their own circumstances. With the proven developmental deficits, the brain damage in fact, that is shown to be present in the vast majority of them, how can they possibly come to first recognize and then work to overcome their racist conditioning? Again, in the second cause of their utter incomprehension, profound racism, lies the fact of the first preventing them from being able to think at all well enough to ever "get it" about the second one. Their profound, oblivious ignorance to the equal validity and equal rights of the lives of non-whites and all others different from themselves, leaves them with no possiblity to realize they need desperately to find and keep common cause with non-caucasians.
They cannot learn to "get it" in regard to the very deep ponerological conditioning in themselves. Their elemental racism tells them they are not like unto, and thus can hold themselves forever separate from and innately more valid than all the other races. To part with that false belief is a necessary step. but for them, that step, based as it is in reasoning out for themselves, individually, the nature and causes of their own plight, is a chasm as great as the Grand Canyon. Their racism will continue to constantly inform them that the streets becoming their own homes, and all of those other bad things that they've casually watched happening to the "less worthy" non-whites in this country since forever, simply cannot and will not ever happen to themselves.
After all, they're white. How can they wind up homeless and living under a freeway overpass in the dead of winter? How can they get thrown into jail or worse without hope of a trial nor even of charges being filed against them? That kind of thing only happens to "lazy" people and to darker folks who're all violent criminal types anyway. This is the only reality they do perceive, the only one they can perceive at the deepest emotional and psychological levels. Still they will not "get it," even when the cardboard roofs above their heads are caving in from the weight of the snow upon them. They will be no more able to think out the causes of their situation, nor to reason what they might do about it then than they are now. They simply CANNOT get it.
N'est ce pas?
I humbly thank each and every one of you for sharing in this exchange of Thinking and Seeking. It is rich food for the Mind, and most sorely needed by me. I missed you badly whilst my eyes were blurred. ('Twas not the clarity of merely my physical sight I impatiently wanted restored.)
How badly these eyes missed partaking of your words, so stimulating to the mind, turning it ever toward the Search for Knowledge. How good it is they see well enough again to feast from this Forum's banquet once more. Merci beaucoup, mes amis et amies.
What follows was posted first, two days ago, in response to some of Anart's keen observations on the increasingly baffling cluelessness of the average, white U.S. American. It simply refused to "lie quietly" for me. The more Forum reading I caught up with in these past few days, (after having had my vision impaired by an eye infection for almost 2 weeks) the more and more, in thread after thread, this same topic, this same question kept appearing. There are, in part, possibly, some answers in this post and food for thought if naught else. Having spent much time in research and contemplation of the information and concepts offered for consideration here, I've found them to have a great deal of merit. While one would wish for serious, strenuous and widespread clinical testing to be done, of the readily perceptible cognitive deficits in most white, U.S. Americans, the closest we may be able to arrive at that is through our own observations of others around us in this Pathocratic nation and world. For it does concern the entirety of we Human Beings. That which has already befallen average, white U.S. Americans is not intended to happen only there and only to them.
'Twould be folly for those so fortunate as to not yet be trapped within a blighted land under full and iron-fisted Pathocratic Rule, not to be geniuses enough to look and learn from what has already transpired to make such Rule the bane of life in the U.S.A. Perhaps the more of us who can observe and assess, with our eyes and minds more informed and wider opened, the more chance we may have of finding a way to flow like a strong and fluid current around the blockage made in and by white, mainstream-oriented U.S. Americans, rather than continuing to attempt removing it from them, still thinking it can somehow be penetrated, shattered or battered down. For, IMHO, the only direction in which any chance of real progress lies is around them, neither through nor with them.
There must be a dozen different posts, at least, in as many different threads, all within the past few days, asking that question: Why do average, white, mainstream U.S. Americans still not "get it?" So, begging your tolerance, I now post this topic separately from the thread "Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax" where it originally was entered, and it has been expanded somewhat. For those who do not wish to read the rest of it, the "bottom line" for the answer to why most white Americans do not "get it" is in the title. The majority of mainstream, white U.S. Americans CANNOT "get it," and therefore they will not. That may be the critical reality we needs must accept and deal with in these far too interesting times.
There are two very specific causes I now consider to be at the roots of their gross incomprehension. They are given here in order of the severity of the incapacity for "getting it" that is inflicted by each causative factor:
1) A deliberately induced and significantly impairing degree of most literal, (actual and ascertainable by clinical testing) crippling brain damage afflicts the vast majority of average, white Americans. It has been achieved for the most part within and by the public educational system, with a heaping of programming help from all TV, commercial and public television alike, and all radio, all broadcast media, period, including the subliminals hidden within the muzak coming from the ubiquitous speakers in stores, elevators, malls, and the canned "medi-mercials" on the screen now mandatorily blasting the patients waiting to see the doctor in clinics and ERs. In the Forum there is a report about public school reading primers that instill inhibitions against reading with depressing stories promoting a pathologically peer-dependent emotional and mental orientation. There is an account of essay tests in a high school English class requiring the students to write about factual subjects, drawn from current events or history, but no stipulation is made that they must in any way relay those facts correctly within their essays. Outright fabrications and contradictions of the facts are quite all right just so long as the grammar and syntax are correct. And more, far too many more such tales can be read herein. Each illuminates the reality of a public educational system that actively works to defeat real education.
2) A societally endemic emotional and psychological conditioning to racism has been completely, deeply ingrained in all of Anglo-American-European, caucasian, western societies, not least among them the U.S.. Even the author of "Morality Is in the Eye of the Oppressor" makes a glaring omission in his proposed remedies for the lethal effects of caucasian racism. He neglects to mention making any resitution of lands, or other payments of just and fair compensation, to the Native Americans of both continents and to those African Americans who are the descendants of slaves. The Reality is, even though he has elevated his consciousness of caucasian racism's horrible, utterly ingrained, malevolent presence in the entire fabric of all the post colonial western, globally-dominating, caucasian societies, Jason Miller may have barely scratched the surface of his own, internal programming. The caucasian racist conditioning runs so deep, far and wide within the mainstream, white Anglo-American-European mind set and personality structure that those infected by it, all those who grew up as fully integrated members of that white mainstream culture, cannot entirely See its full extent, nor free themselves from its residual control of their reactions and their world views. The best they can achieve, and the best among them do so, diligently, as is surely true of Mr. Miller, is to Know that they ARE thus infected, for life, and never cease to keep fighting against it.
(Those who doubt this fact about themselves and their own highly probable racist conditioning might benefit from taking the tests at Harvard's Project Implicit. They are available at http://www.implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/research/index Just keep doing yet another test, and the one that reveals subconscious racial biases, for or against any race, in any direction, will come up in due time, usually fairly soon. Meanwhile you'll be assisting some scholars with a worthwhile study. I took the test myself, and my own racial bias was indeed detected, although I'll not specify which is its direction. I even tried to "fool" the test in several subsequent runs and could not do so, a serious indication that it is a valid test indeed, since I've had the benefit of education in how such tests work and are designed.)
Please, I now beg patience from all of you, my precious Reader Friends and Sister, Brother, Other-Sibling Forumites. Although this post is lengthy, please know that I have spent hours on whittling it down to the "bones." Let us make an exploration this time of why most white, mainstream-oriented Americans CAN'T "get it" rather than our continuing to fruitlessly wonder what it will take before they do. Only some 30% of them are likely to still have sufficient wholeness of mind, to be intact enough in their capacity to Reason and literate enough to Seek for facts and comprehend them, to even be able to "get it." Among those 30% are the ones we observe who are Awake and doing all they can. Unfortunately, they may well be far too few to tip the balance. Now, to the older portion of this post.
Anart wrote: "|...| it is as if they feel that it is so far beyond anyone's reach to change things that the idea that they could 'do' something to change things doesn't even cross their minds. I can't help but think that this is a combined result of the ponerological process and mind befuddling via artificial means - these people are literally hypnotized and show no signs of awakening anytime in the near future.|...|"
Indeed the ponerological process is at the heart of the problem, and both the "befuddling" and the hypnosis have been carefully created by decades of deliberate assault and grievous, resultant injuries inflicted upon the populace by the Pathocracy. It is not just where you are, Anart. Where I am it is exactly the same, and all of the Awake and Thinking people with whom I correspond regulary, from all regions of the country, are expressing the same troubled puzzlement and Seeing the same "bizarre" and incoherent, perpetually foggy lack of awareness as we do. The glaring dysfunctions of reason and deficits of comprehension that you have Seen in most average, white U.S. Americans are certainly verified by my own observations and studies, and by those of a good dozen others who are just as keen-minded and concerned as we are. There is now good reason to assert that the key elements causing it are in fact "mind beffudling via artificial means" and some very deep psycho-emotional conditioning that is endemically instilled in white, mainstream-identified Americans.
In that "mind beffudling" category is the FACT that the vast majority of them, across the board, are no longer functionally literate, and could not have been so for quite a few years already.
The U.S. Department of Education's latest nationwide testing of adult literacy levels among U.S. college graduates and post graduates was conducted in 2003. The results were not released until late December of 2005. They appear to have been published only once, on Christmas Day, 2005, in the Washington Post, in the actual printed newspaper only, on page A-24, not online, and were not mentioned in the MSM at all. The tests revealed a full 10% drop in U.S. adult literacy levels, across the board, in the past 10 years alone. Fully 69% of all college graduates and 59% of all post graduates tested were NOT functionally literate. The numbers were stated in the opposite terms in the report. "31% of college graduates and 41% of post graduates successfully completed all of the tests." The obvious lesser impact of stating it thusly was another means of sneaking it under the psychological "radar" of those few Americans who do still have sufficient literacy to grasp what they read in a newspaper.
The top of America's educational crop failed, in an all volunteer test group of more than 19,000 participants ranging from 16 years on up to old age, to be able to pass four basic tests of functional, adult literacy: 1) to accurately read and follow the directions on a prescription bottle's label; 2) to understand and accurately answer the questions on a job application or medical history form; 3) to be able to read a set of instructions and then use them to perform a multi-stepped task correctly; 4) to understand what was being asked in a mathematical word problem, just basic math, no algebra or geometry required, well enough to then solve the problem.
If 69% of college graduates and 59% of post graduates, including doctoral graduates, are not fully, functionally literate, just what can be the probable literacy, and thus reasoning and general thinking abilities, of the majority of the American people? For in depth info on this and some very pertinent, closely related topics, I recommend the article "Word Control, Thought Control, World Control, Part 2," by Mathew Kristin Kiel, from the 6th March, 2006 SotT Editorials. It is a somewhat long read, but, if you skip everything after the info on the definitions of "cult" on down to the end of the definiton comparisons, you can shorten it a goodly bit. But the Reality emerges starkly and chillingly. It suddenly makes much, much more sense of precisely why most Americans are not "getting it."
Much of these last three paragraphs have been paraphrased from the contents of "Word Control, Part 2," and it contains a good bit more detail on this terrible reality than given here, including how it was done. One Forum poster, among the many expressing their profound concerns on this very issue, commented yesterday that the U.S. educational system has been "dumbing down Americans for the last hundred years." While it has not been going on for quite that long, the poster was entirely correct in the overall assessment. It has been going on for a good 50 to 60 years. In regard to the adult literacy tests above, it seems that their basic format hasn't changed in the past hundred years, only the results. As Mr. Kiel said, and as was more true than this reader wanted to admit to himself previously, despite all of the progressively, drastically worsening adult literacy test results coming from the Department of Education for each of the past 4 decades, the tests "are not rocket science."
Another Forum poster in the past few days shared some statistics about the overall adult literacy levels for Americans in the early 19th century, with well over 90% of them being literate at what are levels far beyond the average modern American. The best selling novel in the U.S., then, which he mentioned, was James Fennimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans" and, as he pointed out, the writing is far and away more difficult than anyone would encounter in any of the current fiction best sellers. Yet average Americans, then, ate it up. They could and did "get it." Let us hope that this insightful poster will share some more of his knowledge on this topic with us.
Most average, white, U.S. Americans CANNOT get it any more, and they are very likely unable to learn to do so, not now, not ever. Their minds have been too much damaged, and deliberately so. The "dumbing down" has succeeded. Their cognitive destruction has been achieved, exactly as George Orwell foretold. To quote Mr. Kiel one last time, regarding the Dumbing of America, "In the U.S., it is a done deal." I wept for the inescapable Knowing of what was written therein, and I still do. I most truly did not want to have to acknowledge that it IS just that bad. Day after day, once my eyes were opened to the dire possibility, I looked carefully and indeed I've Seen the proofs of these assertions all about me, in the people around me at every level, from every walk of life. To deny the fact of this would now require embracing a delusional amount of denial, and I can't swim. It was plain to See once pointed out, at least to my own observations. Let us hope that many more of the excellent minds posting herein will begin to look about themselves and See what is revealed by their astute observations.
Most Forum Surfers will realize that this lack of full, functional literacy, in those American adults who have received formal education enough to have putatively acquired such and who were not victims of any childhood learning disability, inherently signifies the presence of major deficiencies in their abilities to reason, in all regards. They have lost their capacities for basic logic and rational information processing. The real nature of those standardized adult literacy tests, in all four areas, is to determine if the reader can make a rational extrapolation of the information in the written materials so as to derive and correctly perform the appropriate, practical application it requires. The vast majority of the most educated Americans CANNOT THINK. What, oh just what does that tell us about the less educated?
No matter how well they might have recognized, pronounced and even defined the words they'd read, they could not understand what those words meant collectively. That is also known as input aphasia, when the words coming in, written or spoken, can't be made sense of by the reader or listener. It is usually accompanied by output aphasia, in which the outgoing words are "word salad," if the lesion or other injury is in one part of the brain, and pure gibberish if in another location. To all practical intents and purposes, a good 70% of the American public has been rendered mildly to moderately aphasic.
Most who travel in the realms of this Forum will know of Piaget's works on the stages of cognitive development and of their foundational role in the development of the integrally related stages of moral reasoning. That the extent to which we can grow and mature is tied directly to our levels of verbal accumen and our intellectual abilities is well and long established. Dr. Lobaczewski strongly emphasizes the importance of good general intellect and logical reasoning abilities for the individual to recognize and internally combat ponerogenic influences. He also shows us how the repeated and prolonged exposure of children to ponerogenic influences, to psychologically and emotionally traumatic environments, to characteropathic adults, or to a combination of such factors will cause permanent and specific damages to various poritions of their brains, so as to cause lifelong deficits in reasoning and moral development.
In the U.S., public school students have been being deliberately exposed to an ever increasing variety and totality of both traumatizing and ponerogenic "educational" influences for many years. Not the least among the most ponerogenic of all influences upon public school students is the stifling of their minds, imaginations, inquisitveness, self confidence and self expression that are inherent in the deliberate "dumbing down" process that so many posters here have written about. In the facts disclosed by those 2003 U.S. Department of Education adult literacy test scores, we find that it is not merely "as bad as we thought" but much, much worse.
Recent events here in my vernally bountiful Swamps of Eugnosia have given me the opportunity to attempt to "shake and awake", and thus to also observe closely, a group of Section 8, Title IX, HUD housing residents. They will all be thrown onto the streets as of 29 April, 2007, at the latest, possibly as early as 31 October, 2006. Their building's manager issued a notice to them saying precisely that, as of 9 March, 2006. The 2007 budget that Bush signed into law and is now enforcing, in another blatantly criminal, unconstitutional act, was NOT passed by both houses of the Congress and is thus not legally valid at all. It was illegal for the Senators who placed it upon his desk for a signature to have done so, since it had not passed in the House, and for good reason. No funds were provided in it for the HUD rural housing assistance programs specifically set aside for the elderly and disabled poor in small farm towns and villages across the country, nor for a good many other subsistence programs of the direst necessity for the poorest of the poor, some 107 in all.
All of the people I contacted in the HUD building here are either disabled or above 65 years of age, and most of them are both. Two of them are in their mid 80s, one in her early 90s. But only 2 residents in a building of 24 one bedroom apartment units, only 2 of the 26 tenants therein, came to a meeting designed to help them understand and discuss their dire circumstances and to examine their possible options. Having realized that many of them might be afraid of reprisals if they came to a public meeting, I had also provided them with calling cards slipped under their doors so they might contact me privately, and with a brief note encouraging them to call. None of the rest have called, as yet, now more than 3 weeks later.
These folks are among the poorest of all the poor people in the U.S. They have neither family nor friends who are able or willing to lend them assistance with such necessities as a room or an apartment to live in, or else they would not be in HUD housing at all. They had to prove that they have no source of support other than themselves in order to qualify to receive this type of HUD susidized housing. Without their HUD apartments, the streets, or for a very few the worst of the severely overcrowded and under funded Medicaid nursing homes, will be their only options, either of which will sentence them to a very short life of severe want and pain followed by a greatly hastened and brutal death.
When I checked back with them individually, "robotic" is a very fitting word, as is another that has been used by Anart to describe the average, white American's responses to having critical issues brought to their attention, "bizarre." Their mumbled and distracted replies plainly showed that they had not understood and simply could not grasp what I was saying. They made nonsensical, irrational excuses, those few who even bothered attempting to do so at all, for not attending the meeting or calling. None accepted offers of future contact. The only people to show up for the face-to-face were myself, my erstwhile assistant and the only two non-caucasian tenants, one an African American and the other a half-breed Blackfoot Indian from Montana.
The prevailing concensus among the white tenants, against all and abundant evidence to the contrary, is that it's all some kind of a mistake and they are in no real danger of losing their housing, not ever. They have a notice from the management stating emphatically that "Congress failed to appropriate any funds" for their housing in the 2007 budget, and that "the property owner's contracts with HUD will be terminated as of April 29, 2007." But they are all quite sure it just does not and cannot, will not apply to themselves, not to their apartments, not to their charmed, inviolably safe white lives, not at all. So, in addition to their aphasic incomprehension, we must add the second part of why the average, white American just does not, and cannot "get it." White, mainstream Americans' racist conditioning is literally going to kill them.
Observing the millions of pro Human Rights marchers who've recently taken to the streets of U.S. cities and towns, in brown, red, yellow and black multitudes, one cannot escape the idea that the Mind Control System does not seem to have worked or to now be working quite so effectively against other races as it does against the white "majority." (I place the word in quotations because the Reality, globally, is that whites are a distinct minority of the total Human population.) Finding out what specific differences may exist between the brain structures of most "minority" race members and most whites would be a very valuable study, IMHO, but racism itself makes even the suggestion of it a "dangerous" idea. However, the evidence of something being decidedly different, in regard to the overall effects of the Mind Control System upon non-whites, has really been strongly supported by recent events, or so it appears to these eyes of mine. We might well learn something of value to us all to do as much as we can to find out why there is such a huge difference.
Perhaps there is hope to be found in this phenomenon indicating that a vast majority of those who are half, or more, of non-caucasian genetic stock, in the Americas at least, (and also apparently in France) really do "get it" and are taking actions. The sad Reality, however, is that racism is very deeply entrenched and dominant, at the reactive levels if not always consciously, in most white, mainstream-identified, U.S. Americans. They will never, unless another Ghandi or Martin Luther King, Jr. magically appears to literally enchant them into joining the struggle, believe that the struggles of poor non-white folks are also the necessary struggles and the essential opposition and "direction" for themselves as well.
Whites have been culturally, societally and religiously brainwashed, for many generations, especially all of those white Anglo-Europeans who've been transplanted to the American continents, to believe that their ways, their rights, their needs and their very survival are always best achieved by pursuing goals or utilizing methods that are separate from and often diametrically opposite to those of the other races. The conditioned racism and its xenophobic emotional and psychological reflexes are profoundly ingrained in most white Americans, from the very bottom of the socio-economic scale on up. In fact it is almost certainly impossible that they will now, at least not any of the present generations of them, be able overcome it sufficiently to act in concert with other races well enough and for long enough to save their very own lives. They simply do not have enough thinking ability left to figure out that they need to do so.
The question is, at least in part, now answered. They cannot awaken to the Objective Reality of their own circumstances. With the proven developmental deficits, the brain damage in fact, that is shown to be present in the vast majority of them, how can they possibly come to first recognize and then work to overcome their racist conditioning? Again, in the second cause of their utter incomprehension, profound racism, lies the fact of the first preventing them from being able to think at all well enough to ever "get it" about the second one. Their profound, oblivious ignorance to the equal validity and equal rights of the lives of non-whites and all others different from themselves, leaves them with no possiblity to realize they need desperately to find and keep common cause with non-caucasians.
They cannot learn to "get it" in regard to the very deep ponerological conditioning in themselves. Their elemental racism tells them they are not like unto, and thus can hold themselves forever separate from and innately more valid than all the other races. To part with that false belief is a necessary step. but for them, that step, based as it is in reasoning out for themselves, individually, the nature and causes of their own plight, is a chasm as great as the Grand Canyon. Their racism will continue to constantly inform them that the streets becoming their own homes, and all of those other bad things that they've casually watched happening to the "less worthy" non-whites in this country since forever, simply cannot and will not ever happen to themselves.
After all, they're white. How can they wind up homeless and living under a freeway overpass in the dead of winter? How can they get thrown into jail or worse without hope of a trial nor even of charges being filed against them? That kind of thing only happens to "lazy" people and to darker folks who're all violent criminal types anyway. This is the only reality they do perceive, the only one they can perceive at the deepest emotional and psychological levels. Still they will not "get it," even when the cardboard roofs above their heads are caving in from the weight of the snow upon them. They will be no more able to think out the causes of their situation, nor to reason what they might do about it then than they are now. They simply CANNOT get it.
N'est ce pas?
I humbly thank each and every one of you for sharing in this exchange of Thinking and Seeking. It is rich food for the Mind, and most sorely needed by me. I missed you badly whilst my eyes were blurred. ('Twas not the clarity of merely my physical sight I impatiently wanted restored.)