Memories, disturbing memories!

Hi RedFox , it's so cool for you to post those links thank you! I have read them and they where amazing, I'm changing my sleeping routine, and I'm covering my windows with aluminium foil, my mom is gonna kill me... :halo:

Odyssey said:
Thanks for sharing EGVG.

I struggled A LOT with my weight and food (see this thread )and still have a hard time accepting -- on more than an intellectual level -- that skinny isn't the end all be all of life.
It's so funny you used to think about aliens doing plastic surgery on you. Not funny, ha ha, but funny because I used to think of something similar. It just popped back up when I read your post. I read some sci-fi book about aliens connecting to people physically and altering their bodies to make them physical super specimens. I used to think, "wow that would be cool." :P

Hi Odyssey!! Wow I can really relate to your post, we both love cheese!!!! I would guess now that cheese is one of the most fattening foods out there.
You know, when I used to think of aliens as good plastic surgeons, I was in a very dark place in my life, NO WONDER, the thoughts I was projecting. :/

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